Character Castle!

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      Nyx’s bandages were done, and thankfully this time the kit had given them a lot less trouble. Grimm was positive it was because Lyn was with him now, soothing the kit as Grimm worked.

      Nyx stirred now, opening his eyes, finding focus on Lyn’s tearful face. Grimm watched as his tails slowly began to wag.


      Lyn’s eyes lit up. “Nyxie! Darling,” she cried, gently bringing him to her chest and nuzzling him close. He curled into her touch, making small squeaks as he did.

      “When did you…where…?” He rasped.

      “Shh…shh…we’ll explain later,” she whispered, rubbing his nose gently. Grimm gave a small smile, helping Lyn to her feet.

      He was thankful to see the kit was awake, and that Lyn was now in better spirits. He looked around. Leaned over.

      “We should see if we can find the others.”

      Lyn nodded, eyes filled with determination, her spirits obviously much brighter now that Nyx was awake and speaking.

      She held him tight against her chest, caressing his fur as they walked, quietly explaining to him what had happened.


      (Btw @esther-c, when Ev and Ami first meet them, they won’t be able to hear Nyx speaking until he lets them. He has the ability to choose who he lets hear him.)


      So…what? Some…crazy explosion happened and now we’re all separated? Again?” Nyx huffed, then coughed. Lyn winced at the sound.

      “Seems that way,” She shrugged.

      Have I mentioned how much I hate this place?”

      Lyn smiled, looking at Grimm. He shook his head, also smiling. At least Nyx was still the same as ever…

      Suddenly, Lyn let out a sudden cry of alarm as a figure ran out from a corner, stumbling into her and Nyx.

      All three fell to the ground with a thud.

      “Ami!” A voice called as another figure emerged from the shadows.

      Grimm’s senses jumped, on high alert. He reached for Lyn, pulling whoever had knocked her down off, though he was careful not to hurt the person, seeing it was a young lady.

      “Nyx? Nyx! Are you alright?!” Lyn cried, arms wrapped tightly around her abdomen, holding the precious cargo that meant so much to her.

      “Just….peachy…” Nyx wheezed, obviously in pain from the sudden jostling.

      Grimm helped Lyn stand, though all of her attention was on the kit in her arms.

      He turned to the two strangers, including the young woman he’d pushed out of the way.

      He reached out a hand, now trying to help her, but…the young man with her seemed to misread his actions.


      (I’ll let u RP now)



        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3431



        Ami winced as she toppled to the floor. Strong, but gentle hands pushed her off of the young woman she had knocked down.

        The young man next to her helped the blond haired girl up. They exchanged a few words. Ami tucked her hair behind her ear and was about to push herself off the ground, when the dark haired man held out his hand to help her up.

        Ami smiled at the handsome face looking down at her. She reached to accept his hand, but Ev placed himself in front of her.


        Ev eyed the young man as he stood in front of Ami. “Who are you?” He asked warily.

        “I’m Grimm,” he replied. (I hope I got his response right. 😅)

        Ev crossed his arms and slowly nodded. He held out a hand. “I’m Everton.”

        Before they shook hands, Ev heard Ami sigh. Ev whipped around to see her tapping her fingers on the ground expectantly.

        “Ahem?” She said, looking up at him.

        Ev blushed and quickly helped her to her feet. “Er… Sorry, Ami,” he apologized, not making eye contact.

        Ami rolled her eyes at him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “He was just be courteous.”

        Ev leaned closer to her ear and said quietly, “I don’t think so. I don’t like the look of him. Kind of dark… foreboding.”

        She huffed. “Seriously, Ev? Come on.” She forced him to turn around. She held out her hand to Grimm. “I’m Amidala,” she said with a smile, surprised at her own boldness.

        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3431

          Ev… my boi… 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤣

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2974

            @esther-c @godlyfantasy12

            Ok so it’s hard to keep track… but I think Milo (and Cammie?) are with the dragon rn too. (that right @theloonyone ?) Oh and feather and crosshair are there too.


            Trying to help us stay organized with who is where, also because we have split the groups to make them easier to manage, maybe only tag the people your charries are with unless you want to meet up with somebody else.

            So it would look like this.

            with the dragon:

            Grimm, Nyx, Lyn, ( @godlyfantasy12 )

            Everton, Ami,( @esther-c )

            Milo, (Cammie?) ( @theloonyone  )

            Feather and Crosshair ( @keilah-h )

            Around the corner:

            Carmen and Carter ( @loopylin )

            Tauren and Lesli (@mineralizedwritings)

            Mathew and Lyla ( @lightoverdarkness6 )

            So yeah! Hope that helps. You can look back here if you need to see who to tag.

            To my group around the corner:

            Maybe we can have them move a bit away from the other group and do something new? Lyla and Lesli are talking rn, Tauren’s just being awkward boi, and Idk what Carter is doing, and it seems like Mathew and Carmen are also being awkward 😂 (Cuuute XD)

            Maybe the dragon roars or something (loopy does it roar? XD) and they get scared further down the hall or something. Should they end up on the roof? 🤣 or down in some dungeon? Anything is fine!



            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1560


              The twins

              Zlatan had to force his hand away from his sword hilt, stretch out the fingers in an effort to calm himself down. That man…if he were here now…he pulled in a deep breath and clasped his hands behind his back.

              “Yes. Ve need to move on, to look for zem.” He looked over at November. “Zere are many people in zis place zat I shouldn’t like anyone to meet v’ith alone.”

              Vulkasin nodded his grin fading slightly. Those brother’s mother and siblings for instance, or Paxton’s family…this castle was a dangerous place.

              The grin came back full force. Volk’s thrived in dangerous places.

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @esther-c 🤣 it’s k Ev!! Nyx didn’t like him either 🤣



                The two introduced themselves, though the man seemed to be eyeing Grimm warily. Not that Grimm wasn’t used to that.

                He did have a bit of a…dangerous air about him. Or so he’d been told.

                “It’s nice to meet you both!” Lyn answered for him, obviously having checked on Nyx enough to be satisfied. The blonde stepped up next to Grimm, smiling. “I’m Jocelyn. You’ve already met Grimm, and this is Nyx.”

                Nyx glared at the two, though Grimm could tell it was halfhearted.

                Ami’s eyes went wide, obviously at the sight of his bandages.

                (I’m gonna go ahead and have Nyx open up to Ami…but not Ev XD. I have a feeling Ev is gonna be like Why can’t I hear him?!)

                What are you staring at?” 

                Amidala gasped, taking a step back. Everton looked at her confused. “D-did that…j-just talk?”

                That?! I have a name! She just told it to you.” Nyx scowled.

                Ami blinked. Lyn chuckled.

                “Don’t mind him.”

                Everton was looking between everyone like they were crazy. “What…what’s going on?”

                Amidala tilted her head at him, “D-Didn’t you hear it-err, sorry-him?”

                Everton shook his head slowly. “Hear what?”

                “The fox! The fox talked!”

                Everton stared at her like she’d lost her mind. Amidala rubbed her head, looking on the verge of tears.

                Grimm stepped in. “You’re not insane,” he said softly to the young lady. “He does speak.” Now Everton looked at him like he was crazy. Grimm turned to the young man, “He just only talks to those…he allows to hear him.”

                Everton blinked, face blanching. “What? I’m…so confused.”

                Amidala was still rubbing her head.

                “Maybe we should start over…” Lyn tapped her chin. “So, you’re Amidala, You’re Everton, I’m Jocelyn, this is Grimm, and this is Nyx! Anything else?” She smiled, like that solved everything.


                Nyx sighed. “I hate this castle….”


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @mineralizedwritings sounds good!! Also I really want Paxton and Luna to meet Matthew and them sometimes, so maybe when/if the dragons roars they’ll hear it too?


                  Also…I just realized/remembered that Luna has some trauma relating to Dragons!


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2974

                    @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6

                    Woah, I just had an idea to make things more interesting. Let’s have resident castle villains! I propose just one or two at the start. So like guards of the castle anyone can use to make drama. if anyone wants them to be characters, make them whatever!

                    Let’s try to give them at least a motive though, not just mean to be mean. Hey, maybe they are just grey character’s who are trying to prove there worth in a dangerous place?

                    I personally like having snarky villains, so here’s an idea.

                    Easton: 5’8″, (Motive to be determined) resident guard, straight brown hair, chin length, looks kinda scary XD Acts kinda snarky cuz that’s fun too wright lol

                    Anyone can right him for any purpose, I don’t care if he busts through a wall to reach the charries you need to use him for lol. You can right his thoughts or actions, add some backstory, or whatever you want. Let’s not make him too awful lol. Any thoughts are welcome, we don’t even have to do this. I just thought it might be nice to have some more plot here and avoid slow spots in the castle interactions.

                    (Hey maybe he turns nice eventually? If you want a redemption arc that’s fine, it should use the other castle characters though obviously lol)

                    Actually, another idea. Maybe he’s the son of the guy who used to own the castle, and he has returned to find it rampaged by a dragon and desperate travelers 😳


                    "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645



                      November gulped, thinking about Hitchens and the woman he’d been with. If there were others like them in this castle…

                      Others who…were even worse…

                      He let out a small sigh, wondering where all of his friends were right now.

                      Where Ara was right now.

                      Was she safe? Had she been transported somewhere that would protect her? With more of his friends?


                      His heart leapt to his throat. Had she been left alone with Hitchens…?

                      He clenched his fists, shuddering at the thought, imagining the horrible, cocky man…with his sword to her throat.

                      His heart raced in his chest, palms beginning to burn at the memories. The heat rose to his chest, and then his face, flushing his cheeks, which were already splotched red from his last outburst.

                      He went still, a shiver running down his spine as he realized what was happening. Slowly, he released his fists, biting his tongue in an effort to relinquish the burning inside.


                      It worked…

                      But…that had been too close.


                      And, now he didn’t have anyone around to pull him out should something happen…

                      He closed his eyes, taking in a small deep breath.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3431


                        Great idea!! I may add in Aloth. He’s the villain from my Refined Duology. He’s absolutely terrible. I don’t quite know his motive yet. 😅 I guess I’ll figure it out once I start writing him into the castle.


                        “Maybe we should start over…” the blonde young woman tapped her chin. “So, you’re Amidala, You’re Everton, I’m Jocelyn, this is Grimm, and this is Nyx! Anything else?” She smiled, like that solved everything.

                        Ami giggled. “Nope. You covered it all!” She cocked her head at Nyx. “You talk?”

                        I think you’ve figured that out by now,” the fennec fox retorted.

                        Ami smiled. “Yeah… sorry.”

                        Ev rolled his eyes. “Guys… I’m still so confused! How can an animal have telekineses?”

                        Ami put her hand on his arm. “It’s okay, Ev. Things seem to be different here,” she shrugged. “I wouldn’t question it if I were you.”

                        He sighed. “Fine.”

                        “I love foxes!” Ami said to Jocelyn. “And Nyx is absolutely adorable!”


                        I can’t wait to see how Ami will respond to Nyx’s reaction. 😁


                        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2334


                          Actually, I think Cammie is in a different group fighting off a sentient windstorm rn. But Milo and Cammie are able to text each other

                          • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Loopy.

                          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2334


                            I like your community character idea with Easton! It would be interesting to see him try to attack my dragon if someone wanted him to do that

                            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2334

                              @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings @theloonyone @keilah-h

                              For every one who wanted Aurivis to roar for some reason:


                              Aurivis watched more people run away with amusement. The remaining humans looked stunned and didn’t answer his question. Their little helpless faces made him laugh out loud. It was a deep, gravelly laugh that, to those who do not spend much time in the company of dragons, might have sounded like a growl or a roar.

                              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2974


                                lol! I wanted the dragon to roar just to scare the groups (poor mathew XD) maybe to separate them a bit more, so they didn’t run into eachother again. Trying to keep the big group split how we have it to keep it manageable lol


                                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 446


                                  Actually, I think Cammie is in a different group fighting off a sentient windstorm rn. But Milo and Cammie are able to text each other

                                  Yeah, Cammie and Elissa went to look for food with some other characters and ended up meeting up with more, and last I know were fighting the wind. But I haven’t really done much with them in a while, so they might just disappear…

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