Character Castle!

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  • #122073
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      @theloonyone @loopylin @mineralizedwritings

      So after several KP deletings and accidental refreshing the pages, I FINALLY typed this! Sorry it took so long😅🤦🏻‍♀️.

      Oh okay! I like the name Everly better too😊. Whoa, a trap door?! Our poor charries😅😬.


      Me and Carter leaned, hands on our knees, panting.

      I looked over at Carter. Smiled, “I think I won that time.”

      “Maybe. It was pretty close…but we’ll say you did since I won the last one.” He smirked.

      I looked over at Kaine. He was looking up a large stairway, brows furrowed, listening.

      “I think I hear Evelyn!” He exclaimed. “Really?” I asked. “Hey guys! Kaine thinks he hears his sister!” I yelled to Simon, Milo, and Cammie. I could hear Cammie muttering something about like, “It’s about time that I’m not the only girl…”

      Then me and Carter walked over to Kaine. I could faintly hear a girl’s voice saying

      “Hey, you match Everly here with your sling! You could be sling buddies! Or sling friends… injury besties? I’m gonna have to work on that one…”

      It couldn’t be Lyla. That girls voice sounded older than Ly. And who she was talking about, that couldn’t be Lyla…could it? She didn’t have a sling…unless? I gasped. She could be hurt too!

      “C’mon, guys!” Kaine exclaimed, running up the stairs. I followed, with Carter and the rest on my tail.

      We walked down a hallway, and turned a corner, and there were four girls talking. My breath caught when I saw the face of the fourth. It was my beloved sister, Lyla. I smiled when I saw her, and she smiled back.

      Carter!” One of the girls shouted excitedly. “Carmen?!” Carter exclaimed.

      We walked down a hallway, and turned a corner, and there were four girls talking. My breath caught when I saw the face of the fourth. It was my beloved sister, Lyla.

      “L-lyla!” I exclaimed happily. Her arm was bound to her body in a makeshift sling, and her hair was a little disheveled, but she smiled and said, “Matthew!” I frowned as I assessed her hurt shoulder. But then I smiled at her and started rushing forward to hug her. But as I got within a few yards, one of the girls slipped and fell against the wall. The floor opened. Lyla reached out for me before her scream split the air as she plummeted down the hole.

      I was left standing where the floor had opened, tears streaming down my face. “N-no!! Lyla!” I screamed. Kaine was right beside me, in the same state. Carter was on the floor, trying to pry open the trap door with brute strength, repeating, “No! No!” Over and over. I fell beside him on the floor trying to help in anyway I could. We needed our sisters. Oh yes we did.


      “Oh, I’m Everly.” The girl said through the door, her voice a bit muffled.

      “Oh, I found the key!”

      “You did? Good!”

      The door swung open slowly and her face was revealed. She looked older than me, with curly, red hair falling a little past her shoulders. Her right arm was in a sling too!

      “Is it bleeding?” Everly asked, looking at my bandaged arm.

      “Oh no. I just…um, rammed it against this door, trying to get out.” I reached out as if to touch the door, but my arm buckled and I hissed in pain. “Oh, you’re hurt too.” I said. Everly looked down at her arm. “Oh, Yes. Can you move your arm?“ she asked.

      “Well, a little bit. But it hurts.” I said.

      Overwhelming gratitude flowed through me as I realized that I might have died in that room if she hadn’t found me. I gave her a hug, careful of both our injured arms. Everly’s eyes widened, but then she smiled and softly squeezed me back. (Lyla is a big hugger ❤️😊🥰)

      Another girl bounced forward, looking over Everly’s shoulder.

      Hi! I’m Carmen!” She said with a smile, peeking over Everly’s shoulder at me. “Hey, you match Everly here with your sling! You could be sling buddies! Or sling friends… injury besties? I’m gonna have to work on that one…”

      “Yeah!” I laughed. “I like Sling buddies! Oh and I’m Lyla! Sorry…I forgot to say that earlier.”

      “Oh yeah…haha.” Everly laughed nervously.

      There was another girl beside Carmen, who introduced herself as Beth. Just then, I heard footsteps coming up some stairs a little down the hallway. I tensed. Who knows who that is. Then I realized that there were more than one footsteps.

      I caught a glimpse of red hair as the first person finished climbing the stairs and stopped. I heard Evelyn breath beside me, “Kaine…”

      The next person was a…Matthew?! His hair was disheveled and his face was dirty, but that was my Matt, alright. He stopped beside the red haired boy and gaped at me. I smiled at him. “Matthew!” He looked at my makeshift sling and his eyes widened. He met my eyes and I shrugged, smiling sadly. He smiled back and started forward to hug me. But then something terrible happened. I saw Beth slip slightly when Carmen yelled, “Carter!” And throw her hands against the wall to steady herself. Something clicked, and the floor opened. In the split second before we fell, I made eye contact with Matthew, His eyes wide. I smiled, my smile saying everything I wanted to ask him and tell him and just hug him.

      Then the air was split with the sound of me and the other girl’s screams as we plummeted.

      Whoo! Writing that was breaking my ❤️ y’all 😅😭😭.






        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1555

        @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

        So um…who’s turn is it?

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @koshka. I can go, if everyone’s alright with that…XD

          Yeah, I think it’s my turn. XD I’ll try to get something written. I meant to be on more this week, but my Dad was off of work all week…so…wanted to spend time with him, and then the holiday…XD

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


            “Hey. I don’t know who this guy is…but you can trust us.” Jocelyn said.

            Dawson slowly nodded, lips dry.

            Lily, the energetic little girl, hid behind her father’s legs and lapsed into silence.

            Hitchens merely smiled, still walking closer. “Ah, hello, Private Thomas…wonderful to see you here…your back doesn’t still hurt, does it, hmm?”

            Dawson’s fists clenched.

            He wouldn’t be intimidated. He wouldn’t back down.

            “Ah, don’t be so…stiff. I’m only here to say hello.” Hitchens said, a slow, cruel, sadistic smile spreading across his face.

            The woman beside him merely smiled.

            “Who is that?” Vince asked, nodding towards the woman.

            “I am Frida Baumann.”

            Vince nodded, squeezing Dawson’s shoulder to reassure him. “Well, Colonel, I believe you’re here for more than just a…talk.



            Jakob had left for a moment, going to get Vulkasin and Zlatan back.

            Within a moment or so, though, he was back.

            Leo glanced around at the others, Edy still in his arms. “Should we keep moving…or…?”


            . @keilah-h.


            “I am not a good person. You never should have trusted me in the first place.” Dante said, the pain gone, instead replaced by defiance.

            Dante had made some mistakes…like everyone.

            But that…pain in his eyes…Steve knew that look.

            Slowly, maybe much to everyone’s surprise…he set Dante down.

            Dante looked up at him, confused.

            Steve smiled faintly. “I don’t just give everyone one chance.”

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1555

              @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12


              The moment these two had appeared the rest of the group went nearly rigid. As soon as the man had started speaking, she almost had to hold Annia back. The girl’s hands were held at her waist in tight fists, showing her calloused knuckles.

              Annia, no.” Cécile whispered in her ear. “Breaking his nose won’t make him disappear, and it won’t help either.”

              The lass clasped her hands behind her back, eyes still spewing green fire. Cécile carefully stepped between them, but then…

              She realized exactly who this man was. Her own eyes went icy cold despite the calm smile shaping her mouth. She stepped up beside and slightly in front of Dawson, not caring that her little white cap didn’t even reach this man’s shoulder height.

              “Well, so you are this fellow’s officer.” Her voice suddenly thickened with her usually hidden Algermain accent, but she kept it cordial. (Which means she’s furious) “V’hy do you treat your men like dogs?”

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                As soon as Cécile had spoken, Jocelyn knew the words rang true.

                No wonder Dawson became so tense…


                Jocelyn’s fists clenched. Hurting someone just because you could…just because they were under your command…

                It was…just so wrong.


                Like so many other things she’d seen…


                “You did this to him?” Jocelyn moved ahead, pushed past Ara.

                Ara’s eyes widened. “Lyn…easy…” She whispered, placing a gentle hand on the blonde’s arm.

                “What about you? Did you help him? You do realize how you left him, right?” Jocelyn looked at Frida, and then back at Hitchens. “I really can’t understand people like you! People who…hurt others with no remorse.”

                She shook her head, fists clenching.




                “Zlatan…Vulk,” Grimm gazed at the two, smiling softly. “You both alright?” He asked after Jakob returned having found them.

                They nodded, though Zlatan’s eyes glanced worriedly at the bundle in Grimm’s arms, then to Paxton, who was in conversation with Edy and Camille.

                “How is…?” He started.

                Grimm’s brows furrowed. He frowned, looking down. Nyx stirred slightly, giving a small squeak.

                He was starting to come to. Grimm let out a breath. Hopefully he’d be a bit…more aware this time….

                Otherwise…they’d have more problems…


                They couldn’t risk him bleeding again…

                Plus they now had Edy and Camille. No doubt one of his outbursts would upset them….

                “Should we keep moving…or…?” Leo asked, Edy now in his arms in replace of Paxton. Grimm frowned again, wondering if that was really good for his injury.

                But, he knew himself how stubborn someone could be.

                He himself could be…well…a bit stubborn at times. Especially when it came to putting others first.

                Grimm stepped beside him. “We can keep moving…but we might want to find somewhere to rest soon….maybe find sustenance. Something to eat. I’m sure Paxton’s hungry. Girl’s might be too, and when Nyx wakes up, he’s going to need something to give him his strength back. You need the same…”

                Leo opened his mouth to start arguing but Grimm ignored him.

                “Speaking of Nyx…” He lowered his voice a bit, “I think he’s waking up. If he has one of his…attacks, I just wanted to give you a heads up. I don’t know how the girls would take that…and I wouldn’t want him hurting one of them on accident.”


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2334

                  @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 Aw, reading that made me smile. Steve’s a much better person than I’ll ever be. Also I think he’s earned Dante’s eternal respect and loyalty.😄


                  Steve set Dante slowly onto the ground.

                  “I don’t just give everyone one chance.”

                  Dante stared up at him.

                  No. This was the part where the fight was supposed to break out. This was the part where Dante was supposed to cut the ties that were holding him back. This was the part where should walk away, bloodied and bruised, but with one less “friend” to worry about.

                  It had happened before. So why…?

                  Bewildered, he looked away from Steve and over at Reuben and Ellie. They were both… smiling. Not mockingly, but with real kindness in their eyes. This wasn’t a trick. Again he looked up at Steve.

                  A second chance.

                  With one last glance at the ship’s controls, he furrowed his brow, grabbed his discarded stun gun, and walked swiftly out of the room. The others followed but did not stop him. He stepped out of the ship and onto the grass. The sounds of fighting surrounded him. Careful not to hit the dragon creature, he shot three times in the air. The fighting stopped. Everyone looked at him. He cringed at the sudden attention.

                  What am I doing? 

                  “Everyone, stop. We don’t need to fight. Not anymore.”


                  @theloonyone @mineralizedwritings


                  “Are we all alright?” Beth heard someone ask. Someone else responded and soon there were many confused voices saying many different things. Beth ignored them all and started to feel around in the dark.

                  She stood and traced the stone wall until she felt a cool breeze on her feet. She stooped again and felt around some more. After a bit she discovered that the breeze was coming from a tunnel near the ground. It was square and lined in stone, like the walls, and was about three feet tall and three feet wide.  She put her head and shoulders in and reached one arm as far back as she could. She felt nothing but air. Pulling herself back out, she accidentally hit her head on the tunnel’s roof.

                  “Ow.” Beth muttered, rubbing the back of her skull.

                  She then spoke louder, addressing everyone. “Um… I think I might have just found a way out, but… I’m not sure you all will like it.”

                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h can we get started back here again?? K rlly wanna continue it!!


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      And I’m we kinda have but it’s been reeeeeaaaalllyyy sporadic lol


                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1555

                        @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                        Okay y’all!


                        The little fox whimpered in a fitful sleep, his head jerking slightly as if he was still fighting. Zlatan frowned.

                        Nyx needed help, yet how could he get him it, here in a forsaken castle.

                        There was always…but what if…he shook his head and dug out the little green bottle from his pack.

                        “I do have somefing zat should help give him strength and his right mind, but…we must be careful.

                        Vulkasin leaned over his shoulder. “Is that the-”

                        “Dah. All he’d need is a few drops, and only a few.”

                        Grimm’s brow creased. “What is it?”

                        “A Taisish restorative.”

                        “What’s in it?”

                        Zlatan glanced down at it in his hand and shrugged. “Don’t know. The Taisish are master healers but, ah…they use some surprising methods. Nyx would only need a little for his size and no more. Soldiers have gotten stuck on fings like z’his, alvough v’hy I don’t understand. It tastes awful, but it stems bleeding and gives strength and a clear head.”

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Koshka.

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @koshka heya! @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                          Grimm stared at the bottle of green liquid, considering the option for a moment.

                          He glanced at the little creature in his arms as he twitched. He ran a forefinger over the kit’s brow, letting out a small sigh.

                          “Let’s try it.” He said softly.

                          Zlatan nodded, opening the bottle. “Like I said, only a few.” Grimm nodded, gently coercing the kit’s maw open, careful to keep his fingers between the kit’s canines.

                          Zlatan allowed a few drops of the liquid to drip from the bottle, landing into Nyx’s mouths. He stopped, leaning the bottle back upright and closing it.

                          Nyx’s nose twitched into a look of disgust, his eyes still close. Grimm gently forced his mouth closed and then began rubbing the creature’s throat.

                          Nyx shifted, but finally swallowed. A small hiss of a breath left his throat, his breathing slowly becoming normal.

                          Grimm watched the kit closely as his tails slowly began to sway. Nyx’s eyes opened slightly- half-lidded and a bit dull.

                          He panted a bit, ears sticking to his head. He glanced up, meeting Grimm’s.


                          “Hey Nyx,” Grimm whispered, a small smile on his otherwise stoic face.

                          “Good to see you awake little v’one,” Vulkasin smiled.

                          Nyx merely glanced at him. He made no comment at the “Little One.” Proof that he…really didn’t feel well.

                          “N-Nyx!” Paxton cried, rushing over to Grimm. He looked up at Grimm’s arms. “Nyx…you’re…you’re awake!” The little boy sniffed.


                          “Yea…I know.” Grimm frowned.

                          L…Lyn?” The kit looked up with glassy eyes. Grimm swallowed.

                          “She’s not here, Nyx. Remember?”

                          Nyx twitched, agitated. “L-Lyn…”

                          Grimm sighed, fingering the bright yellow crystal that hung from the kit’s neck. “We’ll find her.”



                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1555



                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon anyone here?


                              Elishavet Elroi
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1056

                                @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                                Let’s see…


                                As soon as the man walked up, Viktor heard Reúven’s voice in a low mutter.

                                “What fine boots. Very much the officer.”

                                Viktor’s eyes went wide. He spread his feet and gripped his sword, ready. Esen shifted on his shoulders to raise her crest in answer to his movements.

                                Reúven’s hand was clenched behind his back.

                                Not good.

                                The two boys moved to stand shoulder to shoulder. An unfriendly draft blew through the passage, chilling the back of Viktor’s neck where flames once licked.

                                Lily hid behind Riker.

                                “Hear his speech?” Reúven once more muttered. “Very fine. Very lofty. Quite knowledgeable.

                                “Quite.” Viktor hissed back.

                                “And she?” Reúven’s eyes slitted. “Holds perfect understanding.”

                                As the conversation before them began to grow bitter, Reúven glanced at Viktor.

                                “Still, she is a woman. However… Complacent.” He sighed. “Let’s try to keep our introduction to words.”



                                The friendly greetings changed to a fearful silence as two shadows appeared around the corner. Winifrith caught her breath and her hand made as if to close herself back into the carven hall, but it fell to her shield instead.

                                Every eye turned to see the newcomers as they stepped around the corner.

                                They were very ill met.

                                Words were traded like glowing darts, gathering venom each passing moment. Winifrith pressed herself against the door to avoid getting burned.

                                “You poor, innocent child.” The Frida lady flung coldly at the bright golden headed maid, “It’s called discipline, and it’s well deserved.”

                                “Excuse me?” Winifrith came off the wall. “Mayhap I be half thy age, yet ne’theless I can see ye lie in your teeth.”


                                Winifrith felt the hot blood rush into her face, but she stood her ground.

                                “I what?” The woman’s confusion was quickly turning to anger.

                                “Certainly some may call it discipline, but mine heart testifies against the word on thy lips.”

                                King help me, what have I done? Her hand trembled behind her shield.

                                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @koshka. @godlyfantasty12. @elishavet-pidyon. Would’ve been here sooner, but I didn’t even eat lunch until 3!!! But Church was great! Great worship, great service, and a great message!!! (though it can be difficult to practice…XD) How did everyone else’s services go? And I hope all y’all, including @keilah-h, @loopylin, @theloonyone, @mineralizedwritings, @lightoverdarkness6, and everyone here had a great Thanksgiving!!!



                                  “Certainly, some may call it discipline, but mine heart testifies against the word on thy lips.”

                                  The woman’s eyes narrowed and blazed with fury. “Excuse me!? Learn when to hold your tongue, girl. It will help you stay out of trouble later…” She snarled.

                                  The man, officer, rather, smirked. “Well, everyone here is quite…welcoming. You certainly know how to choose friends, Private Thomas.” He mused, sarcasm in every word.

                                  The woman, Frida, continued to glare. She clicked her tongue. “Well, if everyone’s going to be so…ill mannered, maybe we’re here for a reason, Colonel.”

                                  Hitchens grinned. “Quite. You’re right, Vince, I’m here for more than just a “talk”. Much more.” A slow smile once again spread over his face.

                                  Riker clutched Lily closer. She peeked her head out from behind his leg, and Frida raised an eyebrow. “Oh, and who’s that pretty little girl?”

                                  “None of your business.” Riker snarled, holding Lily closer, as she once again hid behind his legs.

                                  Leon stepped in front of them both, fists clenched.

                                  “You’re not hurting anyone, Hitchens…leave them alone. They did nothing wrong.” Dawson said quietly.

                                  Hitchens turned to face Dawson again. “Learn when to hold your tongue, Thomas. It would serve you well. But, seeing as we are quite outmatched, maybe now isn’t the time to fight. Even though I was outmatched before, and, well…did just fine.”

                                  “What are you talking about?” Leon asked, snarled, even.

                                  Hitchens smirked again, turning to face Leon. Waved a hand in dismissal. “Just a few troublemakers here at the castle. Nothing big. Four annoying brothers, Private Meijer, two more brothers, a wolf boy, a little blonde boy, and a crazed fox with three tails. Nothing important nor big.”



                                  Nyx was awake.

                                  ‘Thank you, Jesus,’ he thought.

                                  But Joshua and his brothers hung back.

                                  Camille clutched his hand, tight.

                                  Joshua glanced over at Leo, as Edy slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

                                  Leo grimaced, but when he noticed that Joshua was watching, he pretended that he was fine.

                                  Joshua sighed and turned back to Grimm, Nyx, Paxton, and Zlatan. “I’m glad he’s awake now…”

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