Character Castle!

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      @koshka @emilysf @elishavet-pidyon HERE I AM! WOO LOL


      “Run.” Zlatan’s voice was sharp and strong. Commanding. November’s eyes widened as the footsteps outside the door grew and a pounding thud sounded, like a knock.

      He gripped Ara’s hand, squeezing it tighter then he probably should have, and rushed down the hall Viktor and Alyona had just disappeared into. Lyn swiftly ran behind, letting Nyx follow at her heels.

      The corridor was dark and panic rushed into November’s chest as noise rose from behind. The brothers. 

      He swallowed and guilt gripped him for a moment. Should he have stayed to help? Then again…he’d probably just make a mess of things…

      He could do more by getting Ara away, but his brain still railed accusations. If his dad had been here he would’ve found fault in whatever November had done in the situation.

      He shuddered; a mix of the encompassing darkness and the suffocating memories. He could almost hear the voice audibly calling through the hall, waiting for him to mess up.

      As usual.

      ”November,” a whisper made his skin ripple with goosebumps. Ara’s other hand gripped his hand. She now cradled his one hand in both of hers and gave it a hard squeeze. “Which way should we go?”

      He blinked. His eyes adjusted and he realized they were at a small crossroad.

      “I..I don’t know.” He frowned, look back at her.



      Ara stared ahead, wondering which path to take. Which one had Viktor and Alyona gone down? And how would they let Vulkasin and Zlatan know where they’d gone?

      She bit her lip and looked back, past Lyn. Her heart thrummed with anxiety. She was worried about the brothers, truly. They were her friends now, and she didn’t want anything to happen to them.

      “What are we waiting on?” Lyn whispered, which was odd for her.

      “Trying to decide which path to take.” November said.

      “Just take one!” Nyx grumbled, walking to the front of the group and peeking down each shadowy path.

      Ara sighed. The little fox did have a point. They had to go…

      Footsteps came from behind. The group turned. Ara raised a hand to her chest and gave November’s hand a squeeze. Lyn spun, ready for whatever action necessary.

      Nyx hissed, hackles raised and claws out as the footsteps grew closer.

      The group backed away as shadows, cast by a small light grew bigger. Two figures…

      Eventually the group could make them out.

      ”Zlatan! Vulkasin!” Lyn smiled. Ara released a breath and softened her grip on November’s hand. The little fox’s guard dropped, but only slightly. His eyes were still narrowed and he kept a wary eye on both, sword-wielding brothers.

      Vulkasin was grinning like the little boy’s in A’Grend when they entered the sweet shoppes. Zlatan seemed a bit more serious, though there was a bit of mirth on his face as well.

      ”Is everything alright?” Ara asked, thankful to see the two seemingly unscathed.

      ”Yes,” Zlatan nodded. “But I suggest we continue down zis path.”

      ”We’re..ah..not sure which path to take…or where Viktor and Alyona went.” November admitted. The brothers joined the group, staring at the crossroads.


      Ara hoped they could make some sense of where to go.


      Elishavet Elroi
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1338

        @koshka @emilysf @elishavet-pidyon

        This is going to be interesting…


        They would not get his sister. He would not let them. They would suppose she was a truant slave. They would punish her for assisting intruders. They…

        They would look past her Yartassite upbringing and see her Eirtanian blood.

        But no, Alyona wouldn’t be the one to raise suspicion. Not her, she never was.

        She never was.

        Viktor’s sigh of relief was cut short.

        He was never so fortunate. They would take one good look at him and see the son of a prince. An Eirtanian prince.

        Viktor clenched his fists.

        Why couldn’t he look like a farmer? It’s what he was.

        ‘Is it?’

        Of course it was. What memories he had once had of whatever his early childhood had been were burried away. He didn’t want them back.

        This wasn’t the time to think about that anyway.

        “The other way out.” He whispered in her ear. “Follow me.”

        They crept from their hiding place and found the door. It was a good sized door leading into the buttery and then on through darkened halls to another door that opened into the gardens.

        How should they know? He had used it several times on occasion during the past few days they had been here.


        The buttery was much less organized than she’d have liked. They had to walk carefully not to bang into some random cask or knock a sour smelling jug off a bench. She wrinkled her nose. Obviously, people weren’t expected to use it as an emergency escape.

        Then a thought hit her. What if it wasn’t the gaurds? What if the footsteps had belonged to the group of, well, travelers was the best term she could think to call them. That or intruders.

        Then they’d be running through pitch black stenches for nothing. Right?

        They couldn’t take the chance.

        Just then her right foot caught something – a table leg – and she tripped. All her momentum drove her forward, which now meant down. Down into darkness untill an invisible bench hit her.

        She bit back a scream and lay there, ears ringing with the cocophony caused by her fall. A pitcher must have been jarred, bringing it, it’s two fellows, and a load of ale down on her.

        Viktor’s voice cut through the daze. “Alyona, are you all right?”

        She heard him kneel beside her.

        “Aye. Sorry.”

        “That’s all right. Come on”

        But neither moved. They sat frozen, listening to the sound of feet on the cellar stairs.

        Then he found her hand and pulled her to her feet. Wordlessly, they once more crept through the darkness.

        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        Jean Coul
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 167

          @keilah-h @e-m-trepke @power

          Yay! Another character! Can I have a brief description?? It sounds like maybe another character from the Star Wars universe, but I could be wrong..? Also, I like the mysterious ‘dark past’ vibes!

          Once again, I mean no disrespect! I apologize for my character’s attitude, and I think you guys’ charries are awesome! 🙂


          “You can call me Hesh.”

          Everett turned around to see another boy glaring at him.

          Hesh? Rinzler? Feather? Were parents just getting tired of naming their children or…

          If Everett had to guess, the guy standing next to Hesh had to be something real brilliant, like Kent.

          Not that he thought his own name was much better–hence why he went by a questionable alias–but just wow. All names aside, though, he could tell this Hesh fellow had to be a little more like himself.

          Which meant he was hiding something.

          So they all seemed to be trapped here, they all wanted to leave, and they all had no idea where they were.

          Splendid. Just absolutely terrific.

          He adjusted his expression into mere nonchalance, barely giving Hesh a passing glance. Then to no one in particular he asked, “How long have you all been here?”

          Proverbs 16:2

            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 141



            The children were moving again. Had they heard her? They couldn’t have; she was practically a ghost because of the Hand. Nothing would erase their ingrained methods of silent movement, now.

            Two other groups of people met up elsewhere, their words faint but clear to her.

            “Is everything alright?”

            “Yes, but I suggest we continue down zis path.”

            “We’re..ah..not sure which path to take…or where Viktor and Alyona went.”

            Viktor and Alyona… doubtless the two she followed now, as they scurried through the darkness of the cellar. Darkness was nothing to her, and many things, but not a hindrance. Darkness was her home, and none existent. Whatever way she wanted to describe it, darkness was the same as light when she moved around.

            “Hello…” She cast her voice ahead of her, but still in a whisper, so only the children heard. “I don’t want to hurt you. Perhaps I can help. I’m strange here, too. I protect children, where I come from, because I suffered as a child. Can I help you, Viktor and Alyona?”

            "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 5990

              @e-m-trepke @power @hallie-jean


              “The ‘Dark Player?’” Rinzler eyed the kid dubiously. They looked to be close in age, but that didn’t mean he trusted him. If anything, he trusted him even less than he trusted Hesh or Kent. “With a name like that, if I hadn’t already realized you’re completely foreign, I would’ve thought you were from my world.”

              “How long have you all been here?” the Dark Player asked.

              “Don’t know. A few hours, maybe, although I’m not sure how long we were knocked out. Evidently, the owner of this castle doesn’t like visitors.” said Feather.

              Feather, be careful. Not everyone has good intentions like you, Rinzler thought, and wanted to say but didn’t. Just because you’ve been able to tame the fiercest of Imperial soldiers with your words and your personality doesn’t mean it works on everyone.

              “Judging from your question,” Feather asked, “you don’t happen to be the castle’s owner or know who it is?”

              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1338

                @emilysf @godlyfantasy12 @koshka

                Okay, so it deleted my response, I don’t know if the original will pop up later as well, but I’m going ahead and posting this, since I thankfully have the story part saved.

                I also don’t know how well this one worked out, but here goes!

                By the way, Milla sounds nice! Unfortunately, she has a talent for spooking my charries. XD it isn’t her fault though.


                They were close, so close. He could feel the draft from the approaching door.

                Thankfully Alya hadn’t been injured in her fall, because most likely they would have to run and that soon.

                How far could they run? Never far enough.

                His heart pounded in his ears, blocking out the footsteps behind them.

                He didn’t need that. He needed to be strong, to be fearless. What was more, Alya needed him to be. At least, that’s what he told himself as he pulled her along behind him, letting his memory guide them to safety.

                Whatever that was anymore. Definitely not here.

                The door was near enough that he could almost feel its rough stone beneath his fingers. If only the darkness was less, he might see it.

                It was a cruel blackness that blinded them to escape, but it was kind as well if it hid them from detection. He had no love of the dark, but if it would give them refuge, he could forgive it for once.

                But just as his nose caught the first scent of clean musty stone – something other than fermenting grain- a voice called out to them from far behind. Not far enough.

                “Hello…” a strange word and a stranger tone but he didn’t care to discover its meaning and pushed Alya ahead of him as the voice continued.

                “I don’t want to hurt you. Perhaps I can help. I’m strange here, too. I protect children, where I come from, because I suffered as a child. Can I help you, Viktor and Alyona?”

                The curious flicker of hope that had risen at her offer of help died when she spoke their names. If this stranger knew them, what else did she know?

                With a silent prayer of desperation, he let Alya drag him across the threshold.


                Viktor shoved her through the doorway as someone called out to them.

                “I don’t want to hurt you.” It was a soft voice, too feminine to belong to a guard. Alyona was no fool though; she knew it didn’t take a master warrior to cause trouble.

                “Perhaps I can help.” The voice went on, “I’m strange here, too. I protect children, where I come from, because I suffered as a child. Can I help you, Viktor and Alyona?”

                The words were kind, almost sorrowful, but at that moment, none of it made sense. Who was this person, and how did she know their names? Why would she be chasing them if she wanted to help? And why did she call them children if she knew them? Not that they really were anything older, as Alyona understood just then. She latched onto her brother’s wrist and took her turn to pull him. He would not try to be a human wall and leave her to flee on her own. Not if she could help it.

                But they couldn’t run forever and it would be truly childish to flee without reason. No, it would be cowardly.

                Or would it? With what they had faced, she didn’t know. The stones beneath her feet wouldn’t answer, as neither would the twisting corridors give voice to wisdom.

                ‘Please, Lord, where do we go from here?’


                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 141

                  @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy13 @koshka


                  No! She’d made a mistake! Their heartbeats which has slowed slightly at her words raced even harder than before when she’d used their names. She’d made a mistake any maybe screwed it all up.

                  “Wait!” She scrambled over the boxes after them, hurrying to stay close to them as they mounted the stairs. Thank goodness there were no guards at the top, like she heard elsewhere in the castle!

                  “Please, I’m sorry! I didn’t meant to scare you! I can explain how I know your names! I heard someone use them, and thought they were yours. I can hear very far, without trying.” She paused, letting her radar map the steps, the figures on them in the cool darkness, and the clothes they wore.

                  Her clothes would scare them; theirs were medieval styled, unlike her advanced modernistic suit. She’d have to fix it, or how they gave her a chance to explain.

                  Please let them give me a chance; I just want to know I can help people and not always scare them, she prayed.

                  "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 5990

                    @emilysf Yours is from a fanfic too? Awesome! Maybe she can meet my charries later…..

                    "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 141


                      She is. Milla is from a Daredevil fanfic I wrote after reading all the Daredevil comics and the MC2 comics. I love comic Daredevil, but I really wish he’d settle down and start a family, because that’s be cool and he needs it to keep him from all the things he’s doing nowadays.

                      So, Mills’s fanfic is my solution: he has settled down and started a family but still gets around doing Daredevil stuff, and has a very loving understanding wife and supportive kids who share his gifts. 🙂

                      "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5990

                        @emilysf Really cool! Yeah, Feather’s story is a little like that. I created her and her sisters without knowing what to do with them, then realized they fit perfectly into the Star Wars universe right about the time of The Bad Batch (if you’ve seen that show). She’s the main antagonist’s sorta girlfriend (at least before he turned evil anyway). I think she has a major role in turning him good again, because I totally head-canon him doing that…..and it’d devastate her if he didn’t, soooooo……..

                        Rinzler, my brother created. I don’t know quite as much as to why. He’s just cool.

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                        Elishavet Elroi
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1338

                          @emilysf @godlyfantasy12 @koshka


                          They gained the out leading corridor, passing side halls with rapid succession. Soon there would be a narrow window and they’d have some light.

                          How he hungered for that light!

                          Their pursuer was still there, but much less frightening. He nearly scolded himself for bolting in the first place. Nearly.

                          As soon as they had a little light, they would stop and wait for her. Not only would they be able to see who this person was, but it was foolish to fight in the dark.

                          He fingered the sword girt on his thigh and wished he could make himself draw it. It could be good protection, if he could use it. With his limited knowledge though, he’d be likely to hurt someone. Although, that did seem to be the purpose of a blade.

                          The sight of a torch yanked him from his thoughts. Alyona released his wrist to withdraw the wooden flame from it’s sconce. They stood then, facing the way they’d come with a measure of confidence.

                          “Peace!” Viktor called out, keeping his voice as steady as he could after the hard run. “Come into the light where we can meet like civilized folk.”

                          Hopefully that was the right thing to say.


                          Her torch’s light danced down the passage, illuminating doors she hadn’t realized existed.

                          She lifted it higher.

                          Swift steps could be faintly heard approaching. Soon they’d meet the person who said she wanted to help. Alyona didn’t like that. How would the woman know they needed help? How had she even known they were in the cellar?

                          She must have seen them flee the kitchens, but even that didn’t make sense. Alyona chewed her lip in consternation.

                          It was too late to turn back, as the sight of someone walking toward them out of the shadows declared.

                          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2066

                            @emilysf @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon

                            Hi!! I’m back, but warning now, I may have to disappear again in the somewhat near future.

                            Zlatan and Vulkasin

                            The corridor was dark, the small oil lamp bright in his hand. Shadows swayed to it’s flickering flame.

                            Which way led to the brother and sister?

                            “Nyx,” Zlatan turned to the little fox. He hoped it wouldn’t take some sort of offense. “Can you smell which way they’ve gone?”

                            It glared at him a moment longer, than stuck it’s nose in the air. Lyn laughed and started down the left passage, Nyx again of her shoulder.

                            A few more steps and voices and footsteps drifted back to them. At least this is the right way. I hope.


                            This passage was shorter than the other, and Vulkasin had to duck to avoid several arches which none of the others noticed.

                            He grinned. There were certainly advantages to being tall. You found out far more about the hight of whatever masons had built a place.

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                            Fork the Gork

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 141

                              @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 @koshka


                              The boy and girl rushed for the warm firelight, stopping once they had reached it. The boy drew his sword, clumsily but bravely. The girl lifted a torch from its place and held it up, casting a circle or warm light around the two of them. Milla hesitated in the darkness as the boy called:

                              “Peace! Come into the light where we can meet like civilized folk.” His voice shook as he caught his breath from running.

                              If they see me, my clothes… Milla mentally scanned herself. She quickly snatched the cloth from her head over her eyes, unwound it and wrapped it around her waist like a skirt, hiding her sais beneath it. Then, she steadied herself and cautiously slid into the warm circle of torchlight. She kept her eyes pointed towards their feet, her arms hanging by her side, her shoulders slumped slightly, and her expression soft. Thank goodness for perfect muscle control, she thought as she waited for their reactions.

                              Both drew breaths, and Milla bit her lip, letting her body slump further beneath her natural 5’ 3”.

                              "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6727

                                @emilysf hey just so I’m not totally confused….is Milla blind and her abilities allow her to like mentally “see” things due to her incredible hearing or no? (Never seen daredevil and don’t know much about him but my bros and dad does!)

                                also could u give a short rundown about her (I have a notes I keep track of RP charries in and who they belong to. I need to update it lol 😊)

                                like her age, quick appearance again and such, doesn’t have to be long just short to fit in my notes.



                                here’s ma RP!



                                (ALSO DISCLAIMER: So….I’m not entirely sure, but I might be changing Nyx’s (the fox’s) age slightly in my series, so he might be just a little bit younger then 10. Not by too too much, but yea. So just imagine him as a little kid fox/voice 🤣


                                The Gang

                                ”The nerve of that guy…asking me if I could smell them. Like I couldn’t…of course I could track them! In my sleep.”

                                Lyn chuckled. “Good, which way then?”

                                “Left.” The fox replied, bored.

                                Lyn careened to the left, forcing the group behind her to shuffle, trying to follow her quick pace.

                                ”Jocelyn, slow down!” November gasped as Lyn bolted over a piece of debris. November nearly tripped over the same piece but Vulkasin, who was ducking from the overhead beams, quickly grabbed his shirt collar and balanced him.

                                ”C’mon! I hear voices! They gotta be this way!” Lyn grinned, her voice echoing. Zlatan winced, but she didn’t seem to notice.

                                “Shh, Lyn…not so loud.” Ara grimaced, sharing Zlatan’s concern.

                                “Right.” Nyx called out another command, which Zlatan and Vulkasin couldn’t hear, forcing Ara to grab their hands as Lyn left them in the dust.

                                ”Lyn!” Ara called. “Jocelyn! Nyx!”

                                Lyn halted, spinning around to face the group, her face beaming, though covered with a bit of dirt from the tunnels. “Yea?”

                                ”P-Please-“ November breathed, placing his hands on his knees, “Slow…down…”

                                ”But we’re sooooo close!”

                                Zlatan let out a breath. He and Vulkasin were standing tall, but Ara, who was also sweating in the hot, dark corridors, noticed even they seemed a bit worn out from Lyn’s exuberant “jog.”

                                “Zat May be so,” Zlatan began, “But perhaps ve should just…walk for a while?”

                                Lyn rocked on the heels of her feet, still smiling. She nodded, still smiling sweetly.

                                Ara sighed. She had to keep reminding herself that, despite their same age, Lyn had grown in a…very different environment then she.

                                Completely sheltered in a….


                                A house of horrors….

                                Until it all came crashing down.

                                Nyx sniffed the air. His ears twitched and his eyes narrowed. He leaned down, close to Lyn’s shoulder and cheek.

                                “Nyx…” Ara started, “What is it?”

                                Someone else…someone else is down there.” He looked down the dark tunnels. “Someone besides Viktor and Alyona.”



                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 141

                                  @godlyfantasy12 yeah, so, basically, she has a built in radar, as well as super-hearing, super-smell, super-taste, and super-sensitive touch (super senses, really). In her universe, she can hear the entirety of Earth without even trying. She sees things in a sort of negative photo way, but without any colors. And, even if her radar is neutralized, her hearing allows her to still navigate almost exactly as well as before.

                                  She’s over 18, probably around 19 or 20, with curly red hair, blue eyes, and about 5’3″. She wears a suit similar to this, except the red cloth would be wrapped over her eyes and head, instead of her mouth and chin; similar to how Elektra Natchios usually wears one in her all red costume. 🙂 I hope that helps. Also, personality wise, she’s pretty nervous, but that doesn’t stop her when she needs to react in a high pressure situation or when making high speed decisions. She’s a trained ninja (not by choice) and uses sais to fight, like Elektra, but usually deploys them like Daredevil uses his billyclubs.



                                  “Good, which way then?”

                                  “Jocelyn, slow down!”

                                  “C’mon! I hear voices! They gotta be this way!” 

                                  “Shh, Lyn…not so loud.”

                                  “Lyn! Jocelyn! Nyx!”



                                  “But we’re sooooo close!”

                                  “Zat May be so, but perhaps ve should just…walk for a while?”

                                  “Nyx… what is it?”

                                  Milla tensed, then relaxed completely. The bigger group had neared her location quickly. If they met her–a stranger, with strange clothes and all–they would no doubt react very quickly and dangerously, for her. Two of them wore swords, after all.

                                  She waited for Alyona and Viktor to act, her body completely relaxed, still in the same slumped position as before.

                                  Act harmless. If they reach you before you are friends with these two, then make a run for it, back through the cellar. You can outrun them, and they won’t be able to hear you as you go. Don’t let them catch you; don’t let them see you. And don’t hurt anyone. Play it safe.

                                  She drew a slow breath, slowing her racing heartbeat as the group continued approaching her location.

                                  "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

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