Character Castle!

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  • #120622
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      @godlyfantasy12. It won’t let me either. Maybe they’re working on something. 🤷‍♀️

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @keilah-h @freedomwriter76


        “We call it frostfire.”

        Ellie stared at the blue flames. She was half tempted to stick her hand in it to test how cold the fire really was, but she restrained the urge.

        “It’s beautiful.” Eddie said, putting Ellie’s thoughts into words.

        Ellie started mentally filling away what Kad had told them. Fire breathing, ice breathing, frostfire. No one would believe her once she got back home.

        “Hey, look! I think this door leads outside!” Eddie was standing by an old, splintery wooden door, standing on her tiptoes and cupping her hands around her eyes to see out the window.

        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon



          SHE’S HERE YALL!!





          The shadows around her thickened, weaving in and out as her fingers moved, leading them in a silent symphony.

          She glanced over her shoulder.


          He’d finally gotten away…


          His steps grew ever closer, and she watched as, every few seconds he glanced over his shoulders.


          She moved her fingers, the shadows playing along them.

          She’d make sure no one saw.


          She’d make sure no one knew…


          For him.


          The shadows dispersed momentarily, allowing him entrance to her space, and then resumed their place, trapping them both inside.



          “Hey,” she replied, leaning against one of the walls In the corner she hid in.


          November’s hand reached for his hair, and she watched intently as he tugged. Watched as the curls bounced and recoiled with the force. Watched every slight contortion of his face, every subtle movement.


          She couldn’t not watch.


          She glanced out from her shadows, at the two men who were now speaking to each other, having exited from the room.


          Riker and Leon. She’d caught their names.


          “You’ve got friends everywhere, hm?”

          November followed her gaze, chuckled slightly. “I-I guess so…”

          Her eyes returned to him. To his pale face.

          To the three deep gashes that ran over the left side of his face.


          Scars she’d given him….



          Her gut twisted violently at the thought. The memory. All the memories. All the times she’d come close to…


          She looked away.


          “Have…have you thought about what I told you?”

          November’s eyes widened. He sucked in a deep breath. “I…I…”

          Her eyes returned to him. Met his ice blue. She swallowed the lump of emotion forming in her throat.

          “Sorry. I…I should give you more time. It’s…it’s a lot to ask.”

          “N-No! I…I mean…” November tugged harder at his curls, pain inching into his features.

          Corvina frowned.

          “I mean…we don’t exactly…have much time…do we?” He breathed a laugh that wasn’t true.

          She shook her head. “No rest for the weary.” She tried a smile, brows creasing.

          November’s eyes met hers again. They stood in silence for a moment, and…Corvina felt as though she were being stabbed in the gut.


          November returned her smile. A soft, genuine smile. “Ah…I should probably get back…” His hands slid to his sides. He looked down at his shoes, both unsure of what to do.


          What to say.


          Corvina breathed in a breath, nodding. November turned to exit.


          Corvina bit her lip, fists clenching. Her hand suddenly reached out, gripping his wrist.

          “Bren-“ Her heart lodged in her throat. “I-I mean November…”

          November glanced back, brows arched in question.

          Corvina opened her mouth but no words came out. Instead, she slowly released his hand and…just smiled, her eyes telling the words she couldn’t bring herself to say.


          November returned it, dimples showing. And then…


          He left.



            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            Oh man y’all….




            That was…





              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1560

              @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


              He stopped a few paces behind Grimm. How horribly exposed he felt without a Volk’s regular armor.

              The group before him had been standing ready to fight, but this little boy’s reaction seemed to have frozen them in place. Snow…

              Zlatan quietly sheathed his blade, breath hitching as his blood cooled from the run. Pain blossomed across his back. Great golden moons. He’d over exerted it, again. Not like it didn’t happen every other second. He sighed, carefully pushing the pain back into it’s corner.

              Nyx’s voice broke into his thoughts.

              “Ah. Great. Don’t I know you? Scary scar guy?”

              Who was the fox…his eyes landed on a somehow familiar figure with thick gray hair and strange armor. Crosshair?

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                So, the way I could describe Corvina and November’s childhood relationship is literally like Anna and Elsa’s when they were children.


                November was the only light in Corvina’s life and he had fire powers. I have a backstory scene in my head of him creating like a flower out of fire and Corvina just giggling and being in awe, and their just adorable, and then her mother and father drag him away, and she thinks they’ve killed him, all because she was too close to him.


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 u wanna go? Or @keilah-h


                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1560


                    Ugh! Oh! That…Corvina!! And November!!!

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @koshka ikr!!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334



                        The four carried on, looking everywhere for stairs, an air of excitement all around them. It wasn’t long before Kursk called “Here! I found some!” (Sorry I do not trust myself to do the accent)

                        The others hurried over, Dante getting there first. He looked up. The stairs did not look very welcoming. They wound tightly in an upwards spiral and were so dimly lit that he could hardly see five steps ahead. A small shiver ran down Dante’s spine and he smiled. Slipping silently past Kursk, he started up the stairs.

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


                          Reuben paused. “Wait…wait…Paxton…you…you know that…wolf?”

                          Paxton nodded. Wrapped his arms around the wolf’s neck.

                          Well…this was…odd.



                          “It’s not your fault. Never has been. Never will be. In the end, it was your father’s choice to believe or deny. You had no say in that.” Leon reminded, squeezing his friend’s shoulder, from where they were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall.

                          Riker slowly nodded. Bit his lip. “I know…or…I thought I knew…but…though you forgave me…God forgave me…”

                          “It’s a lot harder to forgive yourself. Trust me, Riker, I know.” Leon whispered, offering his friend a smile. “But what you did…it doesn’t matter anymore. Who you were…it doesn’t matter anymore. Remember, ‘whoever believes in Christ is a new creation. The old has gone; behold, the new has come.’ That applies to you, too, you know.”

                          Riker turned to him. Smiled faintly. “I know. Thank you for reminding me…I need it a lot.”

                          Leon shrugged. “We all do.” He patted Riker’s arm, stood, and turned, offering Riker his hand. “Now come on, let’s go back and get your daughter and get this group moving.”

                          Riker took his hand, Leon grabbed his arm, and he helped his friend to his feet.

                          Leon heard footsteps, and he turned. “Ah! November, welcome back!” He called.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                            “Wait…wait…Paxton…you…you know that…wolf?” One of the young men, the one who’d been holding Paxton, spoke.

                            Paxton nodded, smiling.

                            The men were still on edge, except the scarred man who just seemed a bit…awed at the sight of Nyx….they obviously knew each other…from Nyx’s last visit here?


                            Grimm sighed. Ah…perhaps he should rid himself of this form…

                            He nuzzled Paxton once more, slowly helping the boy release him. And then, he was his humans elf once again.


                            And the young men’s eyes grew wide as saucers.

                            “What the-!” One of them cried.

                            The older, scarred man jumped as well, obviously not expecting the sudden change.


                            The twins came up behind him, “Should’ve seen our reaction,” Vulkasin chuckled.

                            The young men were staring at Grimm, and now the twins as well, faces in various expressions of shock and disbelief.



                            “This is my…my friend! W-Wulf!” Paxton cried, gripping Grimm’s leg in one hand.

                            One of the young men blinked, then glanced at the little boy. “Y-You mean…all the things you said about your friends…they…they were…”

                            Paxton tilted his head, not quite following. Grimm smiled slightly and extended his hand. “Grimm. Grimm Beowulf.” He glanced at Paxton, brows raising. “You said their your friends?” The little boy nodded. “Alright….” He glanced at the twins, “This is Vulkasin, and Zlatan. I’ve recently met them myself.”


                            Nyx bounded into the forefront, showing his canines with a big grin. “And I’m Nyx.”

                            The boys stared again. “Did that fox just…talk?” One of them whispered.


                            “Yes, he did,” The man, Crosshair apparently, seemed to get over his silence. He sighed.


                            Grimm roved his eyes over them, landing on the injured one. His brows furrowed. Paxton followed his gaze.

                            The little boy gripped his hand, squeezing it. Grimm looked into the boy’s ice blue eyes.

                            “Th-that’s L-Leo…he’s hurt…” Paxton’s eyes were wide. “M-My brothers…they…they’re here…”

                            Nyx tensed, hissing, Grimm tightened his grip around Paxton’s hand.


                            “They’re knocked out right now,” one of the young men said. “Along with our own…less then admirable family members…point is, we really should be going, and get our brother some help.”


                            Grimm swallowed, gazing at the now much larger group.



                            Another ragtag team….






                            Always running.


                            How did he always find himself a part of these?



                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                              “Ah! November, welcome back!”

                              November gazed up at the two, smiling. He sucked in a breath, a bit of tension leaving his shoulders. His mind was still clouded with questions….memories…



                              But…he couldn’t help but feel a bit…lighter, then before. At least a smidgen.

                              “H-Hey. Where’s Viktor and Reúven? And Lily?”


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. OH, Grimm…😭❤️ (btw, where Leon and Riker are at right now, (like, storywise) a song I heard at the chiropractor a few days ago has been in my head and I’m currently listening to it. Great song! Country song, which I normally don’t listen to…but this one is EPIC! XD And makes me think of Leon and Riker at this point in their lives, post-war, but still struggling with a few things. Anywho! The song is Hard Days by Brantley Gilbert. 😉 ) @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


                                Leo nodded. “Yeah…I…I guess I do need some help…huh?”

                                Joshua turned on him. “You think?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

                                Leo smiled faintly, but he turned away before Joshua saw the smile fade.

                                If he hadn’t had an outburst…maybe Frida and them wouldn’t have ever found them. Maybe they would have been able to avoid them.

                                Hah, just another way he’d failed.

                                Leo took in a deep breath and turned back to face the others. “Yeah. I’m Leo. That’s Joshua, Jakob, Reuben, and that’s our youngest brother, Wolfgang.” He introduced, pointing at each brother.

                                “I’ve never seen a talking fox before. It’s like the stories!” Wolfgang said, his eyes sparkling, showing some of that boy still in him.

                                That childlike innocence…that had been stolen right from under him.

                                Leo’s heart sank.

                                But, he plastered a fake smile on his face and nodded at the newcomers, Paxton’s friends. “Nice to meet all of you.” He flinched as more pain travelled from his torso.

                                Stupid injury.



                                “H-Hey. Where’s Viktor and Reúven? And Lily?”

                                Leon smiled. Pointed at the open door, where sunlight was streaming into the castle. “Right through there on a balcony. Come on, let’s go.” He urged, still with a hand on Riker’s shoulder, leading November to the balcony.

                                He stopped in the doorway.

                                There was a…huge eagle on Viktor’s arm.

                                Lily turned to face them. “Uncle Leon! Daddy! Look at Viktor’s pretty bird!” She cried, running to grab their hands.

                                Leon chuckled and followed her. Riker did the same.

                                Leon whistled. “If that isn’t the biggest bird I’ve ever seen.”

                                “Her name is Esen, Uncle Leon!” Lily cried, seemingly horrified. “Her name is Esen…and she’s very pretty…” Lily whispered. “Viktor! Can I pet her?” She asked suddenly, turning on Viktor with big, pleading, bright blue eyes.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwroter76 UGH LEO NOOOOOO PLEASE!!!! 😭 @keilah-h



                                  “L-Leo? The little boy released Grimm’s hand. Grimm looked at him, narrowing his eyes. Paxton gave him a reassuring smile and then bounded over to Leo.

                                  “A-Are you Al-alright?” He gazed up at the injured young man with a frown. He, as gently as possible, wrapped his arms around the young man’s hips, hugging him as light as a feather so as not to hurt him. “I-I’m so-sorry about my…my brothers…”


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