Character Castle!

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        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @godlyfantasy12. Those two are creeps! Just like Adolphus and Dietrich…man, these families are messed up. DX @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


        Reuben held Paxton tighter.

        “It’s okay…I’ve got you…you’re safe…it’s going to be okay…”

        Crosshair was still facing off Adolphus, Dietrich was unconscious, but…oh no…Wolfgang.

        “It’s okay Paxton…it’s okay…” he whispered, holding the little boy even closer.


        He’d knocked Edric over and Reuben had successfully gotten Paxton.

        Except…heh…now he was on his own.

        He looked up, just as Aramis glared at him, the blade still in hand. “Why, you little-”

        Before he could move, Aramis was tackled to the ground by Jakob. (man…Jakob is a natural football player, lol. XD) 

        He pinned Aramis’ arms and legs down and wrestled the blade from his hands. “Don’t move if you know what’s good for you.” He snarled.

        Wolfgang stood, just as Edric groaned.

        But…it didn’t look like he was going anywhere anytime soon.

        “Jakob, are you okay?” Wolfgang asked softly.

        “I’m fine. Hey Joshua, hold Edric down just in case, will you?” Jakob called.

        Joshua came over and pinned Edric down.

        Wolfgang stepped away, before he saw Reuben.

        He ran over. “Paxton…Paxton…are you okay?”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


          His body convulsed with every breath as he cried, tears pouring down his face. He leaned into Reuben’s shoulder, tightening his grip, legs wrapped around the young man’s torso and arms around his neck.

          “It’s okay Paxton…it’s okay…”


          The fighting continued, until all went mostly silent. Wolfgang ran up to the both of them.

          “Paxton…Paxton…are you okay?”

          The young man rubbed gentle circles on the little boy’s back, eyes furrowing as he rubbed over clumps of feather under his shirt.


          Paxton shook his head, sniffling. He looked at Leo. The boys followed his gaze.

          “Hey…he’ll…he’ll be okay…” Reuben whispered.

          Paxton whimpered, burying his face. Wolfgang looked down, noticing the bear on the floor. He scooped it up, dusted it off.

          “I believe this is yours,” he held it out. Paxton stared, unmoving.

          “Paxton…?” Wolfgang tilted his head in concern.

          The boy slowly took it, cuddling it. Reuben and Wolfgang exchanged a glance.


          Paxton whimpered, wishing he could just hide from the world….


          And that all of this was some…terrible nightmare.



            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @freedomwriter76 IKR!!! They really are!!! Especially Aramis!

            Soren was the only decent one of the bunch (besides Paxton of course who is a literal ANGEL!!!)


            and he’s the one without wings!!






            go figure.


            Elishavet Elroi
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1058

              @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @koshka

              Okay, let’s see if this will make sense. (I hope what I did with Lily works; she’s so sweet!)


              Lily laughed, making Reúven’s smile grow even softer. The hard edge was gone, all trace swept away to show his cousin’s tender heart.

              “I am honored by the title.” He bowed with a wink to Viktor.

              Viktor grinned and looked back up to Leon. “Ah….”

              What could he say? ‘I’ve learned that all the secrets you didn’t know I had are true? That I have even more now?’

              Eh… Perhaps not.

              “We’ve been carrying messages for my uncle’s… friends: playing at mail when we go to different towns for the market. Just generally trying to… Help. You?”

              Leon went to open his mouth, but –

              “Look,” Lily bounded ahead to tug on a large brass door handle. “A door!”

              “Lily…” Leon reached out to stop her a hair too late.

              The door flung upon, casting golden sunlight into the hall. Lily danced out onto a tiny balcony, pulling Reúven behind her.

              “Lily.” Leon caught her other hand. “We need to stay with Daddy.”

              “Just for a moment? Please, Uncle Leon?” She turned big, bright eyes his way, her bottom lip trembling a little.

              “For a moment, but not longer.”

              She laughed and hugged him before running to the railing to look down. Viktor smiled.

              He missed Nadían and Alyona.

              Hopefully, they’d be back home soon.


              The balcony was small, hardly large enough for the four of them, but it was beautiful. Perched just above a garden orchard, climbing vines had intertwined with the railing. Sweet smells drifted up from below.

              A pleasant change from the way most of this place smelled. Then again, he supposed he didn’t smell too wonderful himself. Most people didn’t care for the odor of sheep that clung to his clothing. He couldn’t smell it anymore.

              He glanced down at the little lass beside him. A bright little bird, she had her uncle’s hand once again clasped firmly in both her own. Her eyes roamed the garden below, then a little finger slipped out to touch the stone work.

              The empty place in Reúven’s heart tightened. She was so little, so innocent.

              The Lord keep her, keep her safe.

              Reúven looked away. Up into the sky to check the hour.

              (I’m thinking that Esen is up in the sky, and that she joins the group out here. She’ll go with Viktor anywhere, once she’s on his shoulder[s]. Any other thoughts?)

              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @elishavet-pidyon sounds good to me!! @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @koshka



                November sucked in a deep breath, steadying himself. Trying to calm the rush of anxiety in his chest. The chill of sweat beading down his neck.


                The pulse of heat in his veins….


                “I…discovered something recently…about…about myself.” He glanced at Riker, wondering exactly how far he could, or should, go.

                He glanced back, still keeping track of the shadows behind him, despite the ever glowing sunlight through the windows.


                “About….My past…”

                How was he supposed to do this..?


                He swallowed.


                “About my father.”


                Riker straightened slightly, eyes softening. He seemed to realize now, exactly why November was…acting the way he was.


                Maybe he wouldn’t push quite so much now…


                Or…maybe it would do the opposite, the boy sighed.


                “My father….and…my mother.”

                “And…Ara doesn’t know?”


                November swallowed, his chest growing tight. His throat closed for a moment at the thought.


                Oh, how he hated keeping secrets from her…

                Hated not being able to share what he was feeling…


                But…he just…couldn’t.


                Not this…


                After all…

                What would she think?


                What would she say?


                If she knew the real truth?


                Who you really are…who you come from…where you come from…”


                No…he…he couldn’t have that.

                Not…not yet.


                He shook his head. “No…she…she doesn’t. No-no one does…except…” His voice trailed off. He shook his head, shutting up the conversation.


                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1058

                  @godlyfantasy12 NOVEMBER!!!!!!

                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @elishavet-pidyon I KNOW!!!!!


                    so that same inner voice, demon thing Corvina has?


                    November has it too now….


                    everyone has that part of them but for them it’s a physical form they “see”


                    Corvina created her like an imaginary friend as an unhealthy coping mechanism after the thing with her brother happened, and now it’s literally a negative demon inside her head, that she can see as a physical person.


                    And now November’s having the same thing.


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      It looks like a darker version of themselves.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        Also yall will have to go see the songs I posted on the Playlist chat cuz the one lyrics for one of the songs I found for November 😭


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 hey Ma friend! U on?


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            Or @keilah-h


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. I am now. 🙂 Not sure what to do about the bois tho. Would you like to RP as Lilith or her boys? 😉 Only if you want to, tho! @elishavet-pidyon. Sounds great to me! 😀 @koshka. @keilah-h.


                              “No…she…she doesn’t. No-no one does…except…” November shook his head, stopping himself.

                              Riker raised an eyebrow.

                              “Except…who? November…what’s wrong?” Riker asked, gripping his shoulder.

                              “It’s nothing…really…”

                              “November…come on…don’t lie…what’s wrong?”


                              Lily admired the stonework and the garden. “Uncle Leon, it’s so pretty!”

                              Leon nodded. “So I see…” he whispered.

                              Then squinted.

                              Something was up in the sky. “What is that?”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 hm…


                                Well maybe they can knock Aramis into neck week XD!! Edric’s already knocked out.


                                maybe feather can come in and knock out the women. Idk, we can just say they’re taken care of so we can get a move on??


                                that way later maybe they can meet up with Leon, November, Viktor and them?

                                @keilah-h @koshka


                                He flushed.



                                He…couldn’t tell that part. Not yet. Even if Riker didn’t know her. He just…couldn’t risk Ara finding out….

                                Anyone finding out.


                                Not because he blamed Corvina…

                                In truth…after getting back all of those memories…




                                He began to see Corvina for who she really was now…


                                That just made him more conflicted…

                                He looked ahead. “Ah! We uh…should catch up to the others,” he awkwardly smiled, making his feet move, passing up Riker and heading toward the door Leon and the other boys had stepped through.


                                He could feel Riker’s glares from behind, but tried his hardest to ignore them, rubbing the back of his neck.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Sounds like a plan about Aramis. xD Frida and Lilith don’t really stand a chance once their sons are out of the way, tbh, so they could head back to Feather and Julius and then make their way from there? IDK. XD @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


                                  November was walking away, leaving the question unanswered.

                                  He wasn’t okay.

                                  Riker had been “not okay” long enough to know when someone was hurting…on the inside.

                                  He’d hidden enough things to know when someone was hiding something.

                                  And if November was hurting…Riker couldn’t just let him walk away.

                                  “November, wait.” He whispered. Softly, carefully, grabbed November’s wrist.



                                  Aramis struggled under him. “Get off of me, you stupid, little-”

                                  “Okay. That’s it.” Jakob muttered. Much as he tried to avoid using physical violence…Aramis kind of deserved it.

                                  He punched him, hard.

                                  Aramis’ head went backwards, and his eyes closed.

                                  “Jakob!” Joshua hissed.

                                  “Calm down. He’s alive, just…unconscious. Like Edric…and Dietrich…and…now…Adolphus…” Jakob said, glancing at Adolphus, whom Crosshair had knocked unconscious, thank goodness.

                                  Jakob stood.

                                  Glanced over at Reuben and Wolfgang, who were comforting Paxton.

                                  He walked over to Leo, who was still…unconscious.

                                  He slowly, carefully, got Leo onto his back with Joshua’s help.

                                  Sure, he was fairly heavy, but Jakob had handled heavier.

                                  “Come on. Let’s get out of here. We can meet back up with Feather and Julius.”

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