Character Castle!

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  • #132653
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4743

      @theloonyone @loopylin Either of you see my last RP’s? Understandable if you’ve been busy or anything.

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 446



        Elissa hummed after Crosshair answered her. His world seemed similar to hers, having both Maglevs and skyscrapers instead of, well, castles. Her examples might have not been the best or most descriptive of her world, though, with her own inclination toward music and Milo’s weird obsession with anything related to magnetic levitation. Elissa turned toward Crosshair, “Were they serious about there being a dragon?” she asked. “I mean, dragons shouldn’t even exist!”

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 802

          @keilah-h @loopylin @mineralizedwritings


          To her relief, it seemed that everyone agreed with finding water. Serin was loathe to admit it… but she was getting weaker. And there was a slight, very slight, chance that she might need help while searching.

          As they exited the weaponry room, she realized that there was no sign of Corvina. So she had just taken off. Figured, Serin had considered the same thing herself after all. She shook her head at the empty hall and turned to head in the opposite direction.

          The group chatted on occasion. But by the fithteenth turn in the winding section of pathways, Serin couldn’t focus on them. Her head felt too light. It was a struggle to keep walking but she pushed herself forward, refusing to show weakness.

          This wasn’t the first time she had been badly dehydrated, but only once had it been deadly. The mission that had earned her rank as High General.

          Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, Serin waited for the group to head down a short set of stairs. Back to the wall, she raised her arm and pulled back a section of her shiny armor, revealing the skin of her wrist.

          It wasn’t bad yet, but her skin had started to dry. She knew that the light blue of her arm would eventually turn into a flaky white. She hissed and pulled her covering back on.

          Normally it wouldn’t have been a problem because of her suits built in water distrubution, but they had been empty when she’s awoken outside this building. And she hadn’t been able to fill them using the rainfall.

          Serin exhaled through her nose, trying to convince herself that she had plenty of time left.




          He smiled. Namal’s face was scrunched up in that thinking pose he loved. She looked down from where she was on one of the beds and snapped her fingers, drawing his attention. “Hey, any ideas in that pun filled head of yours yet?”

          “Well actually–”

          “I mean ideas that willl help us get out of here.”

          “Ah, then no.” He said, unable to resist a grin at her dry expression.

          They’d already agreed that their powers wouldn’t help in their current situation, not with the dungeon being as empty as it seemed to be. It would have been easy to manipulate someone into letting them out, but in this case it would be difficult without said someone existing.

          Phervin stretched his hands behind his head and sat against the wall, comfortably at ease. He watched Nam’s nimble fingers as she searched the crevices of a high wall. Eventually, his eyes slid closed and he dozed off, dreaming of his aunt’s cooking. She makes the best anuni pies…

          His mind had just finished crafting the perfect vision of eating and throughly enjoying the dessert, when a jab to his shoulder woke him again. “Help me lift this. We might be able to use it for something.” Namal said, sliding a large metal bar out of it’s supports. She had also thrown the mattress’s onto the floor for some reason.

          “Well that wasn’t secured very well.” He noted, reaching out to take it. She gave a final heave to push it towards him, it fell off the bed slab and into his grip.

          Unfortunatley, he had misjudged the weight. Tipping over slightly, Phervin tried to balance himself. He overcorrected, sending the large pole crashing into the gray ceiling as he lifted it. “Whoops.” Nam groaned and Phervin looked up, waving a hand. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, this cell is made of tough stuff surely.”

          Namal raised an eyebrow, just as they both heard a crack.



          She stared wide eyed at the empty dining room. They were gone. Everyone that had just been there seconds before… was gone.

          They had all simply disapeared, by what unatural force she had no idea. It left Uvah feeling more confused than she had been upon waking up in this place.

          After blinking in shock for several minutes, she shook her head, trying to clear it. She walked over to the large table were she had just healed that sick creature, almost wondering if it had happened at all. Uvah opened an empty pocket in her medicine bag, then reached out to grab some leftover food on the dining table. She didn’t know why or how she was here, but as soon as she found a way, she would try to get back to her fiance.

          The satchel all filled, Uvah marched determinedly past the splintered door and into the halls she had just gotten lost in earlier.

          Here we go again. She thought to herself, mustering some conviction. Eventualy, Uvah decided to go left, since she hadn’t gone that way before. Unless she had? Uvah didn’t know, but either way, that was where she was going.

          Soon her resolve had started to plummet though after endlessly turning and winding up down and around different rooms and hallways. Her shoulders drooped. How could one building be so big? Legs having started to grow tired and achy from all the walking, Uvah sighed.

          Heading over to the nearest wall, she sank to the floor, pulling out a simple balm for her limbs. She wasn’t sure how long this whole ordeal would last, but she’d prefer to be out of pain until then. As Uvah finished and folded her skirt back over her legs, she started to hear a banging.

          She stood quickly, looking around. “What the–”

          Uvah didn’t finish before somone burst out of a nearby door. “Ack! Not again!” She yelled.

          Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
          And guess what? His is eternal (:

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2974

            @loopylin @princesachronicle22


            Layson walks along with the rest of the group, the energy in his step nearly drained. Maylee stares out from above his shoudler.

            “Why does he only have one eye?” She whispers, narrowing her eyes, looking into Dante’s one.

            “I don’t know.” Layson turns to whisper back. “Let’s not whisper about people ok?”

            “Yea.” She turns back to staring at Dante.

            Serin sways slightly. She pulls up her sleeve slightly, seemingly examining her skin, then pulls it back down.

            I wonder if she has an injury there?

            Layson glances over, but doesn’t take much notice.

            “Water pls?” Maylee turns forwards in Layson’s arms.


            Layson swings his backpack off one shoulder. Setting Maylee down, he pulls a large canteen from the side. He unscrews the cap and pours some into her mouth, half of which dribbles down her chin. She wipes at it with her sleeve, then takes his hand as they continue walking.

            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1299



              The fortress was unlike any architecture I’ve seen. As I approached, I tried to pinpoint the age, something I’ve grown quite skilled in ever since… well, sense Kirrtes. It was always something Kirrtes had me do for some reason. I don’t think I’ll ever know why. It has almost turned into a game for me though, a welcome break from the death. Though the age I’ve always wanted to know was Kirrtes’s. It always appears as if brand new, freshly sharpened and elegantly polished. The Blade has killed thousands in my hand, yet not a drop of blood nor rust stains it. The impossibility of giving it wear makes another impossibility to guess its age.

              The castle gave me a similar dilemma… it was strange. My first thought was that it was only recently constructed, some couple sea cycles or so. It must be true as far as I could perceive, but something about it felt far more ancient…

              What is the cycle currently? I looked at the great sea off at the distance… wait, that’s not water.

              What’s that line? I was so focused on my broken arm and the castle. The grass continued on into the distance, then… it stops. A space of blue followed, not water. It looked as if Great Sea Herself had taken a sword and sliced my part of the world into a small sliver apart form the rest of reality. I looked up, the blue was everywhere, the sun was still there, but it was off center. Is this the Out? Is void’s true color not black as The Irul taught, but blue? But I’m not dead, am I.

              Frustration emanated from Kirrtes. I’m definitely still alive then… unfortunately.

              I looked at the sun again. Was it moving? I looked the opposite way of its course, and saw it was indeed darker. A chill ran down my spin. Is the sun falling? The idea of a world stuck in darkness never really scared me, maiden tales and such. But seeing those shadows slowly grow, the green of the plants turned black. Terror crept into me. Is that true void?

              Losing all tolerance, Kirrtes threw my attention back to my careful steps towards the castle. I obliged to the prodding’s. The sooner I got in the castle, the sooner I wouldn’t have to see the lurking darkness.

              I spotted a side entrance, and found that it wasn’t locked. I creaked the door open, there were candle lights lining the stone walls. I walked in sideways slowly, as to keep Kirrtes from hitting the wall and further damage my arm.

              Kirrtes urged to begin searching for anything to help my arm. I wandered down what seemed to be a labyrinth. Kirrtes confidently urging me where to go, left… right… right… left. Did it know where to go, or is it really just calling at random?

              I heard something. I looked down, the stone floor began to crumble beneath me, before I could move, I fell… again. I fell backwards this time landing on my back, but I landed on something… soft? I managed to sit up, my arm appeared to be ok in the sling.

              I was on a mattress, and looking at me were a man and woman. I couldn’t pinpoint their ethnic background, both faces and clothing unfamiliar.

              “Well…” the man said, “… poor tough stuff. This man’s clearly been eating too many anuni pies!” he looked at me with a wide grin.



              I flew through the strange wood, light pouring into my vision. I probably scraped my hands up on the floor as well now. I heard a shout.


              Neshe: They’re here! Run!

              Nele: Time to go! Wait, that doesn’t sound like T’ash.


              I scrambled to my feet and bolted.

              “Hey! Wait!” more shouts came, they were feminine. Wait… I never studied T’ash, did I understand that?


              Neshe: We gotta go!

              Nele: Hold on, something’s up…


              I hesitated, I need to think clearly. What did they tell me to do in strange situations like this? I whispered to myself a quote from the lesson. “Always Keep keep an a eye clear out head for anything…” Wait… what?

              Neshe: Did that come out of my mouth?

              Nele: Am I not speaking S”halek?


              I slowed.


              Neshe: Hold on, first, wood. Then some language I’ve never heard, yet I could understand. Now I’m not even speaking S”halek? I don’t think this is some T’ashin kidnapping.

              Nele: Wait, should I look at the woman from behind?


              I turned around, a human woman was trying to catch up to me, she wasn’t T’ashin… I wasn’t sure what she was. She didn’t follow any fashion from the Ring Union. She looked too finely dressed to be from any of the scattered cultures around Omialia.

              Despite Neshe, I chose to wait for her. As she got closer, I noticed that her ears seemed reminiscent of feathered wings. What kind of human was she?

              She came up, panting. “…Hi… I don’t want to hurt you… are you ok… your arms look pretty battered…” She spoke between breaths.


              Neshe: Should I speak to her? Do I try speaking from one side? I gotta figure out what’s going on…

              Nele: I reeeeaaallly don’t like the fact that I can understand her for some reason.


              “… … … Hello… Who… are… you… … …?” I said, sounding out the words as slowly as possible, it felt uncomfortable, I haven’t been practicing any human languages lately.

              She looked me up and down “I’m Uvah…”




              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2334

                @mineralizedwritings (sorry I wrote for Maylee a lot in this one. I hope you don’t mind) @princesachronicle22 @keilah-h

                Dante and Ellie

                Maylee stared at Dante suspiciously as she clung to her father’s hand. Dante glanced at her and then away again a couple times, not exactly sure how to respond. Her tiny eyes narrowed and she continued to stare. Dante smiled at her, amused, and then stuck his tongue out at her for a split second. The little girl looked surprised. Then, she furrowed her brow and stuck out her tongue as well, leaning forward and pulling on Layson’s arm.

                Dante laughed and Maylee giggled. Ellie looked at Dante in surprise. It had been a real laugh, not a mocking scoff or a I-know-something-you-don’t chuckle. Ellie looked at him with her head cocked to the side and smiled, slightly.

                Suddenly Maylee blurted out, “Why do you only have one eye?”

                Dante laughed a little more and then responded with “Why do you have two eyes? Isn’t one enough?”

                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2334

                  @keilah-h @theloonyone


                  As Crosshair and Elissa headed off, the others made themselves as comfortable as they could on the floor in front of the bedroom door. Beth sat down next to Milo and then nudged him with her foot.

                  “You never answered my question. What happened to Carmen and Carter? Are they safe?”

                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4743

                    @loopylin @princesachronicle22 @mineralizedwritings


                    “Why do you only have one eye?” Maylee asked suddenly, to Dante. The red alien laughed. “Why do you have two eyes? Isn’t one enough?” he said.

                    Allen thought he had something to add into this conversation. “The same question might be ‘Why do I have blue skin?’ or ‘Why does she have a tail?'” He nodded to Ellie. “Different species were designed for optimal survival for the planet on which they live. Perhaps he only needs one eye in the world from which he comes. I, for one, know that two eyes give better three-dimensional vision to a being whose retina is two-dimensional by nature.”

                    They stopped at a door which led outside. “I believe we’ve reached the courtyard, or whatever we’re looking for.” he said as he opened it.

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4743



                      “Were they serious about there being a dragon?” Eliisa asked. “I mean, dragons shouldn’t even exist!”

                      “I would have said the same thing a few years ago.” Crosshair told her. “But over time……my kind learned that our world wasn’t the only one, and that none of them are just like ours. I’ve met creatures far worse than that dragon.” He shook his head. Those memories weren’t terrible, but they were pretty unpleasant. “As it turns out, the dragon we’ve met is only one of several types of sentient dragon.”

                      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4743

                        @mineralizedwritings Whoops, didn’t see your RP.

                        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2974


                          Np! I’m going to wait for princesa before I rp again

                          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 446

                            @loopylin @keilah-h


                            Milo watched as the door slammed behind Elissa and Crosshair. He slid down the wall across from the bedroom. Beth sat down beside him. “You never answered my question. What happened to Carmen and Carter? Are they safe?”

                            He hesitated before carefully answering, “I’m not sure. We all got split up when Aurivis, the dragon,” he specified, glancing up at her. “Showed up. Last I saw them, though, they were safe. And I think they were with some others too.”


                            “Crazy,” she mumbled to herself. “Dragons.”

                            They continued down the hall for a while and paused when it ended, only allowing them to turn left or right. “So,” Elissa said, turning to Crosshair, “Do you have any idea where we could find some medicine or are we just wandering?”

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4743



                              “Do you have any idea where we could find some medicine or are we just wandering?” Elissa asked.

                              He wanted to tell her he knew exactly where he was going, but in truth he didn’t.

                              All these corridors looked the same….

                              He thought he recognized the tower that’d served as their bedroom last time. There was at least something familiar.

                              Which meant that there had to be a room for guards somewhere.

                              Which in turn meant medicine storage, hopefully.

                              “I think this is it.” he said, opening a door. He took out his rifle, just in case there was a stray guard or other soldier left over from the last encounter.

                              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334

                                @freedomwriter76 I am so sorry. I have a very clear, detailed memory of role playing for Eddie, but I just looked back and there’s no rp. Apparently it never happened._. Anyway, here’s my non-imaginary rp:


                                Eddie nodded, slowly starting to understand. “Your brothers… Yes, they were here. I could help you find them if you want. I’d also like to know that they’re ok.” She paused for a moment, and then remembered something.

                                “Oh, also, my name’s Eddie. What are your names?”



                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 446



                                  Elissa’s eyes widened when Crosshair pulled out a rifle. She watched as he handled it expertly, obviously knowing how to use it. He stepped through the open door into another hall, Elissa behind him. She shut the door loudly behind herself and followed Crosshair down the hall. “Where should we look?” she asked.

                                  Crosshair didn’t answer, only staring down the hall. Elissa almost spoke up again when she heard shuffling steps coming from around the corner.

                                  (I find it kinda funny when all the other characters know how to fight and can defend themselves and mine are like musicians and nerds. Let’s hope they can run fast 😐😂)

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