Character Castle!

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  • #127697
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2002

      @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12

      Vulkasin looked about to go off in a earcĆŗ and battlerage.

      About to go off in a war-cry, not a earcĆŗ. This is what happens when I have a Gealic alphabet in my keyboard.

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
      Fork the Gork

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 807

        @mineralizedwritings well if you insist XD. I think I’ll rp tomorrow, though


        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
        And guess what? His is eternal (:

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3059


          Lol! I didn’t mean for it to come off like that šŸ¤£

          Just wasn’t sure if you knew it was your turn XD whenever works for you!


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6699

            @koshka WHOO MAN!! Zlatanā€¦.those wordsā€¦.Koshka like how do I write so well?!?! Guuurl!! Also ur good friend!! We may go on and RP knowing that if thatā€™s ok šŸ˜Š @freedomwriter76




            Novemberā€™s mind latched to the words, twisting them. Recoiling them, wrapping them tightly around his brain until he found his actual fists were clenched so tight his nails had bit into his palms.

            Just like the Faeā€¦The Dryadsā€¦Kainda and her broodā€¦

            How many more? So manyā€¦whoā€¦who did nothing but-but looked down and-andā€¦



            ā€œMaybe theyā€™re rightā€¦ā€

            November looked up.Ā Whoā€¦?


            ā€œIf everyone says itā€™s true, then maybe it is.ā€

            November frowned, looking behind him as Zlatan exchanged words with Hans.

            Who was talking?

            The voice was so close. Soā€¦clear. Like it came straight from his ownā€¦

            November touched his temple. He shook his head.Ā Noā€¦couldnā€™t beā€¦

            Could it?


            Sureā€¦heā€¦he talked to himself sometimes. Butā€¦never like that! Never soā€¦clearly. And darkly.

            He rubbed his arms, a sudden chill running down his neck. He stared at the ground, lost in his own thoughts, no longer concerned with whatever Hans and the twins were discussing.


            The voice whispered again, louder this time. It sounded likeā€¦likeĀ him.Ā Only, not, at the same time. Whoever this person speaking was had Novemberā€™s voice, but not his tone. Or his timidness.

            No, this voice was strong. A bit gravely, but confident. Nothing like how November actually soundedā€¦but, similar enough for him to recognize.

            ā€œMaybe youā€™re just bothered because thatā€™s what you are, hm? Lower then everyone else? Subpar? Average? Wellā€¦actually, some would say, below average.ā€

            November couldnā€™t help the grimace on his face at the harsh words. They stungā€¦

            Butā€¦they reigned trueā€¦

            He did feel that wayā€¦.

            ā€œThatā€™s what dear old dad said, isnā€™t it? Said you wouldnā€™t amount to much.ā€

            He didnā€™t-

            ā€œMaybe not out loud, but he thought it. You know he did.ā€

            November shook his head lightly, not wishing to draw attention to himself. After all, if someone asked what he was doing, he couldnā€™t very well say he wasĀ talking to himselfā€¦


            Father was a liar. About everything.

            ā€œMaybe so.ā€Ā He could almost see a silhouette of his own self shrugging. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to clear them. ā€œBut we both know the things he said aboutĀ you? They were the truth.ā€

            November bit his bottom lip, forcing his fists even tighter then they already were, if that were humanly possible. He kept them at his sides, though it took everything in him not to start furiously tugging at his scalp.


            He knew what the voice said was rightā€¦

            Heā€™d always known it.

            His father was a liar. Maybe even a habitual one, he wasnā€™t sure. And now, he knew that more so then ever.

            But all the things heā€™d said about him? Everything heā€™d said, about November not measuring up?

            Wellā€¦those were just facts.


            Anyone with half a brain could see that.


            Sure, people tried to tell him otherwise, but they were just being kindā€¦

            Novemberā€¦heā€¦he knew the truth.

            He was a failure. A nobody.


            ā€œExactly. Glad weā€™re on the same page.ā€Ā 

            November couldnā€™t help the lump of emotion forming in his throat, nor the glassiness in his eyes. He pushed it all down, squelching his tears before they had a chance to reach the surface.

            He shook his head again.

            I-It doesnā€™t mean others have to be insultedā€¦.

            The voice was silent for a moment. And then, it laughed.

            A long laugh. One that, wasnā€™t like his laugh at all. It was loud, and boastful.

            Filled with venom and pride.

            He shuddered.

            ā€œThat bleeding heartā€™s gonna get you in trouble.ā€Ā The silhouette shrugged again. ā€œBut whatever. Protect your friends. I guess they are actually worthy of it. Unlike someā€¦ā€Ā he directed the comment at November, making the ginger flinch.

            Just like all the underhanded comments heā€™d endured as a boyā€¦

            Butā€¦it wasnā€™t like he wasĀ wrong.

            Andā€¦this voiceā€¦

            As it left, leaving November to silence once again, he realized that, it had indeed beenĀ himself.

            At leastā€¦some part of himselfā€¦


            If anyone knew his worthā€¦

            It was him, right?











            soā€¦.thisā€¦.wowā€¦.obviously in the books November will have the first time hearing this voice but since I havenā€™t written thatā€¦this is his first time hearing the voice like this (itā€™s like the voice/person corvina sees, the shadow part of herself)



            This RP really showed Novemberā€™s misbelief for what it is yā€™all šŸ˜­ like this is essence of it.




              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6699

              And that RP went somewhere I did not expect it to go XD (I expected November to get upset and maybe just stand up a bit for the twins or something but NOPE THATĀ šŸ‘†šŸ» HAPPENED!)


                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 311


                I love unreliable narrators!!!!

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6699

                  @folith-feolin he and CorvinaĀ areĀ that arenā€™t they? I didnā€™t even realize that!!

                  and thanks!!


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2002



                    NOVEMBER! NOOOOOO!!!!

                    You shadows, stay out of this darlings mind. *Draws sword* You hear me?

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                    Fork the Gork

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6699

                      @koshka I knaaaaarrr!!!! But it has to happen Iā€™m afraid for the storyā€™s sakeā€¦.

                      *hugs my baby*


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2002


                        Zlatanā€¦.those wordsā€¦.Koshka like how do I write so well?!?! Guuurl!!

                        Um, I don’t know? It sort of flowed.

                        That’s part of this series theme, just not in the way most may take it. I’m not talking about ethnicity or stuff like that, although I suppose that is a point. I don’t really know how to explain it, but I hope my books point to the cross and say, “none of us are worthy, yet for God so loved that He gave, for all of us. Every last one.” And that, “No matter who we are, no matter what we’ve done, we are not the authors of our stories. We were created with love, and for a purpose, and our Maker writes our book.”

                        Anyway…I really need to write a list of all the themes I’m trying to write.

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                        Fork the Gork

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 807

                          @godlyfantasy12 @koshka

                          AHHHH, POOR NOVEMBER!!!!! That was some amazing writing girl!!! I love that type of stuff, but I hate it because poor November has to deal

                          [quote quote=127705]GAHHHH!!! NOVEMBER! NOOOOOO!!!! You shadows, stay out of this darlings mind. *Draws sword* You hear me?[/quote]

                          Yes, exactly!!


                          Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                          And guess what? His is eternal (:

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 807


                            Ha! No your totally fine! I’ll take all chances to write that I get šŸ˜‰ I’m having so much fun! And reading all the stories on here is so cool, everybody has so much talent!

                            Also, I’ve been trying to figure out how to quote people properly but it hasn’t worked yet XD. Any ideas how to fix that?

                            Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                            And guess what? His is eternal (:

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 807


                              [quote quote=127707]Thatā€™s part of this series theme, just not in the way most may take it. Iā€™m not talking about ethnicity or stuff like that, although I suppose that is a point. I donā€™t really know how to explain it, but I hope my books point to the cross and say, ā€œnone of us are worthy, yet for God so loved that He gave, for all of us. Every last one.ā€ And that, ā€œNo matter who we are, no matter what weā€™ve done, we are not the authors of our stories. We were created with love, and for a purpose, and our Maker writes our book.ā€[/quote]

                              Aww, I love that!

                              Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                              And guess what? His is eternal (:

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 807

                                @mineralizedwritings @loopylin

                                Welp I think I’ll finally rp now, here we go! šŸ˜€


                                “Who are you?” She watched them carefully as she voiced the firm question. The blond boy seemed nervous, as did the girl with the tail.

                                Suddenly the small girl by the boy let out a scream and he scooped her up. Serin tensed at the sound, then hesitantly lowered her weapon. While she wanted to appear threatening so the strangers knew not to challenge her, she also didn’t want to scare the little child.

                                “Uh.. I’m Layson.” He looked down at the girl in his arms, who had easily calmed in his grip. “And this is my daughter Maylee.” She barely caught his mouth as it moved, forming the last sentence. “What’s your name?”

                                She debated answering when another spoke up, her voice warbling slightly. “I’m Ellie. And that’s Dante.” The girl said, pointing to her one eyed companion. ā€œAre youā€¦ gonna come in out of that weather?ā€

                                Serin would like nothing more, but she hid her relief.

                                Emotion was weakness, as her father always said. And Pelgar needed someone who could rule without weakness.

                                She kept a close eye on both pairs, and hefted a leg onto the window ledge. Slowly, she climbed through the hole, careful not to cut herself on the jagged edges of glass. Water dripped endlessly from her hair onto the marbled floor, but Serin ignored it as she straightened to her full height.

                                “I am High General Serin Ki Untikal. First daughter of King Ourbrine, and heir to his throne. Princess of the Pelgarkine race.” It was with great responsibility that she said this, for the title carriedwith it the weight of a kingdom, of a people. Choices of who would live or who would have to die.

                                The Pelgar priests beleived that only He of the Depths should have such right. But they also believed that her family line had been chosen by Him to lead the people, so they never contradicted. Serin was never quite sure what to think about it. And that was a problem.

                                Focusing again on the present, Serin watched to see how they would respond.

                                Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                                And guess what? His is eternal (:

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3716



                                  ā€œIā€™m really hungry, too,ā€ I said, my stomach growling. I stopped at a window and looked out. I frowned. Raining. ā€œI guess we canā€™t go outside and look for food,ā€ I said.

                                  ā€œOr we could,ā€ Everton said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes.

                                  ā€œIā€™ll pass,ā€ I said. We continued down the hall, the only sound being our footsteps echoing. But soon another pair of footsteps joined us, coming our way. I stopped in my tracks. Took a few steps back. ā€œTyrone?ā€ I breathed.

                                  He placed himself in front of me and drew his knife from its sheath. The others stopped as well and worriedly looked around. Aloth came around the corner, not lookin happy. Ty protectively took a step forward. ā€œBack off,ā€ he said.

                                  Aloth smirked. ā€œNow why would I do that?ā€ He slowly came closer. ā€œNow listen. I think we can strike a deal. If you donā€™t hurt me, I wonā€™t hurt you. And additionally, Iā€™ll show you where you can find food.ā€

                                  I licked my lips. I knew Ty would never agree. Heā€™d already learned his lesson after dealing with Aloth. But maybe he was actually telling the truth. After all, we all were starving. Maybe it was worth trusting him. I gently placed a hand on Tyā€™s shoulder. He shook it off.

                                  I looked at the others for an answer. Everton eyed Aloth. He looked first at Amidala, then at me. He slowly nodded along with her. Grimm, Jocelyn, and Nyx seemed about as sure as Amidala and Everton about this.

                                  Nobody trusted Aloth. But sooner or later, weā€™d all get hungry and more desperate than we were now. Looking back a Aloth, but not making eye contact I said, ā€œWeā€™ll go.ā€



                                  Godly, your charries donā€™t have to go along if they donā€™t trust Aloth. Iā€™m not entirely sure what Iā€™m going to have Aloth do, so weā€™ll see where this goes! šŸ˜‰

                                  Write what should not be forgotten. ā€” Isabel Allende

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