Character Castle!

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  • #132402
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 802


      XD XD Dylan is so weirded out

      Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
      And guess what? His is eternal (:

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 446



        They paced down the hall, yet again in awkward silence. “I’ve noticed that the creatures here always seem to come from different places… different worlds.” Crosshair’s voice broke through the silence. “What’s your like?”

        “Well,” she said, thinking, “I’m not really sure to explain it. It’s normal to me, but- well, we have Maglevs and music and, uh, big buildings. But not castles, just tall buildings. Do you have any of that?” Elissa paused for a moment. “It feels like everyone should have those things, but I’ve only seen castles as drawings in historical texts. Even any ruins are long gone. Yet here I am, in a castle.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3431


          I’m gonna just like remove my charries from the group that Lyn and Grimm used to be in. 😅 Are you okay with that? (I can barely remember what the last RP from there was. XD)


          I can have Ami and Ev meet the Ackerman brothers if you’d like! (I’ll RP real quick, cuz I probably won’t have time later this evening.)


          Suddenly, there was a whoosh of air and Ami felt like she was being lifted off her feet. After a heart pounding moment, she felt her feet on solid ground again. Ev was by her side.

          “What just happened?” She said quietly.

          Ev shrugged. “It’s this weird castle, that’s what. But now we’re back where we started. In a maze of halls.”

          Ami sighed and started walking. “Might as well just start searching for who knows what.”

          Ev complied and followed her down the hall. A smirk grew on his face. “I’ll race you to the end of the hall.”

          Ami looked far in front of her where the hall turned a corner. “Ev, I don’t—”

          Before she could finish, Ev already started running. “Hurry up, Ami!” He called.

          Ami huffed, complying, and ran after him. Soon enough, she was close behind him.

          “Well you caught up quickly,” Ev said.

          “You surprised?” Ami asked.

          Ev didn’t reply, but picked up speed. Ami matched his fast pace once again. They were quickly approaching the end of the hall. Ev turned the corner, so Ami followed after him.

          Unbeknownst to her, Ev had stopped suddenly. Ami ran right into him, and fell to the ground. “Ev, what—” she paused as she saw a group of seven (I think that’s the right number of) young men standing in front of Ev.

          Blushing, Ami hopped to her feet. She smiled, smoothing down her hair and shyly waved. “Hey!”



          Des rolled his eyes at his wild little brother as they started down the hall. What was wrong with that kid?

          They walked in an awkward silence, so Des broke it. “So,” he asked. “Where’s everyone from?”


          Sorry that was short. Can’t think of much more to put. XD

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 802


            Sure! Uvah can head somewhere by herself, and meet someone else

            Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
            And guess what? His is eternal (:

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1643

              @loopylin @mineralizedwritings


              I sat down in a chair next to Lyla and Tauren, eyes big at all of the food.

              I folded my hands in a silent prayer, memories flooding back of our family kneeling together in family prayer.

              Sighing, I brought my hands down in my lap and waited patiently until everyone had filled their plates. Lyla shot me one of her “I’m-so-proud-of-you-looks”. I smiled back.

              Then, finally, everyone having taken a bite of their food, I reached for a petite ceramic bowl filled to the brim with fruit.

              Leaning back, I popped a strawberry into my mouth. It was plump and juicy, one of the best strawberries I’d ever had.


              I had an idea, and tapped Tauren’s shoulder. Then, I threw a second berry up into the air and caught it in my mouth. Everyone applauded, and I blushed a little, but I wasn’t embarrassed.

              I did good? 

              I looked around at the many smiling faces.

              I smiled as well. I did do good. 

              I watched as Carter stuffed as many croissants into his mouth as he could fit. Laughing and talking excitedly with one another, the dark and gloomy feeling that the portrait room cast on us fled.

              But the laughter and fellowship lasted for only a moment.

              Suddenly, I heard the bell ring.



              Three times.

              And it continued. It didn’t stop until seven chimes echoed in our ears. The banquet table was then completely silent.

              Looking around, I realized that Joshua, Wolfgang, Camille, Paxton, and Luna had disappeared.

              Dread filled the depth of my stomach, and I turned to the left where Lyla sat.

              Or…where she had sat.

              My sister was gone.

              No. No. NO!

              “L-l-lyla?” My strained whisper broke the silence, and everyone turned to look at the now empty chair beside me.

              “Wh-wh-where is my s-sister?”

              (Btw, I’m only taking her out for a little while. I’ll eventually put her back in. Matthew can’t be without his sister for long. 🙂

              What should we have happen next?


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1643


                XDXD He’s just…well, interested. It’s hard for him to come to grips with something that is completely different than anything he’s ever known. Lol, I love writing those two together tho! They’re so fun XDXD


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2974

                  @lightoverdarkness6 @loopylin

                  Tauren looks around at the large table set with food.

                  “What’s going on?” Lesli whispers to him.

                  “I dunno. I’m hungry though.”


                  Tauren sits down at the table, followed by Lesli and Mathew.He looks to the side, feeling a tap on the shoulder. Mathew throws a strawberry up into the air, triumphantly catching it in his mouth. Tauren laughs along with the others.

                  “What’s that?” Lesli points to a skewer with meat and vegetables on it.

                  Tauren leans forwards, examining the object. He makes a face.

                  “I dunno it looks gross.”

                  “Yeah.” Lesli pulls the plate closer, looking at the glossy substance covering the top. “Eww.”


                  Tauren takes a drink of water and sets down his empty glass. Most of the others are done eating, and a light chatter fills the room.

                  “I’m tired.” lesli yawns.

                  “Same. Is it ever night around here?”

                  Lesli glances out one of the tall glass windows.

                  “Not even dusk.”


                  “Everything here is weird.”

                  “True.” Tauren laughs.


                  Tauren and Lesli look around, hearing a large bell ringing.


                  They look questioningly at eachother, then the rest of the group.


                  Tauren glances left.

                  Mathews sister! She’s–

                  Tauren looks around, suddenly noticing multiple people gone.

                  Where did they go?

                  He looks around, meeting equally as panicked gazes from the others. He looks over at Lesli’s seat, relief mixing with sorrow for his disappeared friends.

                  “What–” Lesli stammers, looking around the table.

                  “They’re gone.” Tauren says with shock, putting his arm around Lesli.

                  “Yeah.” She stares at Lyla’s empty seat. “Where too?”

                  Tauren shakes his head.

                  “No idea.”

                  “Wh-wh-where is my s-sister?” Mathew stammers, panic covering his face.

                  Lesli gets out of her chair and comes over to Mathew.

                  “I think you’ll see her again!”

                  Mathew looks up, trying in vain to control his rushed breathing.

                  “I’m so sorry… you need a hug?” Lesli takes a step closer towards him. “You can hang out with us until we find her.”


                  Oh ok what should happen next… lets make it something overly dramatic just for fun XDXD

                  Walking through a maize of cactus?

                  It starts hailing inside the castle?



                  Thrust into a parallel univer—

                  Ok, I’ll stop now.




                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4743




                    “Well, I’m not really sure to explain it.” Elissa began. “It’s normal to me, but- well, we have Maglevs and music and, uh, big buildings. But not castles, just tall buildings. Do you have any of that?” She paused, looking around. “It feels like everyone should have those things, but I’ve only seen castles as drawings in historical texts. Even any ruins are long gone. Yet here I am, in a castle.”

                    “My world has plenty of tall buildings.” Crosshair told her. “A planet full of them, in fact. I was stationed there during…..”

                    He trailed off.

                    No, he didn’t want to relive those memories.

                    “Never mind.” He continued. “There are a few castles in my world, but just mansions made to look that way by their owners. Nothing like this. And maglevs? You mean magnetic levitation?”

                    She nodded.

                    He barked a laugh, which made her flinch at the sharp sound. “Ha! All of our vehicles run like that.”

                    He wasn’t so sure about the third thing. Music? He’d never cared about it. Except perhaps when he’d been young.

                    And as for historical texts, well…….

                    His brother was a living, breathing encyclopedia. Who didn’t have an off button.

                    With that around, who needed “historical texts”?



                    (Crosshair making fun of Tech……lol…….)

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1643


                      U wanna RP as Jocelyn and Nyx?? 🙂


                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1643


                        Oh ok what should happen next… lets make it something overly dramatic just for fun XDXD

                        Walking through a maize of cactus?

                        It starts hailing inside the castle?


                        Thrust into a parallel univer—

                        Ok, I’ll stop now.

                        XDXDXD Those are great ideas! I’m good with any of them :). Or we could run into another character, or a villain, or we could find a secret room full of journals from characters past…XDXD

                        min what do y’all think?


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. You wanna RP? 🙂

                          . Yay!!! Now I can be the Ackerman Brother Gang more!!!! 😍 And yep, there’s 7 of them! 😉


                          Will led the way.

                          If none of his brothers wanted to lead the way, then he would!

                          Rhett walked beside him, and Will grinned and wrapped an arm around his brother’s shoulders.

                          But they suddenly heard footsteps, and a teenaged boy came around the corner, but he stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw them.

                          More footsteps sounded, and a girl suddenly came around the corner and slammed into the boy, falling to the floor. “Ev, what—” Her gaze drifted over to them, and she blushed and hopped to her feet. She smoothed down her hair and gave a small wave. “Hey!”

                          Truth be told, she was kinda cute.

                          (I must tell you, girl…Will is an unashamed flirt. 😅🤣)

                          Will gave her a warm smile and wink. “Hey there…never thought we’d get such beautiful company in this place.”

                          “Will!” Adam hissed, coming forward, grabbing Will’s arm. He glanced at the boy and girl. “Excuse my younger brother…he has no manners. What are your names? I’m Adam, and these are my younger brothers Bryson, Wyatt, Will-” he gave Will a pointed glare, “Rhett, Lucas, and Gideon.” He motioned to each brother as he said their names.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 sorry! Just saw this. U still on? Probably not…

                            But here’s ma RP! Also did U see my RP on the 2.0 castle?



                            “Alright, so we’re ready to head out?” Leo looked at Grimm and the two teens going with them. All three nodded.

                            Paxton’s eyes widened slightly, his hand gripping November tight. “W-Wulf…you’re…you’re l-leaving?”

                            Grimm looked at the boy, eyes softening. He gave a small smile, shaking his head. “Just going to find some food. We’ll be back before you know it. Stay with Ember, alright?”

                            Paxton slowly nodded, pushing Hope close to his cheek. “C-Careful…” He whispered.

                            “I will.” He nodded at the child, and then November. “You good?”

                            November nodded quickly, wrapping an arm around Paxton’s shoulder.

                            “We’ll stay right here, be here when you get back,” Riker said softly, looking at his two children. (I just realized this is a bit of a big deal considering they really don’t know what could happen…)

                            Leo let out a breath, looking at Talia and Ella. He smiled, giving a wink, then turning to head down the hall.

                            The food searching group headed away as the others watched, until their shadows disappeared.

                            Paxton hugged November tight.

                            Riker turned to the two, and then to the other children and the women. “Well… I suppose we should make ourselves comfortable, hm?”


                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1058

                              @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

                              So excited!!


                              In the moment it took for YosĂ­ to understand what was happening he had already found his cudgel and a place of defense beside the window. Instinct had moved his feet before he knew what he did.

                              Now all he could do was wait and watch unblinking. His eyes flicked from the latch to the window. Cracks in the shutters fanned cold air on his face, sending shudders out through his body. His hands tightened on his weapon, his only weapon left. A good friend.

                              But not his only friend.

                              He pressed his back against the wall and prayed.

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3431


                                (I must tell you, girl…Will is an unashamed flirt. 😅🤣)

                                Oh boy. This will be interesting… Can’t wait to see how both Ev and Ami react! 😏😁😆


                                One of the guys gave her a warm smile and wink. “Hey there…never thought we’d get such beautiful company in this place.”

                                “Will!” Another of them hissed, coming forward and grabbing the other’s arm. He glanced at Ami and Ev. “Excuse my younger brother…he has no manners. What are your names? I’m Adam, and these are my younger brothers Bryson, Wyatt, Will-” he gave Will a pointed glare, “Rhett, Lucas, and Gideon.” He motioned to each brother as he said their names.

                                Ami blushed at the sudden complement from Will. She promptly introduced herself and Ev.

                                “Well, it’s very nice to meet you,” Will said with a smile, not paying any attention to Ev. Smiling as well, Ami nodded.

                                Clearly piffed, Ev raised an eyebrow and took a step closer to Ami. “It’s nice to meet you all too.” He shot a quick glare to Will.

                                Ami nudged Ev slightly and he quickly forced a smile. Breaking the awkward silence, Ami said, “It’s going to be hard to remember all your names.” She chuckled.

                                Adam grinned. “It’s all good. If ever in doubt, just call ‘Hey you!’ and at least one of us will respond.”

                                Ami nodded. “Gotcha.”

                                Adam looked around at the castle walls surrounding him. “So… do you guys know what this place is?”

                                “As far as we know, it’s a castle,” Ami replied. “We’ve been here before, but in a different part of it. A few minutes ago, it was like we were just teleported into another hall. The rest, you all know.”

                                Adam nodded. Ev stilled eyed them warily, especially Will. Ami glanced over at him. She sighed. “Excuse Ev here. He’s a little…” she paused for a moment, trying to figure out the right words in order not to give away how Ev actually felt. “A little out of it.”


                                Ev furrowed his brow at her but chuckled when he looked back at the band of brothers. “Yeah, sorry about that.” He rubbed the back of his neck. Another awkward silence followed.

                                Ev’s eyes searched the room, trying to think of something to say that wouldn’t sound forced. His eyes lit up as he noticed a hall directly behind them that they hadn’t been down yet. It gave him an idea.

                                A smirk grew on his face. He’d show Will that he was the guy for Ami. “You all wanna race down the hall?”


                                Poor Ev. He won’t admit how cool he thinks Will is compared to him. XDXD



                                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  Bruuuh guys are like toddlers sometimes XD


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