Character Castle!

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  • #131910
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 802


      XD yeah their pretty much humans

      and yeah I get the tiredness

      Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
      And guess what? His is eternal (:

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 446

        @keilah-h @loopylin


        Crosshair looked around at the group and asked, “Anyone else coming? I’m fine with doing it alone.”

        “I think I’ll stay,” Milo told them quickly.

        “I’ll stay too,” Cammie added.

        “Ok, I guess I’ll go with you,” Elissa said, glancing at Crosshair. “Although,” she added, looking back to Cammie. “We never did find that food.”

        Right. The food. She had forgotten that they were looking for it once they were being chased by the wind. Cammie turned to Elissa and answered, “Maybe once you guys come back with medicine some of us can look for food.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @princesachronicle22 @gwyndalf-the-wise @esther-c


          Ara smiled at the young boy, blushing and looking nervous as ever. He toed the ground with his foot, eyes darting from the shadows back to the ground.

          He reminded her so much of her friend…

          She sidled up next to him. “To be honest,” she started, “I am too…”

          Asher looked up, eyes wide. “R-Really?” Ara nodded.

          “It’s gotten better, I have to admit. A lot better, but,” she frowned at the looming shadows ahead, “I still get this anxious pit in my stomach whenever it’s increasingly dark, or pitch black. Just…the absence of light is so eery. It brings back…unwanted memories.”

          Asher slowly nodded, seeming to be thinking of his own painful memories as well.

          Ara’s brown creased as she looked at the boy, a few inches shorter then her. Finally, she smiled, reaching out a hand next to his.

          “But, I often find the best way to get through the darkness is to walk through it. The light will always greet you in the end.”

          Asher looked at her hand. Blinked, and then blushed profusely, slowly taking it in his. She smiled from ear to ear at the familiarity of touch.

          She was used to holding hands with someone. Used to having an anchor by her side; someone always there to keep her grounded.

          Though usually it was a young man with ginger curls.

          “Shall we?” She asked.

          Asher, stunted for words, merely nodded, inching a bit closer as the two stepped into the dark.




          SO CUTE!!!





          NEXT RPS!!!



          Paxton was holding tightly to November now, arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his torso. Slowly the ginger stood, supporting the eleven year old as best he could.

          “We can stay here for a little bit, if Paxton needs it.” The man, Riker spoke softly, holding his youngest daughter in his arms.

          All of his children looked concerned, worry clouding their faces, though Lily seemed to be the most distraught out of them.

          Or perhaps it was confusion that met his gaze when he looked at the tiny blonde. She nuzzled her head into her father’s shoulder silently asking what was wrong.

          Grimm frowned slightly, eyes then roving to Iris, and the boy whose hand she still held.

          Eli’s eyes were wide, looking from Paxton, to the others. He tugged at his mother’s hand, eyes searching for some answer as to what was happening.

          In a world without sound, a world where you could not verbally express your questions, Eli had no idea why the other boy in the group had suddenly collapsed.

          Iris, finally turning to him, watched as he signed:

          What’s wrong? What happened?’

          Iris held up her hands, but they didn’t move. She was obviously at a loss of what to tell the child.


          Grimm stepped in. Knelt down.

          My friend, his name is Paxton. He got upset. He will be alright.’

          Eli looked at Grimm, and then at Paxton, eyes filled with concern. He slowly nodded, but a frown was on his lips as he watched the other boy cry.

          To him it was a silent cry, though everyone else could hear Paxton’s sniffles.

          November turned to Riker, a sad smile on his face. “Ah…thank you…I think we’ll be alright. I’ll just…carry him for a while.”



          More people stepped out from the shadows.

          Luna should’ve been frightened, but she was too enchanted to be.

          For one of the figures, a young woman by the looks, seemed to be…

          Painted of the heavens.

          Her skin was black, the color of pitch, dotted with stars that shone brilliantly in the dank room they all stood in.

          Luna found she couldn’t take her eyes off of the young woman.

          Never before had she seen such beauty! Or heard of any such race or creature…

          Though…she hadn’t exactly been given chance to travel…

          “Light One be Blessed…” she whispered. The others turned to her. She blushed slightly. The young woman, introduced as Mayvee, tilted her head.

          “Oh…forgive me…I just…” Luna stared at the young woman’s skin, like a canvas, painted by her Creator Himself. “I’ve never seen anyone of your kind before. Though, I’ve never seen much of anyone…” She laughed a bit at that. “But…your skin…it’s beautiful. Like the Creator painted the stars upon you.”

          At this, Mayvee smiled demurely.

          Luna smiled back, and wondered, how many more beautiful creations she would now get to see, made by her wonderful Creator.



          “Do you even know where we’re going?”

          “Well, unless you have a map…”

          Nyx let out a long sigh, jumping from windowsill to windowsill as the two walked down the sunlit hall. She was thankful for the windows, giving natural light.

          She did not want to get stuck in one of the darker parts of the castle…it was just…dreary, and Lyn was not in the mood for dreary.

          “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

          I lost it about three adventures ago.”

          Lyn rolled her eyes, smirking. “Bah, you’re no fun.”

          Well, maybe, but at least I-” he stopped, tails twitching. He lifted his head, nose high in the air. Lyn paused, one hand on her hip. She raised a brow.

          “Smell something?”

          Nyx nodded. “PeopleWell…one person, and…something else.” His fur stood on edge slightly.

          “Take it easy. You don’t always have to assume people are out to get you, ya know.”

          And you don’t have to assume they’re not.”

          “I don’t, I’m just not pessimistic.” Lyn slowly edged forward, leaning her head around a corner.

          At the end of the next hall she could hear two voices. Both male from what she could make out.

          “Listen, most of the people we’ve met here are friendly. If we approach with ease, they’re least likely to think we’re foes.”

          Again, I remind you, the last few times I was here? Not so great.”

          “Yea? And was that the castle’s fault, or yours?”

          Nyx glared at her. “That second time was different. That guy was a jerk.”

          Lyn pursed her lips. “You didn’t have to jump at him. Grimm told me what happened.”

          What was I supposed to do?!”

          “Just…nevermind. I’m going to see who is there. Please don’t make trouble.” She batted her eyes at him. He scoffed with a playful smirk.

          Me? Trouble? Never.”




            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 802


            Aw I love your RPs so much!!!

            Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
            And guess what? His is eternal (:

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @princesachronicle22 thx!


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                Also… I was writing Lyn’s and…


                idk if y’all noticed but there was a bit of passive aggressiveness in there between her a Nyx….


                and I’m kinda like UMM OKAY….


                because I’m one of those writers where my characters “Reveal”/“Show” things to me as I think and write them, so their characters open up almost like real people the more I get to know them and their journeys.


                And so I’m kinda like Lyn…what’s going on here?

                cuz they’ve got that playful banter but there was one part it was more…aggressive/angry then playful….




                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  But of course she quickly reverted back, almost as if she kinda caught herself…



                  I think…she’s kinda beginning to see how his distrust of others, while it has gotten a bit better, is starting to cause harm, mostly to himself.

                  She’s always worried about him, but now it’s actually becoming serious, and the last thing she’d ever want is him getting hurt.


                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1643


                    Yeah I did notice that…Lyn???? XDXD No, I get that. I mean, Nyx can be pre-tty snarky haha. I love him, but he can be. I feel like that with my little brothers sometimes lol.

                    Isn’t it so cool when that happens? When it seems like they let you in and you see more and more of their characters. That’s happened with me a lot lately, particularly with Dylan. He’s been avoiding me XD.


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @lightoverdarkness6 @freedomwriter76 @princesachronicle22 @gwyndalf-the-wise @esther-c

                      Anyone on?


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. I’m on for a quick minute! Just finished up Logic Class and about to do History!😉

                        Also…POOR PAXTON!!! 😭😭😭

                        (also…I was writing a (still unfinished!!!) scene with Louisa and Riker this morning…and oh my goodness, the last line Louisa has said so far…😭💜😭💜😭)


                        November gave Riker a sad smile. “Ah…thank you…I think we’ll be alright. I’ll just…carry him for a while.”

                        “Are you sure?” Iris asked quietly, eyebrows furrowing in concern.

                        Riker nodded in agreement. “Yeah…are you sure?”

                        November nodded. “Yeah…I-I’m sure.”

                        Riker glanced at his wife. That didn’t seem like the most convincing answer.

                        But Riker turned back to November and smiled. “Alright…I guess we’ll continue on then…”


                        (btw, would you mind if Leo, Talia, and their girls joined this group…? 😊 It’s okay if you do mind, I just want to be them more and was thinking of ways I could get that done. 😅😂)

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1643


                          I’m doing school as well, but I’ll be on in a few hours ;)!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 I don’t mind as long as u don’t mind a big group! Plus Pax and Grimm know Leo!


                            November carefully carried Paxton as the group continued onward, adjusting his grip every so often.

                            Please don’t let me drop him…

                            He knew how klutzy he could be. If he dropped Paxton…he didn’t know how he’d forgive himself…

                            “Is…is he alright?” Lily’s small voice peeped out from Riker’s shoulder. Her eyes were wide and glassy, staring at Paxton. “I didn’t mean to make him sad…”

                            November flushed, looking at the little girl, and then to her father. Then to Grimm, hoping for some help.

                            “Ah…h-he’s…just a little upset…that’s all. He’ll be alright.”

                            Riker met his eyes, soft and questioning. November swallowed. He couldn’t very well tell everything that was going through the little boy’s mind at the moment.

                            For one, he didn’t know fully…

                            And it wasn’t his place.

                            Paxton pulled his bear closer, head moving from where it was nuzzled into November’s shoulder. His eyes focused on Lily, and then to everyone else, skin flushed with embarrassment. He sunk tighter into November’s grip.

                            Iris must’ve noticed because she said, “Nothing to be embarrassed about…” her voice was soft. Motherly…coaxing. Paxton gently lifted his eyes to her. “You don’t have to be ashamed of anything.”

                            Paxton slowly nodded into November’s chest.





                            I have a feeling he’s going to get a bit more out of his box when Leo appears….


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. Tbh, I love the big groups. 😅😂


                              Poor Paxton, the sweet darling.

                              Iris squeezed Eli’s hand and looked down at her son and smiled. She signed; ‘Are you doing alright?’

                              Eli smiled, nodded, and signed, ‘Yes, Mom…I love meeting all of these new people.’

                              Iris smiled and hugged him tight.

                              She felt a kick inside. My, the baby was a little feisty today.

                              She heard footsteps, though…everyone seemed to have, as everyone suddenly stopped in their tracks.

                              Riker stepped forward, even stepping in front of November, Grimm, and Paxton. “Everyone stand back…I hear multiple people walking this way.”



                              Leo continued to walk down the hall, clutching Sadie’s hand as she ran her hands along the wall, feeling the different textures.

                              Talia smiled, walking side by side and holding hands with Ella. “She’s always so curious…it’s so beautiful.”

                              Leo smiled and nodded. “It is…”

                              But he stopped in his tracks when he heard footsteps. There was a group coming their way…and a big one.

                              He reached out and grabbed Sadie, lifting her into his embrace.

                              He slowly and carefully handed Sadie over to Talia, stepping forward.

                              He wouldn’t let ANYONE get close to his family.

                              He motioned for Talia and the girls to slowly follow him as he inched closer…slowly inching out of the hallway.

                              He reached the end and looked to the right and didn’t see anyone…so he looked to the left…and paused before coming out of the hallway. “Riker!? Iris!?”

                              Riker looked up from where he was standing in front of a large group, and his eyes widened. “Leo!?”

                              Lily giggled and reached out, in Riker’s arms. “Leo! Leo!”

                              Talia came forward, coming to stand beside Leo, Sadie still in her arms. “Well…we didn’t know all of you were here.”

                              Leo looked over the group…not all of them were Riker’s family…and suddenly, his gaze fell on a little boy with white hair that was being held in another boy’s arms…the little boy clutching a stuffed bear tight.

                              It couldn’t be…could it?

                              Leo took one step closer. “Paxton!?”


                              (I just realized that Sadie is blind like Conan!!! 😱😱😱 (he was blind, right? 😅😂) Man, I’m gonna keep reminding and hurting Grimm with this RP group, aren’t I…? 😅)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 BRUUUH POOR GRIMM!!!!


                                Paxton’s eyes slowly rose from November, landing on Leo. Though he was definitely a few years older, the man’s kind gaze was unmistakable.

                                Paxton smiled big at the sight of his friend. He sat up slowly, but still clutched November tight, bear wrapped in his other arm.


                                Leo smiled, holding a little girl in his hands. Her eyes were large, glassy, like crystal. They roved about, as if unable to grab hold of one sight.

                                “Leo, it’s been a while,” Grimm stepped forward.

                                “Grimm!” Leo exclaimed. He ran a hand through his hair. “I…What are the odds…”

                                The woman with him-his wife?- glanced at him curiously, to which he then explained.

                                “Talia, these are my friends. I met them last time I was here, in the castle. Grimm, and Paxton.”

                                Talia waved, smiling. “Nice to meet you.”

                                Grimm nodded.

                                “It’s good to see you, Leo, and your family.” Iris said.

                                November watched with pink-tinged skin, feeling a bit left out. Riker clapped him on the shoulder, making him stumble slightly with Paxton still in his arms. He quickly regained his balance.

                                “This is November.”

                                November awkwardly smiled.

                                “Good to meet you.”

                                “Y-You too.”

                                Paxton smiled at November, “Y-ou can put…me d-down now.”

                                November tilted his head, “You sure?” Paxton nodded. November gently set him on the ground.

                                It took a few seconds before he released Ember fully, but when he did, the white-haired boy slowly made his way over to Leo, giving him a small hug around the waist.

                                Leo smiled, accepting it with one arm, as his other still held his little girl.



                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. UGH, IKR!?!?!? The poor baby Grimm!!! 😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜


                                  Leo hugged Paxton tight, using his free arm as Sadie clutched his other hand.

                                  Talia smiled and motioned to Ella. “This is our oldest daughter Ella, and as Leo said, I’m Talia, Leo’s wife…”

                                  “Daddy, who is this?” Sadie suddenly asked, reaching out to touch Paxton, having heard that someone was close, she knew that someone was there, even if she couldn’t see them.

                                  Paxton pulled away.

                                  Leo gently grabbed Sadie’s hand. “He’s…a little shy…let’s not touch him. His name is Paxton…he’s an old friend of mine.”

                                  Sadie nodded and gave Paxton a big, energetic smile, blue eyes cloudy. “Nice to meet you! I’m Sadie!”

                                  Leo looked up at Grimm and the new boy, November, giving them a small smile. “This is our little girl Sadie…she…she’s blind. Has been…since birth.”

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