Character Castle!

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    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4743

      @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12


      Julius explained that a disease had crippled his left foot when he was young. “I know….” he sighed. “I’m nothing more than a cripple, trust me….”

      “No you’re not. You’re more than that.” Feather told him, helping him up. “A….friend of mine….he had it worse off than you. He was supposed to be able to fight in my world’s war, like me, but he was forced to stay because he had been born with some sort of…..deformity. That didn’t stop him from fighting when his home was invaded. He sacrificed himself so that the rest of his family could live.”

      Julius looked up at her. “Really?”




      “We may need extra help…my brother doesn’t count as ‘help’.” muttered the other human. The other one gasped as if offended, although it was obviously sarcasm. “Anyway, would you like to help us, Kad?”

      Kad flicked his tail. “Sure.”

      As they walked, he noticed his torch had all but gone out, so he relit it with his frostfire. It burned a bright blue flame. The four creatures next to him looked at him, slightly surprised.

      “It’s kinda strange, even to my kind.” he admitted. “My mother was a fire breathing dragon, and my father an ice breathing dragon, so I have a sort of….cold flame. We call it frostfire.”

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon so are y’all good with Paxton and the Boys meeting up with Grimm and the twins?


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @godlyfantasy12 Yep! 😀

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1560


            I am!

            [Zlatan’s picked up a bit of medical knowledge from the camps if Leo still needs it, although it is medieval battle medicine. Nothing weird or stupid like leeches, bloodletting, and nightshade (seriously, medieval doctors needed some common sense), just not our level of efficiency.]

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

            Elishavet Elroi
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1058

              @koshka @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h


              Riker had walked to the doorway, but Viktor couldn’t tell much of their conversation. At least, he didn’t care to, not right now. His neck was craned and his eyes glued to a spot of dark feathers in the sky above.

              Was it…?

              Suddenly, a prey bird’s cry fell down to them: the cry of a mountain eagle. The bird above whirled sharply about.

              Viktor laughed and thrust his fist into the air, before dropping it and bracing himself.


              Reúven pulled Lily away just as Viktor was wrapped in ten feet of slate feathers tipped in gold.

              “Screeeeee, he he, he!” The bird settled itself on his shoulders, satisfied. “Khe, khe, khe.”


              One hand on Lily’s shoulder, the other was clutched in her little fingers. The lass stared wide-eyed at the bird as it greeted it’s master.

              “He’s huge!”

              Amicai looked back at them, his dark hair falling in short curls over his forehead, a soft smile touching his lips. He reached up and caressed a talon.

              “Her name is Esen. Salute the lady, Esen.”

              The bird chortled and bowed its head proudly, making Lily burst into laughter. Reúven smiled.

              “Hello, Esen.” The little girl curtseyed, still keeping Reúven’s hand. He bowed too, with a wink.

              “Now, my laird, where shall we go?”

              Amicai pursed his lips as if to retort, but then he rolled his eyes and said nothing. Reúven smirked.

              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h coolio!! One of y’all wanna RP that?? Oh wait…I have Nyx XD



                I hate you…” 

                Grimm set the fox back down on the stone floor. Nyx hissed, his fur still tinted pink. His hackles raised slightly in annoyance as he twitched.

                “I think I can live with that.”

                Nyx glared.

                Then, his ears twitched. He straightened, on alert, ears prone for any new sounds. He sniffed the air.





                Grimm’s brown furrowed. He got down on one knee and whispered, “What is it?”

                Nyx’s nose twitched. “There’s people up ahead. I can smell them.”

                Nyx smelled the air again, and immediately tensed.


                His hackles raised, ears falling backwards to his skull. He backed away slightly, tails falling between his legs.

                “Nyx, what is it?” Grimm’s voice was firm but soft.

                Nyx’s eyes widened, and then he looked at Grimm. “Blood…”




                (btw the smell of blood triggers bad memories for Nyx, thus this reaction…)


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. Aww, Feather is SOOO sweet!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


                  Reuben held Paxton closer, as Paxton clutched Hope close, his body still trembling.

                  Reuben now had him basically cradled in his arms, as he held Paxton even closer.

                  “Did any of you hear that?” Julius suddenly asked, holding up a hand, signaling for them to stop.

                  Reuben held Paxton even closer, and Wolfgang stepped closer to him.

                  Based on their previous experiences in this place, none of them expecting anyone good.

                  “I heard voices.” Crosshair whispered, an arm around his wife.


                  Someone was up ahead.

                  Julius and Crosshair were right.

                  But the voices had suddenly gone silent.

                  A groan sounded, and suddenly, Jakob felt Leo move on his back. “What…? Where-?”

                  “Shh. Leo, we’re away from the others…but someone is up ahead…shh…” Joshua whispered. “Are you alright?”

                  Leo groaned again. “I…I…think…no…no…never mind…” He muttered.

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4743

                    @godlyfantasy12 Perfectly fine! Nyx and Crosshair are gonna be like “Oh, not you again,” which’ll be funny……

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @keilah-h XD YESSS @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 UGH REUBEN AND WOLFGANG ARE SO SWEET AND POOR LEO!!!



                      “Nyx? You good?”

                      Nyx’s hackles we’re still raised, ears glued to the sides of his head. He didn’t move. Frozen in place, with one paw up. The slightest thing could set him off, Grimm knew this from experience.

                      “Nyx…do you sense anything else?” He asked calmly, lowly.

                      Nyx swallowed, his whole body shaking as he did so. He raised his head again, sniffing, wincing, sniffing once more.


                      His eyes widened. Then furrowed. He sniffed again, shook his head in disbelief. His breaths grew quicker, shallower.


                      “Nyx, Nyx what is it?”

                      “Vat’s vrong?” Zlatan whispered from behind, hand already on his hilt just like Vulkasin. Grimm glanced at them, gave a small nod, letting them know to be prepared for anything.


                      ”Nyx, talk to me.”


                      The little fox looked up, eyes…slightly glassy…




                      Snow…I smell Snow…and he’s scared.”


                      Grimm’s heart thumped in his chest.





                      Before anyone knew what was happening, Grimm had transformed, his wolf self barreling down the hall, ready to take on anyone and everyone in search of the little white-haired boy.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        Now when Paxton sees him he’s gonna be like Wulf!

                        but when everyone else sees him they’re gonna be like



                        AHHHHHHHH XD!!!


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. SNOW!?!?!?!? AHHH!!! THAT’S SOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEE!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


                          Something was heading their way.

                          Loud and fast.

                          Julius drew his pistol, Crosshair did the same with his…odd weapon.

                          Joshua pulled out his dagger, and Jakob slowly but surely set Leo on the floor behind him, Leo leaning against the wall, still not completely conscious, with a jacket tied tightly around his torso to help staunch the blood flow.

                          Wolfgang tensed and prepared for the worst.

                          Reuben held Paxton closer, and Paxton finally pulled his face out of his bear, looking up. “What is that…?”

                          “We don’t know yet…shh…” Reuben whispered.

                          Wolfgang nodded in agreement, pulling out his own dagger, and his fingers wrapped around it, tight.

                          His knuckles turned white, just as a wolf rounded the corner.

                          “What the-!?” Jakob yelled, and Wolfgang noticed that Paxton seemed much more…interested.


                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4743

                            @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


                            Something was running at them. A four-legged creature, from the sound of it.

                            The others readied their weapons. Crosshair held his rifle out in front of him, apprehensive.

                            The animal rounded a corner. It was a wolf.

                            “What the—?” came one of the boys’ voices.

                            “Wulf?” said Paxton, suddenly excited. He ran over to it. The wolf eyed them, with suspicion in its eyes.


                            Why would an animal be suspicious of them? Unless it was like Nyx…..which if it were Paxton’s friend, maybe it was something like that.

                            Crosshair lowered his gun and stepped cautiously toward the wolf. “Do you know him? he asked.

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 IKR!! @koshka @elishavet-pidyin @keilah-h


                              His paws hit the stone floor with a thud as he slid to a stop.

                              Five young men, (I’m gonna say we’ve walked away a bit from Adolphus and all them if that’s alright) and…


                              Snow. Paxton.


                              Grimm’s hackles raised slightly, senses on high alert. The smell of blood wafting past his nose. He bared his teeth, but, at the same time, felt conflicted, not wishing to scare the little boy he knew could be so…frightened.


                              He could smell the fear penetrating off of them all, saw their weapons. And he readied himself.






                              The boy’s eyes lit up. He forced himself into more of a sitting position in Reuben’s cradle-like hold, staring at the dark gray wolf in front of him.

                              The cobalt blue eyes and silver markings were unmistakable, and as he caught the wolf’s gaze, a smile broke out on his face. Tears steamed down his cheeks and he reached out, like a toddler wishing to be held.


                              Reuben and Wolfgang both glanced at him, then back at the wolf in front of him.

                              Grimm was stock still, and it took Paxton a minute to understand why he wasn’t coming to hold him. To hug him.

                              “W-Wulf! I-It’s o-okay…th-these are my…my…fr-friends…”


                              Grimm‘s ticked back and forth, studying each of them, before slowly, very slowly lowering his defensive position.

                              Paxton struggled in Reuben’s arms, until Reuben finally let him down, even slower then Grimm had put down his guard.

                              “Paxton…?” Wolfgang whispered.

                              Paxton was all grins. He leapt onto the wolf, burying his face in his neck fur. He nuzzled into it, letting it wipe his tears.

                              Grimm returned by dipping his chin to the boy’s shoulder blade, gently nudging him.


                              Paxton’s eyes lit up as three more figures bounded down the hall. One of which, was another familiar sight.



                              The little fox bounded down the hall, just as on edge as Grimm had been. But, seeing that Paxton was safe, and the men around them had lowered their weapons, at least most of them, he also became less defensive. He smirked.

                              Well, heya Snow.”

                              A wet giggle left Paxton’s lips as the fox jumped onto Grimm’s back, touching his nose to Paxton’s.


                              Perhaps the closest and only display of affection he’d get from Nyx.

                              The fox then hopped off, glancing at the crowd around them. He looked at Leo, wincing, “Well, that explains the blood.”


                              And then…

                              He looked at Crosshair.






                              Ah. Great. Don’t I know you? Scary scar guy? Crosshair, right?”


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @keilah-h my RP still kinda fits with yours 😊


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon it won’t let me go to y’all’s pages to see when ur on 😭


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