Character Castle!

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  • #120581
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @freedomwriter76 awww Riker! 🥰 he’s so sweet!! @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon


      Riker gently grabbed his wrist, pulling him back.

      “November, wait.”

      November looked down, not meeting the man’s eyes.

      “I can’t…I really can’t…”

      “Why? If…if it’s putting you in danger…”

      “No! No…I mean…it’s not…”


      Was it?


      Agh…why was everything so complicated now.

      “I-I mean…I-I don’t think it is,” he gripped his forehead, glancing back at the shadows behind them. “I-I don’t know, alright?!”

      Riker’s eyes widened slightly at the outburst. November winced. He hadn’t meant to get so worked up.


      He just…


      He needed to think….




      Needed some space…


      “I…I’m sorry,” he whispered. “Can I…can I just…have a second?” He slid his wrist out of Riker’s grasp.


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1560

        @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

        *Wearily stumbles into castle*

        I’m…back! *Gasp* Here’s my charies.


        The fun twin. Vulkasin chuckled. That about summed him up, didn’t? “V’ell, ve could sing.”

        Nyx sighed dramatically, his ears and tails drooping. “Is that the best you can think of?”

        “I did not specify ze type of song.” Zlatan sent him a look, which Vulk pretended not to see. “I know a few good v’ones…every Volk does.

        He smirked at his brother.

        (If y’all want them to run into someone, go ahead! I’m gonna try to be more steady on here.)

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @koshka heeeey!!!! Missed ya!!! Also don’t forget u also have Annia and Cécile! @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


          The fox’s whiskers twitched, his head turning to glare at the tallest twin.

          I don’t sing.”

          “He means he only sings with Jocelyn,” Grimm explained, as stoic as ever, running a hand over the stone walls of hall they were now in.


          Nyx glared even stronger at him. “Whatever…either way…she’s not here, is she?” He huffed.


          “So, the fox does sing?” Vulkasin’s eyes widened slightly, glancing at the fox. “Vell, I’ll have to teach you some songs zen sometime,” He winked.

          Grimm caught the wink, brows furrowing. “Ah…yes…the last thing we need is Nyx learning new shanties to sing…” He rolled his eyes to the heavens, sighing heavily “I’m still trying to get over the headache from last month-“


          Nyx’s fur blushed pink, his ears sticking to his skull, “Shut up! We said we wouldn’t talk about that ever again!”  He chittered loudly.


          Grimm merely gave a half-smile. Barely a smile at all, shrugging his shoulders. Nyx growled, tails flicking apprehensively.


          “Have to save that story for later then…”

          You ever talk about that again and you’ll be sucking your food through a STRAW!”

          Grimm rolled his eyes. Glanced at the brothers.


          Silence ticked by.


          Grimm looked at Nyx.


          Nyx looked at Grimm.


          Grimm’s face devoid of all emotion…per usual.


          But Nyx knew exactly what he was thinking…


          Because for all Grimm’s stoic nature…and all of his gruff, tough demeanor…


          Grimm did have a sense of humor…


          It was just…buried, a bit. Underneath everything he’d gone through. But…oftentimes? Nyx could bring it out of him pretty quick….


          “Don’t you even-“


          Grimm raised a brow, as if to ask, “Who, me?”

          We said we’d never talk about it again, and so help me-!”


          More silence.


          And then-

          “See, Nyx got hooked on this plant we have called, Furónip (catnip XD) about a month back. An accident really, but,” Grimm shook his head, “It was…something.”


          Nyx let out a screech, flying onto Grimm, “YOU LITTLE-! I OUGHTA-! YOU SAID WE WOULDN’T-!” Various other things flew from his mouth as Grimm calmly grabbed him by the nape of his neck, holding him out and away from his flesh.


          Nyx kicked and shrieked, blushing furiously.


          Grimm glanced at the twins, continuing ahead, “One good thing we got out of it though….after the highs? He’d always be out of it for a good while.” And with that, he smirked.





          XD these two….




            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @koshka so freedom is asleep rn buuut tomorrow @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h would y’all mind if, instead of Viktor, November and all of them, Paxton and the boys run into Zlatan, Vulkasin and Grimm and Nyx??

            if not that’s cool.


            then later if u want we can always have the guys run into the girls and Vince and Dawson if u like.


            Speaking of that group….


            what do y’all think about it?? It’s kinda just….there XD….


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              Also if u want u can RP again @koshka 😊


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1560


                Ana I promptly delete my RP instead of sending it in.

                *Bangs head against wall*

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1560

                  @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                  And I couldn’t find the last reply, so I’m trying to go off what I remember.


                  “How lovely! My home has a garden, but most of it is wheat for the war effort, then vegetables against the house. It used to have flowers, back before.”

                  Ivy danced in a window nearby, sending patterns of green and gold over the floor. She stepped from puddle to puddle of light.

                  “It’s a lot like this place, only…” Annia gave a twirl, staring up at the vaulted rafters. “Not half this big, and more homey.”

                  These halls were for too large for her simple manor house. Her tiny castle-which-wasn’t-a-castle.

                  She smiled, then caught her breath. Cecile was gazing down at her hands.


                  Where was she from?

                  Thatched cottages, their white plaster painted with flowers and a thousand other pictures.

                  Then…air raid sirens mixing with the smoke and sound of explosions.

                  An arm folded softly around her shoulders. Annia.

                  That was in the past now, her childhood which wasn’t one. Papi had come and saved them…

                  “My parents are the present caretakers or Annia’s family land. My home is with them, but I’m a military nurse’s aid.”

                  She gave a little smile.

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Koshka.

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @koshka AHHH poor Cécile 😭


                    alsl not too much happened except The girls told where they were from (my girls) and Annia found out Luna is an elf


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      Also Luna didn’t really want to speak of her home either, and Lyn’s home isn’t really home anymore either


                      so Cécile and Luna have something in common!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334

                        @freedomwriter76 It would be so funny if the two groups find the ship at the same time. The girls would be really mad at Dante and Steve would be all embarrassed from being caught stealing lol 😆   I’m gonna have to actually design the ship now though…


                        “Sounds like a plan to me. Any idea ‘vhere zat ship could be?”

                        Kursk’s eyes sparkled with excitement. Dante grinned. At least he had one person on board with this plan.

                        “Not really. I don’t even know if it’s actually here. But if we find a tower or get on the roof somehow, we could definitely see it from there.” He got more excited and walked quicker with every word he said.

                        “Come on, help me find some stairs!”

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2334

                          @freedomwriter76 lol we’re never actually on here at the same time

                          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1560

                            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12



                            Whatever it was for quite the reaction out of the fox-lad. Grimm simply held him by the scruff at arms length, a satisfied smirk touching his mouth. Something about the way those two interacted…

                            Silent laughter welled up inside him, making his eyes dance in an otherwise stoic face.

                            “Good zings do come from unsuspecting places. Take zis for example ” he gestured towards his brother, leaving his sentence hanging.

                            Vulkasin snorted, pretending to be highly offended.

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Koshka.

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1560


                              I forgot about the elf part! That will definitely come into play. XD

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @koshka. WELCOME BACK!!!!! 😀 @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. Sounds like a plan to me! Paxton and them can run into Vulk and them, yeah! 🙂 @keilah-h.


                                “Can I…can I just…have a second?” November asked quietly, slipping his wrist out of Riker’s grip.

                                Riker slowly nodded. “Y…yeah…of…of course.” He whispered, just as November walked away.

                                He wanted…needed…to help him.

                                ‘But how can you help him when you couldn’t even help your own father?’

                                Riker took in a deep breath.

                                Fingered with his wedding ring.

                                “I didn’t get to him in time. I didn’t get to tell him…I didn’t get to tell him that I’ve forgiven him for everything he did. I did, during the war, but back then…it wasn’t really true. It is now. I didn’t get to tell him…I didn’t get to bring him Jesus. Now he could be in Hell and it’s all…it’s all…” 

                                Oh…not now.

                                The voice didn’t come anywhere near as often, but sometimes…it still snuck it’s way in.

                                “Sometimes…some nights in the prison…it all came flooding back. Everything I did…all the people I killed…faces came back. All the people I killed all those years ago…they all came back…” 

                                Riker took in another deep breath.

                                He was fine.

                                He was fine.

                                “…but sometimes…when you’ve done what I…I’ve done…you can’t help but look in the mirror and see…see a man that did so much harm to so many people. Sometimes all you can still see is…a monster. And I don’t…I don’t know how to see myself differently than that. You forgave me. God forgave me. But even after all this time….I guess I…I can’t forgive myself.”

                                Riker quietly groaned and wiped away tears.

                                He was fine.

                                He’d be fine.

                                The voice would go away…soon…right?

                                Riker wiped away a few more tears and stepped out the door to join the others out on the balcony.

                                “Daddy!” Lily cried, rushing to him.

                                Riker smiled, leaned down, and kissed her forehead. “Hello there, baby girl.”

                                He stood again, and his and Leon’s eyes met. “Welcome back…Riker…what’s wrong?”

                                Riker smiled again. “Nothing, Leon. I’m doing really well.”

                                Leon raised an eyebrow.


                                Riker wasn’t fine.

                                He may have thought he was good at lying, but Leon saw right through his lie.

                                He turned his attention to Lily with a smile. “Lily?”

                                “Yes, Uncle Leon!?” She asked, turning on him with a big, bright smile.

                                “Can you stay with Viktor and Reúven for a little while?”

                                “Where are you going, Uncle Leon?”

                                “I’m going to talk to your Daddy for a minute. Can you stay with them for just a minute?”

                                Lily nodded. “Okay, Uncle Leon!” She cried, and skipped away, taking Reúven’s hand. (I love seeing Lily and Reúven together, tbh. XD) 

                                Leon turned back to face Riker. “Well then, shall we talk?”

                                Riker raised an eyebrow. “About what?”

                                “Oh, you know what.” Leon replied.

                                He carefully grabbed Riker’s wrist and led him back into the castle. He got out of earshot of Viktor and Reúven and Lily and finally turned on Riker. “Alright, what’s wrong?” (yep, these two are brothers now. xD) 


                                . Ahhh, that would be sooo funny! xD xD xD


                                “Come on, help me find some stairs!”

                                Kursk grinned and followed behind Dante.

                                A challenge.

                                What fun!

                                He very much enjoyed the thrill and adrenaline of a challenge.

                                He turned to face Steve and Bucky, now walking backwards. “Come on, zen, lazybones! Don’t you ‘vant to get home!?”

                                He turned back around and followed Dante.

                                “Let’s find ‘zat ship!”


                                To be honest, finding and taking a ship sounded like a lot of fun.

                                Besides, Bucky didn’t want to be called “lazybones”.

                                Bucky got out of Steve’s grip and turned on his friend with a smirk. “I’m fine now. Now, come on, Steve, let’s find that ship!”

                                “And take it?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow, still maybe contemplating the idea of stealing.

                                He tried to follow the law as much as possible, that much Bucky knew for certain.

                                Bucky grinned. “Come on, Steve! Do you want to be called lazybones!? Come on, let’s go!”

                                He began running forward.

                                Behind him, Steve sighed and shook his head, but when Bucky turned around, he noticed that Steve had a smile. “Am I the only mature one around here?”

                                Bucky laughed, turned around, and kept moving.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @keilah-h. @loopylin.


                                  “Coming with us?” Zayne asked, turning to Kad.

                                  He stared at them for a moment.

                                  “We may need extra help…my brother doesn’t count as “help”.” Wayne muttered.

                                  Zayne gasped, pretending to be offended. “Why, I never! Ignore my brother, Kad and ladies, he has no manners.”

                                  “Look who’s talking.” Wayne muttered. “Anyways, would you like to help us, Kad?”

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