Character Castle!

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  • #120908
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @freedomwriter76 heyoo!!!


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2334

        Lol everyone hopped on as soon as I said not very many people are on 😆

        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4732

          @loopylin @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 Thank you! I had quite a bit of fun drawing it.


          (I’m just going to put all of my rp’s in this one post cause a lot is going on)



          “Kad, it would be a great deal of fun to ride on your back!” Zayne cried.

          “Okay then.” Kad let him climb on. “I’ll fly slow so the rest of you can follow us……if no one else wants to ride.”

          They flew around the castle, searching. Finally, Kad found it again–a squid-like metal object. It barely looked like it could fly to him, but he didn’t know this other world’s technology, so it might work.

          The only problem was that there were several humans and a strange red creature (he was red right?) already there. And two of the men had enhancements that he’d thought only dragons had the ability to create…….He was sure he could take the others in a fight, but he was wary of those two.

          What would they do now?




          “You messed with the wrong officer, Fox.” Hitchens snarled, reaching for and grabbing his whip.


          Nyx fell to the floor, yelping. Paxton shielded him as Hitchens lashed the whip again.

          Crosshair stiffened beside Feather. She knew exactly what he was thinking.

          The Imperials like Rampart had been cruel, and they’d hurt their subordinates in a number of ways, although they’d never whipped their soldiers.

          Grimm tried to calm everyone, but it wasn’t helping much.

          Nyx screamed.

          Paxton was crying as one of the boys bandaged his wounds.

          “If I keep him still…can some of you help me?” Grimm asked, looking up.

          Feather nodded and stepped forward.



          No one else paid much attention to Hitchens once they’d driven him away….they were paying more attention to Nyx and Paxton.

          Crosshair did, watching as the other soldier’s weird red coat disappeared into the hallways. His hand clenched around his rifle.

          If that man returned…..

          If he dared to hurt any of them again…..

          He’d be lucky to make it out alive.

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. HIIIIIIII! May be on a bit longer now! Just finished a Super Smash Bros tournament with my siblings, lol. xD

            . @loopylin. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


            Paxton’s fingers were trembling, and, likely, his whole body was.

            Leo held Paxton closer.

            As soon as they got Nyx taken care of, they needed to get moving…just so Hitchens, if he wanted to come back, wouldn’t know where they were.

            “Paxton…are you cold…?” Leo asked softly.


            “If I keep him still…can some of you help me?” Grimm asked, desperation in his voice.

            Nathan nodded. “Of course. Hold him still and I’ll do whatever I can.”

            He knew what it was like to be desperate for help…including medical help.

            Wolfgang stepped over. “I want to help too…just hold Nyx still and we’ll do the best we can…right, Nathan?”

            Nathan nodded and gave Grimm what he hoped to be a reassuring smile. “We’ll do everything and anything we can…he’ll be better soon…I know he will.”




            “Does this thing open? I could climb down from here. What are we, twenty feet up?”

            “Probably about that high.” Bucky replied to Dante, before looking at the window. “This thing should open…and if not…”

            Kursk and Bucky’s eyes both lit with excitement.

            Steve sighed, crossed his arms, and rolled his eyes. “We’re already stealing a ship…we don’t want to destroy property too…”

            “Besides, this thing opens.” Reuben replied, unlocking and sliding the window open, though it creaked, like it hadn’t been used in many…many years. “Window’s open now…”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @keilah-h @koshka @freedomwriter76


              ““Paxton…are you cold…?” Leo’s soft voice made its way past the beating of the boy’s heart.

              The words didn’t register at first, his mind too focused on other things…

              On Nyx. Grimm. Wolfgang. Nathan.


              He whimpered, more tears falling.

              “H-He’s…” He breathed, “He’s n-not…n-not…”

              Leo followed his gaze, face softening. “No Paxton…shh, Nyx is gonna be okay. They’re going to help him.” The young ran his hand through the boy’s hair as Paxton shivered once more. Leo motioned for one of his brothers.


              Joshua came over, gently bending down, eyes misty themselves. He offered a small smile. “Would you like to put this back on?” He held the boy’s shirt out. It had a large gash on the back, but…

              It was all they had.


              All he had to wear.


              He nodded, and Joshua and Leo carefully slipped it on him. He winced as the fabric scraped the bandages.

              “Here,” One of the twins spoke, picking up the fabric that had once draped over the bench Leo had lain on before. He offered it to Paxton.

              Paxton stared. He glanced at the fox. “Wh-what…what about…V-Vulpin…?” he sniffed, head still leaning against Leo’s chest, eyes growing droopy with exhaustion.


              “I’m sure we’ll find something for him,” Jakob assured, but Paxton shook his head, refusing the offered fabric.




              Nathan and Wolfgang knelt down opposite of him, preparing to do…whatever they could for the now half-asleep kit.

              Grimm’s lips pulled taut, knowing that, as soon as Nyx felt more hands begin to touch him, he’d start to struggle again. He carefully positioned one hand over the kit’s neck, firmly holding his head down so he wouldn’t be able to nip anyone. The other over the lower part of his abdomen, near his hips, though….

              That was…tricky.

              Due to the position of one of the wounds the young men were going to have to treat.


              And Grimm Knew Nyx was going to put up a fight….


              He sucked in a breath. May as well warn them.


              “Alright, listen up,” he narrowed his eyes, “I’m gonna try to hold him as well as I can…but I can only do so much. Nyx is…a fighter. You’ve probably been able to guess that much already. I have a feeling he’s going to be out of it when he comes out of this, and…he…he has some…issues with being touched…alright? So just fair warning.” He glanced behind him at the brothers, and then at Crosshair who was still staring off, hand on his gun. “I might need more help if he gets too out of hand…I know he’s small, but…trust me. He can be…something else entirely.”


              Wolfgang and Nathan glanced at each other.

              “Ready?” Grimm asked. Nathan nodded. One of the twins walked forward, proffering the fabric that had been lain over the table from earlier, in case they needed any. “We might need some water too.” He nodded.


              Once everything was set, Nathan nodded, “Alright, you got him?”

              “As best as possible,” Grimm stated.

              “Okay.” Nathan sucked in a breath, as did everyone else in the room. “Ready.”


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 so it’s up to u if u want to go back and forth just maybe once while they’re helping Nyx, so that they help him some while he struggles (AKA u do an RP) and I get to do a Nyx POV during that.


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  Up to u


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 btw just cuz I have service tonight u can still RP


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2334

                      @freedomwriter76   Kursk and Dante 😁💕 I love our mischievous duo


                      “Window’s open n-”

                      Dante leapt out the window, twisted in the air, and caught himself on the outside of the castle, his clawed feet gripping the stone wall. He took a deep breath and started climbing down. He was at the bottom within seconds. Then, he adjusted his hat and looked up, waiting for the others.

                      Bucky was next. He leapt out the window as well and used his metal arm to slow his fall, causing a trail of sparks to follow him down.

                      Once the rest of the group joined them on the ground, Dante turned on his heel and walked to the ship.

                      The door’s hinges screeched at Dante as he opened it. The lights clicked on inside.

                      Stupid old rust bucket.

                      He headed straight towards a closet in the main room. Kursk, Reuben, Steve, and Bucky came in behind him, looking around and making comments to each other. Dante ignored them. He dug through the closet until he found a small metal bar, a little bigger than his palm, with the image of a dragon etched into its side. His lighter.

                      He flicked it on. The flame danced as he watched, and he felt his whole body relax.

                      “Guys, look.” Dante glanced up at Reuben, who had spoke. He was standing in the doorway looking out. “There’s some people here.”



                      Eddie was out of breath and her sprint had slowed to jog.

                      “It’s just ahead!” Kad shouted from above.

                      She nodded, grateful that they were close. She hadn’t realized it was that far. If she had, she would’ve accepted Kad’s offer for a second ride. Zayne had it easy. She smiled, remembering how awkward he had looked climbing onto Kad’s back, being much bigger and heavier than she had been. Wayne had ended up carrying Zayne’s sword as well as his own, because it had kept hitting Kad in the back of the leg, making it difficult to fly.

                      “It’s here!”

                      They rounded a corner and there was her ship.

                      And five other people.

                      Her hand went to her gun when she saw the shortest one with one eye. Her eyes narrowed.

                      “Hey! What the heck are you people doing near my ship!?”

                      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 u on? I’m out of service now!


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon either of y’all on?


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. SORRY! Was writing a bit yesterday evening and also didn’t know what to RP. Sorry about that! I’m here now for a little bit! 😀 @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                            “I’m sure we’ll find something for him,” Jakob assured, but Paxton shook his head, refusing to take the fabric.

                            Jakob frowned, concerned.

                            Joshua glanced at Paxton, who was still shivering.

                            “I have an idea.” He whispered, and he began to remove his own coat. He took it off, and without a word draped it around Paxton. “There we go…” He whispered with a smile.

                            “And what about you?” Jakob asked with arms crossed.

                            Joshua shrugged and smiled. “I’ll be fine…Paxton, are you tired?”

                            Paxton’s eyes were drooped, and he just looked exhausted.

                            Joshua glanced back at Leo.

                            Leo smiled faintly, and without another word, careful to not touch Paxton’s back at all, he lifted Paxton up into his arms, putting his arms underneath Paxton and holding him close.

                            “What about your injury?” Joshua asked, as Jakob readjusted Joshua’s coat, making sure it covered Paxton, almost like a blanket.

                            “It doesn’t hurt anymore.” Leo replied, then grimaced.

                            He was lying. “Leo…”

                            “I’m fine, Joshua…” Leo replied.

                            Joshua sighed. His older brother was as stubborn as a mule.


                            “Ready.” Nathan replied, medical supplies ready.

                            He needed to clean away the blood first, then work on medicine.

                            He began cleaning away the blood, as Wolfgang helped.

                            Nyx began to struggle and fight, as Grimm did his best to hold him still.

                            Nathan was doing it as fast as he could, but he also couldn’t miss anything. If he did, it could cause problems.

                            Nyx began to fight harder.

                            Oh…hopefully Grimm would be able to hold him still.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @loopylin. I love them too! 😂😍🥰 @keilah-h.


                              “Hey! What the heck are you people doing near my ship!?”

                              Reuben jumped.

                              Kursk raised an eyebrow. Hmm…yelling must have been terrifying for him.

                              Kursk walked over to stand beside Reuben, motioning the young man to step aside. He stepped into the doorway, where Reuben had been originally standing. “You could be nicer, couldn’t you? No von vas at zis ship…besides, how do ve know zat zis is yours?” Kursk asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

                              The girl’s eyes narrowed even more, and her fingers curled tighter around her gun. It was a pretty odd-looking gun…but she looked kinda odd too…like Dante.

                              These people were from a very different place.

                              One of them looked like he was a dragon-human…really odd.

                              Dragons were believed to be a myth in many ways…hmm…maybe everyone had been wrong.

                              The dark-haired man wearing armor with the newcomers grabbed his sword, before handing another sword to a white-haired man, also in armor. The dark-haired one’s eyes narrowed. “Who are you…?”

                              Kursk laughed and grabbed his gun. He heard the safety on Bucky’s gun turn off behind him. “I vas about to ask all of you ze same question…”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334

                                @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @godlyfantasy22 @anyone else

                                Hey everyone, I have a lot of homework to do so I won’t really rp until later tonight, but could you all do something for me? I’ve gotten a little too addicted to this rp, so if you see me online, could you yell at me in all caps to get off my iPad and go do my homework? (I am completely serious it would be soooo helpful😆)

                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @loopylin. UH…Okay! XD Sure! Why not!? 😂😂😂 I got you, girl! When I’m on, at least, lol. xD

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