Character Castle!

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  • #110155
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @denali-christianson OH COOL!! I’ll just have them have to find each other!! HAHAHA I AL DIABOLICAL!!!


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @everyone lol

        SO meet Arabella! (Ara) she is 14, with long brown hair, brown eyes and wears dresses and skirts. She has a purple scar on her right arm that looks like a purple henna art tattoo. It sometimes glows/burns and she also has visions and such but they’re not really a finite thing for her sooo we’ll just leave them kinda up in the air 🤣 but she struggles with sleeping and dreams and stuff because of them.

        she’s sweet and sensitive and gentle, but her flaw is actually shoving down her personality due to a mistake she made as a child (which left her with the scar) so she also used to have a HUGE adventurous side and a huge sense of justice that still comes out and she still has but tries to shove it down. But if u mess with November it comes out.


        also vice versa because November is brave (he just doesn’t see it himself) and will protect Ara with his life.



        WHICH REMINDS ME….I forgot something about November….he has 3 deep claw marks on his right cheek. They are red and will not heal over (where the skin goes over them in the movies) they run under his eye.


        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1056


          Ah, fantasy. I will admit, magical fantasy isn’t my strong suit, as I can find it to be to engrossing (and I’m waayy too much into history to keep my hands out of medieval fantasy, which is technically my genre.). But I love Narnia and have enjoyed LotR.

          That is a hilarious question, mainly because, before I read the Hobbit, I looked at a picture of myself as a young child and cried (with dismay, mind you) that I looked like an elf. I (I was then thinking American Christmas) laugh at that now, and my twin and a friend of ours joke about our elven features.

          Who knows? 😉

          But as a servant of the One True King, I have eternal life in His light.

          (Thank you, Viktor is pleased.)

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1555

            Ooooooooo! This is awesome!

            So, hi! I am Koshka (or at least that’s who I am around here, bwahaha) and here are my characters; 17 year old twins Zlatan Vulkasin, who though wolves in my book will, for convenience, be human here. That are wearing swords, a shield strapped across the back, and an open-faced Rus style helmet. Zlatan will also be wearing a blood red cloak (as a mark of his rank of Sergeant. Yes at 17. Hello brave draft victim…)

            Zlatan, the eldest, is almost 5’9, has black hair and dark features, with deep golden toned eyes. Quiet volcanic nature. ISFJ-T

            Vulkasin is around 6’7″, grey-blonde, with yellow-green eyes. Easy mannered and expressive, he is borderline ESTP-A and ENFJ-T, right in the middle (49%-51% in everything but E).

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645




              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1056

                Viktor popped another auleive into his mouth and adjusted his mantle to catch the rising breeze.

                And shade the auleives. He hadn’t brought them up here, out of their nice cool brine, only to let them dry in the sun.

                Spring is almost over, soon the grain will come in. Then we will…

                But why think of that now, when the earth spread out below him, the forests gathering like the tides on the shore? Up here, far above the shadows of the land, he dreamed he was an eaglet, watching the world from his eyre.

                But it would appear, not alone.

                Something had landed on the roof below him, about a furlong off. A great beast, like the firey serpents told of in The Fifty-five Wars Waged in Yartass before the Formation of the Vaslvur and their Tales. Viktor gazed in amazement as it dropped something, no somebody, to the slates.

                The person lay still for a moment before slowly sitting up, and proving himself to be, despite all appearances, a living boy instead of a the beast’s next meal. In fact, the two seemed to be on cordial terms, with the serpent just now helping the lad to his feet.

                They were looking at Viktor. Did they need help? Although he didn’t know what a Westland farm boy could do to help a serpent tamer, Viktor snatched his sling and the bowl of remaining auleives and stood to his feet.

                “Peace to you! Is all well?”

                (Further description of Viktor: dark brown hair that will curl later in life, but is just beginning to be “ruffled”, cropped above the ears and at the nape of the neck then trimmed to suit his mother’s fancy. Keen dark eyes, warm olive toned skin, and Greek nose)

                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1555


                  If you wish. They’re about to meet November. 😉


                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1056

                    Ok, I’m back, because I don’t think I described him accurately. Another try, shall we?


                    Viktor: ’54” but growing (eventually), dark brown hair that’s beginning to curl, but isn’t yet (all that part was right, it is cut in the Yartassite style which was described above). Olive toned skin, keen dark brown eyes. Tall straight nose that is almost Greek. Dressed like an ancient Lithuanian/saxon. Grey tunic, red-brown mantle, cross tied soft-soled leather boots, etc. Yes, he is rather fleet of foot, but NOT as fleet as a hart.

                    And that may be no difference at all, but I think I like it better. (This is all about development anyway, right? Right.)

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 298

                      Oh, this looks like fun!

                      Please welcome, Kent Briggs (Who needs a lot of work). He is 21, the husband of Lucy Briggs, and “Chieftain” of the older village kids’ “clan” (Though, he is a lot less active since he got married. . . which is a sticking point for a couple of the other members). Oh, and he’s a leopard.

                      You will love what you spend time with.

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 298

                        Some nicknames for Kent Briggs are Wiggly Worm, Ol’ Chiefy, Captain Thistle, and Kelntot Briggyrot.

                        You will love what you spend time with.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645



                          OOH COOL!!! And yesssss that’s fine!!

                          @elishavet-pidyon nice charries!!!


                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1555

                            Oh, I forgot to mention, the twins have an accent, but by the end of this thing I mostly gave up. It’s a pain to write in first draft. XD

                            Zlatan and Vulkasin

                            Vulkasin slammed himself against the door, again. This time he was rewarded with a bruised face.

                            “Getting anyvere?” Zlatan’s voice cut through the fog inside Vulkasin’s head.

                            “Neh. You ‘ave a turn.” Vulkasin shuffled back to the closet wall hoping he wouldn’t step on his brother. He squeezed as far into the corner as he could. “Zees people should make larger closets. Vat vould fit in ‘ere?”

                            Zlatan turned to him, his eyes molten gold in the semi-darkness. “Per’aps ve should do zis another vay.” He stared at the offending door, seeming to challenge the battered wood. Careful for his younger brother, Zlatan unslung his shield and strapped it tightly to his left arm.

                            “Vhat are you doing?”

                            “Trying to be brilliant.” He lept into the door. The moment Zlatan’s shield felt the door he was smashed into it by a force twice his size. Thankfully the wood gave, it’s timbers weary from the long fight.

                            The brothers tumbled out into blinding light amid a spray of splinters.

                            Zlatan lay curled over his shield gasping. Slowly his body recovered from the shock, the protests gaining volume as the ringing in his ears cleared.


                            He turned his head enough to see Vulkasin above him, his face frozen. “Next time you decide to crush your poor older brother, would you be so kind as to give him notice?”

                            Vulkasin’s face melted into relief. “I’ll try, but no promises.” He reached to help his brother up.

                            Zlatan scrambled back to his feet and slung his shield back in place. “So, v’ere are ve?”

                            “No idea.” Vulkasin finished kicking most of the debris into the closet.

                            A deafening clatter echoed down the corridor. The brothers froze, then looked to each other swords half drawn. “I zink it came from in zere.” Zlatan nodded toward a large oaken door. “Shall we?”

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1056


                              Thank you! November and Ara are fantastic too. Oh, November…. XD I love reading what you write of him.

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              Denali Christianson
                                • Rank: Wise Jester
                                • Total Posts: 51


                                OH COOL!! I’ll just have them have to find each other!! HAHAHA I AL DIABOLICAL!!!

                                HAHAHAHAHA SAMMMMEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (you should hear me rant about my villains XD)

                                she’s sweet and sensitive and gentle, but her flaw is actually shoving down her personality due to a mistake she made as a child (which left her with the scar) so she also used to have a HUGE adventurous side and a huge sense of justice that still comes out and she still has but tries to shove it down. But if u mess with November it comes out.

                                LOVING the depth 😀



                                That is a hilarious question, mainly because, before I read the Hobbit, I looked at a picture of myself as a young child and cried (with dismay, mind you) that I looked like an elf. I (I was then thinking American Christmas) laugh at that now, and my twin and a friend of ours joke about our elven features.

                                LOLLLLLLL THAT IS SO RELATABLE THOUGHHH! I always used to get SO offended by the very concept of elves and then LotR happened that quickly disappeared…XD Also I get the engrossing thing. I used to struggle with that, but medieval fantasy is literally what God has called me to so He actually helped me through that and now I can read fantasy without it entirely taking over my life…

                                But as a servant of the One True King, I have eternal life in His light.

                                AMEN MY SISTER!!!!!!!! 😀

                                (Thank you, Viktor is pleased.)

                                whyyyyy of course! XD

                                Something had landed on the roof below him, about a furlong off. A great beast, like the firey serpents told of in The Fifty-five Wars Waged in Yartass before the Formation of the Vaslvur and their Tales. Viktor gazed in amazement as it dropped something, no somebody, to the slates.

                                Just an fyi lol but Balorico is the size of a large dog…

                                *realizes I probably should have put that in the description*

                                SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION!!!!!



                                HELLOOOO WELCOME THE INSANE ASYLUM *cough cough* CHARACTER CASTLE!!! XD

                                GASP I AGREEEEE THAT SHOULD BE WOLVES THAT WOULD BE EPICCC!!! But hey whatever ye want to do! 😀

                                as a mark of his rank of Sergeant. Yes at 17. Hello brave draft victim…

                                Mwahahahaha CHARACTER torture XD



                                WHYYY HELLO THERE  aHA welcome MASTER BRIGGS!!!

                                Oh, and he’s a leopard.

                                OH, that is a distinction. XD

                                I was one way, and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him.

                                Denali Christianson
                                  • Rank: Wise Jester
                                  • Total Posts: 51


                                  Balorico was already busy snuffling around in the courtyard.

                                  Kilied grumbled. It had been five minutes since they got dumped down… in wherever this was… and Balorico was already hungry.

                                  But when was he not?

                                  Kilied stretched, ignoring the painful cracking in his spine, and glanced back at the angle of the sun.

                                  His head still pounded, but no matter.

                                  When did it not?


                                  Was the figure moving?

                                  “Psst! Balorico!”

                                  Balorico snapped from his mushroom hunting daze and glanced at Kilied.

                                  Kilied tipped his head in the direction of the fleet little figure racing towards them.

                                  “Ah, company.”

                                  Ha. Unhelpful as usual. It’s a person. You do the talking.

                                  “You’re the only one who can hear me, remember?”

                                  An unpleasant reality. Thank you for being so impractical.

                                  Balorico just smirked.

                                  Kilied huffed.

                                  “Peace to you! Is all well?” the person cried, proving himself to be a little boy blossomed in the innocence of youth.

                                  Kilied raised an eyebrow and gave the kid a lookover.

                                  Brown, ruffled hair.

                                  Dark brown eyes.

                                  Olive skin tone.

                                  Painfully similar to what Kilied had once looked like, only with shorter hair and different eyes. Before the Darkness had come.

                                  The boy was staring at Kilied expectantly, and it suddenly dawned on him that he was supposed to talk. 

                                  “Sure. Everything’s good. Who are you?”

                                  “Oh come, do better.”

                                  Kilied glared at Balorico out of the corner of his eye before turning back to the boy.

                                  “Sorry. It’s been a long day. What’s your name?”

                                  I was one way, and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him.

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