Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


      There of some things in life which one takes for granted, such as the well known fact that stone cannot move itself, and as a general rule never behaves like water when perfectly cool. Or that light doesn’t randomly flash without a source.

      In one moment both of these well known and proven facts were shattered. The walls melted and swirled, bright flashes confusing the scene. Vulkasin made a desperate dive for his brother.

      Great golden-” the hallway vanished into darkness “-moonlight! Zlati?”

      A low moan came from the floor beside him. He turned around, half expecting the stones to melt away again. Nothing.


      Where was he? What happened?

      The children, Paxton, Nyx…were they safe? He started to roll over, but fell back with a low moan. Oh joy.

      “Zlati?” Someone knelt beside him. Vulka.

      Zlatan pushed himself up. “Are you alright?”

      “Dah, dah. Of course.” A large hand gripped his helping him to his feet. “Nother z’oght I’d see somefing like zat. You alright?”

      He nodded and straightened his cloak. Vulka grinned and started off down the passage at a leisurely walk.

      “Ve need to find ze others.”

      Vulkasin glanced back at him, realization dawning across his face. “Ah no. Ze others.”

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka I luv the twins sooo much!


        hey who do u want them to run into btw??


        Hmm….they could run into November if you’d like! It’s up to u.


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          Ugh those two!! *Wails* Why do you do this to me?

          *Hides in corner, crying*

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1560


            That would work, if you want to!

            Who introduces them? You or me?

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Koshka. Reason: Missing word

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @koshka ur welcome!! XD XD!


              oh I need to make Luna getting to Paxton real quick.



              Luna peeked her head around one of the hallway corridors, searching in vain for any sign of her friends. She frowned, replaying the memory of earlier in her mind.

              That light…


              Whatever had happened…it must’ve been some sort of magic. Power. Perhaps someone had done it on purpose?


              Or perhaps…perhaps it was the castle itself, trying to dissuade them from continuing on?

              Luna’s mind ran with different thoughts as she studied the stone work, eyes gleaming.

              She’d never been out much from her home below in the caverns, and seeing new places…the idea thrilled her, to her very core…

              Despite the thought of dangerous magic or a sentient castle…

              After all…what would happen would happen. The Light One’s will be done. She gripped her purple crystal, reminding her of her faith in the One who held every thing in His arms.

              She let out a small breath, resuming her search.


              A sound reached her ears. A small sniffle, and then a cry, piercing her heart and making her long ears flutter. A sudden shift in the air made her breaths heavy, like a tiny weight had been placed on her chest. Sorrow pulled at her heartstrings as her emotions weaved with whoever was crying.

              She stepped forward, searching for whoever it was that was making the air so…


              And Lonely…

              She frowned, eyes growing glassy as a single tear ran down her face. The small sniffle sounded once more, louder this time, shattering her heart, as her own emotions were now tied to whoever this person was.

              She couldn’t help it…


              It was…just…something that happened…

              Something she couldn’t control…

              She walked through an arch, heart heavier then ever, tears rolling down her face.


              She knew it had to be a child…or…someone with…outstanding emotions…

              Because most didn’t effect her on this scale…not…not like this…


              She turned and gasped.


              In the corner of the small, dimly lit room sat Paxton, crying silently into his knees.

              “Pax!” She cried, a mix of sorrow at the heartbreak she felt emanating from him, but also joy at having found him at all.

              She ran at him, arms stretched, immediately embracing him in a hug. “Ah, Pax! You’re here! I’m so glad,” she laughed, tears falling down her face as Paxton’s loneliness still rocked her.

              Her own mirth and his emotions mixed into an odd combination, making her unsure of how to act, so she just smiled, letting the tears run down as she hugged him.

              Paxton’s eyes widened, and Luna felt as a few of his emotions turned to shock, fear and then, very slowly, relaxation and joy.


              “Yup!” She smiled, still not releasing him. “I’m so happy I found you, Pax!” She squeezed him tight. He smiled, but then winced as she moved her arm, letting out a small cry. She jumped back, their emotions still connected, allowing her to feel the sudden shift.

              She frowned, clutching her hands. “What? What did I do?” She asked worriedly.

              Paxton glanced at his back, then shook his head. “I-It’s alright, I’m….f-fine.”

              Luna frowned, knowing that wasn’t true. She bit her lip, noticing the slash mark across the shoulder of his shirt, that didn’t end there. She whimpered, remembering what the…horrible man from earlier had said.


              “Oh…Oh Pax.” Luna shut her eyes tight, shaking her head. How could anyone do that? How…how could…

              A tear ran down her cheek.

              Paxton looked at her wide-eyed, as if unsure of what to do. “D-don’t c-cry!” He clutched his bear closer.

              Luna tilted her head at him, then gave a small but sad smile. She laughed, wiping her tears. “Sorry, I just…” She sighed. “I’m so sorry that happened.” She gently wrapped her arms around his neck, careful not to touch any sensitive area.

              She could feel as Paxton stiffened, but then slowly relaxed. Luna leaned back, smiling now. She reached out her hand, “Why don’t we go try to find the others, hm?”

              Paxton smiled too, nodding.


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @koshka whoever u want! I’m not entirely sure how to introduce them XD I’m so bad at intros 🤣


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  Y’all writing the scene above was just…. 😭 ❤️

                  That’s the first time I believe I’ve gotten to write Paxton and Luna (from the actual series and not in AUs lol) together and…it just worked out so well! I wasn’t entirely sure how it would but it turned out so cute.



                  They end up becoming a couple in the future, starting of course with adorable child crushes and it’s soooo cute because Luna is obviously a bit older then him and also like a head taller and I LOVE IT, cuz to me that’s just adorable with her being taller then him but later having this adorable crush on him.


                  Rn he’s 11 and she’s like 13


                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1643


                    Yay!!! Welcome back!!

                    Cuz I really wanna be Paxton again….XD AND MEET MATTHEW…AND THE SISTERS…AND TAUREN….AND…AGGHHH

                    Oh, YES!! I want Paxton and Matthew to meet!!

                    And I also miss Freedom’s boys but thats a separate issue XD XD XD

                    Yeah, we all miss Freedom, but it’s good that she’s spending time with her family. I think she said she’ll be back by the New Year.

                    Oh, and here’s what Matthew and Lyla look like 👍.


                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1643

                      Here’s my baby Matthew!!


                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1643

                        Anddd here’s Lyla!


                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1643

                          @loopylin Oh man, Carmen coming over there is just gonna…well you’ll see 😂.

                          @theloonyone @esther-c @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                          “Who are you?!” Lyla shouted.
                          “Quite a lot of fire for such a little girl,” the voice rumbled. “Who am I? The humans used to call me Aurivis, if that is what you mean.”

                          I shivered. It was a dragon. Aurivis. The name sounded ominous…but also maybe a little bit cool.
                          I looked up at the huge slit pupil eye staring at me, and I couldn’t take it. Grabbing Lyla’s hand, I bolted. The voice in my head continued as I shot down the hallway, thanking God for making up with my lack of height with speed. Lyla followed, and I think I caught a glimpse of Tauren running behind too, and maybe Carter too, “Answer me this, you brave few who remain. What sorcerer brought us here? Was it one of you? I doubt it.”

                          I flew through the hallway, dodging corners and random things, until finally, I felt safe.
                          I sank down against the wall, panting.
                          “Are you alright?” Lyla asked, crouching down in front of me, balancing on her toes.
                          “M-m-may-b-be,” I stuttered shakily. “A-at l-least, I th-think s-so.”

                          “Come here,” Lyla said, standing up and pulling me into her embrace.
                          I leaned in and sighed. We were having more excitement in this one day at the castle than we had ever had at Disney World!

                          Then Tauren, Lesli, Carter, and…Carmen rounded the corner.
                          Carmen started walking over to me!

                          What in the world?! Oh no. I don’t know what to say! She’s gonna think I’m some weird kid that can’t talk with stuttering! 

                          Lyla pulled back to see my face. “I’ll give you two some privacy,” she winked. I blushed and looked down.  We were about the same height now. I was getting taller. Lyla stood up on her tiptoes and kissed the top of my head, then smiled, turned, and skipped lightly away and started talking to Lesli.

                          I turned slightly to face Carmen as she walked up to me and asked in a concerned voice, “Hey, you doing alright?”

                          “Oh! Umm, y-yeah, I-I’m alright. Her mission accomplished, she looked as though she might turn around and walk back to Carter. I scrambled for something to say.
                          “Uh, th-thank you f-f-for ask-ing th-though,” I smiled.



                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1560


                            Alrighty, here goes.


                            The floor was littered with dirt and debris from the cave in, whirlwind, thing. He stepped carefully, not wishing to bring his foot down on a sharp rock. The darkness around them grew bleaker.

                            Thicker. Almost tangible.

                            Zlatan loosened his sword in its scabbard.

                            It grew dimmer, then suddenly began to fade, the inky blackness melting away. The hall was still relatively dark, but the brothers blinked for a moment in the dim light.

                            “Zat vas… unexpected.” Vulkasin ducked under another low ceiling beam.

                            A faint smile twitching at his lips, Zlatan followed his brother into a somewhat wider corridor. Dust still swept the floor, but only a few pebbles seemed to have fallen.

                            Bright red snagged at his vision. Familiar, red, curly, hair. At the other end of the hall sat a boy. His head was in his hands, and he had grown quite a bit since Zlatan had seen him last, but something about those hunched shoulders and tight curls…the head came up, blue eyes bright with unshed tears, three long red slashes staring across his face.

                            A few strides and he was on one knee beside the young man. “Novembré?”

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Koshka.

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @koshka AGH that made my heart happy 😂 them saying Novembré….agh 😂 I luv it.



                              Had it been something he said?

                              You just can’t get things right, can you?

                              November placed his head in his hands with a sigh. Why was everything so complicated now?

                              Footsteps sounded, making him tense. Had Corvina come back?

                              He lifted his eyes, heart beating rapidly as the sounds grew nearer. Two figures emerged from the shadows, making November’s eyes widen.

                              Not Corvina.

                              He frowned, brows furrowing. He knew from past experiences that not everyone in this castle was friendly…

                              The figures approached slowly, helping November’s eyes to adjust. He blinked, tilting his head.


                              Two young men, near his age, though one was…very tall. Not that he could say much considering he’d recently had a growth spurt of his own, surprising all his friends.

                              Both looked…familiar, but, November couldn’t quite place them in his mind. Multitudes of people flashed before him as he tried to, but he still just…couldn’t find their names amongst the chaos that was his brain.


                              “Novembré?” The dark haired one spoke, a thick accent lacing November’s name.

                              November’s brain fired at the sound, his memories finally dawning. He shuffled to his feet with a large, boyish smile.

                              “Zlatan?! Vulkasin?!” He cried, finally able to place names to the faces as the memories of his last time in the castle returned.

                              They’d been the first to find him, all those years ago.


                              Scared the daylights out of him…heh…

                              But, they’d quickly become friends, and as a young boy, even after thinking it had all been a dream, November, for months after, had thought about the castle, and his friends made there.

                              He tilted his head, realizing he was now the same height as Zlatan, and…also appeared to nearly be the same age.


                              As it seemed that…Zlatan and Vulkasin had hardly aged at all since his last adventure here. Or at least, from his memories, it seemed that way.


                              Though…things in his mind were a bit…foggy right now…


                              He shook his head. This castle was strange.


                              “It’s good to see you guys,” November said, running a hand through his curls.



                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334

                                @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings


                                “Uh, th-thank you f-f-for ask-ing th-though,” Matthew stuttered. He smiled nervously and Carmen smiled back.

                                “Of course,” she said, leaning against the wall next to him. “I’m actually kinda freaked out too. I mean, that was a dragon. I thought they were extinct!” She sighed, her eyes distant, no longer looking at Matthew. He said nothing, so she continued.
                                “You know, my favorite song is about dragons. Carter found a copy of it years ago in the forbidden section of the library. It’s a fairytale about how the dragons climbed the stars to look for a better world after the curse. I taught it to myself, and the melody…” she leaned her head back on the wall, her eyes glittering. “It feels like I’m climbing the stars right there with them.”

                                She stared at the far wall, her mind drifting back into memories. Then she started suddenly, looking back at Matthew. Her cheeks turned slightly red.

                                “Sorry, I went all wistful on you there. It’s a bad tendency of mine. Carter says I do it too much.”


                                (I should actually write that song! I haven’t done poetry in forever, though. Also, I’m so happy I got the chance to show this side of Carmen!)

                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1560



                                  The Twins

                                  Zlatan’s eyes twinkled faintly at his brother. “Looks like you’re not ze only v’one zat grows, Vulka.”

                                  About to slap his brother’s shoulder, Vulkasin barely remembered in time to change it for a light pat on the head. The golden eyes turned to molten slits at him, then rolled to the ceiling.

                                  Vulkasin grinned at the…young man? Time must do strange things in this place. “Good to see you too, but, golden moonlight, lad, v’hat’s happened to you? I can’t remember v’hen ve vere here last, but it surely vasn’t years.

                                  The red head shrugged and gave a small smile. “It’s been years for me, I think. I, I hit a growth spurt.”

                                  Zlatan nodded. “You sure have. How old are you now? I can’t seem to remember either, but then…” He shrugged and ran a hand over the back of his neck. He hadn’t thought about last time much back at the prison. Too much had happened…had been done.

                                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

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