Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h




      Grimm glanced at the white-haired boy, still clutching his leg with one hand, Hope in the other.


      “I…I’m sorry…” He whispered.

      Nyx shifted on Grimm’s shoulder. Grimm frowned. “What for?”

      Paxton stopped in his tracks, fingers loosely gripping Grimm’s jeans. He sniffed, looking at the ground. “I…I’m sorry th-they y-yelled at y-you…I..I…” He bit his bottom lip as it started to quiver, the hand gripping Grimm sliding away, fist clenching. The little boy’s eyes narrowed. “Th-they shouldn’t have!” He looked up at Grimm, eyes glassy, and red-rimmed from all the times he’d cried in the last few moments.


      Grimm turned with a deep sigh. Nyx hopped off his shoulder, tails flicking. Grimm knelt down on one knee and shrugged.

      “Ah…Snow,” He shook his head, “I..I think I kinda deserved it…”

      Paxton blinked, mouth forming an o. He shook his head, “N-no!”

      Nyx’s eyes narrowed and he let out a hiss. “What are you going on about?”

      “I…I should’ve been more careful. With my words. Shouldn’t have…”

      Tried to be a leader….

      Shouldn’t have tried to be like Ara, and November….


      And Jocelyn…


      Shouldn’t have tried to lead…


      Not again…


      “They’re just…just hurt. That’s all…”

      “Pssh…whatever.” The kit huffed, turning his nose up.

      Grimm looked at him with a half smile, knowing he wouldn’t be able to convince him anytime soon. He playfully pushed down Nyx’s ears, making the fox scowl.


      Grimm turned back to Paxton, who was silently staring at his shoes, shoulders still heaving slightly. “Listen, Snowflake,” The full nickname made Paxton look up, “Your friends…were just upset, alright? Don’t…don’t let it…don’t let it make you do anything silly. Got it?” He grinned, slowly opening the boy’s clenched hand.


      Paxton let out a breath, nodding as he looked down at Grimm.






      (also I don’t mind if y’all come after them 😊 up to y’all)


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @godlyfantasy12. NYX!!! GRIMM!!! PAXTON!!! I’m sorry y’all! *sobs* @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. @loopylin. (tagging you for a specific reason…hehe…)


        Grimm, Nyx, and Paxton walked away.

        Paxton had been crying…Nyx was…annoyed…and Grimm looked so…so…hurt.

        Wolfgang turned on Reuben. “How could you say that to them!? You didn’t know what they’ve gone through!”

        Reuben’s eyes widened. “Wolfgang…I…I…”

        “No! No excuses! How could you!?” Wolfgang yelled, tears beginning to course down his cheeks.

        Paxton was so young…sweet…innocent.

        Grimm was a nice guy that had only broken up a fight.

        “Grimm wasn’t even talking to you!”


        “Don’t say you’re sorry. It’s too late for that, and besides, I’m not the one you should be apologizing to!” Wolfgang screamed. “This is all your fault!”

        And he turned and chased after Grimm, Nyx, and Paxton. “Wait!” He called, rushing in front of them.


        It was all his fault…it was…it was…it was.

        They had been right…Frida…Adolphus…Dietrich…he never did anything except mess everything up.

        He never was anything except a mistake. (so…yeah…I’ve pinpointed that Reuben’s biggest struggle is low self-esteem. He only ever sees the bad parts of him, not the good…heh…yeah…)

        He’d hurt Grimm…and sweet little Paxton…and probably Nyx too. Messed everything up.

        ‘Like always.’ a voice reminded.

        Reuben stepped away from Leo and his other brothers.

        “Reuben…what…?” Leo whispered.

        “No…Leo…don’t. Listen…this is all my fault…I messed this up…like I mess up everything.”

        “You do not.” Jakob insisted, his brows furrowing together in concern.

        “Yes. I. Do. Maybe it only took me this long to realize it…but they were right…they always have been…about me.”

        “Reuben…no, that’s not true…” Joshua whispered, his eyes brightening with tears.

        Reuben nodded, his own tears shaking loose. “Yes…yes…it is…”

        “Reuben…no it’s not…” Leo whispered, sitting up with a grimace.

        “No Leo…rest…that’s what’s best for your injury…”

        “Reuben, you’re way more important than my comfort…”

        “No…no…I’m not…I’m nothing but a mistake…a mess up…”

        “No Reuben…God made you…” Joshua whispered, also beginning to head towards him.

        Reuben backed away. “Then he must have made a mistake…”

        “Reuben…” Joshua whispered.

        Jakob was suddenly close. Reuben backed away and took out his dagger. He wouldn’t hurt anyone with it, but Jakob did step away. “Reuben…” He whispered, care in his eyes. Care that Reuben didn’t deserve.

        Reuben backed away again, towards a doorway. “No…you’ll all be better off once I’m gone…all of you…so…just…let me…let me make your lives better…please…I don’t want to hurt all of you too…” He whispered, begged, tears coursing down both cheeks.

        “Reuben…” Leo whispered.

        But Reuben turned and made a run for it.

        He heard his brothers scream his name and try to chase him, but he was too fast and went down too many winding corridors for them to find him.

        No one would find him.

        Reuben, finally exhausted, knowing that no one would find him…hid himself in a tight, dark crevice, between a stairwell and a wall.

        He barely fit…and the darkness and closeness caused memories to surface. But he was a mistake. He deserved it after all, right?

        Reuben wrapped his arms around his body.

        His brothers were better off now…safer…without him around.

        Maybe Wolfgang could convince Grimm, Nyx, and Paxton to come back…now that Reuben was gone.

        They would be wise to…his brothers…they could help them…just not…Reuben.

        He only messed everything up.

        He heard footsteps.

        Reuben tucked himself even further into the crevice, though it caused the memories to only deepen.

        His breathing heaved.

        It couldn’t be his stepbrothers or Frida so soon…could it?

        No…he was far away…right?

        Reuben wrapped his arms tighter around himself, but his breathing didn’t steady.

        Suddenly, one of the pair of footsteps stopped. “Hey…did anyone hear that…?”

        “What is it, Buck?” Another set of footsteps stopped. “Hey, Dante, Kursk, wait up!”

        The footsteps came closer, and Reuben hid himself even more into the crevice. Even more into the darkness…the shadows.

        “I thought I heard someone…someone breathing heavy…”

        The footsteps came even closer. But they weren’t Adolphus and Dietrich nor Frida…but…who were they…?

        One of the men crouched down, and suddenly Reuben was eye-to-eye with him. He jumped.

        The man reached out a hand, and Reuben scooted back even more. “Hey…wait…we won’t hurt you…” The man whispered with a warm smile.

        “Are you…are you…sure…?” Reuben asked, his body shaking.

        The man smiled again. “I’m certain.”

        Slowly, Reuben took the man’s hand, and soon, he was out of the crevice and back into sunlight that streamed through the windows.

        He looked around, before he saw someone familiar. “…Kursk!?”

        The boy’s eyes lit up with recognition. “Ah! You are one of ze bro’zeres, yes?”

        Reuben nodded. “Yes…I…I’m Reuben.”

        Kursk nodded and smiled. “Yes…I remember you. Steve, Bucky, Dante, this is Reuben, one of that woman’s stepsons.”

        “You mean the one that called me a freak?” Dante asked, crossing his arms.

        “The very same!” Kursk replied cheerfully. “But from what I’ve seen, Reuben and his bro’zeres were hurt by her as well, so we have no need to v’orry.”

        The man who had helped Reuben turned to him with a smile. “I’m Steve. Nice to meet you, Reuben.”

        “Steve and his friend Bucky and Dante helped me out after you and your bro’zeres left.”

        “I’m Bucky.” The brunette put it. The one who had heard Reuben first.

        “Speaking of v’hich, v’here are your bro’zeres?” Kursk asked with a raised eyebrow.

        “We’re separated…”

        “Do you need help finding zem?”

        “No! Yeah…uhm…no. We just…uhm…decided to go our separate ways for now…that’s all…heh. I can come with all of you and help you…if you need help with anything…”

        “As a matter of fact, we might need your help. Hey, Dante, think he can help us get that ship?” Bucky asked, turning to Dante with a grin.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2334

          @freedomwriter76   Hi sorry I haven’t role played much lately (Steve, Bucky, Dante, Kursk, I’ve missed you!)

          Imma kinda add an extra scene from before they meet Ruben. I’ve had the scene in my head for a while, just haven’t had the time to write it down.


          Dante laughed as he heard the others start running up the stairs behind him.  A few seconds later, he heard loud footsteps gaining on him. He glanced over to see Bucky right behind him, determination on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

          Oh, it’s on.

          Dante sped up and barely stayed ahead. But Bucky was fast, despite his size. Dante was impressed.

          The last few stairs came into view, but in his excitement, Dante tripped, tumbling though the doorway. A split second later, Bucky also reached the top.

          (Ok I’m gonna try to do the accent 😬) “Ha! Bucky v’on zat one.” Kursk said from behind.

          “Did not!” Dante said, unable to keep the grin of his face. He stood and brushed himself off. “I may have tripped, but I still crossed the doorway first.”

          Bucky watched him with crossed arms and a smug look. “Sore loser.”

          Dante gasped in mock offense.

          Steve emerged from the stairwell with a sigh. “Doesn’t matter who won, guys. Let’s keep moving.” he said with a small smile.

          They walked down the hall, Kursk and Dante in the front talking with each other, when Bucky suddenly stopped.

          “Hey…did anyone hear that…?”

          “What is it, Buck?” Steve said. “Hey, Dante, Kursk, wait up!”

          “I thought I heard someone…someone breathing heavy…”

          Steve crouched down and helped a man out of a crevice in the wall.

          “I…I’m Reuben.”

          Kursk nodded and smiled. “Yes…I remember you. Steve, Bucky, Dante, this is Reuben, one of that woman’s stepsons.”

          That witch?

          “You mean the one that called me a freak?” Dante asked, crossing his arms and eyeing Reuben suspiciously. Reuben returned the stare, clearly confused by Dante’s appearance. Dante had been getting a lot of staring from people in this castle, but he was starting to get used to it.

          “The very same!” Kursk replied cheerfully. “But from what I’ve seen, Reuben and his bro’zeres were hurt by her as well, so we have no need to v’orry.”

          “As a matter of fact, we might need your help. Hey, Dante, think he can help us get that ship?” Bucky asked, turning to Dante with a grin.

          Dante returned the grin and uncrossed his arms. “The more the merrier.”

          (Sorry I wrote for you characters so much. I kinda got excited. Also could you maybe give a quick character description for Reuben?)


          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @freedomwriter76 REUBEN NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭  @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon



            The threesome continued on for a little bit, walking fairly slow. In silence.

            Paxton glanced at Grimm. The dark-haired young man seemed deep in thought, brows creased and lips pulled thin. Paxton frowned.


            Nyx tensed, ears flicking. He turned from his position on the stone floor, hackles raising.

            Grimm raised a brow, turning to look in the same direction.



            “Paxton!” A voice echoed. Paxton tensed at the sound of his name, but relaxed slightly when he realized who it was.


            Wolfgang bounded down the corridor, eyes bright with unshed tears, and face pale. He gasped for breath, having ran to catch up with them.


             “What do you want?” Nyx hissed.

            “Nyx…” Grimm glanced at the kit, who was standing, ready to pounce at any moment.


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @loopylin. So…I want to start introducing some of the characters I haven’t been able to be, so I’m gonna get them moving. They can run into any group y’all want whenever you want. 🙂


              Well…this place was…big, to say the least.

              It was a castle, that much was obvious.

              But it was dark and not at all well-lit. Who in the world owned this place?

              Did they not have servants to keep candles burning when they had guests?

              Hitchens smirked, hand on his sword hilt. On his other side he had his whip…just in case.

              He never knew when he’d need to use it. “Private Meijer, halt.”

              The blonde in front of him stopped in his tracks.

              “Turn around.”

              He did so. His blue eyes met Hitchens’ dark green. “Yessir?”

              “Keep your Brown Bess ready, Meijer. There’s no telling what could be in this place.”

              Nathan nodded. “Yessir.”

              Hitchens smirked. “Good. At least I have one obedient soldier…” He mused. “Unlike that stupid Private Thomas.”

              “Yessir…he does seem…disobedient…” Nathan replied quietly.

              Hitchens nodded. “That he does. Now, turn around and begin moving again, Meijer.”

              Nathan silently obeyed.

              Hitchens smirked. If they were here…Private Thomas could be here…


              Nathan continued walking, his Brown Bess, fixed with a bayonet, in his grip.

              He didn’t know why…but he had an odd feeling that he and Hitchens weren’t alone…in this castle.

              And…even weirder…he almost had a feeling that Dawson and Vince were here.

              Nathan shook his head.

              No, that was just his crazy head.

              Hopefully Dawson wasn’t here…Hitchens seemed to still have a bone to pick with him…even though Nathan had been the one to steal the medical supplies to help the sick and injured drummer boy that Hitchens didn’t care about.

              Nathan bit his lip to keep himself from voicing his opinions.

              As he’d quickly learned, opinions were better kept to himself, especially if they were opinions Hitchens wasn’t a fan of.

              Nathan took in a deep breath.

              If Dawson and Vince were here…Nathan only hoped that they were safe.

              (Now…in a different spot…)


              Ernest was singing one of his English songs behind him.

              In all honesty, Alec enjoyed it…most of the time…but not right now.

              “Can you sing a little quieter…?”

              “Don’t like our English music, do you, chap?”

              “It’s not that…it’s…just…” he trailed off. How could he explain that he hated the sound of singing ever since Lee died?

              Alec shook his head and offered Ernest a smile. “Never mind. You can keep singing…I don’t mind.”

              Ernest raised an eyebrow. “That was a quick change of mind there, chap….”

              “I can change my mind fast…come on…let’s…let’s…go.” Alec replied with a grin, walking faster.

              “You have a family back home in Germany…don’t you, chap?”

              Alec turned to face Ernest, who was suddenly beside him. “Yeah…doesn’t almost everyone have a family?”

              “What kind of family? Parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etcetera…”

              Alec fought back a grimace. Was that the conversation Ernest just had to start? “Yeah…I…uhm…I have an older brother, Johann…we’re…not the closest. I don’t have any sisters though…sometimes I wish I knew what it was like.”

              Ernest laughed. “Interesting, alright. I only have sisters, chap…and it’s…a party…” He winked and laughed again.

              Alec couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah…and then I have my father and mother…of course…” He trailed off. Shook his head. “And…yeah, I have two uncles from my father’s side…and cousins…we’re close…some of us at least…” He gave a nervous chuckle. “So…yeah…what about you?”

              Ernest smiled and began to talk about his mother, his father died before he met him, and his five sisters, all older than him, except for one, who was his twin sister. He began talking about his grandparents…his uncles…aunts…cousins…so…happy…like he actually missed them.

              Alec missed Lee…but that was almost it. His father and mother…he’d never been close to them…he’d never been close to Johann…and his uncles? They had never been close to him. And his aunt, married to his Uncle Felix? Alec avoided her like the plague. And her sons from her previous marriage? No way. Alec had always avoided Adolphus and Dietrich like the plague, just like their mother.

              “Alec, you there, chap?” Ernest asked, brows furrowing in concern.

              “Hmm?” Alec mumbled, turning to Ernest, “Oh…uhm…yeah…I’m good.” he smiled, then stopped. “Ernest…did you hear that?”

              “Yeah…someone’s close, chap…” Ernest whispered.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @koshka @freedomwriter76 we really should get the group with the girls Dawson and Vince moving 😂




                hmm Hitchens and Nathan are gonna be fun…maybe they can run into the threesome Grimm Paxton and Nyx while they’re separated? Idk up to u 😂


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @loopylin. You’re totally fine! I loved reading that! XD Very Bucky and Steve and Kursk! XDXDXDXDXD

                  Reuben wears a 1940s era suit with a gold, shiny, star of David stitched on the left side, has dark brown, wavy hair, pale skin, and bright green-blue eyes. He’s fairly muscular and is around 6’0″, so basically as tall as Bucky. Is there any more you need? 🙂


                  “The more the merrier.” Dante replied with a grin.

                  Kursk grinned. “It’s decided zen! Reuben, you can help us find a ship!”

                  Reuben raised an eyebrow. “A…ship…? Uhm…okay then…” He shrugged. “Sounds good to me! Can’t wait to help!”

                  Kursk laughed and patted his back. “Zat’s ze kind of enthusiasm we need. Shall we continue on, zen?”

                  Dante nodded. “Let’s go.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 do u  wanna make an Rp as Wolfgang real quick and then I’ll probably have my three some (and maybe Wolfgang if he’s still there) meet hitchens and Nathan



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12. Yeah, they can run into them. That’d be interesting. And yeah, we do. But nothing is happening with them right now, lol. xD @koshka. @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon.


                       “What do you want?” Nyx hissed.

                      “Nyx…” Grimm whispered, glancing at Nyx.

                      “Listen…I’m sorry about what happened back there…Reuben shouldn’t have said that to you…we’ve all been hurt…including you…and that’s okay. Reuben shouldn’t have said that to you…and I’m sorry that it happened. But listen…if we’re going to get out of this place…sticking together is probably the best way to do that…not separating…that’ll only make us weaker and more vulnerable…” Wolfgang whispered, hoping that they’d see that he was right.

                      Because he was pretty sure he was…maybe…he actually didn’t really know…heh.


                      It had quickly descended into disaster.

                      Nyx, Grimm, and Paxton had rushed off…Reuben had rushed off…Wolfgang chased after Grimm, Paxton, and Grimm…and now Reuben’s brothers were sitting on the floor…obviously fighting back tears…anger…pain.

                      Julius knew how that felt.

                      He sank against the wall, leaning his head back.

                      Brokenness…he knew that very well.

                      More than many he knew.

                      But these people…maybe they did understand.

                      Julius took in a deep breath.

                      They’d lost so much…Grimm had evidently lost his sister…just like…just like how Julius lost his mother…his mother…that he couldn’t save.

                      Julius clenched his fists and forced tears back into his head where they belonged.

                      No use thinking about it.

                      They needed to do something…and soon.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @freedomwriter76


                        Nyx was still glaring at Wolfgang, unwilling to trust him. To let him and his brothers pass so easily.

                        The kit was loyal…sometimes to a fault, Grimm had noticed. And while he had gotten better over the years, Grimm knew some of his past.


                        Knew he, and Lyn even, still struggled with certain things…

                        They all did.

                        “Nyx, it’s alright.”

                         “No. it’s not.”

                        Paxton shuffled. He glanced at Grimm, and then Wolfgang. Grimm felt the boy’s fingers untwine from his hand, and he slowly took a step forward. “V-Vulpin…?” He whispered. Nyx was still glaring at Wolfgang, but his tensed backbone eased slightly. “It-it’s Al-alright…y-you can…can trust…Wolfgang…” Paxton gave a small smile to Wolfgang, and he returned it, breathing heavily.


                        Nyx let out a huffy breath. A sigh. Slowly, he lowered his guard, but still stared at the young man warily.

                        Grimm stepped forward, “I…I understand. About your brothers, I mean. I apologize. I…shouldn’t have said some of the things I said. He…had a right to be hurt.”


                        Wolfgang looked away, fists clenched. “Didn’t give him the right to lash out…”

                        Grimm sucked in a breath, “Sometimes…sometimes it’s all we know to do…” Grimm glanced at the kit on the stone ground, knowing just how many times his furry companion was prone to do the same exact thing.

                        “A-Are we go-going…b-back?”

                        Grimm glanced at the boy, then smiled. “Why not? Wolfgang’s right, we’ll work better in a…” He stumbled, “A pack…”

                        Paxton smiled.


                        Nyx tensed once again, head shooting up. He hissed, turning to his left. Grimm followed, as did Paxton.




                        Nyx crouched. “Someone’s coming…”

                        Wolfgang’s eyes widened. “Everyone else is the other direction….” He whispered.

                        Grimm clenched his fists, readying the weapons on his hands, the claw-like daggers that shot out at will.

                        “Paxton, come here.” The boy obeyed, shuffling backwards, never taking his eyes off the two growing shadows.  Nyx hissed low, and they watched as the figures halted, gripping things at their sides, obviously hearing Nyx.


                        Hopefully….these two people were friend and not foe….



                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Btw just wanted to remind everyone of my charries ages!!


                          Pax is 11

                          Nyx is like 15

                          Luna is around 13-14

                          and the other charries are around 17


                          except Corvina who is like 19-20


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


                            There were two young men…one little boy…and…a cat? No, a fox. But he had three tails…odd.

                            Hitchens’ fingers remained wrapped around his sword hilt.

                            Nathan held onto his gun tight.

                            But there was no reason to make these people afraid. “Meijer, step back.”

                            Nathan glanced at him, and slowly, silently, obeyed.

                            Hitchens stepped forward with a smile. “Hello, sirs. No need to be alarmed…we won’t hurt you.” (and since Hitchens has nothing against them, he likely won’t attack them, bc none of them are anyone he’s after…)

                            They didn’t relax.

                            Hitchens finally took his hand off of his sword hilt, trying to reassure them. “I promise…I am not after you nor likely anyone you know…considering…well…your odd clothing…” he mused. “I promise…I mean no harm.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 I STILL DON’T LIKE HITCHENS XD @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon



                              Nyx didn’t relax. “I don’t like him.” He whispered.

                              “Nyx. Easy,” Grimm lowered his arms, still keeping a wary eye on the taller man. The dark-eyed one. (Could u put a description of Hitchens? I know Nathan is blonde with blue eyes)


                              He glanced at the blonde-haired fellow, seeing a mix of emotions in his eyes. And then looked back at the other man. He glanced down at Paxton who was clutching Hope tightly.

                              “Your names?” Grimm asked, raising a brow, keeping a steady hand across Paxton’s shoulder. Nyx stayed in his pounce position, looking at Grimm.

                              “Smells. Off.” He whispered. Grimm shot him a warning look.


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. Me neither! XD But at least he just won’t go around attacking people…he’s a military man…much smarter than Frida, Adolphus, and Dietrich, lol. xD @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. So, Hitchens has pale skin, black, curly hair that comes right below his ears, dark green, like, forest green, eyes, and, of course, wears an 18th century British officer uniform and a sword on his left side and a whip on his right side. He’s also fairly muscular too.


                                “Your names?”

                                Hitchens smiled, brushing his curly, black hair out of his dark green eyes. (So, for info, Hitchens is about 6’4″, whereas Nathan is only, like, 5’6″, so that’s probably easily noticeable, lol. XD) “I am Colonel James Hitchens, and this is one of my soldiers, Private Nathan Meijer.”

                                Nathan gave a small nod and smile. Moved his gun to his other side.

                                “We’re not sure how we got here…or where this is…but who, may I ask, are all of you?” Hitchens asked with a warm smile, a stark contrast to his usual cruel and sadistic smile.

                                But, of course, none of them were anyone he was after.

                                A small chill spread up Nathan’s spine.

                                Dawson was. 

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 true… until he finds Dawson and the girls aren’t gonna let him have him….and if he goes after the girls….it’s on like donkey Kong XD tho they can handle themselves too…. XD!! @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon




                                  Nyx let out a low hiss. Grimm hoped none of them heard, but from the way both men glanced at the kit, they probably had. Grimm looked at the fox. “Nyx….”

                                  Nyx pursed his lips in a pout, letting out a huff, before finally relinquishing his position. He continued to glare at the darker haired man, the colonel, as he stalked away, back towards Paxton.

                                  He glanced at Grimm, whispering once more, “I’m telling ya…something’s off about that guy…check out his side.”

                                  Grimm did so without so much as batting an eye, taking in the whip attached to the man’s belt. He returned to gaze into the man’s eyes, offering a smile of his own that didn’t reach his eyes.

                                  “My name is Grimm. Grimm Beowulf. This is Nyx, and Paxton. And behind us,” he gestured to Wolfgang.


                                  Wolfgang straightened slightly, blinking, “Ah…I’m Wolfgang.”

                                  Grimm glanced at the man once more, wondering what he should do. Or say. He looked at the blonde. He seemed…different. Both in nature, and spirit. Or perhaps that was just Grimm’s wolf instincts kicking in…


                                  Nyx hadn’t pointed him out after all….only the taller one.


                                  “And would you happen to know where we are? Or how to get out of this place?”

                                  Grimm let out a breath, “Afraid not. This castle seems to have a mind of it’s own.”


                                  (I don’t think Grimm would offer for Hitchens to join the group but Wolfgang might would. I do want him to join but it would be outta character for Grimm to ask 😂)


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