Character Castle!

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  • #125171
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @koshka I love this so much.


      November slipped his hands into his pockets, quirking his lips. He tilted his head, “Seventeen. I-I think…” He gave a small chuckle and blushed slightly. “It’s…a little confusing with all of the traveling…but Ara and Jocelyn were adamant on celebrating everyone’s Nativita, even if dates get a bit mixed up…so I’m pretty sure I’m seventeen now.” He smiled fondly at the memory of his most recent “Nativita party.” It had been pretty simple.


      The twins looked a bit confused, making November purse his lips and flush. Had he said something wrong?

      Gah…why did he always say the wrong things…?

      “A-Anyway…” He gently tugged at a loose curl, “I guess time just…passes differently for others when it comes to the castle.” He gave a small smile. “You two don’t look like you’ve aged much at all!” He then winced, hoping he hadn’t once again said something wrong.



        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @elishavet-pidyon do u want Viktor and Reúven to run into Luna and Paxton?


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1560


          November, you didn’t do anything wrong!!

          The Twins

          How in all the earth? Time changing castles…Zlatan rubbed his forehead as if the motion would help sort things out. It didn’t.

          “A-Anyway…” Novembré tugged at his hair, “I guess time just…passes differently for others when it comes to the castle. You two don’t look like you’ve aged much at all!” He smiled slightly, then winced.

          “Ha!” Vulkasin didn’t notice. “Ve’re ze same age now? Moonlight, zat’s strange.”

          Zlatan’s lips twitched. “Strange alright. But zen… Vulkasin’s head certainly hasn’t aged at all, not since he vas a youth.” He side stepped his brother’s elbow.

          Vulkasin tried to frown fiercely, but his grin broke through. They started walking again, although none of them seemed to know where to go. This was a hall that hadn’t been reached the last time they were here.

          “So, you call ze day of birth your nativita?” Vulkasin tossed his small knife into the air, catching it again by the hilt. “I’ve never heard zat before.”

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645



            November blinked.

            Oh! That was why they’d looked confused…ah…he was still getting used to all these…new cultures…

            Think he’d be used to it by now…

            He smiled, scratching his head, “Oh, yea. That’s the only thing I’ve ever heard it called. W-what do you call it?”


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              So Nativita is actually birth in Latin 😊 I luv using Latin and mixing the Latin words and such in ma book stuff 😂


                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 446


                My character, Milo, is 26 years old, pretty tall (I don’t give exact measurements xD), and has blonde hair. I also have two other characters in the castle, but they aren’t in this group. Cammie is 25, I think, short, and has short, curly, brown hair. Elissa has eastern-Asian features, long black hair, 26 years old.

                Which characters are yours? They’re so hard to keep track of! 😂

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3431

                  Woah… A lot has happened. Lol 😂

                  Ok, @godlyfantasy12, I have an idea. So, since Ev has such a temper, and Grimm is so protective, maybe I’ll have Ami and Ev find Paxton and Luna. Maybe they physically bump into each other. Ami helps Paxton up and starts talking to him, being her friendly self. But Grimm comes in at that point. Since he is protective, he’ll probably react strongly, but so will Ev. When Grimm like tells Ami to get her hands off of Paxton (idk if he will or not 😅 It’s up to you) Ev gets mad at him for talking to Ami that way.

                  I hope that made sense. Is that okay with you?

                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @theloonyone I feel that!! Also I don’t give exact measurements either XD XD!!


                    Mine are-

                    Arabella: Around 17, a bit older then November, tho shorter then him by a couple inches since he had a growth spurt (they used to be the same height). She has long wavy brown hair and brown eyes.

                    November: Also around 17, an inch or so taller then all my other charries, he has strawberry blonde/ginger curls and baby blue eyes, also dimples.

                    Jocelyn: 17, Curly blonde hair in a high ponytail, emerald green eyes.

                    Nyx: Around 14. he’s a creature of my own making called a Nyx, he resembles a fennec fox the most, with the same body type, ears, snout, etc, but he has three tails. Rn he’s really beaten up.

                    Luna-An elf, age 13, she has pointed ears, purple-hued sparkling blue eyes, also a slight purpl-ish pink hue to her skin and purple/pink hair in a sort of ombré effect.

                    Paxton- Age 11, he’s a fae but has no wings, only a row of white feathers running down his spine. He has white fluffy hair and ice blue eyes. Rn he has a lash across his back. He also has a scar on his palm (can’t remember which one XD)

                    Grimm- 17 almost 18, has cobalt blue eyes, black hair and can “shift” into the form of a grey wolf.

                    Corvina- 19, has black hair that reaches her back, greying blue eyes, and can shift into the form of a black Raven.



                    A lot of charries XD XD



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @esther-c only issue is we’d have a really big group then and I kinda wanted to have Paxton and Luna separate from my other charries for a bit if that’s alright, but I don’t mind Ev and Ami running into them! That would be fun!


                      Grimm can also be protective of Jocelyn too…if you wanna go that route as well….


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @esther-c he wouldn’t lash out at Ami however, but he would probably gently be like “Excuse us, please remove yourself,” XD XD and Ev kinda seems like the type to overreact 🤣


                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1560


                          I understand. XD I do the same thing with the base cultures for my world.


                          He grinned, putting his knife back into it’s sheath. “Den Rozhdenia, or day of birth. That’s all I’ve ever heard it called.”

                          Of course, it wasn’t something that celebrated; the only birthday most even took notice of was the seventh, the day a child became a Youth and part of the pack. After that a youth had to prove themselves a grown volk, usually not untill 15 or 16, but age itself didn’t matter untill a volk joined the elders. He had heard of other customs, particularly among the Taisish (foxes), where every birthday, from the first to the last, was celebrated.

                          The hall was getting shorter again, and he had to duck under a rafter. As long as he could avoid bashing his head so many times. It had been hard enough last time with a lot of folk around. other folk…what were those two’s names?

                          Turning around he walked backward so he could talk to November. “Where is everyone else? Are Lynn and Ara here too?”

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645



                            November watched with wide eyes as Vulkasin effortlessly walked backwards through the hall, in order to speak with him face to face.

                            If he’d tried to do that…he would’ve fallen flat on his…well…

                            He blinked, then coughed. “Oh! Yea. Actually…I was just with them,” He spoke, looking around the hall. “But…Something…happened.” He shrugged, shoulders rolling. “I think they’re all here.” He looked back at the twins, then realized with a flush that, they’d only ever met Lyn, Ara and Nyx.

                            “I-I mean, all as in…all of my friends. We’ve…grown quite a bit since last time. There’s a couple more now.”

                            Vulk grinned, “Ah, you mean Grimm, and ze little lad.”

                            November’s eyes widened. “Y-You’ve seen…”

                            Zlatan paused, nodding in answer to November’s unfinished question. He gave a small smile, as if remembering a fond memory. “Ve met them. Ve vere also vith them before…” he motioned at the debris nearby.

                            November frowned, understanding now that whatever had happened earlier hadn’t been just to him and his friends.

                            “Were…were they alright?” November stepped up to Zlatan, making Vulkasin have to turn back around to face forward.

                            Zlatan frowned slightly. “Vell….Ve…ran into a bit of trouble,” he glanced at his brother.

                            November swallowed the bile in his throat, remembering the…horrible man from before…

                            The one who’d threatened Ara…

                            Who…who said he’d hurt Nyx. And Paxton.

                            The group went silent for a moment before Vulkasin clapped November on the back, making him stumble slightly.

                            “Ah, but you’re friends, they are strong.” He grinned. November smiled. He…had to agree with that.

                            “Come, we cannot be too far from some of them.”


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3431


                              Gotcha, gotcha 😉
                              But whatever happens, I kinda need my charries to go hang with somebody, cuz right now, they’re just chillin’. Lol 😆


                              Imma have them run down a hall and bump into somebody. Whoever wants to talk to them can pick up the RP. first come, first serve. XD


                              Fear makes its way through Ami’s body. She clutched Ev’s arm and started running, dragging him along. He didn’t complain.

                              What was that creature? A… a dragon, maybe? But dragons didn’t exist!

                              “Ok… ok…” Ev said between breaths as he began to slow his pace. “We’re good. Slow down.”

                              Ami came to an abrupt halt. “Sorry… Do you think that was a dragon?”

                              Ev raised an eyebrow. “That’s kind of impossible.”

                              “Yeah, but we also appeared in this… castle… and that seems impossible.”

                              Ev shrugged, considering the possibility of the impossible. Ami sighed, and tried to slow her breathing.

                              They had run far away. All was silent except for Ev and Ami’s hard breathing… until multiple footsteps echoed from an adjoining hall.

                              Ami caught Ev’s eye. He furrowed his brow. He began to walk towards the corner of the hall. Ami followed close behind. She peeked around the wall and saw a few figures coming closer. She couldn’t make out their appearance.

                              As they came closer, both Ev and Ami rushed to hide behind the wall again. “Do we want to meet them?” Ev whispered.

                              Ami closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them. She smiled. “Why not? I’ve always wanted to practice introducing myself to people. I need to become more comfortable with doing that.”

                              She turned the corner before Ev had time to stop her. As she did, she ran directly into somebody and collapsed to the ground.

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3431

                                Forgot to tag everybody!

                                @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @lightoverdarkness6 @loopylin @theloonyone @keilah-h @aagh!!-i-feel-like-I’m-missing-someone

                                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @esther-c I do think I’ll have them meet Grimm, Lyn and Nyx!


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