Character Castle!

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  • #120657
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @godlyfantasy12. PAXTON, YOU ARE AN ANGEL!!!!  @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


      Paxton’s arms wrapped gently around his hips. “I-I’m so-sorry about my
my brothers

      “No…Paxton…no…don’t apologize…” He wrapped his own arms around the small boy. “It’s not your fault…”

      Paxton looked up at him, with those big, icy-blue eyes.

      So…so much…like…Wolfgang’s.

      His big, blue, pleading eyes turned to him. “A story, Leo? Please…just one more?” 

      Leo’s arms wrapped tighter around Paxton.

      “I’m fine Paxton…I…I’m okay.”

      “A-are you s-sure?” Paxton asked softly.

      Leo smiled. Brushed a strand of Paxton’s hair out of his eyes. “I’m sure.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon


        Grimm watched as Leo interacted with Paxton. Watched as the other young men, and the scarred man, Crosshair, gazed at the little boy gently. With heartfelt expressions.


        He did have a way of reaching people


his own people had been blind to see it


        Paxton smiled up at Leo, and then turned back to Grimm, running back to him, he gripped his hand, holding his bear, Hope in the other.

        Nyx hopped on the boy’s shoulder, eliciting a giggle.

        Grimm looked away, “We should get going, if what you all say is true. But
first,” He glanced down at Paxton, and then at the group. “I must thank you all for caring for Paxton.”


really wasn’t any trouble.” Wolfgang smiled.

        Paxton shifted. “E-Except L-Leo’s h-hurt

        “That’s not your fault Paxton

        “Once ve get somevere safe, I can look at your brozer’s wound, though I’m not sure vat all I can do.” Vulkasin spoke up from behind.

        “Thank you. That would be helpful.” Joshua spoke up.


        “Zlatan, do you know anywhere we can go?”


        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1058

          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h

          Oh, Lily… XD I’d want to do the same, though.


          “Viktor!” The tiny lass looked up at him, pleading with her large, sweet eyes. “Can I pet her?”

          Riker started, obviously not comfortable with it. Neither was Leon, if expressions said anything. Esen was a prey bird, after all, and of a daunting size. She perched upon both his shoulders, after all: not your pet popinjay. Viktor looked Lily in the eye.

          “Yes, if your father doesn’t mind.” He glanced up at Riker. “She won’t hurt her. She’s a Mountain Guardian, so she wouldn’t harm a child. And anyway, if I tell her to be careful, she will be. She…

          “She was my Appa’s.” He touched her talons gently. Esen flexed them in response and dipped her head to touch his.

          “Khe, khe, khe.”

          Her name for him.

          He smiled and looked back to Riker, who was looking down at his daughter, brows creased.

          Lily took a breath and stated her case. “Please, Daddy? She’s soooooooo pretty!”

          Esen chuckled and preened.

          “You’re sure?” Riker asked Viktor.

          ReĂșven stepped forward before Viktor could say anything. “What if I guide her hand?” He knelt to be on Lily’s level. “Esen is a good bird, but big birds have big beaks. So we have to be careful.” He scrunched his nose, accenting the curve and making it look undeniably like Esen’s own hawked nose.

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1560

            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


            “Do you know anywhere we can go?”

            The group suddenly turned to him, waiting. Zlatan frowned and sucked in as full a breath he could manage. Then lay full length on the floor, ear pressed to the ground, eyes closing.

            Distant footsteps. A slight vibration below them, probably on street level. And…hmm. Heavy steps coming from farther down the hall.

            “Hear anything?”

            Zlatan opened his eyes to glare at his brother. “Maybe if a certain Strelt v’ould shut up ”

            He pushed himself back to his feet, clenching his jaw against the familiar pain in his back. He nodded to the group before him. “Leo, at least lean on v’ones of you brot’ers. V’ounds like zat serious. Zis v’ay.”

            He turned up the passage, following his memory and the things he’d heard. They needed out, or at least into a safe well lit place.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Koshka.

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon


              hey yall!! Imma be at the zoo for a while tonight but please feel free to RP as much as u want and with my charries because I luv coming back and reading RPs XD and then making some XD so ya


              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1058


                Ok! Take some pictures of squirrels for me! 😉

                (To explain. Last time we were at the zoo, we spent an inordinate amount of time watching squirrels steal food from exhibits. XD Then we were like: how was our favorite part the squirrels? We did not come to see the squirrels!)

                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @elishavet-pidyon. That is hilarious about the squirrels! XD @godlyfantasy12. Have fun! 😀 @koshka.


                  Leo leaned on Joshua, with Jakob on his other side, both of them supporting him.

                  Joshua offered his older brother a smile.

                  Leo smiled faintly, but quickly looked away.

                  Joshua raised an eyebrow. What…was wrong?


                  Reuben and Wolfgang walked faster so Wolfgang could walk beside Grimm, Paxton, and Nyx, but Reuben walked beside Zlatan instead.

                  Julius fell into step beside Vulkasin.

                  Reuben turned to Zlatan with a smile, then noticed him grimace. “Are you…are you alright?”


                  Julius rubbed his back, trying to sooth the soreness of it.

                  Oh, there would be bruises, that was for certain.

                  He turned to Vulkasin. “This place is…kinda…odd, wouldn’t you agree?”

                  Oh, he was so bad at small talk.


                  “So, you can turn into a wolf and he’s a fox that can talk?”

                  “Oh, I can do more than talk…” Nyx replied, his tail swishing back and forth as he sat up on Paxton’s shoulders.

                  “What else can you do? To be honest…you’re kinda cute.” Wolfgang mused.

                  “HEY! Don’t call me “cute“!” 

                  Grimm smirked. “He kinda is though…” He winked at Nyx.

                  “Well…I oughta…” Nyx growled.

                  Paxton giggled and stroked Nyx’s fur. “Nyx…” He whispered. Giggled again.

                  Wolfgang smiled.

                  Paxton was happy.

                  And that made him happy. He smiled again. “So, how can you turn into a wolf? It’s really interesting!”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @loopylin. @keilah-h.


                    “Hey, look! I think this door leads outside!” Eddie cried, beside an old, wooden door.

                    Wayne nodded and stepped over. Unsheathed his sword. “I’ll go first, just in case. Everyone, fall in behind.” He ordered.

                    He opened the door and flung it open, as golden sunlight burst into the hallway.




                    Dante rushed up the stairs.

                    Kursk grinned and followed behind him, Steve and Bucky falling in behind.

                    “Can’t v’ait to get zhere!” He cried with a laugh. “A challenge! V’hat fun!”

                    Suddenly, Bucky rushed past him.

                    Kursk laughed.

                    At least he was having fun now!

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12. Whoops. Forgot he called Nyx something else. Sorry bout that! XD

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12.


                        “Esen is a good bird, but big birds have big beaks. So we have to be careful.” ReĂșven cautioned, scrunching his nose to look like Esen’s.

                        Lily giggled.

                        Riker smiled.

                        She was so…happy…carefree….sweet…innocent.

                        ReĂșven guided her hand, and Lily pet Esen. “She’s so pretty…” she whispered.

                        Riker smiled again and leaned against the castle wall.

                        He glanced at November, and their eyes met, just as Leon walked over closer to Lily.

                        November looked away.

                        Riker raised an eyebrow.

                        Maybe…maybe it was best if he didn’t help him.

                        “Talk to him.”

                        “No. I don’t want to be pushy.”

                        “He needs your help.”

                        “I’ll only mess everything up.”

                        “He just needs someone to talk to.”

                        “He can talk to anyone here.”

                        “Yes, he can. But I want you to talk to him.”

                        “Why? He can talk to anyone here.”

                        “Maybe so. But he needs you.” 

                        Riker quietly sighed. God was always going to win the argument, wasn’t he?

                        Riker bit his lip, but slowly and surely, he made his way back to November. “Hi November…” He let out a deep breath, just as November faced him again, “hey…uhm…sorry about being pushy back there. I know what it feels like to need to get away…so…I’m sorry…really…I am.” He whispered.

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1560

                          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                          The young man beside him–Reuben was it?–smiled, his eyes suddenly turning concerned.

                          “Are you
are you alright?”

                          Absolutely perfect, thank you.

                          The bindings on his back had loosened a bit, and he’d obviously reopened several gashes.

                          But that wasn’t to the purpose. It wasn’t life threatening, as long as the fever didn’t set back in. Besides, the pack always came first. There was no time to stop and fix things. He wasn’t about to slow down, not over something as trivial as himself.

                          Zlatan looked at Reuben with warm golden eyes. “I’ll be fine. How is your brot’er?”


                          He chuckled. “You don’t know ze half of it! Ze last time Ve vere–”

                          A low rafter interrupted him.

                          “Velikiy zolotoy lunnyy svet!” (Great golden moonlight in Volkovian/Russian) Vulkasin spat out the phrase in his mother tongue, before continuing in the common one. “Vere ver just as many of zees stupid head blocks all over ze place.”

                          He straitened his helmet and grinned.

                          • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Koshka.

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1058

                            @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                            Awww, Riker…


                            He bent his knees and slowly knelt on the stone, careful not to lose his balance. He was still getting used to carrying Esen’s weight.

                            Among other burdens….

                            There, now Lily could reach the bird. Esen chortled as ReĂșven guided Lily’s little hand across her feathers.

                            “She’s so pretty
” the little girl breathed in awe.

                            “You see the golden feathers?” ReĂșven whispered, bringing her fingers up to touch some. “Most of her kind have silver ones, but once every couple hundred years, an eaglet is hatched with her coloring.”

                            She looked from him to the bird in wonder. “How did you get her?”

                            Viktor grinned. “She tackled me one day when I was out on a mountain.” He cleared his throat. “She was my Appa’s, and somehow, she knew who I am. She calls me by his name.”

                            Lily stepped back to peer up at Esen. “She can talk?”

                            “Yes.” ReĂșven laughed, then leaned in conspiratarily. “Most of their language is in their actions. See? She’s saying, ‘I don’t know why you are petting me, but I think I like you anyway’.”

                            Lily giggled, and to her surprise, Esen chuckled back.

                            “She laughed!” Lily clapped her hands. “Daddy, Uncle Leon, Esen laughed!”

                            Leon stepped up behind her.

                            “Laughed? You don’t say.” Leon smoothed Lily’s hair out of her face.

                            “Do you want to pet her?” Lily bounced on her heels. “ReĂșven will help you!”

                            “I think Viktor has been on the ground for a little long.”

                            “No,” Viktor shook his head. “I’m fine here. Getting up will be the hard part.”

                            Esen stroked his curls as if to apologise for her cumbersomness.

                            “Here.” ReĂșven held out his hands with a smile. “I can help my little brother up.”


                            Viktor hands wrapped around his own, contrasting textures. ReĂșven studied those hands in all their scarred glory as he helped his cousin to his feet.

                            The beauty of sacrifice for the ashes of bitternes.

                            He pressed Amicai’s hands and let them go, turning to the others putting on a smile.

                            Riker and November were standing apart, November seeming both more weary and less so than before.

                            “Lord help him. Help them both.”

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1560


                              AMICAI!!!!!! *Sob*

                              Those poor hands too… I’m probably going to cry over your books whenever they get published. And I practically never cry over books.

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1560

                                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                                Btw y’all, at this point in Zlatan’s story children are likely to shake him up. A lot. I sort of forgot that a minute ago, but we may have a major break down ahead, especially if Paxton talks to him.

                                • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Koshka.

                                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @elishavet-pidyon AHHHHHH VIKTOR 😭 @koshka AGH AND ZLATAN!!! @freedomwriter76 AND RIKER AND LEO OH MY WORD YALL
.. @keilah-h

                                  i’ve got a lot to catch up on!!



                                  November studies Riker’s face. He resembled more of the man November had met in the years prior. The worn, weary man who held so much guilt

                                  He frowned, realizing that he’d made him feel that way

no Riker, I
You didn’t
” He scratched his neck. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s
it’s just me,” he chuckled. “Don’t
don’t worry about it, really! Please.” He smiled, eyes crinkling slightly. He turned back to Viktor, ReĂșven, all of the others, studying the enormous bird now perched on Viktor’s shoulders.


                                  It was
beautiful, to say the least. She was beautiful.

                                  Lily was petting her, giggling, and it made November’s heart happy to hear. Riker’s daughter really was sweet. All of his children probably was. He seemed like such a wonderful father


                                  Viktor was speaking now, preparing himself to stand.

                                  “No, I’m fine here. Getting up will be the hard part.”

                                  ReĂșven approached, “Here, I can help my little brother up.”


                                  November’s body  jolted, the shadows parting in his brain as new highways opened. Recently discovered memories played back through his mind.

                                  Good memories.


                                  Bad memories.


                                  All brought one by that
.one word.




                                  He stared ahead into the sky, eyes unfocused, trapped in memories that were
foreign yet familiar

.yet transparent


                                  And so

                                  November’s fists clenched, gripping the end of his shirt.






                                  He glared at Grimm, hissing under his breath. He felt the kid stroking him, making him twitch uneasily. He would’ve snapped at him already
first time he’d done that, he’d scared the kid half to death

he supposed the kid wasn’t so bad

too much of it was just


                                  He sighed, giving the kid a bit of a “Do you mind?” Look.

                                  Paxton raised his hand, apologizing. “S-Sorry Nyx.”

                                  The ball of fur jumped off of Paxton and onto Wolfgang’s shoulder, startling him. “Whoa!”

                                  “Chill, I won’t bite. Unless you give me reason to.” Nyx grinned again, showing his sharp canines.

                                  Grimm sighed. “As for your question. I’m what’s called a Shifter. I can shift into an animal. My race being wolves. Other shifters might can shift into some other animal, but for me, it’s a wolf, and only a wolf.”

                                  Wolfgang grinned, “Cool. Are
you a shifter?” He glanced at Nyx.

                                  “Nah, I’m just awesome.”

                                  “Ignore him. He’s called a Nyx.”

                                  Everyone looked at Grimm in confusion.

                                  “Here we call them foxes,” Jakob said. Grimm chuckled, while Nyx growled quietly, annoyed.

” Nyx huffed, “I’m not an oridinary fox. I. Am. A. Nyx.” 

                                  “He’s his own species. Doesn’t have a name

                                  “Yes. I do!”

                                  “Named after yourself. Alright.” Grimm nodded.

                                  “I’m the only one they’ve found so far, so yes.” Nyx pouted.

                                  “Aside from that
” Grimm said, he looked at the young man, “Wolfgang, correct?” He nodded. “Nice name. I’ve met many with names like those I would find in my pack.”

                                  “Your pack?”

                                  Grimm took in a deep breath. Nyx glanced at him, as did Paxton. The white-haired boy gripped his hand gently giving it a squeeze. He didn’t know everything about it, Nyx knew, but he must have known something had happened, and it made Grimm sad
Paxton was pretty intuitive, Nyx had to admit.

                                  “Yes. The remainder of them are back at my homeland.”

                                  “You must miss them.”


                                  Nyx frowned, whiskers twitching. Grimm merely nodded, unspoken words hanging in the air.


                                  He watched the dark-haired warrior’s hand reach to his belt, and the two chains tied around it.

                                  One gold, one silver.


                                  One old, one new.


                                  Past. Present.


                                  Nyx looked away.



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