Character Castle!

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  • #120979
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4732

      @freedomwriter76 @loopylin



      “Who are you?” One of the humans [don’t remember which, sorry] asked, beating Kad to the question.

      “I vas about to ask all of you ze same question…” said one of the new humans, his voice accented.

      Kad stepped forward. “I am Kad Skirata of the CloneWing tribe. I was not aware there were others who’d laid claim to this ship…if it can be called that…”

      Someone snickered. He ignored them. “I had no intention of stealing it myself, if that’s your concern. I don’t want to fight any of you, but be warned that I can and will defend myself.” He flared his wings and lashed his tail, showing his spikes and venom barb prominently.





      Nyx screeched.

      Feather watched as Nathan and Wolfgang cleaned the wound and Grimm held him down. Nyx thrashed, spoiling some of their work.

      She couldn’t bear to see the poor animal in such pain.

      That Hitchens……

      Some people were disgusting.

      Feather stepped forward as Nyx screamed again. “Can I help? I’ve had some experience….”

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 446

        @mineralizedwriting @lightoverdarkness6

        So-a here I am. *shrugs* Well, here are my characters!

        Milo Trone: He’s tall, blond, 26 years old, and uh, fully human. He is addicted to a simulation thing (he’s from my dystopian-romance WIP) and lacks social skills. Also is probably going to be very confused when he sees a castle.

        Cammie Naihe: Also from the WIP. Short. short, curly, brown hair. 25 years old. She is also addicted to the simulation. And she talks a lot? (I really don’t know what I’m doing)

        It’ll probably all be from Milo’s pov, though, cause that’s how I write it. I have no clue what I’m doing, but I guess I’ll start!

        Milo stood in an empty field. That was it. He looked to his left and saw a castle in the distance. Was he in a game? He turned to the left and saw- Cammie? He wasn’t in a game. She was facing away from him looking at a mansion at the end of the field with a forest behind it.


        She jumped and turned toward him, “Milo?”

        “Uh, yeah. Do you know where we are?”

        I’m going to go eat lunch. I don’t know what else to do. @mineralizedwritings come join me! I’m talking to myself!  😂

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 ur good girl!


          Nyx (I’ve been wanting to write this 😂)

          (Btw y’all Nyx is not having a good time XD. And I’m going to use ~ To mark when a flashback is over)

           “Nyxillium Tricksillus!”

          The little girl giggled, blonde curls bouncing as she did so. “That’s a silly name!”

          The mustached man laughed, “Tis not his name! Tis what he is! A Nyxillium Tricksillus! Never have I seen the likes!” He bent down and winked at the little girl, “And he is quite tricky, indeed.”

          The girl giggled again, and then looked at the extremely small ball of fluff in the man’s hands.

          The baby kit was small, able to fit into one hand, with three tails wrapped around its body. Two pointed twitched, and a button nose peeked out from the man’s palm. It resembled a fennec, but no fennec the girl had seen had ever had three tails…


          The kit sneezed, making her gasp. It opened one eye, and then other, revealing…a beautiful array of different colors.

          One eye was bright green…the other a deep brown.

          The girl’s eyes sparkled.

          “Ooh wow!” 

          The tall, jovial man smiled as well, kneeling down. “A beauty, hm?”

          The child nodded, awestruck. She tilted her head, looking back up at the mustaches man. “Where’s his family?”

          The man let out a sigh. “I’m afraid he’s the only one.”

          The girl’s eyes fell, growing glassy at the thought. She frowned, lips trembling. 

          “Which is why…he’s going to need someone very special to care for him…don’t you think?” 

          The girl blinked, not catching on. Then gasped. “M-Me?!” She jumped to her tiptoes. The man laughed. 

          “Why who else?!”

          The girl’s eyes sparkled and she cheered. “Oh, Lander! I love you!” She cried, wrapping arms around the man’s neck. 

          The man froze, unsure of what to do, before whispering, “I love you too, Jocelyn.”

          “I’m going to call him Nyx!” Jocelyn bounced back, looking at the kit. She stretched out her hands. Lander gently placed him in hers. The fox hissed slightly, eyes narrowing as it curled tighter into it’s ball. She giggled.

          “You’re quite cute.”

          The kit squeaked indignantly, apparently taking offense at being called cute. Lyn slowly held the kit up to her face, looking into its multi-colored eyes.

          “You and me? We’re going to become the best of friends. I just know it!” 




          The kit’s fur was on fire, burning with every touch. He screeched and writhed, eyes blurring.

          Who was touching him?! Where was he…?

          Everything was foggy. He…he couldn’t think straight. Couldn’t see.


          All he’d remembered was…

          The dark-haired figure…grabbing him. Touching him.

          He let out another screech at the memory, as figures shifted in his mind.

          No longer was he in a castle tunnel, surrounded by friends…

          No…he was back home.

          If he could call it that anymore.

          In Cirque.

          With it’s secrets and dark corners and neon lights.

          He writhed and shrieked, eyes misting with tears.

          “Nyx, I need you to calm down! We’re trying to help you!”

          By hurting him? Yea right!

          All he could feel was pain. All he could see was blood. He could smell it. Taste it.

          He hated blood!


          And…and where was Lyn? Why…why was she letting them do this? Whoever this was? Why wasn’t she helping him!?

          The only reason would be…

          If she was unable to…

          He whimpered, kicking with claws out, attempting to scratch his would be assailants.

          Lyn! J-Jocelyn…!”

          “She’s…she’s not here Nyx…” That voice again. The dark-haired figure.



          What did you do to him?!” Lyn screeched, hands shaking as she held a limp Nyx in her hands. He was breathing…the only sign he was still alive…but…it wasn’t comforting.

          Lyn stepped back, holding Nyx to her chest, eyes wide as saucers. Tears streamed down her face.

          Lynnie…it’s alright…he’s fine.” The boy straightened, brows furrowing. He reached out a hand and Lyn backed away more, shaking her head. He sighed, “Listen, I promise he’s okay. I just-“

           “What did you do to him?!” She screamed.

          It was the boy’s turn to look surprised now, eyes large. He touched the spot where the kit had scratched him on his neck.

          Lyn’s gaze followed, her mouth fell. Hanging from his neck was…a leather chain. Just…just like…





          Nyx snapped at the figure, making contact with skin.



            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


            He reeled back as Nyx’s canines connected with his hand. He winced, but swallowed down the pain. He couldn’t focus on that.

            The kit wasn’t thinking straight. He was hurt. Delirious. Scared. He couldn’t blame him for it.

            Nathan and Wolfgang glanced at him worriedly.

            “Don’t worry about me, continue.”

            He placed his hand back on Nyx’s neck. Feather approached, asking if she could help.

            “We could use all the help we can get…” He looked at Nathan.

            “I think we’re almost finished,” The young man swallowed, “Just a bit more, but yes, we’d appreciate the help.”


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76

              Hey do y’all wanna go ahead and run into Ara and them?? Also since Koshka isn’t on right now and her girls weren’t really doing much anyway u kinda just wanna umm pretend their “disappeared” for now? XD idk


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 anyone here?


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2973

                  @theloonyone @anyone-else-who-wants-to-run-into-our-charries

                     Hey come join us if you want! We are in a field to the side of the castle for simplicity reasons but will join the greater group when we get the hang of it.

                  Ok so I’m going to wright my newest character, Kaine (pronounced Cane if that wasn’t clear) Hoschild.

                  He’s from my dystopian WIP, but he has escaped the bunkers and lived on the surface for awhile now with his older sister.


                  Kaine struggles to recall his memory. A mental fog covers his senses like glue as he stumbles to the side, landing on stiff grass. He winces at the fall and pushes against the hard packed ground with his hand, propping himself up on his elbow. He looks around at the battered landscape, contrasting greatly with the spiraling towers of a castle.

                  Where am I?

                  Kaine runs a calloused hand through his curly red hair. Pulling on his backpack which had fallen and standing up to his full 5 foot 4 inch stature, he pulls out an arrow from his quiver.

                  I can’t leave myself vulnerable out here, who knows what kind of a world this is or if they welcome visitors.

                  Tromping through the waist height grass with his heavy boots, Kaine notices a figure in the distance.

                  “Cammie?” A male voice, seemingly much older than Kaine says.

                  “Milo?” A girls voice emerges from the tall grass somewhere ahead.

                  “Uh… yeah. Do you know where we are?” Milo says.

                  I guess they are just as confused as me. But I’ll still be on my guard.

                  Kaine trots towards the direction of the voices.

                  I can’t have however they are thinking I appear weak.

                  Bow in hand and arrow strung, Kiane wanders closer. And closer.

                  Maybe they know where this is.

                  “Hey.” Kaine’s word spills out with blunt intensity. He stands tall and straight, even if he is shorter than both of them.

                  (Is Kaine shorter than both of them?)





                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1643

                    @theloonyone @mineralizedwritings

                    Thank y’all! So I only have enough time to post my character’s bio, but I’ll post in the morning.

                    Name: Matthew Parker

                    Appeeerance: light brown wavy hair. Light blue eyes. Tan skin. (I’ll post a picture when I find one).

                    Personality: He is very shy. But once you earn his trust, he is very witty and always and making people laugh. he’s about 13-14. And him and his twin, Lyla are very close.



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2334

                      @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h

                      I’m not done with homework, but I wanted to post something before it gets too late.


                      Dante grabbed a stun gun from the closet and then leaned out the door. He immediately locked eyes with Eddie.

                      “Hey! What the heck are you people doing near my ship?!” Eddie addressed everyone but was focused only on Dante.

                      “Who are you?”

                      “I vas about to ask all of you ze same question…”

                      One of the girls’ new companions stepped forward. He was unlike any species Dante had ever seen. Except… he traced the image on his lighter with his thumb.

                      “I am Kad Skirata of the CloneWing tribe. I was not aware there were others who’d laid claim to this ship…if it can be called that…”

                      Dante snickered as both the girls simultaneously shot Kad a glare.

                      The dragon-like creature continued. “I had no intention of stealing it myself, if that’s your concern. I don’t want to fight any of you, but be warned that I can and will defend myself.” He flared his wings and lashed his tail, showing spikes and a barbed tail.

                      He was trying to be intimidating. Dante smirked. It was his turn.

                      “Alright, everyone chill. We all just want to go home and we need all this ship to do that, right? Yeah? But there’s only so much food and air and water available for the trip. So, the way I see it, only two or three people are actually gonna get home.”

                      “And” he ducked his head when he spoke “I know I’m going to be one of those people.”

                      At the last word, his eyes shot up and he aimed the stun gun at Eddie.

                      And fired.


                      (I apologize for Dante’s actions. I said he was not a villain, but I never said he was a hero)


                      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334

                        I somehow forgot that Dante has one eye 🤦‍♀️

                        here’s my edit:  At the last word, he looked up and aimed the stun gun at Eddie.

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 446

                          @mineralizedwritings (many writings)

                          And we’re bringing our dystopian characters to the castle. This also isn’t going to be long cause I’m writing this on my phone. I think he might be shorter. How old is he?


                          “Hey.” Another voice came from behind him. Milo spun around to see a- redhead. The boy stands tall and confident, even being almost a foot shorter than Milo. He must know what is going on.

                          Milo spoke up, ” Do you know what is going on?”





                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2334

                            @lightoverdarkness6 @theloonyone   Would you still want me to add my characters? It seems like you already have a pretty decent sized group

                            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1643

                              No, I think you can add yours. Should I just add Mathew? And then maybe Carter or Lyla later?


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h I know it’s early but anyone on?


                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1643


                                  I am, but my character isn’t added yet. Sorry! By the way I luv November!! He reminds me of my character Matthew, but with orange hair.


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