Character Castle!

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  • #129258
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3653


      It’s all good!!

      I still need to too! 🙂

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3052


        Your fine! I haven’t been much either, we just assume my characters are quietly walking in the background at all times if I can’t rp then XD


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1657


          It’s totally fine girl!! No pressure! Everyone’s still adjusting to the new year, new schedule, and school. Take as long as you need :).


          Gwyndalf the Wise
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 404

            @esther-c @loopylin @princesachronicle22


            I’m so mad at the post-eating monster right now. It took me way too long to finish those and now they’re gone. AGH )=[

            "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
            (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2693


              noo I’m sorry, that’s the worst. I always try to type my really long posts into google docs or notes first so that the post eating monster can’t get them. Then I just copy and paste when I’m done.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 807


                Oh I’m so sorry!!! It is so annoying, I was just writing an RP for my character Serin and it got deleted because my computer shut off

                What I’ve started doing is having a doc that I save it to every time I’m not done but have to finish it later

                Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                And guess what? His is eternal (:

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 807


                  Totally get you!!!!! Your fine!!! I haven’t RPed to much either recently but I’mma try Serin soon

                  Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                  And guess what? His is eternal (:

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3653

                    @godlyfantasy12 @princesachronicle22

                    I’ll try to RP later today!

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3653


                      (that’s what he looks like right?)

                      Yes, he does. 🙂 Typical villain look. XD


                      Your characters sound awesome!!! I can’t wait for some of my not so developed charries to hang out with them! About how old are each of your charries? That will help me decide which of mine are the best to throw in. I have a lot to choose from. XD

                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 807

                        @loopylin @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h


                        Serin watched Corvina out of the corner of her eye, listening to the newcomer as he answered her question. “Well, my name according to my species’ naming system is Jer’alle’nuruodo, but you may call me Allen.”

                        Serin nodded, ignoring Dante as he goaded the Hole woman. While she still wasn’t entirely sure that was what she was, it seemed the most plausible for the way the shadows seemed to cling to her. But Serin did know that whatever it was made her uneasy. But as Corvina snapped something back at the one eyed boy, she was struck with a sense of… familiarity. The woman reminded Serin of herself.

                        Maybe that was why she didn’t like her.

                        Serin tried to push off the semi depressing thought and focused again on Jer’alle’nuruodo. Or Allen if he prefered the less formal sounding name. “So who are you affiliated with? Empire? Rebellion? Are you just mercenaries?” he asked them. Serin quirked a brow. What was he talking about?

                        Ellie shot him a glance. Passing the dwindling torch to Dante. “Empire? Look… I don’t think we’re from the same world.”

                        Wait… What? Serin’s head snapped to stare at the back of the tailed girl’s head. What did she mean not from the same world? She didn’t recgonize most of their species but… different planets? Serin shook her head, firmly disregarding. Ellie probably meant the words as a figure of speech.

                        “You aren’t?” Allen continued. He lowered the strange weapon. “Well then, you’re neither enemy nor ally of mine….yet. What are your names?”

                        Dante swung his attention over to the newcomer, answering breezily. “I’m Dante, the short one is Ellie, this one here’s Serin, that’s Layson and his kid, and the grumpy rain cloud trying to leave is Corvina.”

                        Serin’s gaze found the girl in question, who was glaring spears at Dante. It did seem that her shadows had been condensing again in an effort to flee. Serin looked her up and down, accepting the title ‘Grumpy Raincloud’ as fitting enough.

                        “I see.” Allen said. His tone was distracted and she looked to see that he was staring at her. She lifted a sculpted blue brow. She was used to attention, but his gaze seemed particularly interested in her ears.

                        She clenched her hand in an effort not to touch them self conciously. Generals didn’t worry about looking anything other than commandering. “What species are you?” he asked. “You resemble my kind, as well as several others…..but your ears….” He trailed off.

                        She raised her chin and said, “I am Pelgarkine.” Not waiting for any response she walked to the center of the group, raising a hand. She looked at them all, her eyes last glaring at Dante. “Now, can anyone tell me where to find a good weapon in this light forsaken building?”


                        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                        And guess what? His is eternal (:

                        Gwyndalf the Wise
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 404

                          @princesachronicle22 @loopylin
                          Yeah, I’m gonna do that next time.


                          HMMMMM XD I just realized that I haven’t thought about particular ages for some of them yet…

                          Teilo: 16

                          Evander: 18

                          Ingrid: 16 (she’s older, barely)

                          Derek: Uhhh, I don’t know. XD He could be around 19 in human years but he can also be very immature sometimes so I don’t know… XD I can’t believe I’ve never thought about his age before.

                          Luca: He’s probably around 7 – 8 ish.

                          "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
                          (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 807


                            XD yeah that happens to me sometimes, it’s also hard with non- humans when they have different life spans. My charrie Serin has lived like 50 years but in human years she’s more like 20 and it confuses people sometimes XD

                            Anyway I’m excited to get to know these characters of yours! They sound interesting

                            Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                            And guess what? His is eternal (:

                            Gwyndalf the Wise
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 404



                              Usually I’m pretty good with coming up with a general age, I guess Derek’s just ageless…XD

                              Yay! I’m glad they sound interesting XD Sometimes I worry my terrible explanations will turn people off.

                              "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
                              (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 807


                                Same XD I totally get that

                                Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                                And guess what? His is eternal (:

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3653



                                  I’ll throw in Destry, Fynn, and Skyler (Ami’s siblings).

                                  I’ll post pictures of them in a sec.

                                  (I’m copying these from my planning doc XD)


                                  Destry — 21

                                  Destry is the eldest of the Nadir children. He watches out for all of his siblings and protects them like his father does. He strives to always please his father and make him proud. Girls can’t resist his good looks and he sometimes loathes it. His family makes fun of him for never getting a girlfriend, but he doesn’t mind. He wants to wait for the right one. He’s an extrovert and gains energy from being around people even if he doesn’t know them.

                                  Fynn — 14

                                  Fynn is more of a middle child than Amidala ever was. He enjoys every sport he’s ever played but he prefers their country’s required parkour class over it all. Maybe because lots of girls are in his class. He’s a natural flirt, unlike his brother, and sometimes envies Destry. He never misses an opportunity to annoy his siblings. He’s also a pickpocket and only steals what he can return. His mother gets on him all the time for stealing his siblings’ things, but he has never stolen the same thing from them more than once. He’s cocky and regularly gets an adrenaline rush. His family has learned patience since living with him.

                                  Skyler — 11

                                  Skyler is the youngest of the Nadirs and owns it. Even though she’s the baby of the family, she holds her own. She’s confident and always has a comeback. Her brothers still have yet to beat her in an argument. She has a quick temper that she struggles to control. Her family almost wonders why she wasn’t born ginger. Despite being a fiery young girl, she still loves her family and her temper matches her intense loyalty.

                                  (Just noticed that in my book I describe Skyler having red hair… oops. She actually has blond hair with a tint of red. XD)

                                  I’m throwing these charries in for an obvious reason… MORE DEVELOPMENT!!! I really need to mention them more in my book. I love them, but their personalities aren’t shown enough in their story. 😅

                                  But what else is the Character Castle for than for character development?

                                  Wasting time writing an RP instead of actually writing one’s WIP.




                                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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