Character Castle!

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  • #121961
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1643

      @mineralizedwritings @theloonyone @loopylin

      I forgot to do Lyla’s bio too 🤦🏻‍♀️😂.

      Lyla is 13 years old, and Matthew’s twin sister. She is actually only 8 minutes older than Matthew😂. She has light brown hair with a touch of blonde. And she has blue eyes. She’s a lot feistier than Matt. In fact, she usually protects him from the common bullies in their neighborhood. Because Matthew is very sweet and shy and doesn’t do much to defend himself. Think @godlyfantasy12 ‘s November. And @freedomwriter76 ‘s Riker. Lyla is sweet too, but she will not hesitate to take up for her brother. Anyway! I hope y’all like her!


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2334

        @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h sorry Kad doesn’t really have anything to do right now. I’m trying to hurry this up but I’m not sure how it should end


        “Dante…I think we need a little bit more proof than that…

        I don’t exactly know if I can trust you anymore.”

        Dante looked up and met Steve’s eyes.


        He had heard those words many times before. So why did they hurt so much now?

        He had never asked for anybody’s trust. Or friendship.

        But it had been nice to have friends… for a little bit…

        He blinked and glanced away from Steve. “Heh. You only realizing that now? That I’m not trustworthy?”

        He looked back at Steve, but now, instead of the pain that had been there before, there was only empty defiance on his face.

        “I am not a good person. You never should have trusted me in the first place.”


        Steve can do whatever he wants (punch him, I don’t care😆) but I’m thinking we can give him a chance to redeem himself later maybe if the group meets Lilith or Frida or some other villain.

        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1643

          Here’s Lyla!!


            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1643


            Cold. It was cold. I opened my eyes and slowly looked around. I was in a cold, bland, room with stone walls. Stone? I stood up and rubbed my arms. Then he walked over to the wall and felt the cool, rough, stone.

            Where in the world am I? And where’s Matthew?!

            “Well, I’m not accomplishing anything by staying in this room,” I said aloud.
            There was a big wooden door to the right of me. I walked over and pulled on the handle.

            Nothing happened. I pulled harder. Still nothing. I yanked in the door with all I had. Nothing!

            I started to panic. I’m inside a room somewhere with no windows and one door. And the door won’t open. What do I do?

            I rammed my shoulder against the door. Something in my shoulder popped. Pain shot down my shoulder and into my arm and I cried out.

            Then I sank down to the floor. It was hopeless. I couldn’t move my arm up—or in any direction really. Only the Hulk could break through that door, I thought.

            “Help!” I shouted. “HELP!!”




              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2972

              @theloonyone @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6

              Ok so I’m going to have a description of Evelyn here, kinda sad I’m not drawing her like I usually would, but tbh I’m pretty bad at drawing girls, especially if I haven’t had time to figure out their expressions.

              Evelyn is 5′ 5″, she has the same burgundy (we don’t question how that happened ok, it’s natural somehow 😂) hair as Kaine. I’ve actually changed it slightly, they both have light tan skin. Her hair is curly like Kaines, but hers falls below her shoulders. Her hair is really curly and long-ish, so it just looks like she has a lot of hair? I hope that made since. She isn’t skinny, but she isn’t like unhealthy either. Her right arm is in a sling and is bandaged. Any other time she would be carrying a bow, but can’t shoot it right now because of her arm. The injury was affecting her physically in other ways, like generally really tired, but we’ll pretend she’s doing a bit better for now. She probably had like nothing with her at the time she was transported to the castle. She’s wearing denim overalls and short sleeve shirt (I think it’s grey). She’s probably wearing hiking boots.

              "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1643

                Ooh I like Evelyn already!! Can’t wait for Lyla to meet her!!



                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2972

                  @theloonyone @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6

                  “Oh, hello.”

                  Everly turns in shock to see the girl speaking.

                  “Oh no, are you hurt?” She asks.

                  “Oh! Hi!” Everly looks up at her, noticing the brown haired girl behind her.

                  “I uh, yeah. I’m doing alright at the moment. Thanks!”

                  “I’m Everl–”

                  Everly stops at the sound of another voice.

                  “Help, HELP!”

                  A girls voice echoes down the halls from a room with a closed door.

                  Everly approaches the door with caution, looking up at it’s grand wood slats.

                  Wow, that door is a slight to behold.

                  Lightly tugging on the door with her left arm, Everly notes it’s resistance.

                  Yeah, no way I’m getting that open.

                  Looking towards the door handle, she notices a large chain running from the doornob to a firm metal anchor on the side of the wall.

                  Now if only I could find the key to that giant lock…

                  Everly glances left and right, looking for the lock.

                  Ack, my arms hurting. I should sit down again.

                  Everly sits down with her back to the giant door.

                  “You ok in there?” She calls to the girl inside.

                  “Oh! As I was saying, I’m Everly.”


                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2972

                    @theloonyone @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6


                    Ok Kp eats edits, not just posts now. Looks like I’ve gotta get it right the first time 😅

                    That was Everly speaking above.


                    “Oh…I’m not s-sure.” Mathew stutters, frowning.

                    “Hmm.” Kaine looks up at the castle. “Intimidating isn’t it?” He laughs.

                    “I’m going. I need to find Everly.”

                    Kaine walks to the entrance. He looks back for any sign of supporters before taking the step through the grand entrance.

                    “C’mon.” Kaine says in the direction of the group.


                    "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1643

                      @mineralizedwritings @theloonyone @loopylin

                      Is her name Evelyn or Everly? I think you’ve typed both😅.


                      “Oh…I’m not s-sure.” I stuttered.
                      “Hmmm.” Kaine looked up at the castle. Laughed, “Intimidating isn’t it? I’m going. I need to find Everly.” And with that, he walked off.
                      I looked at Carter. “Are you ready?” He asked, eye brows raised.
                      “As ready as I’ll ever be, I-I guess.”
                      “You wanna have a rematch? I asked.
                      “You bet!” He smirked.
                      I crouched down in a runners stance.“Okay! On your mark, get set, go!”

                      C’mon!” Kaine called back to us, and off we started, the rest of the group laughing and following slowly.


                      As I sat on the cold, stone, floor, leaning against the heavy, wooden door, I tried to move my shoulder. I could lift it up a little, but doing so sent sharp spasms of pain down my arm. I need to wrap my arm and shoulder. But it’s so cold! I don’t want to take off my sweatshirt. But I guess I’ve got no choice. I slowly raised my good arm overhead and pulled the shirt off, grimacing with pain. Then I tore the shirt into a long strip of cloth and awkwardly tied my shoulder to my body.
                      I heard footsteps echoing outside the door, and my breath quickened.
                      Someone tugged lightly on the door from outside, and stopped abruptly. Then a sweet sounding, feminine voice called softly, “You okay in there?”
                      I turned to face the door and scooted a few feet from it. “Um yeah, I’m pretty good. I  hurt my shoulder though.” I winced as I recalled how stupid my decision was to ram the door. “Is the door locked?” I asked. “And what’s your name?”


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2972

                        @theloonyone @lightoverdarkness6 @loopylin

                        Lol your right 🤣 I’ve called her the wrong name. This is the first time I’ve ever written her, so it’s not ingrained in my head yet. It’s Everly.


                        Kaine walks through the grand entrance. His boots tap lightly against the marble floors, as he makes his way around the large center area. Looking up, he notices three large balcony’s circling the upper levels. A small stairway to the left spirals up to each of them.

                        Carter and Mathew come tumbling into view from the entrance. Mathew leans over, hands on knees, trying to catch his breath. Listening closely, Kaine notices muffled voices echoing from the above levels.

                        Could that be Everly?

                        Kaine walks over towards the stairway. Placing a hand on the carved banister, he notes it’s intricate wood working.


                        “Um yeah, I’m pretty good. I hurt my shoulder though.” The girls voice says.

                        “And what’s your name?” She adds.

                        “Oh! I’m Everly.” Everly says.

                        “Oh! I found the key.”

                        Everly scoots on the floor over to the rusted key on the ground.

                        The key looks nearly as grand as the lock itself.

                        Everly inserts the key into the lock, trying hard to turn it with her good hand. Slowly but surely, it starts to move. After a loud click the lock drops to the ground.

                        Moving to the side, Everly opens the door, coming face to face with the girl.

                        “It’s not too bad is it? Is it bleeding?” Everly says, starting to look around for a key.

                        The girl looks down at her shoulder, tied to herself with a strip of her sweatshirt. Her brown and blond hair shifts with her movement, and a hint of pain shifts behind her blue eyes.


                        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2334

                          @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6


                          The door opened to reveal another girl with her arm in a makeshift sling.

                          “What is with everyone around here hurting their arms?” Beth muttered.

                          “Hi! I’m Carmen!” Carmen said with a smile, peeking over Everly’s shoulder at the girl. “Hey, you match Everly here with your sling! You could be sling buddies! Or sling friends… injury besties? I’m gonna have to work on that one…”

                          Carmen’s musings were interrupted by the sound of several person’s footsteps coming up the stairs to the balcony behind them.

                          “Carter!” Beth heard Carmen shout next to her.

                          In her surprise, Beth spun around, lost her balance, and caught herself on the wall next to her.
                          The next moment felt like it happened in slow motion. First, she heard a loud click right where her hand had had landed. Then, she locked eyes with her brother Simon across the hall. There was was a split second when she saw Simon start to say her name before the floor gave out beneath her and she fell, along with the other girls, into the darkness beneath them.

                          (To explain, Beth accidentally activated some unnecessary trap door, because why not?)


                          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2334

                            Sorry forgot to tag you @theloonyone

                            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2334

                              @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6 @theloonyone

                              Imma do the boys now too

                              Simon and Carter 

                              “They were right here.” Carter said for the tenth time. He and some others had pressed every stone in the wall, hoping to find the button that had opened the floor before, but with no luck. Now, he was on his hands and knees, trying to pry open the trap door with brute strength.

                              Simon stood beside him, dead silent as he usually was when he was frustrated or thinking very hard. In this case, he was both.

                              “Are you sure it was them? You only saw them for a split second.” Cammie asked gently. (Sorry, Loony,for playing your character. I just know you’ve been busy and I didn’t want us to forget that they’re there.)

                              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2972

                                @theloonyone @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6


                                “Hi! I’m Carmen!” Carmen says with a smile, peeking over Everly’s shoulder at the girl. “Hey, you match Everly here with your sling! You could be sling buddies! Or sling friends… injury besties? I’m gonna have to work on that one…”

                                “Oh yeah…haha.” Everly laughs nervously.

                                The loud sound of footsteps tromping up stairs make Everly look to the right.

                                “Carter!” Carmen shouts.


                                Kaine runs up the stairs, skipping a few along the way. He listens to the little bit of conversation going on above.

                                “Oh yeah…haha.” A muffles girls voice sounds down to the stairwell.


                                Kaine and Everly

                                Kaine reaches the top of the stairs, and runs over to Everly.

                                Oh my goodness I can’t let this happen to her again.

                                Sh-She-looks to be all in one piece!

                                Kaine frantically checks his mental list.

                                No blood coming from her bandages yet, she doesn’t look scared–

                                Kaine’s thought’s are immediately cut short by a loud scream. The group of girls fall below a trapdoor, which immediately fastens itself shut. Kaine stands with his hands half raised, purely stunned.

                                “No–Everly-” Kain stutters, putting one hand on his head in stress.

                                “No-oo!” Kaine says, covering his face.

                                How? Why us?

                                After taking a tumble down into a dark room, Everly sits up, nursing her hurt arm.


                                She winces as she scoots into a more comfortable place on the ground.

                                “Are we all alright?” She asks.

                                “Everly can you hear me?” Kaines muffles voice travels into the dark room.

                                “Oh! Barely yes!” Everly replies.

                                “A-are-you…ok?” Kaine asks, his voice pitching with emotion.

                                “Umm well–” Everly stops to suppress her pained voice. “I think I hurt my arm worse.”

                                “Oh! Oh no! I can change your bandages–”

                                “That’s very nice Kaine but there’s no way your going to manage–”

                                “Oh, I nearly forgot.”

                                That was really dumb.

                                I-I bet she’s broken it now–

                                It’s probably much worse, and she needs to drink water too!

                                Kaine imagines the worse state his sister could possibly be in, his eyes growing big.

                                He frantically searches the edge along with the others.



                                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 446

                                  @loopylin @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6

                                  Alright, my two weeks of incredible busyness are over! I can finally actually join this. Sorry its taken so long!

                                  I’ll throw in my character Elissa with the sister squad even though she isn’t a sister. She has Eastern-Asian features and is most definitely an extrovert.


                                  “Are you sure it was them? You only saw them for a spit second.” Cammie asked gently. (Thanks for not forgetting me, Loopy 🙂

                                  Milo stepped toward Carter and watched him pull on the trapdoor. It wasn’t budging and didn’t look like it would.


                                  Elissa woke in a massive, dustly bed. Very dusty. She sat up with a sneeze and looked around the room. The bed she was laying in had dark red blankets, sitting on a dark red rug spanning half the floor. To her left was a wooden desk and a wardrobe beside it. Where was she? This room was old.

                                  After climbing out of the uncomfortable bed, she crossed to the large door. Elissa twisted the knob and pushed the heavy door open. Outside was a large, stone hall, stretching both ways. Should she be wandering? Probably not. She stepped out and turned left, hoping to find something.

                                  (Not very long, but I haven’t been on here in a bit and need to get back into the flow)

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