Character Castle!

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  • #111364
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6699

      @emilysf HERE IS CORVINA’S sorry it took so long 🤣 I was not feeling it but I’m gonna get back to RPing now!! I also gotta go back and reread stuff from other ppl 😂


      It had taken everything to stay.

      The little girl shrieked apologies and wailed to no one in particular. Her eyes weren’t on Corvina, that was for sure.

      What was she supposed to do?

      Try slapping her. Always worked for mummy dearest.

      ”Hush,” she gritted as the girl’s sobs echoed. If anyone was here, they’d hear her for sure.

      Corvina couldn’t stay. She had to go.

      Survival of the fittest.

      Then again, maybe she did have a point. A good slap across the face or maybe a nice shake would calm the girl down.

      But Corvina couldn’t bring herself to move. She could only watch.

      The girl finally quieted, muttering apologies. “I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” She whimpered, shaking like a frail doll while her puppet master violently shook her strings.

      How’s it feel being on the other side?

      ”Shut it.”

      The girl didn’t seem to hear her, or if she did, she didn’t notice. She wrapped her frail arms around herself and sniffed. Corvina pinched her lips together and looked away, huffing.

      She’d wasted too much time with this girl.

      What had she been thinking?

      You haven’t. If you’ve been letting your emotions cloud everything.

      Corvina glared.

      Ever since the catacombs in A’Grend, you just can’t seem to get focused, can you Corvina?

      Her sickening self taunted her. Her own voice, with it’s sweet, seducing lull. The side of herself that tormented her.

      The side of herself she’d created.

      The side of herself she’d let inside.

      And now she couldn’t get rid of her.

      “Thank you for staying,” a voice broke through the fog. Corvina snapped her head back and found the girl, Zoe, now bowing her head in front of her. Her eyes were misty, but she held a weak smile. Her eyes glowed with….

      What was that?

      Admiration? Hope?

      “I will serve you, most faithfully.” Zoe said.

      Corvina swallowed. What did she say to that?

      Ah, yes, thank you for staying… 

      Her voice hissed.

      Even though you nearly left her.

      Corvina straightened, casting a defiant look on her face and shrugged. “Think nothing of it, kid.” Zoe smiled sweetly and rose to her feet, standing at Corvina’s side like a loyal puppy.

      Well…perhaps at least Corvina could use the girl’s loyalty to her advantage.

      Still…the trusting look in her eyes…

      Corvina flared ahead and continued walking.

      No! There was one thing her inner self had been right about. Corvina had been too content on following emotion recently. She wasn’t…herself.

      Ever since the catacombs in A’Grend….

      Ever since….

      She rubbed her right hand, massaging the palm of it and her fingers. It was sore, and that struck her as odd. It had been months now.

      Something had happened when she’d attacked that boy.

      What, she didn’t know.

      The attack had been meant for the girl, Arabella, but that…that boy had played hero and taken it instead.

      What had he done to her?

      She grimaced.

      Well, no matter. Once she found them, she’d complete her mission and tel Eder they were her. And that would be that.


      Elishavet Elroi
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1309

        @emilysf @godlyfantasy12 @koshka

        Bwahahaha! I love how all these characters interact. XD


        A gasp leapt into her mouth. This person wanted to help them?

        A mere glance showed her to be between Viktor and herself in height, but this wasn’t what struck Alyona.

        The girl was dressed in rags. Brightly dyed rags, but still not very adequate. Alya had seen beggars better clothed.


        He suddenly found himself studying the stones beneath his feet.

        What kind of…?

        Viktor glanced at his sister to see pity etched into her face.

        Of course. This is what Dorwainian rule did; degraded people to bits and pieces.

        If only the Eagle had never fallen, if only the sheep still had their shepherd…

        At that thought his head came up. The sheep still had the Great Shepherd, the Lord over all, no matter what happened to his under Shepherds and kings upon the earth.

        Viktor met the lady’s eye and smiled as best he could. “Thank you for your concern, but…”

        The sound of voices echoing down the hall cut him short. The words were indistinguishable, and he had to strain to even catch the tone, but when he did, a real smile pressed a laugh of relief from his tightened throat.

        Alyona also relaxed, although she may not have realized it. Her hand slid away from where she kept her script of slinging stones.

        Somehow, they had all escaped the notice of the Vulture’s gaurds. Somehow.

        Viktor knew how.

        ‘You’ve brought us this far, and you can bring us farther.’ He turned back to the stranger, a silent prayer on his lips. ‘Please bring us home.’

        “As I was saying, thank you for your concern, but we should be able to manage. Do you need help?”

        Consternation flickered in the young lady’s face. Perhaps she wasn’t used to having the question directed to her. Who was she anyway, that she would go about trying to help children when she herself didn’t seem to be in a much better state? Was this care for children only another kind of feçade?

        Although, it did amuse him to be called a child. ‘Only one more year left of that, and already it’s not quite true.’ there was some regret in the thought.


        For some reason, the thought of getting stuck with the group of travelers again didn’t make her nervous. Maybe it was the feel of the coin in her belt or perhaps the memory of their prayer, but whatever it was, they no longer held any threat.

        And maybe this strange young woman wouldn’t be one either.

        For now, Alyona would just keep her eyes open and her torch held high.

        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 141

          @godlyfantasy12 niceee! I really wanna read Corvina’s story, now!!



          “Thank you for your concern, but…” Viktor must have heard the voices too (it was always difficult to gauge those sorts of things, because she could no longer draw a comparison). He stopped part way through his sentence, but continued a moment later after a smile. “As I was saying, thank you for your concern, but we should be able to manage. Do you need help?”

          Alyona watched her with a calmed attitude. Perhaps her clothes weren’t so strange after all. What did they see her as, then, that she wasn’t a threat and they even offered to help her?

          “I…” What should she say? She didn’t need them, and they didn’t need her help, with few guards nearby and the others approaching. She really didn’t need anything from any of them, except a way out of the castle; somehow she doubted they knew that. “I … don’t. I’m…” A breeze blew through the hall, and she shivered at its unexpected touch. “I’m well… I guess… I’ll go away. The others are coming. They might try to attack me. I don’t want to fight them.”

          She straightened a little and turned to go, unsettled at how quickly the group was approaching, even at a walk; they would soon reach her, and she really didn’t want to fight anyone. She paused, looking back for a second, hoping one of them would ask her to stay or promise to protect her.

          Not that I need it, she told herself. But it feels so good to not have to worry about myself, like when dad watched over me. Tears brimmed in her eyes, the second thing in a few minutes that she’d not managed to control about herself. She turned away sharply, self-preservation instinct making her hide the tears.



          “Think nothing of it, kid.” Corvina’s words were harsh, but Zoe imagined they held a soft touch in them. She smiled, standing and waiting at Corvina’s side until she set off down the halls. Where they were going, Zoe didn’t know. But she did know: with Corvina, she was safe, and Corvina would not leave her.

          Along the way, Corvina began rubbing her hand. Zoe noticed, but said nothing. Many times she rubbed her hands when they hurt, especially after being stepped on. A few moments later, Corvina grimaced.

          Probably because of the pain.

          Zoe crept up closer behind the other girl as they walked. She bit her lip, wondering if she should dare such a bold move as was in her head. It could tip the balance, and make Corvina spurn her, like Malcolm–she shivered at the thought name–or not.

          Taking a deep breath and holding it, Zoe quickly slipped her hand into Corvina’s and squeezed gently.

          Like Nic and Ric do when they’re trying to cheer you. Just a single gentle squeeze, but keep holding on.

          Zoe held her breath, waiting for Corvina’s move after her stunned reaction.

          "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

          Trahia the Minstrel
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 193


            So … how does this work? Do we just insert things from our characters’ POVs from our own stories? Sorry, I haven’t been on KP in a while, so I’m late to the party.

            The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
            That’s my wish to create.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6699



              The two had walked on in silence for a moment, Corvina’s aching now just a dull reminder. She sighed.

              She was getting nowhere fast.

              This castle could be endless for all she knew, and who owned it?

              This…Malcolm character Zoe was so afraid of? Whoever it was, Corvina was ready to face him or her and make them tell her where Arabella was.

              If they even knew.

              You’re irritated.

              No duh… Corvina replied mentally.

              A warm touch made her heart stop cold.

              Skin. Connecting with hers. Warm and…gentle.

              It happened in a matter of seconds, but it felt like an endless abyss to Corvina. Human contact that wasn’t….threatening.

              Her spine tingled and her throat closed off as the one who had touched her gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

              The aching in her hand grew into an unbearable, sharp pain. Like someone had stabbed her.

              But not in her hand.

              In her heart.

              She whirled around on the girl, hoping she looked fearsome, but she had a feeling she looked more like a caged songbird.

              That’s how she felt anyway.

              She ripped her hand free, clutching it to her chest and reeling away.

              No one had touched her like that…

              No one had ever touched her like that.

              Not since…


              Dark, inky memories reached out from the recesses of her mind. She clutched her chest, the air around her growing suddenly thin as she gasped.

              “Corvina!” Zoe cried. Yes, though Corvina’s eyes were blurred, she could make out the girl’s shuddering form. She was indeed crying. “Corvina, I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean…”

              Corvina shuffled backwards, leaning against one of the stone walls. She clenched her eyes shut as hot tears threatened to spill.

              No. She wouldn’t let them. She couldn’t let them! She wasn’t a puppet. She wouldn’t cry.

              Come now, Corvina…don’t you wish to remember?

              ”NO!” Corvina screeched. Her blurred eyes clearing. Zoe stood stock still, her face ashen white.


              Her own voice chanted.

              ”No! Leave me alone!” Corvina gritted. “Leave me alone!” She sucked in a breath.

              The voice was silent now. The memories once again locked away.

              Corvina shook, her composure muddled. She bit her bottom lip and slowly slid to the floor, using the wall as support.

              After what seemed like ages, Zoe surprisingly spoke first.

              ”C-Corvina?” She whispered, taking a single step forward. “A-Are you alright?”

              Corvina eyes glazed ahead.


              ”Go.” She glared.

              ”W-what?” Zoe whimpered.

              ”Go.” Corvina looked away, staring at the shadows. “Just…just go. Please.” Her voice cracked on the last word and she hated herself for it.



                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6699

                @trahia-the-minstrel this is a RolePlay involving your charries and other ppls charries! Someone else may can explain it better then I 🤣


                @emilysf @koshka


                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 141


                  Generally, the way this works is: it’s a castle ( @elishavet-pidyon ‘s) that shifts and twists to be whatever it wants to be, and each person has a character or more and they enter the castle any-how you want, and meet up with the other characters and interact with them, and is a way to explore your character and learn more about them or just have fun. It is good practice to introduce the character with a physical description and some backstory details, and also a brief personality breakdown helps.

                  And that’s kinda generally how it works. The biggest point to this is exploring your character, their personality, their thought patterns, mannerisms, and how the cultures they know and are from affects them and how they view things. 🙂

                  "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                  Jean Coul
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 167

                    @keilah-h @e-m-trepke @power

                    Sorry for the late response!!! 🙂



                    “Judging from your question,” Feather asked, “you don’t happen to be the castle’s owner or know who it is?”

                    Everett forced himself to stop glaring at Rinzler and look at the girl instead, but the guy’s grouchy voice still rang through his head– if I hadn’t already realized you’re completely foreign, I would’ve thought you were from my world…

                    Now he felt the gears shifting and clicking in his mind. He thought about the fellow’s bizarre outfit and the metallic disks he carried. How did they work? Could they really hurt someone? Was it some kind of magnetically engineered system Everett’s world had yet to discover? And was his armor–?

                    He mentally slapped himself.

                    Not now! he told his curiosity.

                    But HOW. DOES. IT. WORK? his curiosity whined.

                    Everett bit his tongue to keep from asking a stupid question. He focused on the girl, who was staring at him, expectantly. What had she said again? He restrained his longing to know why her armor was covered by colorful speckles and reviewed their conversation. Should he tell the truth?

                    Did he have anything to lose?

                    His hand flew to his satchel.

                    Yes, he did.

                    So perhaps if he played the right move in the game, they’d let him stick around longer. He didn’t know who the owner of the castle was, but he wasn’t about to let them know that.

                    “I don’t have to tell ya,” Everett replied. “Doubt it would help with our predicament anyway.”

                    He studied the group again, noting they weren’t complaining about lack of water or food (Hesh and Rinzler looked like the type to complain about such things), so they must have found a source or had some on hand.

                    Everett didn’t like to be the one answering questions. It was time to flip the table.

                    “Now you tell me,” he added, carefully. “What’s a fellow got to do around here to not starve to death?!”

                    Proverbs 16:2

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 5801

                      @hallie-jean @e-m-trepke @power

                      Feather and Rinzler

                      “You need food?” Feather asked. “I sorta ran out of rations quite a bit ago, but there’s bound to be a kitchen somewhere.”

                      “I see you eyeing my discs. Don’t touch them unless you want one to your throat.” Rinzler hissed.

                      Hesh and Kent stood off to the side, watching.

                      “Rinzler!” Feather scolded when she realized what he’d said. “Don’t be like that.”

                      Rinzler muttered something.

                      Feather turned back to the Dark Player. She knew that couldn’t be his real name, but she decided not to prod him into revealing his real one. He was already distrustful enough. “How about we figure out where the kitchens are? Then you can have something to eat while we figure out just what to do about this place.”


                      Your character owns this castle, right? Maybe he or she can meet them?


                      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5801


                        Milla sounds like a hypersense! They’re a species my brother created that are just like humans, but have super-enhanced senses. I don’t think they have radar, but they do have everything else. Also, they aren’t typically blind. But she sounds like she could be one!

                        • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Keilah H..

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 141

                          @keilah-h  I guess she could be, yeah, if she was from your world! Which would be cool. 🙂  She’s really just Daredevil’s daughter, and so you can understand her powers if you look up his, then extend the radius of her hearing and radar to include the entire world, and not a few city blocks. 🙂

                          "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1309


                            Yes, the castle has basically come under the government of my villain, who may show up again soon. So, in a way, my characters “know” more about this castle than anyone else… except they don’t, because I didn’t make this castle. 😉

                            Alyona and Viktor could and probably would show you to the kitchens. They know their way around here pretty well. However, Ocran (often called the Vulture by those who are less than satisfied with him.), the “owner” of the castle would call the gaurds on you. (He already called them on Jocelyn. XD)

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6699

                              @elishavet-pidyon hey would u mind giving a short description of Alyona, like her age, personality, etc? So I can put it in ma notes?


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6699

                                @trahia-the-minstrel @everyone-else this is everyone in the RP and their characters!!

                                Protagonist Antagonist

                                =Zoe and Milla

                                =November, Ara, Lyn, Nyx, and Corvina

                                =Viktor, Alyona and Ocran

                                =Zlatan and Vulkasin

                                = Kilied and Balorico


                                = Rinzler and Feather


                                =Kent Briggs


                                = Hesh


                                = Everett


                                Elishavet Elroi
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1309


                                  Of course!

                                  Alyona Mynclais, second MC/central side character

                                  3 cubits in height. XD okay, maybe that’s a little bookish. I’m still world building y’all!

                                  So, 5′ in height, with dark hair and eyes, she is twelve at this point in the books.

                                  I haven’t taken her personality test yet, but this is what I know. She is loyal to her family and her brother Viktor is her closest friend. (He brings out the subtle competitiveness in her) She is an encourager, someone who will stick with you through fire and water. Her name means “bright light” or “torch bearer”, and she carries light in dark places. Or burns down the strongholds of darkness. 😉

                                  She’s not shy, but rather quiet in nature. She loves to sing, but prefers it when nobody is listening.


                                  By the way, who is supposed to respond next?

                                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

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