Character Castle!

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  • #132260
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 446

      @keilah-h @loopylin

      Poor Crosshair… 🙁😭


      Elissa trailed behind Crosshair, their footsteps echoing loudly down the stone halls. A few times she thought of maybe starting a conversation but never actually said a word. She was still calming down from being trapped in that small room and didn’t know the man in front of her at all. Why did she agree to come? Elissa sighed. Because Milo and Cammie were staying and she figured that Beth would want to stay with Simon. That left Feather and herself so Elissa went. She didn’t like sitting and waiting anyway.

      Crosshair stopped, causing Elissa to almost tumble into him. His hand went up to rub his head. Did he get hurt too? She stepped forward, not sure what to do when he spoke, “Leave me alone.”

      Elissa stopped at his snarl. She had thought he just had a headache or something, but- “I said, leave me alone.”

      She stood still, cautious. Should she go back and get Feather? Surely she would know what to do, they seemed very close. Elissa didn’t want to just leave him here, though. But Crosshair clearly didn’t want her around. What should she do?

      “I don’t need your sympathy! You don’t know what it’s like, okay?” Crosshair finally spoke again, harsh and clipped. He spun around to face her, glaring. Elissa stumbled back, surprised, and a little scared. It seemed like everyone here but Milo, Cammie, and herself knew how to fight. Crosshair looked so mad, and… almost scared.

      (I have to go, so I’m just going to post this much and finish it on my phone. So I’m not done yet 😁 And I think this is the most I’ve ever written for character castle 😂)

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4743

        @theloonyone Ok! I’ll wait till you’re done before I write his reply or whatever. When do you think you’ll do it? Just asking because I don’t have too long of time left on here.

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1058


          Lol, yes. XD

          Godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

          Ok, I’ll go ahead and write an introductory POV. I’m playing with a narrative voice, by the way…


          Gentle rain tapped against the shutters like the echoes of passing dreams, shut out from wakened lands. Their far off call swelled in Yosí’s heart till he rested his head against the sill and listened. Softly, softly, like winter’s whispering breath, a flush spread across his cheek. His eyes fell shut.

          He awoke a minute later with a start. The room was much the same as it had been, only somewhat brighter; the morning hour must have slipped away. Yosí stood stiffly, rubbing his aching legs with regret. His mind, all too quickly forgetting the dreams it had wandered in a moment ago, rolled into action.

          On the other side of the room, beyond a wide table filled with provisions, stood a door. He stared at it, breath bated.

          The latch was being twitched open.

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon.

            So glad Yosi is going to be joining the group!!! 😁💕


            “I’m…I-I’m hungry…” Paxton whispered.

            Leo smiled softly and turned to face Riker and Iris. “Maybe there’s some food around…I can go look.”

            “I’ll come with you.” Grimm offered.

            Leo nodded and smiled. “We can split up. Some of us can look for food and the others can stay here.”

            Riker nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

            “I’ll stay here.” Iris said softly.

            Talia nodded in agreement. “I’ll stay here as well…but Sadie will probably want to go with you, Leo.”

            Leo nodded and lifted his little girl into his arms. “Is anyone else coming?”

            “I’ll come help out.” Jonathan offered.

            Naja nodded. “I’m coming too.”

            Riker smiled and nodded. “I guess the rest of us will stay here, then.”

            Leo nodded, Sadie in his arms, and he turned around. “Come on, Grimm, Jonathan, Naja, let’s go.”

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 446


              I’m working on it now

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 446



                Crosshair’s eyes widened, the annoyance seeping out of him. “I- I’m sorry.”

                Elissa stood still, tense and wary. She watched Crosshair carefully. Elissa breathed in and out slowly, thinking about what to do. “Do you- are you okay?” She asked cautiously.


                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4743



                  “Do you- are you okay?” Elissa asked. Her tone of voice was timid.

                  She had good reason to be wary.

                  No telling what he might’ve done if he hadn’t snapped out of it…..

                  “No. No, I’m fine.” Crosshair muttered, although he knew he wasn’t. “Just…..if you see me doing anything like that again, get as far away from me as possible.”

                  Elissa nodded.

                  They continued down the hallway in silence, until he decided that maybe he’d try talking to her.

                  It’d certainly keep the things creeping at the edge of his mind at bay….

                  “I’ve noticed that the creatures here always seem to come from different places……different worlds.” he began. “What’s yours like?”





                  So I do have to get off now, so I won’t reply to any RP’s until tomorrow. But I don’t mind you writing her reply now.

                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 802

                    @thearcaneaxiom @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12


                    Regaining some control of his limbs, Zyrin tested out his fingers, watching the man who had found him. “Uh…I’m Dylan Bone. I mean–” He fumbled with his words, wincing. “I-I mean Dylan Brooks.”

                    Zyrin’s eyes went down to the man’s, Dylan’s chest. He looked nervous, but Zyrin couldn’t see the evidence from his glow. Where was his Essence?

                    Maybe he just had a dim color. If so, Zyrin hoped that he had someone who could help him through whatever he was struggling with.

                    He glanced away from Zyrin, raking a hand through his dark hair. “Heh…um, what’s your name?”

                    Zyrin pushed his elbows back, sitting upward. That was a weird way to ask, but he wouldn’t judge. “I’m colored Zyrin.” He answered.

                    The man gave him a strange look. Zyrin opened his mouth to ask if the guy knew why he had been in a closet and where they were, when he heard a voice, followed by soft footsteps.

                    He shared a glance with Dylan and they both turne to see who was coming down the hall.

                    Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                    And guess what? His is eternal (:

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1643


                      awwww!!! I’ll RP later btw 😊

                      so do u want to meet another Charrie? If so, any ideas who?

                      also do u wanna RP as Dylan? I left off where they can meet Lyn and Nyx who’s coming down the hall after seeing them

                      (btw they won’t be able to hear Nyx)

                      Okay! Um, do you have any who are by themselves? I can add one if needed, but maybe there’s someone just in the castle somewhere? If not, then…we’ll figure it out 😅.

                      Yeah, I’m working on it now! (Oh, okay! 🙂


                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1643

                        @princesachronicle22 “I’m colored Zyrin.” Dylan’s gonna be like “…Um…okay…” XDXD @godlyfantasy12


                        The young man’s eyes glanced at my chest, brows furrowed, like there was something there.

                        I looked down, wondering if I had a stain on my shirt.

                        No stain.

                        My eyes ticked to his face.

                        Is he alright?

                        I glanced away down the hall, uncomfortably raking a hand through my dark hair. Getting the attention off me– both his quizzical looks and the whole last name thing, I asked him,

                        “Heh…um, what’s your name?”

                        He pushed his elbows back, pushing himself upward into a sitting position. “I’m colored Zyrin.” He answered.

                        That got my attention. I gaped at him.


                        He didn’t seem…that disoriented.

                        Maybe he hit his head harder than I thought.

                        Is that even a name?!

                        But wait…

                        I glanced at his chest.

                        He must not be…from here. But where in the world do people have glowing lights in their chests?! 

                        Like usual, I was over thinking, over reacting, becoming what Asher called “Anxious Dylan.” I laughed wryly inside.

                        Okay. Deep breath. 

                        Maybe he thought that I was the weird one, with no chest…glow or whatever he called it. 

                        I wonder where he’s from?

                        I started to ask him, just as he opened his mouth to speak. We both stopped dead at the sound of a soft voice…and footsteps.

                        We shared a glance before turning to see who–or what–was coming down the hall.

                        I reached into the folds of my clothing and withdrew my hidden dagger. Zyrin’s eyes widened as I brandished it.

                        “Alright…Colored Zyrin…do you know how to use one of these?”

                        I asked him as I handed him a second dagger, which had hitherto been concealed in my shoe. He took it slowly, studying it. Then he looked back at me and nodded.


                        I only hoped we wouldn’t have to use them.


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2334

                          @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6

                          We forgot about these guys!


                          They gathered in the hall outside, and quickly the dark weight of the portrait hall faded, leaving everyone feeling much lighter and more hopeful. Unfortunately, the feeling would not last.

                          There was a door on the other side of the hall that they had not tried yet. Carter put his hand on the doorknob and looked at the others with a grin.

                          “You people ready to get some food?”

                          Lyla, Matthew, and Tauren nodded enthusiastically, and Carter even got a small smile from Paxton. Carter swung the door open and was surprised by a warm lit room with a giant banquet table in the middle piled high with food.

                          “Wow. It’s like the castle could hear me.” he said.

                          The table was swarmed with people, reaching for food after hurriedly whispered prayers, and chatting excitedly with one another. Carter pulled up a chair next to Lesli and Carmen, immediately stuffing his face with a croissant.

                          The laughter and fellowship lasted for only a moment.

                          Then the bell rang.



                          Three times.

                          And it continued. It didn’t stop until seven chimes echoed in Carter’s ears and unsettled his empty stomach. The banquet table was then completely silent. Only Carter, Carmen, Lesli, Matthew, and Tauren remained in the room. They stared at the spaces where the others had been with wide eyes.

                          “L-l-lyla?” Matthew’s strained whisper broke the silence, and they all turned and looked at the now empty chair beside him.

                          (Sorry that’s a little sad, but I can’t imagine that happening without affecting anyone.)

                          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2334

                            Also, please correct me if I’m wrong about who is still left

                            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings Awww 😭 that makes me sad!! Now I want Matthew and pax to be reunited later


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1643


                                Oh yeah we did!!! Lol sorry!

                                Aww yes that’s exactly what I would have written Matthew doing 😭😭😭😭

                                We’re so mean to our poor charries 😅😅😭😭

                                I’m supposed to be doing school rn, so I’ll try to RP in a little while. 😅😅


                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1643


                                  Ahh IKR!?!? Yes, we should later :).


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