Character Castle!

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  • #120883
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @freedomwriter ACH! Figured but yep
(don’t hate me guys
. DX) @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon


      A crack sliced through the air followed by a pained yelp. Nyx landed with a soft thud on the floor.

      Grimm’s heart lodged in his throat as blood seeped from the large slice in the kit’s abdomen, the whip having covered most of his small form.


      None of them had time to react before another crack sounded and Nyx let out a pained screech.

      “NYX!” A watery scream emerged from behind Hitchens and a blur of pale skin came forward. Small arms wrapped around the little fox, covering him from anymore blows.

      Everything was too fast.


      Hitchens was too fast. Too


      Another crack.


      “PAXTON!” Someone screamed, maybe it was GRIMm himself. He couldn’t quite tell. It mixed with the tear-streaked cry of the little boy covering Nyx, as the whil sliced across his back, tearing open his shirt and revealing a few of the feathers that covered the curve of his spine. A few of them tore, falling bloodied to the ground.


      Grimm let out a howl, and before anything else happened, he held Hitchens wrist in his grip, causing the whip to fall. 

      Grimm’s eyes burned as he stared in the dark man’s eyes.

.” He growled, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now

      Grimm’s hold tightened. A crunch sounded beneath his grip and Hitchens groans, writhing.

      “Release me, boy,” He spat, other hand going for his sword, but he was surrounded on all sides. His eyes roved. “The fox attacked me, not the other way around.”

      Grimm growled again, anger growing as his grip grew tighter.


.” A wet voice sounded, extremely soft behind him. Grimm’s eyes flashed behind him. Paxton’s face was covered in tears, his arms holding Nyx, who was twitching, eyes wide in shock in his arms.

      Grimm’s face softened slightly, realizing just how bad the situation was.


      Nyx needed help




      He swallowed.


      Turned back to Hitchens. Released him.

      “Get out of here. Before I make good on my threat.”  He was inches from the man’s face, despite their age difference, he wasn’t intimidated.

      Hitchens huffed, gripping his coat. He turned to his young officer. Raising a brow as if to ask if he was coming.


      Grimm looked at the young man. “You’re welcome to stay. You don’t have to go with him.”


      “You have no authority over-“ Hitchens started.

      “Neither do you. Not here,” One of the boys stepped out, growling. “The young man is free to do what he wants while he’s here. I wouldn’t want to stay with you either if I were him.”


      Grimm glanced down at the whip. “Especially
not with this.” Grimm cracked it beneath his heel. Hitchen’s eyes burned with fury. He glared at Grimm, and then glanced at the two bleeding figures behind him. “You will pay for this, young man. I apologize for the boy
he was foolish to get in the way. That is not my fault. I will go, as you’ve said.” He turned back to Nathan. “Meijer?”


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 it didn’t tag u lol


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2334

          Ah no! Paxton and Nyx! poor babies đŸ„ș

          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. THE BABIESSSSSS!!!!! DX @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


            “Meijer?” Hitchens asked, turning to him, eyes narrowed…questioning…threatening.

            Nathan looked up, meeting Hitchens’ forest green eyes with his bright blue. He shook his head. “No…sir….I’m not coming with you.”

            Hitchens’ eyes blazed with fury. “Fine…Meijer…but you’ll regret this soon enough.”

            “Get out of here and don’t you dare come back.” One of the men, Leo, Nathan remembered, stepped up to Hitchens, a dagger in hand. “Leave everyone alone…and get out and don’t you ever come back…understood?”

            Hitchens straightened his coat, his eyes roving all over the room. He scoffed. “I shall leave, as I already said.”

            And, with that, Hitchens turned and walked away.

            Nathan let out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding.

            He turned to the others, but one of the brothers, Wolfgang, and Grimm were already beside Paxton and Nyx.


            “Paxton…Paxton…Nyx…Nyx…it’s okay…we’re here…” Wolfgang whispered.

            Paxton looked up at him, eyes full of tears.

            Grimm reached for him. “It’s okay Snow…it’s going to be okay…”

            (Now…where did Hitchens go…? I shall write him as well, bc he still needs some development, lol. xD Plus, he’ll run into Dawson eventually, just not quite yet!)


            Stupid children…stupid fox…stupid…soldier. 

            But they, nor Nathan, were the one he was looking for.

            Dawson was.

            Stupid man.

            Insolent soldier.

            Hitchens scoffed.

            Who did all of them think they were, speaking to him like that!?

            A thud sounded as Hitchens slammed into someone.

            The woman hit the floor with a curse.

            “Many apologies, my lady…I was not looking where I was going…”

            “You should.” The woman snarled, as he helped her to her feet.

            The woman gave him a glare. “Watch where you’re going next time.” She ordered, as if she were scolding a child.

            Hitchens smiled and bowed. “Apologies. I am Colonel James Hitchens.” He bent, bowed again, and kissed the back of the woman’s hand, as he’d learned to do since childhood.

            The woman nodded and smiled faintly. “Nice to meet you…Colonel.” She stuck out her hand, which Hitchens shook. “I am Frida Baumann. My two sons were with me, but I sent them off in a different direction. This castle is filled with…annoying people…isn’t it?”

            Hitchens nodded. “Quite so, madam. Well, I cannot let a lady travel alone, can I? May I accompany you, madam?”

            Frida nodded and smirked. “Yes, you can, Colonel. Maybe we will both find whoever we’re looking for.”

            Hitchens nodded and grinned. “Maybe so…”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 ugh Frida and Hitchens
match made in heaven
(actually maybe the other place
) @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon


              Paxton was sobbing, gripping Nyx close, blood seeping into his hands as he rubbed the kit’s fur between his fingers.

              Wolfgang approached speaking soothing words.

              “Wait. Wolfgang.” Grimm held out a hand.

              The young man’s eyes lifted, brows raising in question. Others were approaching, and Grimm knew trouble would start up if they got too close


              “Everyone, just wait
wait.” He held out his hands, voice low, still shaking from the events, eyes floating back to Paxton’s bloodied back, and the red and tan ball in his arms.

              “What-?” Crosshair started, growing agitated apparently, looking
truly concerned

              “Just listen.” Grimm gently got down next to Paxton. The boy’s shoulders was heaving. He looked at Grimm.

              “G-Grimm! H-H-H-“ He was hiccuping so bad he couldn’t speak, his stutter growing worse by the second.

it’s alright Snow
” Grimm gently laced an arm over the boy’s shoulder, narrowly avoiding where the whip had grabbed him, pulling back a strand of his white hair, which was now being soaked in sweat.

              The kid was a mess.


.” Grimm’s eyes shot to Nyx.

              The fox heaved, eyes wide, narrowed into thin slits. His breaths were hisses, thankfully not wheezes, but the two scars across his abdomen were



              Not good


              The fox wasn’t the size of a human
and a human
a whip strike hurt bad enough. On Nyx’s smaller body, both strikes had lacerated over his stomach, and half of his back.

              Grimm whispered into the crying boy’s ear, “Paxton
I’m gonna help Nyx, but you gotta let him go, alright?”

              Paxton heaved, hiccuping again. He nodded slowly, fingers slowly untwining. Grimm slowly unwrapped his arm from Paxton and reached for the fox. “Wolfgang, take Paxton.”

              Wolfgang obeyed, gently helping the boy away.

              “N-N-Nyx!” Paxton sobbed, reaching the fox again, but Wolfgang gently held him back.


              The crowd grew close again. “Don’t!” Grimm warned.

              “He needs help,” one of the boys said, brows furrowing.

              “I know,” Grimm glared, but his anger quickly dissipated. He sighed. “Just trust me.” He reached for the kit.


              And as soon as his fingers touched fur, Nyx let out a screech like he was dying.

              His eyes shot wide, pupils becoming even more cat-like. He snapped, nearly catching Grimm’s hand in his jaws. Grimm avoided it, and was able to grab the fox by the neck, holding him to the floor as he writhed, despite the pain.


              Nyx screeched, making Paxton cry all the harder.

              “What’s wrong with him?!” Someone asked.

” Grimm grunted, trying his best not to hurt the animal, but also keep himself free from harm.


              “Easy Nyx
” He held the fox still, or as still as possible, until he finally calmed down, eyes slowly lowering and clearing, tired breaths returning. Tears escaped his multi-colored eyes.



              Grimm’s eyes softened.


don’t make
make me
.not again
not again

              Nyx’s eyes slowly closed, breaths heaving, the only sign he was okay. Grimm’s heart thumped in his chest.


              Slowly he lifted the injured fox to his chest, turning to the others, eyes portraying the question and fear he couldn’t bring himself to speak aloud.

              He had a little knowledge of injuries
animal injuries as well
but in the rebellion things this worrisome had been best handled by medics

              He might could deal with sprains
.But the kit had lost a lot of blood

              Could any of them help him?


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2334

                @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h

                Ok, the ship is a bit
 weird. Definitely leans more towards fiction than science. It’s small, with only about five rooms, including the cockpit and the weapon closet. It was built specifically to board other ships, so it has several mechanical arms to grab onto another ship, and a sharp beak in the middle of the arms that stabs through the wall and opens up, allowing the twins to climb through into the new ship. All this makes it very much resemble a squid. Yeah.

                Anyway, here’s a picture.

                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @loopylin. I like it! Very nice ship! I love that it looks like a squid, lol. xD Very creative! =D

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. NYXXXX!!!! Not sure if mine would know what to do about Nyx…heh…but maybe Paxton a little bit…IDK…Wolfgang ends up becoming a doctor later in life tho! <3 Nathan has some medical experience tho…enough for Paxton, at least. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


                    Grimm held Nyx close to his chest.

                    Wolfgang still held onto Paxton, who was sniffing and crying.

                    Suddenly, Nathan was on one knee beside him. “Paxton…can I clean up your wounds a little…?” Nathan asked softly, carefully brushing a strand of Paxton’s hair out of his eyes.

                    Paxton looked at Grimm.

                    Grimm smiled faintly. “It’s okay Snow…let him help you…”

                    Nathan smiled again, just as Leo got down beside Paxton on his other side. “Here, Paxton, you can squeeze my hand if it hurts at all…”

                    Paxton nodded and took his hand, as Wolfgang still held onto his shoulders.

                    Nathan carefully and slowly applied some medicine to Paxton’s cuts, as Paxton squeezed Leo’s hand, tight.

                    Nathan quickly finished and applied a scrap or two of bandage. “There you go Paxton…it’s okay now…” He soothed, before standing and stepping away.

                    Paxton slowly let go of Leo’s hand, sniffing and slightly sobbing still.

                    Leo stood and held out his arms. “You can come here, Paxton…”

                    “What about your injury, Leo?” Joshua asked with a raised eyebrow.

                    Leo shrugged. “Doesn’t hurt anymore.”

                    (I’ll leave it up to you, Godly, if Paxton goes to him or not…cause I’m not sure which he would choose. Either way, Leo won’t be hurt by anything Paxton decides…none of them will. =D) 

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 aww the boys are so sweet and Nathan 😭 I think with Grimm’s help Nathan and Wolfgang can help Nyx.




                      Paxton squeezed Leo’s hand tight, leaning into him and shivering, feeling cold. He’d had to remove his shirt for Nathan to apply the medicine. He winced with the stinging sensation, silent tears falling. Silent besides his hiccups, that was.


                      He could feel eyes on him now. He felt
a bit exposed, to say the least. And cold. And drenched

                      When Nathan was done Leo pushed a strand of hair from his face, and Paxton realize the wetness was from sweat that had formed on his brow.

                      Anxiety. Fear. All of the emotion, mixed with pain
and panic.

                      Leo beckoned him forward. And Paxton slowly fell into his outstretched arms, squeezing his eyes shut, chest heaving.


it’s okay
you’’re gonna be okay
” his voice was tight, his eyes looking at the bandages on the boy’s back. And the thrush of downy feathers along his spine, some still bloodied.


                      The still purple, healing bruises that covered his upper and lower back, seemingly endless. And even a few faint scars, thought not as large as the one he know bare.


                      Others stared too, he knew, but he didn’t care anymore. He gripped Leo tighter, fingers trembling.





                      Nyx’s body twitched in his grasp, blood finally stilling beneath Grimm’s tight hold. “One if you, come help me.” Grimm’s voice was firm, but laced with inner panic.


                      He wouldn’t let anyone else know
especially not with Paxton already so upset



                      Nyx didn’t look very well


                      He was pale
for a fox, anyway. His usually bright fur now whiter then usual, and his breaths slow and labored. Ears drooped.




                      Despite their constant bickering
near quarreling from the get go.

                      Grimm wasn’t about to lose the little kit.


                      He was


                      He was still just that.


                      A kit. A child.


                      Really, so was he, but he wasn’t going to think of that
not now.

                      He had a pack meme to care for. He looked over his shoulder. “If I keep him still
can some of you help me?”


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334



                        Reuben smiled faintly. “They’re all
really nice
.heh. Leo is protective, Joshua is honest, Jakob is practical
and Wolfgang is really

                        Dante got the sense that he had touched on a sensitive subject. Makes sense. Kursk said something about them being hurt by their mom.

                        I haven’t talked to my siblings in years.

my brothers are really nice

                        “Hey! I zink I saw some’fing!” Kursk cried from up ahead. “Dante, is zis zat ship you’re looking for!?”

                        Dante raced to the window. The ship sat slouched in the grass, its many mechanical arms splayed about it. The owners were nowhere in sight. He smirked.

                        “Yeah, that’s the one.”

                        He started feeling around the edge of the window.

                        “Does this thing open? I could climb down from here. What are we, twenty feet up?”


                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon yall on?


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon how was everyone’s service? Ours was incredible, amazing move of God!


                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4732

                              @godlyfantasy12 I was actually helping my mom at the 3-year-olds’ Sunday school….But it went great!

                              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334


                                I’m glad you enjoyed church today! My church was great. Got to see a lot of family friends.

                                Since it seems that not very many people are on right now, would you like if I added another character to meet some of your characters? You can totally say no, I’m just kinda bored right now.

                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. @loopylin. Glad y’all’s services were amazing! Me and my family were exhausted from all the traveling we did Thurs-Sat, so we had church at home together, plus, we had to pick up the dogs from the Boarder at 8 this morning. xD

                                  But anywho! I’m on for at least a few minutes!

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