Character Castle!

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  • #125281
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Lol yeah I haven’t seen the wind in awhile. I mean I disappeared Kaine and Everly by having them fall down a hole… so do what you need to do 😂

      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 446

        @godlyfantasy12 @esther-c @keilah-h @loopylin (everyone still with the dragon… or is the dragon)


        Milo stood frozen by the wall as half their group ran out. Several were still scattered around the room, Feather and Crosshair the only ones he knew. (A bunch of characters appeared and I don’t know where they came from xD) The dragon (is it a dragon? Dragons aren’t real) watched as the others ran then turned back toward who was left. Milo, and everyone else, stood silent and terrified. It then opened its enormous jaw and roared loudly, the sound echoing down the halls. Milo almost collapsed. He could see its huge, glistening teeth and- wait. Didn’t dragons breathe fire? Milo’s eyes widened further.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2334


          If you take Cammie and Elissa out, I think I’ll move Simon and Beth somewhere else like Godlyfantasy did.(Sorry @sarafini and @e-m-trepke) But I can also rp in that group now too , if you want.

          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 446


            Sure! I think I’ll just repost what I said last. @sarafini @e-m-trepke


            “Watch out!” a voice cried from behind her. Cammie wasn’t sure if he had been warning her or not, but she turned to be safe. As she turned to face the boy who had called out the warning, a wind-tentacle slammed into her, throwing her back onto the hard, stone floor. Cammie watched as the wind swayed back and hit Simon (sorry…)

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645




              Adorable?!” Nyx huffed, his breath hitching as the bandages rubbed against his wounds. He winced.

              He may have been hurt…but he still had his pride!

              Amidala looked at him with wide eyes. “Did I…say something wrong?”

              Lyn laughed.


              The nerve…Nyx shot her a halfhearted glare.

              “Ah…Nyx just…doesn’t care to be called adorable. Or cute. Or any terms like that…”

              “I’d also avoid the pet word, if I were you.” Grimm spoke, taking the lead of the group, which seemed to tick the other young man off, if his face was any evidence.

              Nyx let out a small hiss at the word.


              How…insulting! He was not a pet.

              Jocelyn gave him a gentle rub, making his nerves calm. “He can be a bit sensitive,” she teased. Nyx growled at her, though it wasn’t a real growl.

              He’d never really growl at her.

              Never would he threaten her.

              Not in his right mind anyway.


              Grimm spoke up, “Are you two looking for anyone?”


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @idk XD @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 idk if y’all wanna run into Pax and Luna or not, it’s up to y’all XD but im gonna have them hear the dragon.



                Paxton had thankfully calmed down, and now the two were quietly making their way down the seemingly endless corridors.

                Luna smiled, looking at the stonework above her, taking it all in. She glanced at Paxton, who was quiet, as usual, still clutching Hope close to his chest.

                She began to gently hum a song. One she remembered her mother singing to her, before…

                Before she was gone.

                Paxton looked up at her, eyes sparkling as her humming grew louder, filling the hall. A faint smile pulled at the boy’s lips.


                Luna smiled from ear to ear, “Really? I used to hum it back home…though I don’t know the words…I’ve always dreamed of someday, finding the song. Discovering the lyrics.”

                Paxton nodded, eyes returning forward. The two continued, with Luna humming her song, filling the silence.


                Suddenly, a rumbling beneath their feet caused them pause, and Luna felt as Paxton quickly gripped her wrist. She looked at him worriedly and he flushed, realizing what he’d done.

                The rumbling grew, followed by a sound. A deep, guttural noise. One that sounded unlike anything Luna had yet heard in the castle.

                It grew louder, rattling the hall and drumming in their ears, and it was then, that Luna recognized it.

                An almost otherworldly sound, like the piercing of stone against metal, but deeper. Rougher…More…enchanting, if that were even possible.

                It was a sound that carried power.


                Like a roar.

                But, as Luna listened, she knew what it really was.

                A laugh.


                Her heart leapt, eyes growing wide as memories flashed before her. Crumbling stone and white flame.

                Her mother…

                Her father…


                The dragons…



                Luna stood still, eyes glazed over in memory of things long past.

                She could feel the heat nearby. Could almost touch the scales…


                Luna gasped, realizing she was being shaken.

                Paxton gripped her arms, unshed tears in his eyes. “L-Luna, what-what…what’s h-happening?”

                Luna blinked, remembering she wasn’t alone. The rumbling and laughter continued, though it seemed to be slowly fading.


                But…wherever it was coming from…the creature was nearby…


                And Luna…wanted nothing to do with it…

                Luna quickly grabbed Paxton’s hand, squeezing it tight. “I’ll explain later,” she said, “Let’s go!”


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2974


                  You can join either!

                  Does Nyx walk on all fours?

                  If he does, be warned, Tauren will probobly say “Your pet is soo cute!”, much to Nyx’s fury. And then he will be horrified at his mistake lol.

                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2974


                    Oh! Nevermind. I see you meant Pax and Luna. Anything works!

                    "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @mineralizedwritings okie dokie! Since I already RPed I’ll let someone else go ahead before I do another


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334

                        @sarafini @e-m-trepke @theloonyone


                        A huge wind funnel formed in the hall, lashing about and knocking over Cammie. It then headed for Simon, moving almost like an octopus tentacle. Simon saw it coming, but had no time to react. It slammed into him, forcing the air out of his lungs and hitting him against the wall. He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and everything went black.

                        He awoke a moment later. Or… at least what felt like a moment later. Wind still roared in his ears, and… was that Beth calling his name?  He got himself back up on his feet. Suddenly, his head throbbed violently and he grabbed it, grunting at the pain.

                        His sister’s strong arm wrapped around his side, supporting him.

                        “We need to get out of here!” She shouted over the wind. Right. Next. To his. Ear. He grunted again as his head continued to throb.


                        With Simon dragging his feet and the wind pushing against her every step, Beth was very annoyed by the time she reached the door.

                        Stupid brother. Getting knocked around by this. Dumb. Wind. She yanked open the  door and stumbled through with Simon. The wind funnel swept by the open door, pulling it off its hinges and throwing it across the hall.

                        “Come on!” Beth yelled to the others through the now doorless doorway.

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2334


                          I kinda want to see how @lightoverdarkness6 is going to have Matthew react to Carmen before I do a rp with my charries and Luna and Paxton

                          • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Loopy.

                          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1643


                            I kinda want to see how @lightoverdarkness6 is going to have Matthew react to Carmen before I do a rp with my charries and Luna and Paxton

                            Yeah, me too!! I’m sorry I’m just now responding. I went to bed early last night. I’m about to RP 😊😉



                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1643

                              @loopylin @mineralizedwritings That’s such an awesome idea about the guard!! I love my some snarky villains. Oh! Yes, that would be so cool if was he were the son of the owner of the castle. What do ya’ll think??

                              lol! I wanted the dragon to roar just to scare the groups (poor mathew XD) maybe to separate them a bit more, so they didn’t run into eachother again. Trying to keep the big group split how we have it to keep it manageable lol

                              Haha, yeah, my Matt is having a day 😅😂. Yeah, I like groups that are smaller too. Like, at the most maybe 10.


                              (I should actually write that song! I haven’t done poetry in forever, though. Also, I’m so happy I got the chance to show this side of Carmen!)

                              Yeah!! That would be awesome!! Aww me too!


                              I’d love for Luna and Pax to run into our group! 🙂



                              Carmen smiled back.

                              “Of course,” she said, leaning against the wall next to me. “I’m actually kinda freaked out too. I mean, that was a dragon. I thought they were extinct!” She sighed, her eyes distant, no longer looking at me.

                              She looked so pretty, and her eyes were distant, as if looking into past memories of long ago.

                              I said nothing, so she continued.

                              “You know, my favorite song is about dragons. Carter found a copy of it years ago in the forbidden section of the library. It’s a fairytale about how the dragons climbed the stars to look for a better world after the curse. I taught it to myself, and the melody…” she leaned her head back on the wall, her eyes glittering. “It feels like I’m climbing the stars right there with them.”

                              I could feel her awe and happiness and it made me happy. But also curious.

                              A song about dragons…climbing the stars.

                              She stared at the far wall, her mind drifting back into memories. Then she started suddenly, looking back at me Her cheeks turned slightly red.

                              “Sorry, I went all wistful on you there. It’s a bad tendency of mine. Carter says I do it too much.”

                              “N-no!” I said a little too hastily. My cheeks flushed a bright pink. “I-I-I mean-,” I struggled to find the right words- “Y-you l-look…like you’re h-happy…and a-at h-home.” I finished simply.

                              I beamed an awkward lopsided smile, hoping she wouldn’t take my statement the wrong way.


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @lightoverdarkness6 OKAY I LOVE MATTHEW SO MUCH UUGGHHH and him getting flustered with Carmen is SO CUTE!! Reminds me of my November 🥰🥰


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 does anyone wanna RP them running due to the dragon roar and bumping into pax and Luna?

                                  (btw Pax probably won’t say anything cuz he’s suuuuper shy and scares easily sometimes)


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