Character Castle!

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  • #120816
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      @godlyfantasy12. Oh, Hitchens will have a fight waiting for him if he even tries. xD @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


      “Afraid not. This castle seems to have a mind of it’s own.” Grimm replied, and he offered Hitchens another smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

      “It’s good to meet all of you.” Hitchens replied with another smile.

      The dark haired one behind the three stepped forward. “Uhm…you can join us, if you’d like? Is there anyone you’re looking for?”

      Hitchens nodded, and Nathan felt another chill.

      “Oh, calm down, Dawson probably isn’t even here,” Nathan chided himself.

      “As a matter of fact…I am looking for someone…and I would dearly appreciate your help finding him…I do so sorely miss him…” Hitchens replied, a cruel, sadistic glint returning to his eyes.

      Nathan took a step to the opposite side, knowing it was best to give him room.

      He’d been under the man’s command since he was 12, after all.

      Wolfgang slowly nodded. “Yeah…you can join us…I’m sure no one would mind…”

      Nathan glanced back at Grimm, Nyx, and Paxton. He was sure Nyx would mind…he seemed…distrusting…not that Nathan blamed him.

      Hitchens wore a sword and whip, for one.

      And for another…he was just…scary looking.

      Hitchens smiled and turned to face him. “It’s decided then! Private Meijer, we shall be going with these young men.”

      “Yessir.” Nathan replied with a fake smile.

      Hitchens walked ahead, and they began to move back the direction the four must have come.

      Hitchens walked beside Wolfgang, and Nathan fell into step beside Grimm, Nyx, and Paxton. Paxton seemed a little wary…they all did.

      Nathan didn’t blame them. But he offered them a smile. Brushed some of his bright blonde, curly hair out of his eyes. He glanced down at Paxton. “Hello there…” he whispered.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 hitchens if you TOUCH DAWSON SO HELP ME!!


        The boy clutched Hope closer, leaning towards Grimm as the blonde spoke to him. He looked up at Wulf, eyes searching. Wulf nodded, a small smile on his lips.

        Nyx glared daggers, sniffed the air. He purses his lips, gaze returning to the taller man ahead. He seemed less distrusting of this young man then the dark-haired man…

        So…that was…something at least.


        Paxton looked up at the blonde.

        “H-Hello…” He whispered, looking back at his boots.

        “Paxton, right?”

        Paxton nodded.

        “I like your bear.”

        “Th-Thank y-you…”


        They walked on in silence for a bit, before Nathan spoke again. “I…uh…suppose you don’t like strangers all that much…?”

        Paxton shifted slightly, then shook his head. Nathan let out a soft laugh. “Yea…I…I can understand that.”

        Paxton looked at the blonde and then the man ahead, studying him. The way he walked, and…the way he kept glancing back, at the blonde. At Nathan. As if checking to make sure he was still there.

        Eyeing him.


        Watching him.


        The same way Paxton’s mother used to do to him.

        And the guards.

        And his brother’s.

        “Is…Is h-he y-your fr…friend?”


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @godlyfantasy12. Lol, yes. XD @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


          “Is…Is h-he y-your fr…friend?”


          “No. No…he’s not…he’s my…uhm…commanding officer.” Nathan replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

          Hitchens had never been a friend. Never would be.

          “I…heh…haven’t had too many friends…” Nathan trailed off. “Not like…like many kids and even adults do…”

          “MAMA! PAPA!” He screamed, as the men continued to drag him away.

          “NATHAN! NO! Let go of my baby!” His mother screamed, as another soldier held her back. 

          His brothers and sister were being held back by even more soldiers, as was his father, who was yelling at them to let go.

          “MAMA!!!! NO! LET ME GO!!!” Nathan screamed. He bit the man’s, that was holding him, hand. 

          The man reacted and hit him, hard.

          Nathan hit the ground with a whimper. No one had ever hit him…especially not like that.

          “Shut it. You’re ours now, boy…get used to it. You’re never coming back here…ever.” The man snarled, his dark green, forest eyes glaring at him.

          Nathan gave a nervous chuckle. “So…yeah…not too many friends…heh…”

          He sobbed.

          This place was so big and loud and cold and scary. He wanted his brothers and his sister. He wanted Papa and he wanted Mama.

          Sitting on a stump, Nathan sobbed even harder. Everyone had simply been walking past in the last few hours, not even giving the sobbing child a glance. 

          He wanted to go home! 

          Another heartrending sob escaped. His arms ached from carrying the heavy drum and his legs hurt from marching.

          He wanted to go home to Mama and Papa!

          Shuffling sounded, and Nathan wiped away his tears and snot with his uniform sleeve. His uniform hung too loosely as well, so he was always tripping, which made Colonel Hitchens very angry. 

          “Hello there.”

          He nervously looked up, expecting Hitchens, but instead, he met bluish-gray eyes. “Uhm…uhm…Hi…” He whispered, burying his face back into his uniform.

          But the man grabbed his arms, stopping him. Nathan waited for a blow, but none came. “I won’t hurt you…you must be the new drummer boy. What’s your name?” 

          “…Nathan. Nathan James Meijer…” He whispered, his heartbeat beginning to go back to normal. 

          The man smiled. “Hello, Nathan.” The man stood and gave Nathan a playful bow. “Sergeant Dawson Thomas at your service.”

          Nathan laughed. “You’re silly…”

          The man smirked. “Is that so?”

          Nathan nodded and giggled. “Yeah. I’m 12…how old are you?” 

          Dawson’s eyes went wide and his mouth formed into an “O”. “Well, what do you know? Me and you aren’t too far apart then, are we? I’m 17.” 


          Dawson laughed, smiled, and nodded. “Really.” He stuck out his hand. “Now, come on, are you hungry?”

          Nathan nodded. He was very hungry. “Mm hm.” 

          Dawson smiled faintly. “Then come on then. Take my hand.”

          Nathan hopped off the stump and did so. He clutched Dawson’s hand in his. He looked up, their eyes met, and Dawson smiled again. “Come on, kiddo, you’re with me now.”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            AUGHHHH!!!! MY HEAAAAARRRTTTTTTTT!!!!😭🥺😢💔💖

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭 😭 MINE TOOOOOOO @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon




              Paxton shuddered. He knew someone like that…back home…


              Lord Viceroy….


              The boy squeezed his eyes shut, trying to rid the dark memories from his head.

              (By the way this is a character I have yet to introduce to y’all…but he’s another source of trauma for Paxton, and he does look like Hitchens….) 


              No…he couldn’t hurt him anymore…



              He was gone…










              Because Paxton had killed him.









                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @godlyfantasy12. OOH…what happened!? I may have to know now. xD But I guess that’s a spoiler, lol. XD @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


                The hallway had descended into silence.

                Hitchens kept glancing back at him, watching him.

                “What is he like?” Grimm asked quietly.

                Nathan turned to him, and their eyes met. “Not nice…I’ll tell you that…” Nathan whispered, very quiet so Hitchens wouldn’t hear. “But he wouldn’t want to hear that…” He whispered, then bit his lip.

                Hitchens was watching and listening…as always.

                He always jumped on the opportunity…any opportunity…to teach someone a “lesson”. That much Nathan knew well.

                “I…I thought he was sick…”

                “Why did you think he was sick, Nathan…?” Richard asked, arms crossed. Nathan glanced at Dawson, who was glancing between the old man and the young boy.

                “He wasn’t hungry…and he was crying…and…he…was pale and looked sick…”

                Richard glanced at Dawson with a raised eyebrow. “And why is that…?”

                Dawson stood. “Richard, I respect you, but…I’m exhausted from another long day. You and I both know I’ll have something waiting for me-“

                “Tell Hitchens it was Nathan…not you.”

                Nathan slunk into the shadows. Hitchens was always angry. And if he learned that Nathan stole food…what would he do?

                “No way.”

                “Do it, or I will.”

                “Richard, please, he’s just a kid.” 

                Richard huffed. “He has to grow up someday.”

                “Not like this…please…” 

                Finally, Richard sighed. “Fine…but you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, boy…”

                He walked out of the tent, and Nathan rushed to Dawson, wrapping his arms around him. Dawson wrapped his arms around him, and Nathan buried his face in Dawson’s uniform coat. “They won’t hurt you Dawson…? Not too bad…right?” He asked, looking up.

                Dawson smiled and brushed Nathan’s curls out of his eyes. “Of course not. Just a little bit of discipline…that’s all…nothing big…I’ll be fine…you’ll see.”

                Dawson couldn’t have been further from the truth.

                Nathan clenched his fists and unclenched them, trying to fight back the memory, but no such luck.

                Dawson screamed again.

                This wasn’t small. They were hurting him! Dawson was screaming and begging Hitchens for mercy. 

                Tears coursed down Nathan’s cheeks, and he reached out, preparing to run. “DAWSON!”

                He tried to run, but someone grabbed him around the waist. “NO! NO! I NEED TO HELP DAWSON!!!!” He screamed, kicking and punching the man that had grabbed him. 

                “Nathan…Nathan…shhh…” Vince soothed, wrapping his arms tighter around him, beginning to walk away.

                “I HAVE TO HELP DAWSON, VINCE! I NEED TO!” Nathan screamed. 

                Vince only held him tighter. Eventually, Nathan tired of fighting and sobbed into Vince’s coat as Dawson’s screams rang through the air. 

                And then…only a week or so ago…Dawson blaming himself for stealing medical supplies for Old Red when Nathan was the one who had done it.

                Taking Nathan’s punishment…like how…how…Nathan fought back tears.

                He wouldn’t think about David.

                Not here.

                Not now.

                But why would they both sacrifice so much…for him?

                He wasn’t worth that trouble.

                He cleared his throat and turned back to Grimm, Paxton, and Nyx, trying to get on another subject, when Wolfgang spoke from up ahead. “We’re back!”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 I don’t actually have everything figured out a lot of this is coming while writing actually lol!!! Proves I’m a pantser (actually a Plantser) XD


                  The man, Hitchens, was trouble. That much was obvious. From the way Nathan spoke of him in hushed whispers, to his frightened looks whenever he thought the man might hear him. His stiffness whenever he glanced his way.


                  He was his commanding officer.


                  Grimm knew what that was code for.


                  He ruled him. Lorded over him.

                  Grimm’s fists clenched slightly. Just as some of Kainda’s wolves had lorded over their own…

                  Just like…


                  He shook his head. No. He wouldn’t think about him…


                  He looked down at Nyx, who was still staring at the man ahead, obviously well aware of the same things, his animal instincts mixed in with common sense.

                  Grimm looked down at Paxton. The little boy was pale, staring off into space. And then he focused in on Hitchens, lips pursing. Trembling. Fingers shaking as they wrapped around the chain that held his crystal, on his bear.

                  Grimm gently nudged him, “Paxton?”

                  He didn’t speak, merely looked away.

                  Wolfgang spoke suddenly, “We’re back!” He scanned the group. “Wh-Where’s Reuben…?”


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. I’m quite often the same, lol. XDXDXD But then other times I plot! Guess I’m somewhere in the middle, lol. XD @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


                    “Wh-Where’s Reuben…?”

                    Leo turned to face his youngest brother, as Wolfgang walked back into the room, an unfamiliar, dark haired and dark eyed, tall man beside him.

                    Grimm, Paxton, and Nyx were behind him, again, with a stranger.

                    “He ran off.” Joshua whispered.

                    “What!? W-why!?” Wolfgang asked.

                    “He’ll be fine, Wolfgang…Reuben can handle himself…he’ll be okay…” Joshua whispered, trying to soothe Wolfgang.

                    “But…what if…what if he’s…not?” Wolfgang asked, his eyes brightening with tears, full of regret and fear.

                    “He’ll be fine, Wolfgang…I’m sure someone kind found him…isn’t that right, Leo? Jakob?”

                    “Yeah.” Leo and Jakob both replied at the same time.

                    Leo took in a deep breath. He only hoped that they were right…and that Adolphus and Dietrich were nowhere near them.

                    He hoped Adolphus and Dietrich were nowhere near anyone…but especially Reuben. “Reuben will be alright Wolfgang…it’s okay…”

                    “No…it…it’s not…” Wolfgang whispered, closing his eyes. “I…I…”

                    “Wolfgang…don’t. Don’t blame yourself.” Leo urged.

                    He knew how much it could break someone.

                    He knew too well.

                    Wolfgang slowly nodded. “Okay…okay…I won’t…I’ll try not to, at least…oh, everyone…”

                    “I’m Colonel James Hitchens and this is one of my soldiers, Private Nathan Meijer.” (wait just one minute.  @koshkawasn’t Zlati just beaten up by HIS superior officer…?)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76



                      Reuben had left…and Grimm couldn’t help but feel to blame. He looked around at the solemn room.

                      Zlatan seemed to tense at the strangers’ introduction, and Vulkasin placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. The other boys took the dark-haired man in with a tone of caution, apparently not quite as naive as their youngest brother, but still welcoming.

                      “Nice to meet you.” Leo said, groaning as he sat up, despite his brothers’ protests. He introduced all of them, and then Crosshair and Feather introduced themselves, both keeping a keen eye on the man’s whip. Feather’s eyes ticked to the blonde, giving him a kind, warm smile.


                      Nyx huffed, walking off to sulk in a corner.

                      And Paxton…was still quiet.

                      Not that that was too unusual. But Grimm could feel uneasiness and anxiety wafting off him in waves. Nyx probably felt it too, as the little fox brushed past him, eyeing him gently as he skulked away.

                      Paxton seemed to pull within himself, tucking behind Grimm.

                      Bad memories…

                      Always bad memories…


                      He sighed.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 would there be any reason for Hitchens to approach Paxton? Or say hello? Just think it might be interesting if he does


                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4732

                          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @godlyfantasy12 Wow, more new characters?



                          Some of them had run off…..

                          Thankfully, Grimm, Nyx and Paxton had returned, and with help too. Although the weirdly dressed soldier, apparently designated Colonel Hitchens, didn’t seem too much like help, per se.

                          What caught Feather’s attention was the boy that’d come with him…Nathan, he said it was? She gave him a smile, hoping he’d realize they were friendly.

                          Crosshair, meanwhile, was fixated on Hitchens’s whip, giving it the glare he usually saved for people he didn’t like.

                          He might not have actually been whipped under the Empire, but Admiral Rampart [his commanding officer back then] had found other ways to make his life miserable once he’d realized the clone’s heart wasn’t in it anymore……

                          Was that what he was thinking about?

                          Feather shuddered at the memory of the cruel Imperial officer.

                          Hopefully this man wasn’t that much like him…..



                          (Sorry Feather, I think Hitchens and Rampart are basically the same person, in personality at least…..)

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @keilah-h ugh I’d so I do not like Rampart either lol


                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4732

                              @godlyfantasy12 Trust me, I really hate him too…..I literally said I wanted to shoot him once. Is that a bad thing?

                              (He isn’t exactly my character, having been borrowed from a Star Wars TV show, so……)

                              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                Meeeeh…. We’ll work on that XD


                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4732

                                  @godlyfantasy12 lol, yeeeeaahh…….

                                  Which is why I’m wondering how a conversation between Hitchens and Crosshair would go….. @freedomwriter76 I hope you don’t mind if your character gets very slightly beaten up, should a conversation of that type happen??


                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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