Character Castle!

  • This topic has 6,797 replies, 41 voices, and was last updated 1 day ago by Esther.
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      I love it! XD It’s making the castle feel more like a book than it has so far, since there’s more conflict. 🙂

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon.


        Leo led the others down the hall, Sadie in his arms.

        Jonathan and Naja kept looking inside each room they passed, checking for a kitchen or a storage room.

        But suddenly, he heard a quiet sound, and he stopped in his tracks. “Did any of you hear that?”



        Everyone else seemed to try and settle down after the other group left.

        Paxton sat on the floor, his bear in his arms, Lily somehow played a game of ‘I Spy’ with Ella, and Talia and Iris talked as Eli sat down on the floor, eyes closed, to rest.

        Riker’s gaze drifted over to Paxton again.

        The sweet boy reminded Riker so much of himself from long ago…quiet…broken…just trying to make it in a world that was so dark and cruel.

        In all honesty…Riker just loved working with and seeing kids period…

        ‘…Even after you murdered them…?’

        “Riker…? Are you alright?”

        Riker jumped, turning to face November.

        Hah…hah…ehhh…he’d almost forgotten that November was there for the briefest of moments.

        Riker smiled, shaking off the sting of guilt that came every so often to haunt him. “Yeah, I’m good. How about you?”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon


          Grimm raised his head, listening carefully. He held a hand out, his other hand held to his lips, signaling silence.

          The footsteps grew louder until a small shadow appeared.

          It was a lad, a few years older then Paxton, wearing…a very simple tunic, with a rope for a belt. His hair was a bit unruly, falling a tad past his ears.

          His eyes widened, face flushing as he took a step back, eyes jerking from person to person.

          Grimm narrowed his eyes studying the boy and-

          His heart lodged in his throat at the sight of the child’s face.

          Marred into the side of the boy’s face, was a large marking of some sort, seared into his face.

          A brand…


          Grimm’s breaths grew shallow, fists clenching against his side. The boy looked frightened.

          Grimm hissed, looking away. He probably wasn’t helping matters with his off putting appearance…

          “Hello there,” Thankfully Leo stepped up, Holding Sadie in his arms. His eyes were low, also staring at the marking on the boy’s face, seeming as troubled as Grimm. “There’s no reason to be afraid…what’s your name?”


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645



            “Ah, yea, I-I’m good…” November pulled a leg up to his chest, staring ahead. He looked over at Iris and then at Eli, who was napping. He smiled. “Your kids are cute.”

            “Thanks,” Riker grinned. He looked over at Paxton, tilting his head. “So is he. Hey, hope ya don’t mind my asking, but…what’s up with the colored threads on his shirt?”

            November raised a brow, glancing at Paxton, who was listening in on the other children’s I Spy game.

            “O-Oh! Um…well…you see, after he started traveling with us, we had to sew up all of the wing slits in his shirts and jackets because no one else ever had so….and you have no idea what I’m talking about,” November chuckled, blushing slightly. “Ah…so you know, we’re not exactly from the same world. So, Paxton is half Fae. But…he doesn’t have wings. It’s…a bit of a long story. More of Paxton’s story really…”

            Riker slowly nodded, eyes turning back to the boy.



            (maybe Lily tries to coax him into playing I Spy? Idk)


              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1299



              I blacked out. The darkness of being unawake was always welcome, as opposed to that darkness from before. Unfortunately, Kirrtes currently didn’t seem to agree. Urgency swelled from the blade in my hand. My eyes began to creep open. I saw a woman, the same one from before, she seemed to be studying Kirrtes.

              Anger from Kirrtes raged like a beast frothing at the mouth. MOVE. Kirrtes commanded, my hand moved though it was broken, it trembled wildly. KILL. I flung my whole body with the sword aiming for the woman. She jumped out of the way. Flaming pain in a jolted pulse screamed from my arm. I cried out, then tried to move it into a safe position, but Kirrtes didn’t care. KILL. Every muscle in my broken arm flexed to obey, I threw myself towards the man. He yelled something I couldn’t process. But the blade made contact sinking into the mans side…

              …Ouch, well, I now can make a point about how a gun couldn’t do that. Nam will try to point out that a gun totally could, in her lovely Nam way, but she’ll secretly know that my point is undeniably proven. I heard her yell something, didn’t quite catch it, perhaps she sees the evidence already, and is panicking that she now needs a paradigm shift where swords are better. I looked at Mister Pokey Pokey, it looks like he bent his arm in half just to stab me, it’s nice to know he cares. Seeing him up close now, he clearly hasn’t eaten enough anuni pies. My theory has been broken, great, now I’ll have to think again on why the tough stuff faltered from its toughness. Maybe rocks are his typical diet, yes rocks, he looks like the kind of person that would eat rocks. Now I can tell Namal what really happened when the tough stuff got… untoughed, un-toughed-ed, untougheficationized! Yes, that’s better, now I’ll have to get Poke here some pie soon…

              … … … What… was… that? I slumped to the ground. Bodily exhaustion overcoming Kirrtes’s rage. I’ve been in the minds of  thousands of men, women, and children, but I don’t think one was ever quite like that. Even Kirrtes seemed to emanated a feeling of… concern?

              I could hear the two speaking now. “Well that’s unfortunate… but swords are still better than guns”. What even is a gun? What kind of weapon is there other than swords? Bows? Bows aren’t really good for up close battle. The man’s clearly insane though, so maybe I shouldn’t think too much about it.

              “Are you ok?” the woman asked the man, Namal, her name is, he thinks about her a lot it seems. She pulled a strange trinket, then preceded to point it at my face, “I answer to Viscount Antoni Ariar himself. Who are you?” she demanded. She looked… ridiculous, what was that thing going to do? A strange feeling of understanding came from Kirrtes. I hesitated, is that a “gun”? It’s so tiny though. I suppose daggers are still lethal, but that doesn’t look sharp. If this is really a weapon, hopefully she will use it… she looks like she might. “Who are you?” She said even harsher than before. I looked down, seeing my reflection on Kirrtes’s blade.

              “I am the creature you perceive” I said, solemn. I looked up at her. “Please, whatever that thing does, please d…” Kirrtes cut me off. “…don’t hurt me, I am sorry, my mind has been playing tricks on me ever since I got here. My arm is broken, and this sword is the only thing I have left, please, forgive me.” My head turned to the man “forgive me, friend, I thought you wished me harm, but I instead have done harm to you, is there anything I can do to help?” Kirrtes put into my mouth.

              Namal didn’t break her stare, but the man, ironically, seemed more sympathetic as he was patching up his side. “Easy to say all of that with a Ironshot on your head, isn’t it” she said.

              Kirrtes expertly sculpted my face to have the appearance of fear. “Please miss, I… wait, have we met?” she still didn’t break her stare. Kirrtes had my muscles tweaked to look surprised “… It is you, Namal!

              Both of their eyes widened.

              “How do you know who I am?” She said, still stern, the… gun, iornshot… whatever it was still level.

              “…I…” Kirrtes had me put my hand to my head, to look faint. Then I fell over, on top of my stomach, carefully falling on my arm and Kirrtes, too keep it from being searched. My eyes closed. Unfortunately, Kirrtes wasn’t willing to permit me actually falling asleep for the act. So I lied there, longing for insanity, or darkness, or death, but only one tear was allowed…

              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @thearcaneaxiom I legit feel so bad for this guy. I do not like this sword, and I legit hate this for him and I want everything to be ok for him…


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1643


                  Nooo!!! Liren!!! Ahh that’s so sad 😭😭


                  Ahh Ikr!?! Also, I’m working on a RP for Dylan rn, sorry it’s so late. Our power went out for a while. 🙁


                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4732

                    @thearcaneaxiom I have a question about Kirrtes. In my experience, something can only be evil if it has the mental capacity to be…otherwise it’s neutral and bends to the will of its maker or user. Is the sword…sentient? Is it alive somehow? Or is its “mind” the mind of something else controlling it the way it controls him?

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1643

                      @godlyfantasy12 @princesachronicle22


                      I tensed as the footsteps neared, and then, around the corner came a blonde haired girl with…a fox? On closer inspection, it looked like a fennec fox with…three tails?!

                      I laughed softly and shook my head. A man with a glowing chest, a fox with three tails, Asher and I being transported here somehow, what was next?

                      “I suppose the fox will be able to talk…I mean, all this is so normal,” I muttered sarcastically under my breath.

                      The young woman seemed to be around our age, maybe a little younger. Her bright blue eyes twinkled as she smiled.

                      “Hello there!” She called.

                      Me and colored Zyrin stood there, staring, neither answering.

                      “I’m Jocelyn! This is my friend, Nyx. You two haven’t seen a group around here of-“ She explained how her friends looked.

                      My brows furrowed.

                      There sure is a lot of people lost in here. 

                      I hope they’re all okay…

                      I thought of the young boy that Jocelyn had described with snow white hair and blue eyes. I wondered how many other young children were in this castle.

                      Maybe Asher would find someone who would be kind to him.

                      The poor boy sure needs someone kind to care for him.

                      I looked down slightly.

                      He certainly doesn’t need me. 

                      I looked back up to see Jocelyn quirk her lips, and shrug. “Ah no matter.”

                      She tilted her head, noticing Zyrin’s glowing chest.

                      I laughed a little inside, suddenly wondering how dumbfounded had looked when I realized his glow.

                      “Well,” she dropped beside us, kneeling down, “I would say nice to meet you, but I don’t know your names!”

                      I blinked at her.

                      Well she’s definitely outgoing!  

                      She reminded me of Asher. They had the same personality.

                      Shaking off all the thoughts, I smiled faintly at her.

                      “Heh…um, I’m Dylan…” I said, deciding not to confuse her with my whole last name debacle.

                      Then, biting my lip to suppress a smile, which didn’t work, by the way, I turned to Zyrin.

                      “And my companion here is Colored Zyrin!”

                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Light.


                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4732

                        @loopylin @theloonyone I think it’s one of your turns to RP in our groups.

                        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 802


                          XD XD The brain of Phervin, you captured his randomness so well!

                          Nooo!!! Liren!!! Ahh that’s so sad 😭😭

                          Yes!! The poor dude, *SOBS*

                          I legit feel so bad for this guy. I do not like this sword, and I legit hate this for him and I want everything to be ok for him…

                          Same! He’s been through so much

                          You hear that Arcane!? Stop treating your charrie so poorly

                          also does he get a girlfriend??? He needs someone to love him like he deserves

                          Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                          And guess what? His is eternal (:

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 802


                            Then, biting my lip to suppress a smile, which didn’t work, by the way, I turned to Zyrin.

                            “And my companion here is Colored Zyrin!”

                            XD XD, is he gonna keep teasing Zyrin about that? Because I love it XD


                            Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                            And guess what? His is eternal (:

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1299

                              @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6

                              I know right! I know how to torture my poor charries, and I don’t hold back, then I look back, then I’m like, ahhh, that’s soo mean:(


                              Yes, Kirrtes is very sentient. Far older and wiser than Liren actually. But Kirrtes’s ultimate intensions I will not reveal here. But yes, Kirrtes is very conscious, and very evil. That is part of the irony, of their relationship of weapon and wielder, the blade is the one with will, the man is nothing but a tool.

                              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4732

                                @thearcaneaxiom I see, very cool! (Not cool for the poor charrie though.)

                                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                Elishavet Elroi
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1057

                                  @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

                                  I’m so excited I’m struggling to get my fingers to write this.

                                  Also, he kinda thinks about what he’s gone through, I don’t know if it would be icky or not, but just thought I’d mention it.


                                  Oh, he was a fool. Yosí let out a short laugh as he watched the latch swing… The broken patch swing…. In the wind. How long had he been standing here watching it move, thinking someone was on the other side?

                                  He laughed again and sat down weakly on a crate. He was such a coward.

                                  The wind whistled through the shutters, flinging tiny water droplets into his hair. Probably a sign of its agreement.

                                  All at once, the wind fell and his laughter faded. His face grew quiet as he listened. In the sudden silence, he could hear footsteps coming closer. Real footsteps.

                                  He gripped his cudgel with whitening knuckles as he drew himself to his feet. The stone beneath him was dry and cold, yet hardly felt by his rough soles. He reached the door and pulled it open with a trembling hand.

                                  Be strong in your Lord, he told his heart and shut the door behind him.

                                  The footsteps came to a stop like his heartbeat had the moment he heard them.

                                  Slowly, he went on, half daring to hope the people had turned down some far passage and left. Whatever they had done, though, he couldn’t hide in a hole. He was a soldier. A brave heart. A protector.

                                  He almost tripped.

                                  Then suddenly he turned a corner and came face to face with a small group of strangers. He stared at them, and they stared back. They weren’t a band of battle thirsty warriors or down trodden captives. They were people with heads that thought about grain and children. They were free.

                                  And they had eyes that saw the mark of his captivity. His face flushed and he instinctively dropped his gaze.

                                  He… He was a sacrifice to the god of war. Stolen from his own to bring victory for those who hated his people.

                                  Tears pricked at his eyes. He began to draw himself back, out of these good people’s way.

                                  “Hello there,” Yosí’s head shot up to find one of the men had stepped forward. A little girl perched happily in his arms. “There’s no reason to be afraid…what’s your name?”

                                  Yosí blinked. He brought himself up straight and took a breath.

                                  “Yosí. My name is Yosí, sir.”

                                  The man was right, there was no reason to be afraid. After all, what could man do to him? Kill him? If his heart was right…

                                  But that heart didn’t like to quiet, and instead was pressing against the inside of his throat. He swallowed.

                                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

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