Character Castle!

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  • #122256
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2972


      I had a alright thanksgiving, first one without my sister!

      Our sermon was about how we should treat disabled people just like others, and how it’s important to not act like they are a burden on the church, but do whatever it takes to get them to church because they have stuff to offer too and are made in the image of God just like all of us. It was really good!

      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 oh boy…. @koshka @elishavet-pidyon





        “Grimm and Nyx! You’ve seen them!” Luna cried, eyes sparkling. “Oh, then they are here!” A small smile lit her lips, her mind obviously not grasping the man’s sadistic grin…

        The words he’d been implying before…

        He’d met them…along with some others.

        A blonde boy…

        Boy. A child…

        Ara’s heart collapsed into her stomach. “Paxton…” She whispered.

        Lyn shot her a knowing look, and a concerned one. The blonde reached out a hand, steadying her. Ara thanked her with her eyes.

        November took a step back, making himself in line with Arabella. His face was considerably pale, his voice shaking as he spoke. “What do you mean it didn’t matter…? That…that you were outnumbered?”


        Dawson’s eyes narrowed, “What did you do…?” He asked under his breath.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @mineralizedwritings. OH, that is a great message!!! It sounds great!!!

          Ours was about complaining, the types of complainers, including Biblical examples of said types of complainers, and how to learn how to stop complaining. A hard one to practice, but a good message nonetheless. 😉

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2972


            Ah yes complaining… that’s a hard but important one 😂

            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @mineralizedwritings. That’s for sure. XD

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1555

                @freedomwriter76 we’re still on the road headed home, so we listened online. It was very good, about how praise heals, and trials grow patience ect. (From James and Romans). @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                Oh Hitchens has no idea how close he came to one of those brothers hunting him down.

                And um…so the poetic justice of using one of the smallest in the group kind of took my by storm so, ah, change any of this you want but this was too fun to write and not post.


                “Oh, just whipped a few, and if you don’t corporate I’ll do worse here.”

                A small boy. This man had hurt a child! Cécile’s fury turned to wrath. Completely forgetting her size, she stepped forward on the surge of anger around her until she was only a few feet in front of this creature, some of the others right behind her.

                She laughed, a beautiful, quiet laugh. Then she spoke, her accent thicker than it had been in years. “You’re threatening us? Like you did vat child? You think you can threaten me with vat single shot blunderbuss and an old whip. I’ve seen your kind before. You really don’t learn.”

                He went to push her aside, mild annoyance flickering in his eyes. Instead she caught his wrist.

                Cécile was a trained nurse. She knew anatomy better than her own name. Her strong little fingers found the hollows and tendons in his wrist and pressed, twisting.

                Mad with pain, Hitchens gave a gasping cry and tried to shove her away.

                “You have fünf seconds left. Go.” She released her grip and stepped back, locking eyes with Frida and crossing her arms. The others were even with her now, fists clenched and eyes burning. “Veir, drei-”

                “You are Deutsch?”

                “Zwei, ein. Lads, take him. I’ll manage Frida.”

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @koshka ahh ur charries!!! 😍 @freedomwriter76


                  Wh-whipped them?


                  Jocelyn felt the ground beneath her give way. Who? Who had he? One of her…?





                  Tears sprung to her eyes at the thought. She clenched her fists, shoulders rising with boiling anger.

                  He’d take it…he’d take it like a warrior…she knew he would…could…but that didn’t make it any less…






                  Oh…oh surely not…

                  Jocelyn looked at Ara and November, who obviously had thought the same thing, both white as sheets, hands shaking. Ara’s eyes were lit with a fire that…Jocelyn had only seen a few times before.


                  Paxton was just a child…


                  He wouldn’t have…

                  And Nyx…well he was a small fox. What would be the point of..?

                  Jocelyn caught the man’s eyes after Cécile released him. She barely caught Cécile’s words, her heart drumming in her ears.

                  Before anyone could say anything else, she leapt forward, eyes blazing. “Who?! Who did you hurt?!” She gripped the older man by his shirt, despite being considerably shorter then him.


                  The man peered at her with a raised brow, trying to push her off, but she held strong, fury in her blood. She…she had to know…


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @koshka @keilah-h @freedomwriter76

                    Nyx & Grimm (cuz it switches XD)

                    Nyx shifted in Grimm’s arm, letting out a sharp hiss as the bandages around him moved. He eyes scanned the room tiredly, ears still drooping to the back of his head. He let out a small pant, then shuddered.

                    Why was he so cold? He had fur for crying out loud!

                    He groaned.

                    “You good?” Grimm raised a brow.

                    Just…dandy…” The kit huffed. He glanced to his right spotting two small little girls. His nose twitched. “Who are they?”

                    “Ah! These are our cousins, Edy and Camille,” Joshua smiled. The brown-haired on, Camille, walked up to Grimm. She stood in tiptoes to get a better look at Nyx, then waved.

                    “Hello! You can talk?” She whispered.

                    Obviously…” Nyx sighed.

                    Camille tilted her head. “Are you sick? You look sad.”

                    Nyx sucked in a small breath. ”Meh…don’t worry about me…” The fox looked away. Grimm smiled slightly.

                    He’d never let on, but the kit was secretly a softie…

                    Most of the gang knew it…but, of course, they couldn’t ever say that….or let on that they knew it…


                    In fact…oftentimes Lyn said he and Grimm were…two sides of the same coin…

                    But…ah that first meeting…

                    He shook his head. The kit curled up tighter, shivering slightly. Grimm pulled him a bit closer, wrapping him tighter in the wrap he’d been given to keep the kit warm.



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @loopylin. Aww, glad it made you smile! Steve is such a great guy. XD And yay, Dante!!!! @keilah-h.


                      “Everyone, stop. We don’t need to fight. Not anymore.”

                      The brunette Zayne was fighting suddenly stopped, and Zayne did the same.

                      The red…weird guy was the one who had spoken.

                      Zayne offered his hand to the brunette, who was sitting on the ground, trying to obviously recover from the last blow. “Sorry about the fighting. We really aren’t enemies, are we? I’m Zayne.”

                      The brunette took his hand and stood. “Bucky.”

                      Zayne nodded and grinned. “Good to make your acquaintance, Bucky. This is my annoying twin brother Wayne.” He said, as Wayne walked over.

                      Wayne elbowed him, hard, in the rib before going over to the weird ship, walking inside.

                      Zayne merely laughed and motioned for Bucky to follow him. “Come along, Bucky, my friend. Adventure awaits us!”

                      He ran into the ship, and everyone made quick introductions after Kad flew in.

                      Reuben set one of the girls, Eddie, on a cot, before turning to everyone else. “Does anyone in here have medical experience…?”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP as Hitchens and the boys?


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. Working on it now. 😉

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @koshka. I love Cécile. XD @godlyfantasy12. GO LYN!!!! And so glad Nyx is a little better now!!! <333 @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.

                            Hitchens has no idea what he’s getting himself into, y’all. XD


                            Jocelyn held onto Hitchens, tight, as Cécile continued to stare Frida down.

                            They both had that bright blonde hair…and Cécile had the bright blue eyes.

                            Dawson took in a deep breath.

                            Her bright blue eyes sparkled, and her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Dawson, we’re going to have a baby! I’m going to be a Mama and you’re going to be a Daddy!” Eliza cried, wrapping her arms around him, tight. 

                            Dawson smiled and held his wife tighter, kissing her forehead. “I can’t wait…” 

                            Dawson angrily pushed tears back inside. It was where they belonged anyways.

                            “You don’t know who you’re messing with, child,” Hitchens spat, before turning, twisting, and pushing Jocelyn away. He unsheathed his long, thin sword. “You would all be wise to let us go on our way. Unless, of course, there’s information all of you would love to share with us…”

                            “Who did you hurt!?” Jocelyn screamed, going for him again, but Leon stopped her.

                            But his brown eyes still shot daggers at Hitchens. “She at least deserves to know.”

                            Hitchens merely smiled. “By that behavior, I don’t believe that child deserves to know anything. But I suppose I shall tell you. I merely attacked the one that attacked me first. The stupid fox. I’m sure he’s learned his lesson. And a silly little boy got in the way…he got hurt as well, but that was his own fault.”

                            Dawson’s fists clenched. A child!? Hitchens had hurt a child!?

                            An innocent, young child…unaware…innocent…just like…Nathan had been. 

                            Dawson stepped forward, taking the brown bess from Vince, fury blazing in his chest. “You hurt a child!? How. Dare. You.”

                            Hitchens raised an eyebrow, amused and surprised at once. “Private Thomas, I would suggest you put that weapon down. I never tried to hurt him. He got in the way like an imbecile.”

                            “You hurt a child!” Vince yelled, glaring at Hitchens.

                            Hitchens merely smiled. “So what?”


                            Hitchens had hurt a child…a child November, Arabella, Jocelyn, and Luna likely knew…judging by their white faces, though Jocelyn’s was also red.

                            Hitchens had hurt an innocent…unknowing…sweet…child. 

                            Lily’s hand slipped from his, as she wrapped her arms around his legs.

                            Hitchens had hurt…whipped…a child.

                            ‘But how is it any different than what you did? Hitchens hurt a child…you murdered them. Millions of them.’ 

                            Riker closed his eyes, tight, against the words, hand on his daughter’s head of bright blonde locks.

                            “Dear God, forgive me again for what I did,” he silently prayed.

                            Lily held onto him tighter as the voices continued to rise, getting more and more heated.

                            A fight would break out if it wasn’t stopped.

                            Lily tugged on his jacket, and Riker lifted his daughter into his arms, holding her close.

                            Lily kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck as the voices continued to heat.


                            Wolfgang (I haven’t RP-ed as him in so long!!! *sobs*) 

                            Nyx was awake…and seemed a…little better.

                            Paxton looked happy, and Grimm looked relieved.

                            Joshua, Jakob, and Leo, who was carrying Edy, were checking on them along with Camille, Zlatan, Vulkasin, Crosshair, and Feather, so Wolfgang sank down beside the wall as far away from everyone as he could.

                            Reuben was gone…maybe in serious trouble…and it was all his fault.

                            Wolfgang sniffed and wiped away the tears that began to course down his cheeks.

                            It was all his fault.

                            The things he’d said to Reuben…they were horrible.

                            “Hey…are you…alright…?”

                            Wolfgang looked up, vision blurred by tears, just as Nathan, with a warm smile, got down on one knee in front of him. “You…you’re crying…so…I didn’t know what was wrong…”

                            “I-it’s nothing…” Wolfgang whispered, sniffing and wiping away tears again.

                            “It doesn’t look like nothing…” Nathan whispered softly, smiling again.

                            Wolfgang shrugged. “I-I made my brother run away…and n-now he m-might be hurt…a-and it-it’s all my fault…”

                            “Hey, don’t say that…”

                            “But it is!” Wolfgang cried.


                            Himmler (finally getting him in here. XD)

                            “Listen, it’s a simple agreement…a bit of…a trade, if you’d like. We’ll help you find Edy and Camille…and you help us find who we’re looking for again…”

                            “Again? You found them before…didn’t you?” Himmler asked, raising an eyebrow. “Do you forget that they’re my nephews too?”

                            Adolphus sighed. “But Uncle Himmler, they’re not…the same as me and Dietrich, remember? They’re Jews.” He spat out the word “Jews”.

                            Himmler sighed. Maybe he should have been used to this kind of talk by now…but he never would be.

                            Dietrich smiled. “So, what do you say, Uncle…?” He draped an arm around Himmler’s shoulder. Adolphus did the same.

                            They were both taller than Himmler and not much younger.

                            That’s what he got for being 24 years younger than his oldest brother.

                            Himmler quietly sighed. “Alright, Adolphus, Dietrich, I agree.”

                            A slow, sadistic smile spread across Adolphus’ face. “Good, Uncle Himmler…you’ll be able to help us immensely…”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              Totally forgot Julius was with the boys again! Ugh!!! *face-palms*

                              He’s just so quiet! XD

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                Eh…I’ll put him on his own…heh…he got away…so…let me RP as him. 😉

                                Tagging everyone bc my baby may need to be rescued soon. XD

                                . @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @loopylin. @theloonyone. @lightoverdarkness6. @mineralizedwritings. Did I forget anyone!? XD


                                He was on his own.

                                The others…they were…busy. Concerned about Paxton…and Nyx.

                                So…he slipped away.

                                Maybe it wasn’t smart to be on his own…but Julius had never been known for being the smartest apple in the bunch.

                                ‘No, you’re the crippled one…’

                                Julius took in a deep breath.

                                Those words would always hurt.

                                Maybe people would tell him to be okay with it. Maybe people would tell him to suck it up and forget.

                                But how could he?

                                Julius ignored the torches on the wall.

                                He had to.

                                Suddenly, footsteps sounded, Julius was grabbed, and thrown to the floor.

                                He groaned, just as two men stood over him.

                                No. No. No. Not again. 

                                He searched for an escape, but there wasn’t one. He was in a corner, surrounded.

                                “Well, hello again, Julius…” Dietrich said with a smirk.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 AGGGHHHH JULIUUUUSSS 😭 AND HIMMLER!! But I understand he’s just trying to find his babies.

                                  and…gurl…Uh…Jocelyn is going to be livid.

                                  As is Arabella.



                                  Nyx…He’d whipped Nyx.

                                  How many times? 

                                  Nyx was so small…he was a fighter…but…

                                  Oh Light One…


                                  Ara’s stomach squeezed with nausea. She looked at November. He looked like he was about ready to either vomit, or punch someone…

                                  A very thin line.


                                  “And a silly little boy got in the way…he got hurt as well, but that was his own fault.”

                                  Ara’s eyes lit up.

                                  Paxton?!” She screeched. Hands flying to her neck. “You whipped my brother?!” She screamed.

                                  Her sweet….innocent….

                                  He’d already been so hurt…so…

                                  By his own family…his own people…

                                  And she said she’d protect him….

                                  Promised she wouldn’t leave…



                                  A ear-piercing cry shattered Ara’s thoughts. A rageful, angry, bitter scream that sent shivers down Ara’s spine.


                                  Lily started to cry.


                                  Ara opened her eyes. When had she closed them?


                                  “Jocelyn…Lyn no!” She cried, reaching out a hand to her friends.


                                  Jocelyn was non on the ground, Hitchens underneath her small frame. How she’d tackled him to the ground, Ara wasn’t sure…

                                  But…Lyn’s hands wrapped tightly around the man’s throat, her nails digging into his skin.

                                  How could you?!” Jocelyn screamed, tears streaming down her face. “How could you hurt my darling? My love?!”

                                  “Jocelyn stop! You’re going to kill him!” November said, rushing to try and pull her off of him.

                                  Leon rushed over to help him. Eventually the two were able to force her off and carry her back, kicking and fighting.

                                  Why?! Why…?” Lyn sobbed, pulling herself into November, who wrapped his arms around her.

                                  “Shh…it’s okay Lyn…it’s okay,” November whispered, his own eyes glassy.

                                  Ara stared, fists clenched as Hitchens sucked in much needed air, slowly moving to a sitting position. He rubbed his neck.


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