Character Castle!

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  • #110955
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6691

      @koshka u wanna go next?


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1975

        @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon

        Here goes!


        He flinched at the force of the slap on his shoulder, then sighed. His brother was being his typical friendly self, reminding Zlatan that these were possible allies.

        The lad looked to each of the group as they were introduced, then back at the brothers, dark eyes searching.

        So this is who Alyona was saving back food for. Zlatan hoped there was enough. He had left about a serving in the pot, which was probably cold by now.

        The food. This ‘servant girl’ would most likely have to pay for what she took, and their meal had taken most of that. He probed the leather pouch on his belt untill his fingers drew out a smooth silver coin. It bore the insignia of his country; on one side a wolf face, the other a full moon.

        It was probably worth little more than it’s weight here. Wherever ‘here’ was.

        Zlatan looked back up, to see Alyona with her bowl, looking down into the cooking pot, surprise on her face. She handed Viktor the stew bowl and a good size piece of bread, a forgotten ladle still in her hand. He settled by the fire, but Zlatan noticed he kept watch.

        Alyona was taking away the empty dishes, eyes downcast but bright. Zlatan stepped up to the table across from her. His voice was gentle as she still looked ready to startle

        “M’lady,” he laid the coin down on the table. “here’s payment for our meal.”

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
        Fork the Gork

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6691

          @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


          The coin thumped against the table. Ara stared at it, examining the insignia on the side she could see.

          She sucked in a breath, thankful for Zlatan’s quick thinking and the fact that had such a thing on hand.

          She…she had nothing to offer Alyona, and now…seeing the girl give A portion of food that must have been hidden away to her brother, Ara felt terribly guilty for eating what she had.

          November seemed just as ashamed, though Ara wished he wouldn’t feel that way. He’d been hungry, as had Nyx.

          ”Yes, Alyona…” Ara’s voice drifted through the room, which had been silenced by the presence of the coin. “Thank you.”

          The girl’s eyes seemed to brighten a bit, thought the coin’s insignia gave her pause. She seemed exceedingly troubled as she studied it, apparently not recognizing the currency.

          But, of course, that was to be expected. After all, Zlatan was not from here.

          Did Alyona still not understand this?

          Ara’s lips pulled taut as she slowly began to realize the girl’s dilemma.

          ”Alyona…” She started, but was cut off.

          “Anyone else hear that?”

          “Hear what?” Lyn asked. Viktor and Alyona turned, confused at the bright girl’s random question.

          ”Ve’ll explain later,” Vulkasin said in response as Lyn continued her conversation with Nyx.


          ”I don’t know what that is!”

          “Someone else is outside…” The little fox’s hackles began to raise and he hopped from Lyn’s shoulder onto the stony floor. He hissed quietly and Ara and her friends turned to the door.

          Zlatan must’ve sensed something was wrong because he whispered, “Vat is it?”

          ”Nyx says someone’s outside.” November frowned.

          “Guards?” Ara asked the little fox. His nose twitched and he shrugged.

          “I dunno. They’re loud. Probably.”

          ”Yup. Probably guards.” Lyn said, the smile fading from her face. She scooped up the fox, to his chagrin, and backed up.



          Elishavet Elroi
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1289

            @godlyfantasy12 @koshka


            There was still nearly a serving left in the pot. Alyona had taken her bowl to the pot to pretend to fill it, but to her shock, she found there was still stew.


            Before too much suspicion could be raised, she scooped up a bit and topped off the bowl. Then she cut a goodly piece of bread and handed the meal to Viktor’s grateful hands.

            “Thank you, Alya.” He whispered. “It’s wonderful.”

            She smirked at him. “You haven’t even tried it yet.”

            “Oh, I’ll fix that.” He grinned back and found the low stool.

            Alyona began sorting together the soiled dishes. She’d need to heat water and that would take another half hour. How long before they could make their escape?

            Not too long.

            Unless they were kept by these curious stangers.

            Zlatan walked to face her across the table, a kindly look in his golden eyes.

            “M’lady,” He clicked a silver coin down on the wood before her. “here’s payment for our meal.”

            Payment? Her face burned for a second as she considered that she had practically stolen the food.

            No. They would not steal. They’d pay for it, and this would help.

            ”Yes, Alyona…” Alya looked up at the sound of Arabella’s voice. The girl was watching Alya with something like regret in her face. “Thank you.”

            It was good to be thanked. Alyona felt her heart warm and breath grow even.

            Then a more careful study of the coin proved it to be beyond foreign. It was completely unknown to her. A full moon domed the one side, while a crude wolf’s head dominated the other. No number or motto.

            But is was silver, and that would be something, as long as the alien markings didn’t cast danger on their escape.

            ”Alyona…” Arabella began to speak again, but cut short. Alya turned to back her to find the girl staring at Nyx. The fox’s ears were twitching wildly.

            “Hear what?” Lyn suddenly asked. Who was she talking to, had Alya missed something? A glance to Viktor showed that he didn’t know either.

            Vulkasin shrugged. ”Ve’ll explain later,”


            ”I don’t know what that is!” Jocelyn continued to talk to… Was it the fox? She did appear to be facing him.

            Nyx looked rather disturbed. He barked his teeth and kept to the floor. He was looking at the door.


            “Vat is it?” Zlatan’s voice was worried. They whole group was showing signs of the same.

            ”Nyx says someone’s outside.” November answered the Voyager.

            ‘Wait, Nyx says?’ the fox did seem to be trying to say something.

            “Guards?” Ara spoke to him, the word coming out a bit tight.

            ‘Not guards. Please don’t let it be them.’

            ”Yup. Probably guards.” Lyn said, her face becoming serious. She scooped up Nyx and began to back away from the door.

            A clatter to his right made him remember his sister and their special predicament.

            Viktor flew into action. He stuffed his bread into his bowl and reached for Alyona.

            “Come with me!” Dragging her in tow, he fled through the narrow doorway leading further into the building.

            Their hurried steps slapped the carven stone with a dull thud. Down the passage they went, Alyona coming to run along side him.

            “Where will they not look for us?”

            Good question. He didn’t have an answer at the moment.

            “Why would they be looking for us?”

            “I don’t know. Maybe they spotted you and were wondering what a boy like you was doing in the castle.”

            “There are lots of boys like me here.”

            “Like you? I hope not.” She snorted. ‘The world can only bear so many.”

            He rolled his eyes.

            “Let’s hide in here.”

            “The wine cellar?”

            “Aren’t there two ways out of it?”

            His point carried. They darted into the darkened doorway. Feeling their way though the casks, they found a place to hide near the back.

            Viktor settled down in front of his sister, between her and the open space down the middle of the casks.

            His stew had survived and he resumed eating it.

            Alyona’s hand suddenly gripped his arm. Her whisper a silent hiss. “Footsteps!”

            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6691

              @koshka u can go next if u like, And I did open it up if u want to encounter guards but that’s up to u


                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 141



                I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

                Her thoughts ran on repeat with the memory. The memories. She wanted to slip back to the innocence of Snow, the purity and simplicity of that side, but the guilt and memories dragged her back and pinned her just like Malcolm’s two assistants always did.

                She couldn’t escape, no matter how hard she fought. No matter how loud she screamed. No matter how much she begged. No matter how fiercely she clawed them.

                Malcolm kept her weak; his men kept her trapped.

                They only released her after she stopped doing anything, except breathing. Only when she was completely submissive did they release her. Only when she released herself to their control did they stop pinning her. And then Malcolm made her do what he wished.

                What he wished…

                I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.


                “Stop saying that!” His voice was just a whisper, but it cut through the cloud of tears.

                “But it is my fault!”

                “No!! It is never your fault! He made you do it. He made you. And he stopped us from protecting ourselves. He wants you to break like this. He wants you to blame yourself, to let him take control, to stop fighting him.” She daren’t look at him; she couldn’t stand the sight of his pale face or blood soaked chest. A sob caught in her throat; they would have scars across their bodies because of her.

                “I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” She rocked back and forth, sucking on her knuckles trying to hold in the sobs.

                “I’m sorry, too.” His fingers brushed against her foot, grasping for her hand. He was too weak, but he was trying anyway. He always tried, and she loved him for it. She loved him. Of the two, who both loved her, she loved him because he always tried to comfort her in the little ways, the ways that he could. He didn’t tell her to keep fighting, he just held her hand through the pain and held her when she was through. “It is okay. You can cry.”


                She whimpered.

                No, she cried. She was human again. She was Zoe. Trapped in her weaker form, away from the freedom of Snow, but that was how he preferred her.

                “I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” She murmured as she pushed herself off the cold stones, her eyes still unable to focus. Her head swam for a moment, but then her vision cleared and she looked at Corvina. The girl sat nearby, watching silently. Zoe smiled weakly.

                “Thank you for staying,” she whispered, bowing her head as she knelt. “I will serve you, most faithfully.”

                • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by EmilySF.

                "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 141

                  I give up. I’ve tried posting so many times today, and I just give up. I have lost, like, five, and I don’t know why and I just give up.

                  "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1289


                    I’m subscribed to this topic, so I did get your post. I’ve copy and pasted it here. @godlyfantasy12 may have it too, since she was tagged.




                    I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

                    Her thoughts ran on repeat with the memory. The memories. She wanted to slip back to the innocence of Snow, the purity and simplicity of that side, but the guilt and memories dragged her back and pinned her just like Malcolm’s two assistants always did.

                    She couldn’t escape, no matter how hard she fought. No matter how loud she screamed. No matter how much she begged. No matter how fiercely she clawed them.

                    Malcolm kept her weak; his men kept her trapped.

                    They only released her after she stopped doing anything, except breathing. Only when she was completely submissive did they release her. Only when she released herself to their control did they stop pinning her. And then Malcolm made her do what he wished.

                    What he wished…

                    I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.


                    “Stop saying that!” His voice was just a whisper, but it cut through the cloud of tears.

                    “But it is my fault!”

                    “No!! It is never your fault! He made you do it. He made you. And he stopped us from protecting ourselves. He wants you to break like this. He wants you to blame yourself, to let him take control, to stop fighting him.” She daren’t look at him; she couldn’t stand the sight of his pale face or blood soaked chest. A sob caught in her throat; they would have scars across their bodies because of her.

                    “I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” She rocked back and forth, sucking on her knuckles trying to hold in the sobs.

                    “I’m sorry, too.” His fingers brushed against her foot, grasping for her hand. He was too weak, but he was trying anyway. He always tried, and she loved him for it. She loved him. Of the two, who both loved her, she loved him because he always tried to comfort her in the little ways, the ways that he could. He didn’t tell her to keep fighting, he just held her hand through the pain and held her when she was through. “It is okay. You can cry.”


                    She whimpered.

                    No, she cried. She was human again. She was Zoe. Trapped in her weaker form, away from the freedom of Snow, but that was how he preferred her.

                    “I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” She murmured as she pushed herself off the cold stones, her eyes still unable to focus. Her head swam for a moment, but then her vision cleared and she looked at Corvina. The girl sat nearby, watching silently. Zoe smiled weakly.

                    “Thank you for staying,” she whispered, bowing her head as she knelt. “I will serve you, most faithfully.”

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1289

                      Hey everyone, that was the 111,000th post on this forum!!! XD

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1975

                        @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon

                        I’m sorry this has been so late, but I’ve been preparing for a Bible Quiz Tournament tomorrow, which actually means I probably won’t be back on here much till after the weekend.



                        The footsteps had grown loud enough for Zlatan to hear. Not to many of them. If they came through the door as would be expected than there was no reason, he and his brother couldn’t-

                        A sharp clatter from Novembré’ brought Zlatan’s sword halfway out of its sheath. He turned in time to see Victor and Alyona dart through what appeared to be a side hall.

                        The others. He couldn’t forget them. They wouldn’t be safe here, especially after whatever had happened between Lyn and the lord of this castle.

                        Whoever was outside had stopped at the door. Zlatan snapped into silent motion.

                        Run.” He hissed to Novembré and planted himself beside the door. The lad didn’t wait for another word, but latched onto Arabella’s hand, face white. Next moment all three, or rather four counting the fox, were gone.

                        Vulkasin was grinning.


                        Perhaps this wasn’t the ‘ideal’ place for an encounter, but it wasn’t a bad position either. Not with this lovely narrow doorway.

                        “Vell zen,” Vulkasin glanced around once more, than bending low, his voice boomed through the latch hole. “isn’t zees vonderful?”

                        Someone outside took an audible tumble. His brother groaned.

                        The door rattled as the guards tried to enter. The brothers stood on either side of the door, shields ready. Zlatan knocked off the bar.

                        The first inside received a blow from the flat of Vulkasin’s blade, and the second joined him by a  similar offer. The third, and there appeared to be only three, saw Vulkasin’s sword but failed to see his brother’s shield.

                        “Now vat?” Vulkasin looked down at the crumpled figures on the floor, then to his brother.

                        “Vat else? Push zem out an close ze door.”

                        Vulkasin jabbed at himself, pretending to be shocked. “Me?”

                        Zlatan looked to the roof. “Of course you. I need to find ze ot’ers.” He turned to go.

                        “But me, all alone?” Vulkasin fought back a grin.

                        His brother’s voice carried back into the room.”Yah.”

                        Vulkasin smirked, then quickly shoveled the three out, pulled the door to, and dropped the bar.

                        Hopefully they would be well away from here by the time the guards woke up. Bit if they weren’t, well then, perhaps there was more fun in store.

                        Vulkasin slipped after Zlatan, his soft leather clad feet silent in the shadowed hall.

                        He grinned.

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                        Fork the Gork

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6691

                          @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @emilysf I’ll try to RP replies tomorrow! I’m on vacay but I’ll be sitting in the car for a while some tomorrow so 😊


                          Jean Coul
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 167

                            @denali-christianson @godly-fantasy12 @koshka @emilysf @elishavet-pidyon

                            Wow, I’m late to this! XD

                            But I was just wondering, from the rules stated at the beginning of the forum, if there are already ten characters in the castle and if there is not, could I add one??

                            I totally understand if not! Just curious! 🙂

                            Proverbs 16:2

                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1289


                              You’re welcome to hop on! I think there’s just eight.







                              Keliah H

                              SomeoneElse(I can’t remember right now)

                              There may be some other person(people) but I think that’s it.

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              Jean Coul
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 167


                                Alright, thanks! I’m going to be completely honest that I haven’t been following the story the entire time (I mean, it is over 400 pages…) so I’m not sure if  I’ll be doing this right or not, but please let me know so I can fix anything! I’m not really sure how to do this, but I guess I’ll try… 🙂

                                My character’s name is Everett. He is 19 years old and holds knowledge above most things in life. He doesn’t trust people easily and can toy with your mind if you’re not careful. Also, he’s very observant and uses that to his advantage when trying to gain information about someone or something. He has a not-so-secret-secret-passion for inventing new things and strives to know as much as he can about the world and how it works. But he’s not always the friendliest and is kind of hard to get along with sometimes… Oh, and he wears an eye patch! He could definitely use some development! XD



                                His eyes snapped open, and the first thing Everett felt was the cold water sloshing in his boots. With it, the memories came flooding back. He lifted his head off the piece off driftwood he laid upon, taking note of the pounding headache between his eyes.

                                But his surroundings had changed.

                                No longer was he in the middle of the ocean with only an apple to keep him from starvation.

                                Now, Everett looked up at the stone wall against the land, which formed a cove he had drifted into. However, it was much more than just a stone wall. An entire castle sat before him, in the last of the evening light. It didn’t look very inviting, and it seemed abandoned.

                                Although, if he relaxed his breath, he could’ve sworn he heard some voices.

                                Could just be the wind.

                                He pulled his jacket off as he climbed to shore, wriggling the water out. Then proceeded to dump the water out of his boots and lift his eye patch to dry it too.

                                As he did, he scanned the rest of the island.  It was small, not much more land around the castle, and it just so happened that there were no other buildings around.

                                Just a castle. A crumbling, mysterious castle.

                                He tried to swallow, but found his throat rather parched. His stomach growled angrily. Everett pressed his dry lips together.

                                He could enter the castle and try to find some food or…

                                The sea waved at him, tauntingly.

                                Everett sighed. What did he have to lose?

                                The gated entrance was locked, though. He crept around to find another way in. Most of the windows were boarded up- except one near the second floor. So he swung his satchel around and began climbing.

                                When he reached the window, he perched there for a second, catching his breath.

                                Then a noise sounded from down the hall. Voices.

                                He had been right.

                                He tugged on his eye patch and braced himself.

                                Proverbs 16:2

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5702

                                  @hallie-jean Maybe my characters could meet yours!


                                  Feather and Rinzler

                                  “Did you hear that?” Rinzler had both discs out, wary.

                                  “It’s probably nothing,” Feather reassured him. They were out of the dungeons, wandering through the hallway again. Hesh and Kent were engaged in conversation behind them.

                                  Suddenly, another character dropped through the window nearby. Feather nearly screamed, and Rinzler whipped his head around and faced the character. He was probably more or less Rinzler’s age, and had an eyepatch over one eye.

                                  “Who are you?” Rinzler barked.

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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