Character Castle!

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  • #111383
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2066

      So this is weird and random, but could I introduce another character? Zlatan and Vulkasin will most likely be disappearing soon (I’m not sure when, but I’m ready for a change), and I’d like it to be seamless. He’s a fox, and I think I’d leave him that way.

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
      Fork the Gork

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6727



        for me, it’s @koshka I I’m waiting on


        btw, if y’all want the group to separate from Alyona and Viktor so u can meet up with Feather and then we can if Koshka is ok with that because that will be a biiiig group to try and keep track of….



        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1338


          Okay! I do kind of want Alyona and Viktor to join the group again. Partially because there may be some interesting potential yet to be explored there, and also because I almost want to see what would happen if my protagonists run into my Villain. As far as I know, they never do in the books. Or rather, when they do, it’s like towards the end across a battle field. I would like to see if maybe they might need to have a run-in in the series.

          However, that can happen in either group, so whatever is needed.

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2066

            @emilysf @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon

            I’m sorry y’all. I just found time to actually sit down and write.


            Apparently Lyn had as much a desire to kill them all as his Endurance  Instuktor. The older Vulk’s voice kept calling back to him, Run till you drop, and v’en you do remember, I’m be’ind you. So keep going.

            But Lyn was ahead of them. Even so, Vulkasin couldn’t force himself to slow down. V’anks, Instruktor. Vulkasin grinned.

            Then she stopped. Without any warning whatsoever. Vulkasin nearly had to grind his feet into the floor to keep from plowing everyone over.

            The fox seemed to have changed his mind about something. He was frozen in place, head to one side, nose in the air.

            “Vat is it?”

            “Uh,” Novembré looked back to him. “There’s someone else there too.”


            The fox frowned. This time Arabella translated, “Nyx doesn’t think so. It’s… different.”

            Vulkasin glance at his twin, and quickly swiped the mirth from his face. Zlatan had that eyebrow raised, his shield half strapped in place. Vulkasin smothered another grin. Night! That brother of mine…


            Do you even understand what this could mean? He sent a second look to his smirking twin. No.

            What did ‘different’ mean to the fox anyway?

            Ah well.

            “Perhaps zen, Ve should hurry.” He again resigned himself to the breakneck speed of the young lady. Who had trained her?

            A light down the hall again dragged their pace to a walk. He could just make out three figures standing in the light, Victor, Alyona, and a young woman.

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
            Fork the Gork

            Elishavet Elroi
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1338

              @emilysf @godlyfantasy12 @koshka

              Ok, so now my characters are in an interesting predicament, as I’m trying to get a former hand on both of them.

              This may get most interesting.


              “I… I … don’t. I’m…” the stranger fumbled for words, becoming less formidable by the second. A draft blew down the passage causing Alya’s light to dance and the girl to shiver. She must be cold.

              “I’m well… I guess… I’ll go away. The others are coming. They might try to attack me. I don’t want to fight them.”

              Alyona blinked. ‘What can she mean by that?’

              Before she could think of anything to do, the strange girl was turning to go.

              Alone in the dark without even a decent overdress to stem the rising chill, this young woman was eager to leave. Anything rather than face a possible fight. Was this the same person who had chased them with offers of assistance?

              The stranger hesitated at the edge of the shadows to dart a glance back at them.

              She turned away before Alyona could be sure, but there must have been tears filling her eyes.

              “Wait!” Alya sprang forward and caught the her hand. “For just a moment, wait.”

              The stranger turned with a start. She cast an anxious look behind them, but didn’t bolt. Apparently, she could manage just as well as they could.

              Not very.

              Thankfully, Viktor had caught Alyona’s intent and already had his mantle unpinned and in his hand.


              Somehow, his sister had managed to leap forward and catch the young woman’s hand, never once droping her torch.

              She always was better around fire than he.

              The stranger turned back, relief and trepidation warring in her face.

              He held out the mantle and hoped she would take it.

              “It’s cold. You’ll want it.”

              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

              Jean Coul
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 167

                @keilah-h @e-m-trepke @power


                Everett worked his jaw as he weighed his options. He was starving and dehydrated, and exhaustion was creeping up on him. Perhaps this was one of those times it didn’t matter whether he could trust people or not. Did he have a choice?

                He tried to remember whether he had left a dagger in his satchel or not, and if he should strap it to his belt. But perhaps he shouldn’t let them know he was armed.

                But if he kept it hidden, would he be able to reach it in case of an emergency?

                From the way Rinzler acted, Everett could tell he was rather defensive than offensive, but it could be an act. He hid his fear rather well–Everett had to give him credit for that.

                Hesh seemed to keep his guard up, not unlike Everett.

                On the other hand, Feather seemed ready to trust him the minute he dropped from the window. She reminded him of someone…

                He shook his head.

                “I guess I could stand to get out of this eerie hallway,” he told Feather, pushing off the wall. “Lead the way.”



                Will your charries be joining us?



                That list is very helpful! I was wondering who was all on here and how many characters! 🙂

                • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Jean Coul.

                Proverbs 16:2

                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1338


                  I don’t know. I think they’re about to run into the other group just now, but after that, who knows?

                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 141

                    @koshka @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon

                    (I’ll get to Zoe later, for now, I just have time for Milla.)


                    “Wait! For just a moment, wait.”

                    The girl leapt forward and grabbed her hand, not necessarily keeping her from going, but Milla stopped anyway. Perhaps they knew the others well enough to prevent a fight. Though, they had run from them before.

                    The boy removed his outer garment, offering it to her. “It’s cold. You’ll want it.”

                    She didn’t need it. Swimming in glaciers had trained her against the cold, another unwanted side affect of her tortuous years with the Hand. But…

                    It is courtesy to accept gifts, no matter how unnecessary. Take it, her mother commanded her from the past, words taken from another time, another place, another situation entirely. They still applied.

                    But if they need it more?

                    Give it back, later, in secret. Accept it for now.

                    “Thank you.” She took the garment in her hands, and when they did not move, she wrapped it around herself. That seemed to satisfy them. “I should go. The others are already here.”

                    She did not need to move her head; her blindness was real, and her radar was all around her. But she moved it for pretense’s sake, to continue the illusion she’d created of her sightedness. She ‘looked’ over their shoulders at the small group entering the end of the hall. Then, she turned and stepped into the cold shadows, slipping away more quietly than a breeze.

                    But she did not go far. She did not want to meet the others, but she could not leave Viktor and Alyona completely. And so she waited in the cold shadows of the cellar, listening and waiting.

                    "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6727

                      @emilysf @koshka @elishavet-pidyon

                      The Gang

                      The group came to a halt and Ara let out a breath of relief at the sight of Alyona and Viktor.

                      They seemed to be fine.

                      But not alone.

                      Or at least…they hadn’t been…

                      Ara had heard another voice. A female, by the sound of it, but when they’d gotten there, whoever it was had left.

                      Viktor and Alyona turned and spotted us. They seemed to relax, at least Ara hoped they had, at the sight of them.

                      Viktor smiled.

                      “Hiya!” Lyn waved, stepping forward to meet them, thought Zlatan still seemed on edge from the Nyx’s warning of a stranger.

                      ”Shh…Lyn, not too loud,” November frowned. He seemed to the share the concern as his eyes ticked to every dark corner, expecting someone or something to jump out at any moment.

                      He flinched when Vulkasin accidentally bumped into him while trying to avoid an overhead beam.

                      “It’s good to see you,” Ara whispered, stepping closer. Zlatan followed, lowering his shield as he glanced around the room, lit only by Alyona, and their group’s torches.

                      “Vas someone else here?” Zlatan asked, squinting to see past the shadows.

                      The siblings glanced at each other but before they could answer, A small tapping sound interrupted.

                      Nyx hopped from what must’ve been some discarded barrels or boxes; whatever it was, his nails clicked against the wood as he did.

                      He sniffed the air and his ears went back.

                      “Whoever it was isn’t far.” He peered into the darkness, his cat-like eyes narrowing. “She’s down there. Somewhere.”

                      ”She?” November asked. Zlatan and Vulkasin, missing the conversation, glanced at each other. Nyx nodded.

                      ”Any idea who she is?” Ara asked Alyona and Viktor.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2066

                        @emilysf @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon

                        Zlatan and Vulkasin

                        “She?” once again the conversation had shifted to that silent third person. Nyx.

                        Apparently the fox answered, because Ara turned to Victor and Alyona. “Any idea who she is?”

                        The siblings glanced at each other. “Ah.” Victor slipped something glinting into his belt. His mantle was missing. “It’s alright. She’s a friend of ours.

                        Zlatan frowned. What did that mean? He glanced at his brother, and felt his mouth twitch. Vulkasin had taken his helmet off and was massaging his forehead with his thumb, eyes sending daggers at an offending rafter.

                        “Good.” He turned back to the others before a smile could break through. “Ve need to go.”

                        “Yah, before z’ose infants back zere vake up.” Vulkasin slid his helmet back in place, thanking his Maker he had a hard head.

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                        Fork the Gork

                        Jean Coul
                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 167


                          Ah, alright! 🙂

                          Proverbs 16:2

                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 141



                            Zoe ran, as quick as her feet would carry her, tears streaming from her face. She had done it all wrong and now Corvina hated her! She’d sent her away! Corvina wouldn’t protect her now! Malcolm could get her.

                            Zoe screamed, panic erasing her tears, clearing her eyes so she no longer ran blindly.  Her body shifted as her mind switched to simpler thoughts, emotions overtaking reason, and ingrained habits making her movements almost instinctual. She was running on her paws, now, as a snow-white wolf, dashing blindly from room to rom, hall to hall, howling her pain without regard.

                            No one stopped her, of the few people she passed, and many ran away from her; she did not notice them.

                            She just ran and ran and ran. Without Corvina, her only option left for survival was running. Running so Malcolm could never catch her. Running until she died, not at his hands.

                            And so she ran, howling. Uncaring. Without thought.

                            "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5990

                              @hallie-jean @e-m-trepke @power

                              Rinzler and Feather

                              Rinzler still thought Feather was too trusting, but he went along with the group as they meandered through the hallways.

                              “Are we really the only ones here?” he asked, looking around. “This castle doesn’t exactly look abandoned.”

                              “Could be an old World Controller school, like the Sanctuary,” mused Feather. “And that’s why it’s brought us here from different worlds?”

                              An eerie howl echoed through the hallway. (@emilysf My characters and yours don’t necessarily have to meet, but I wanted to put that little detail for you.) Rinzler nearly jumped. “Well,” he said, “guess that answers my question.”

                              “I think this is it.” Feather gestured to a door. “Hesh, Dark Player, can either of you get it open?”

                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6727

                                @elishavet-pidyon u wanna go next?


                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 365

                                  @keilah-h @hallie-jean @e-m-trepke


                                  Kent had been staying in the background. Making sure that none of the other three got behind him or out of sight.

                                  The oddly dressed ape-thing named Feathers was pointing out a door. “I think this is it.  Hesh, Dark Player, can either of you get it open?”

                                  Now this would be interesting to watch. The door was made to open outward, and was built like any good castle door should be built, siege worthy. Hesh and Dark Player may be strong, but without an axe or battering ram, Kent had a feeling Mr. Door wasn’t moving anytime soon. True, Hesh had his “disks”, but how two dinner plates would be of any help, he was at a lose.

                                  You will love what you spend time with.

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