Character Castle!

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  • #124788
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3431

      @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h @loopylin @theloonyone @mineralizedwritings


      “Um, hey…” A boy said to him. “Who are you? Do you know where you are? We don’t either, so… we can’t really help there…” He trailed off before continuing again. “Have you seen any food?”

      Ev raised an eyebrow, trying to comprehend everything he just said. He cast a quick glance at Ami, asking for help.


      Ami looked back at the boy. “I’m Amidala and this is Everton,” she said with a smile. “We don’t know where we are either and… we don’t have any food…”

      Ev raised both his eyebrows at her. She just shrugged.

      Ami heard footsteps approaching behind her and turned her head. Her eyes met a boy probably a little younger than Ev with light brown hair. She softly smiled at him, noticing how nervous he looked. (@mineralizedwritings, is that right?)

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2974


        . I guess that shows how much I love your charries!! I think poor Matthew might have a breakdown😅😭.

        Oh I’m so glad you like my charries! And poor Mathew 😥


        Lol don’t worry about it, yeah… Milo can just pretend that wasn’t absolutely terrifying. I just wanted to try Tauren and Lesli in the castle without managing four charries. 😅


        Yeah, nervous would be a good way to describe him. He is very nervous lol. Light brown hair is about right, I’d say medium brown, here’s a drawing for reference though. He’s 17 and 6’2″


        Keilah-h @loopylin


        A girl from the group turns to look at Tauren.

        I suppose she’s friendly? She smiled?

        “Oh, uh… hi.” Tauren gives a small wave in her direction.


        Oh! Look at how grand this place is!

        Lesli twirls around in a circle, feeling her hair whip around her face. She looks around the large round room, before stepping out into a hallway, directly into a group of people. All different heights, but most around her age. Her gaze falls on two figures towards the back of the group, wearing armor and bearing weapons.

        Geez, they look scary.

        “Have you seen any food?” A boy across from her in the group says.

        I suppose they are just as clueless as me…

        “Oh, uh… hi.” Lesli spots Tauren in the group, trying to stay on the edge.

        “Oh! Tauren!” Lesli waves her arms frantically in the air.

        Tauren turns around quickly at the sound of her voice. “Oh! Hi!” Tauren breaks out into a large smile as his nervous exterior melts away.

        Lesli makes her way around the circle and gives him a hug.

        “How did you get here?” Lesli asks.

        Tauren hesitates.

        “I mean, you should have told me you were leaving if you were going to go adventuring in a castle!” Lesli says in a sarcastic laugh.

        “Haha! I don’t think any of us know how we got here.” Tauren smiles at her. “And yes, If I knew I was leaving I would have told you.”

        Lesli smiles.

        “Oh! Sorry to interrupt you two, what’s your name?” Lesli says, turning to face the girl Tauren had initially said hi too.

        Tauren looks around the grand castle, it suddenly looking like a fun adventure with Lesli instead of a new danger.

        Ok, but those two over there still make me nervous. Feather and Crosshair? Is that what they said? Interesting names.




        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1643


          Yay, welcome back 😊! I didn’t want to tag you while you were gone, bc I didn’t want to blow up your email 😂.

          I don’t know if I’ve already said this, but Matthew is adorable and I love him. 💕

          Awww, thank you so much!! I think he’s my favorite oc so far (sorry Lyla 😂). I feel the same way about Carter!! ❤️ 😊❤️


          Oh I’m so glad you like my charries! And poor Mathew 😥

          Yes!! They are so sweet. Yeah. He’s okay now. Probably a little overstimulated, but okay 😂😅.

          @theloonyone @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @loopylin

          Sorry I’m just now getting on! We had Christmas at our grandparents house yesterday. Tbh, I love all the new characters meeting up with our group!


          The girl looked at Milo.
          “I’m Amidala and this is Everton,” she said with a smile. “We don’t know where we are either and… we don’t have any food…”
          I nearly groaned. When are we ever gonna find some food? I thought.
          While I was thinking that, I saw another boy behind the newest members of the group—Amidala and Everton. The new boy had brown hair and glasses, and looked nearly as nervous as I had been when I first joined the group.
          I looked around. Boy, had it grown since then.


          As Amidala was speaking to the new boy, another girl’s voice shouted from a little behind me, “Oh! Tauren!” I turned around and she was  waving her arms frantically in the air.
          The boy Amidala was talking with froze, then turned around quickly.
          “Lesli?” He said.
          The girl—Lesli—waded through the crowd, saying, “excuse me,” and “sorry.”
          She finally got to Tauren, and they hugged.
          They started conversing softly, not realizing the rest of the group was staring at them. I turned slightly to look at Matthew, and give them some privacy.
          Then Lesli turned to Amidala and asked their names.
          I caught Tauren giving wary glances to Feather and Crosshair.
          He saw me looking at him, and I blushed slightly and gave him a warm smile.
          I still wasn’t gonna trust them yet either. Especially Crosshair. He was constantly looking around, roving eyes alert.
          Whenever his eyes rested on Matthew, his face grew white and he tried to look brave.
          I stayed close to him for that reason. And many others.
          But…they’re probably frightened too, at least…

          I glanced at Feather. She looked kind. I wanted to talk to her, but I couldn’t leave Matt.
          Then I glanced at Crosshair. He…looked kinda annoyed. I really couldn’t blame him. It was getting kinda crowded. Maybe…just maybe there was something kind under that callused outer layer.








            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3431

            @loopylin @theloonyone @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h


            Only a short moment after seeing the new boy, a girl with blond hair ran up and wrapped her arms around his neck, greeting him with joy.

            They conversed for a little bit, until the girl turned to face Ami. “Oh! Sorry to interrupt you two, what’s your name?”

            This time, Ev spoke up. He turned to face the group and opened up his arms. “I am Everton. This is Amidala. Now everybody knows.”

            If anyone was talking, they weren’t now. The group fell silent.


            Beside him, Ami blushed and forced a laugh. She placed a hand on Ev’s shoulder. He smirked, then faced the group again, smiling. “Is anyone else starving?”

            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4743

              @lightoverdarkness6 @theloonyone @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @loopylin



              More new characters!

              Crosshair eyed them suspiciously, as usual. “Can you try not to stress them out by staring at them?” Feather asked. “Look, some of these kids are barely older than Jareth, and who knows what’s roving these halls.”

              He muttered something unintelligible in reply and went silent afterward.

              She sighed. They’d have to work on that.



              “Can you try not to stress them out by staring at them?”

              He wasn’t staring at them.

              Was he?

              “I am Everton. This is Amidala. Now everybody knows.” the new character explained, spreading his arms to indicate him and his companion.

              He couldn’t think of the name Amidala without thinking of the politician, but did that matter? It wasn’t like he was planning to become friends with her….

              Remember last time? You made friends then, his mind reminded him.

              He shook his head. That was last time.

              “Is anyone else starving?” Amidala asked.

              Come to think of it, food was an encouraging prospect…..

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4743

                Ok that last bit was actually kinda funny.

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2974


                  Lol, Crosshair trying to convince himself he isn’t staring XD

                  @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @esther-c

                  Tauren and Lesli

                  “I am Everton. This is Amidala. Now everybody knows.” Everton gestures to himself and his friend.

                  “Oh! Nice to meet you.” Tauren says formally, with a nod.

                  Lesli smiles in agreement.

                  Crosshair eyes Tauren and Lesli with caution from the other side.


                  Could he stop looking at us like that?

                  Tauren steps a bit behind Lesli, but being nearly a head taller than her, gains nothing in the way of cover. Lesli takes his hand and pulls him over next to her.

                  “You’re fine.” She says softly.

                  He gives her a faint smile.

                  “Is anyone else starving?” Amidala asks.

                  Lesli looks around the group, then back to Amidala.

                  “Me!” She laughs.

                  Tauren smiles shyly, but says nothing.

                  “I suppose that calls for an adventure?” Lesli looks expectantly at Tauren, who makes a face of slight disapproval.

                  “Can I go home now?” Tauren whispers sarcastically to her.

                  “No!” Lesli laughs. “We’re just getting started.”

                  She looks back to see what everyone else is doing.



                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1643

                    @keilah-h Oh my gosh that was so funny 😂. Crosshair, I’m afraid that is staring XD. Poor Feather!

                    Oh, poor Tauren! “Can I go home now?” and “Uhhh….Could he stop looking at us like that?” 😂😅

                    @theloonyone @esther-c



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3431

                      @loopylin @theloonyone @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h

                      “Is anyone else starving?” Amidala asked.

                      Actually, Ev said that. 😅 My bad.


                      Ev laughed at the girl’s reply. “Then let’s find some!” He announced. “But first… who are you all?”


                      Ami tried not to make eye contact with anybody, despite the fact that they were all looking their way. But one man in particular kept looking at the four of them. Ami leaned close to Ev and whispered in his ear, “Why does he keep staring at us?”

                      Ev grinned. “I think he’s staring at you. After all, your golden hair cascades down your shoulders and your blue eyes—”

                      Ami gently smacked him in the shoulder. “Ev, be serious.”

                      He shrugged innocently. “I am! At least that would be the reason I’d be staring at you.”

                      Ami tried not to blush but didn’t succeed. She smiled softly. “But nobody acts like you,” she looked back at the armored man. “He’s kind of scary.”

                      Ev just laughed, walking towards the group. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s go meet all these people.”


                      Y’all, every time I write Ev and Ami joking around like the above, I’m like: “Ev… 🤦🏻‍♀️”


                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334

                        @lightoverdarkness6 @theloonyone @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h

                        Could I send in a dragon character that I have in to shake things up a bit? Maybe he could scare half the group away so that we have two smaller and more manageable groups? I won’t put him in right away. I can wait a bit.

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Loopy.

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2974


                          No that works fine!

                          I’d love to have a dragon shake things up!

                          Tauren’s going to be terrified lol (probobly @lightoverdarkness6  ‘s Mathew too)

                          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2334

                            @mineralizedwritings Ok, cool I’ll put him in soon. Hopefully, he doesn’t scare Matthew and Tauren too much XD

                            @theloonyone @esther-c @keilah-h


                            The little hall grew a bit loud with the sounds of people greeting and talking with one another. The more nervous or quiet people stayed farther back, including Crosshair, Milo, and Matthew. Carter and Carmen, however were right in the middle of the crowd, shaking hands and confidently introducing themselves.


                            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 446

                              @e-m-trepke @loopylin @sarafini (was there anyone else in this group?)

                              I almost forgot about this group…

                              But, I think we were having problems with the wind? To think they just wanted food…


                              “Watch out!” a voice cried from behind her. Cammie wasn’t sure if he had been warning her or not, but she turned to be safe. As she turned to face the boy who had called out the warning, a wind-tentacle slammed into her, throwing her back onto the hard, stone floor. Cammie watched as the wind swayed back and hit Simon (sorry…)

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1643


                                Oh my gosh Ev!! He is very outgoing and confident, thats for sure 😅🤣🤣!

                                @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @theloonyone

                                Cool!! A dragon character! Is he evil or not? Okay, that sounds good!! Ooof, yeah, Tauren and Matt will probably be freaked out. They need to meet! They are a lot alike, they’d probably be good friends. I’ll go ahead and make my characters meet a few people before the dragon comes.


                                The hall grew loud as everyone started to converse. I glanced over at Matthew and his eyes were big. “Don’t you want to get to know some people?” I asked him.

                                He shook his head. “Not particularly,” He stated, smiling nervously.

                                “Oh, sure you do!” I told him.”Come on. I’ll be right here with you!”

                                He looked at me and sighed, “Alright.”

                                I inwardly pumped my fist in the air in triumph from the victory–the victory against my brother’s introverted nature.

                                “Okay, you choose who we go meet first,” I said, putting my hands on his shoulders and pulling him out from behind me where he had been cowering, and directly in front of me.

                                “Um…him,” He said, pointing to a older boy with brown hair and (does he have glasses?) who looked just as nervous as Matthew was. (Tauren)

                                “Oh, okay!” I said. “Let’s go.”


                                Lyla practically pushed me over to the young man I had chosen to meet.

                                He looked up as we stopped in front of him.

                                “Hi,” I said shyly.

                                “Oh. Hello,” He said warily.

                                Lyla nudged me forward.

                                “Oh! I-I-I’m Matthew,” I said, and stuck my hand out, wincing at my stutter.

                                The boy’s eyes softened slightly at my stutter. He shook my hand.

                                “I’m Tauren,” He said.





                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2974

                                  @esther-c @lightoverdarkness6 @theloonyone @loopylin @keilah-h

                                  Can’t remember who asked, yeah Tauren does have glasses.

                                  Tauren and Lesli

                                  Tauren looks over as a determined looking girl pushes a nervous boy over towards him.

                                  “Hi,” The boy says shyly.

                                  “Oh. Hello,” Tauren says, barley avoiding a stutter.

                                  The girl nudges the boy expectantly.

                                  “Oh! I-I-I’m Matthew,” He says, with a stutter.

                                  “I’m Tauren,” Tauren says, shaking his hand.

                                  It’s funny Les thinks she has to keep me from hiding behind her, I’m so tall now it wouldn’t work anyways. Come to think of it, I still try sometimes, despite it not working. How did our height gap get so big?

                                  “I’m Lesli.” Lesli says, reaching out her hand towards the girl. “I see we both have nervous little brother problems?” She laughs.

                                  I suppose I had a growth spurt in the 7th grade, and Lesli never grew much after 8th grade, so I simply caught up and surpassed her. Goodness, I’m nearly a foot taller than her–

                                  “What are you doing all absorbed in your thoughts?” Lesli says, nudging him in the shoulder.

                                  “Oh.” Tauren’s eyes rove back to the conversation. “I was just thinking about how short you are.”

                                  Oh no. That sounded so awful. What are these new people going to think of me?

                                  Tauren shrinks back.

                                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

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