Character Castle!

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  • #120454
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      @godlyfantasy12. PAXTON, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. @koshka.


      Julius’ gaze fell on the long scar on Paxton’s right palm.

      He’d been scarred…just like him.

      And by the way the others were looking at it…they understood too.

      And for once…Julius didn’t feel so alone.

      He didn’t feel so…


      He had proved to the world that he was so much more than a cripple.

      “Your sister…she loves you a lot…doesn’t she?” Wolfgang whispered.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 IKR!! HE IS PRECIOUS!!! @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon


        “Your sister…she loves you a lot…doesn’t she?”

        She…she did…didn’t she…

        Paxton smiled to himself, thinking on Ara. Her beautiful brown eyes, and long hair. And the soft way she spoke to him. Held him whenever he had nightmares.


        How she….promised never to leave him…that he’d never be alone…


        That…he was loved…


        That he was…worth something…

        Not just to her…but…to others too…


        Even…even to the creator of the whole world….

        That…that’s what she said…


        The Light one…


        “Paxton, you’re not worthless.”

        But I am! Th-this is…is wh-what I…I’m meant for! There’s nothing else f-for me!” 

        There’s so much more for you…The Light One did not place you here to die, Paxton. You have a purpose…”

        The boy was crying now. Sobbing. “I-I can’t…I…I have to…have to…”

        Ara wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close, “You’re worth so much more then a loveless sacrifice, Paxton.”


        Paxton could feel dampness on his cheeks when he blinked back to reality.


        “P-Paxton? Are you okay?” Reuben’s eyes were wide with worry. A small giggle escaped the boy’s lips, surprising everyone. Paxton nodded, smiling.

        “I-I’m alright…” He turned back to Wolfgang. “Y-Yes…my…my sister does l-love me…”


        And I love her….


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          UGH WRITING THAT!! MY HEART 😭 ❤️




            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @freedomwriter76 I think I’m gonna have Aramis, Edric and Lilith meet Frida and them….


            that way later we can have them all come back and attack the bois and Paxton…. 😳😬


            @koshka @keilah-h


            The boys were wounded…



            “Why did you just let them go, mother?” Edric straddled up beside her, his arm splattered with dried blood. He still held the dagger he’d taken from one of those young men, brandishing it as if one of them would jump out at them.


            Lilith clicked her tongue. “Sometimes, my sons, you have to learn to play the game. You must have patience. It is a virtue, after all.” She smoothed her bodice, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Besides, you and your brother are injured.” She glanced at Aramis, who was shifting uncomfortably, arm reaching back to touch his spine.

            He winced.

            Lilith’s eyes raged as she stared at her second son’s wing’s. Thankfully, they’d mostly been missed…but a bit of the feathers had been singed, and blood trickled down from his shirt, where his spine was.

            “Edric, help your brother.”

            Edric glanced at Aramis, nodding. Lilith sighed, watching her as Edric helped Aramis slowly, painfully straighten his wings, and wipe the blood from his back. Aramis groaned.

            “Should’ve let us grab the little Flit while we were there, mother…” Aramis breathed.

            “In due time, my dear.” She smiled, making her way to him. He lifted his eyes to meet hers as she gently placed a hand on his cheek. He leaned into the touch, letting out a pained breath.

            Her heart trembled, both with fury and bitterness.


            Oh…if she were to lose another son…


            Another of her firstborns….


            She slid her hand away, looking at Edric with a smile, smoothing his blonde hair back.


            No…she wouldn’t…she wouldn’t lose these two…


            Not like she’d lost Soren…



            Boy…had taken him from her…


            Killed his brother…

            That Flit…

            And the princess…


            They…they took him…





            Took her baby…


            She’d never forget holding his lifeless body in her arms….

            Never forget the rage…the anger…


            The youngest…had killed his brother…

            Ruined everything…


            And he’d be punished for it…

            They’d make sure of that.



            Lilith gazed at Edric, his eyes now glaring into the shadows. She turned to face where he now looked.

            “Voices.” He spoke, voice edged.

            Lilith straightened.

            And perhaps…she’d be able to punish him sooner, rather then later.



              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. Uh oh…here we go…😬 Yep, come back for them, and Julius, of course…😬😬😬 @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


              That stupid boy….stopping her right when she had power in her grasp.

              Oh well.

              She didn’t care about him anyways.

              Where in the world did her stupid sons go!?

              Mutti…do you hear that…?” Dietrich asked softly, as Adolphus rubbed his head, trying to sooth a splitting headache from where that ridiculously dressed, stupid boy, had slammed them both into the wall.

              “Darlings…quiet…there is someone there.” Frida whispered.

              Maybe…just maybe…she’d find them sooner than she thought.

              She and her boys rounded the corner, and stopped.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 u also wanna RO as Riker and the bois or Julius? Up to u 😊 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                It wasn’t those boys…or his Flit of a brother. He growled in annoyance.

                “Who are you?”

                “Edric, dear,” His mother crooned, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. He calmed, feeling the tension leave as her voice echoed through his mind. Lilith’s eyes fell on the group. “Hello there,” She bowed her head formally. “I am Lilith Fallon. These are my eldest sons, Edric and Aramis.”

                The boys splayed their wings, a show of force and authority. Though Edric didn’t miss the wince Aramis gave when he did it.


                The young men with the older woman clenched their fists, staring at the boys wings.

                “What the-“



                Edric growled, loud, shoulders tensing once more. “We are The Fae, hailing from the mountains of Vángaurd, and you would do well to keep your mouths shut. Unless you want your tongues removed from your throats.”

                The boys returned with their own growls, until the woman…their own mother? Placed a hand on their shoulders as well.

                “I apologize for my son. He takes our heritage very serious,” Lilith mused, shooting Edric a look. He dipped his head, inwardly fuming. “We are currently looking for…” His mother paused, thinking, “My youngest son…”

                The woman’s eyes narrowed, brows raising. “Hm? Curious…I too am looking for my own sons.”

                Lilith placed a smile on her face, “Ah…really? Well…perhaps we could…assist each other then…you see…I’m afraid my darling boy has…run away. And I would be…ever so grateful to get him back…” Aramis grinned behind her, his eyes betraying the lust for revenge that all three held.


                The woman smiled. “Yes…I think we would be able to help each other then…tell me, what does your son look like?”


                “Oh, young. Very. A child, really. Hair, white as snow. Skin nearly the same. A bit homely if you ask me…”


                (HE IS A BEAUTIFUL BOY LILITH!)

                The boys next to her exchanged a look, smirking. A devilish gleam in their eyes.


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. Yeah! I’ll do Riker in just a sec. Lemme do Frida and her boys, then I’ll get to Riker, then the bois. 🙂 @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


                  Adolphus glanced at Dietrich. Their eyes met and they shared a smirk.

                  “I am Frida Baumann, and these are my sons Adolphus and Dietrich. And your son…I believe I have seen him…and he was…well…with my sons.”

                  Adolphus glanced at his mother, then the new people, who had…wings. Angel-like. “Our brothers were protecting him. Our brothers basically all have dark hair and dark eyes, except for two, who have green eyes.”

                  Dietrich grinned. “And we’d be very happy to have them back.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    Finished cleaning the church! Anyone on? @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 nvm just saw ur RP 🤣


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


                        November let out a small sigh.

                        Riker smiled faintly.

                        Now…to get November to talk.

                        Leon initiated a conversation with Viktor and Reúven. Good.

                        “Hello November. So…how have you been?”

                        “…Fine…yeah. I-I’ve been great!”

                        Riker softly nudged his shoulder. (about how tall is November again? xD) “Come on…you have to know I don’t believe that. You can talk to me, you know. About anything.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 welp…now we have a villain team-up…. @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                          The boys who’d protected Paxton…the ones who’d fought against them…

                          Were these boys brothers?


                          Aramis grinned.

                          From the looks on the young men’s faces, and their mother’s, they held their brother’s in the same regard Aramis did Paxton…

                          He could see the lust for blood…power in their eyes.

                          And these two looked a lot like his own brother, Edric.

                          Large. Brutish.

                          A bit muscle-headed perhaps…

                          As long as they could help get them to the Flit…they’d be of great use…


                          And…well…seeing those other boys suffer would be enjoyable as well…

                          “Ah…yes…your sons…” Lilith frowned. “We met them as well…Rather…rebellious boys.”

                          The woman, Frida nodded. “Very. I’m afraid I have yet to discipline them enough, it would seem.”

                          A look passed between the family. The final knell in the proverbial coffin.


                          Letting then all know that they were, indeed after the same things…


                          Revenge. Violence.




                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 ahh I’m bad with numbers 😂 I usually go off of my own brothers heights XD!! But I know he’s taller then Viktor at least some. He’s probably around the same height as Riker, but idk how tall Riker is.

                            let’s say he’s not quite 6 ft yet, but he’s almost there. Like… 5.8 or 5.9.

                            @koshka @elishavet-pidyon



                            The man softly nudged his shoulder, jostling him some. A few years back it probably would’ve sent him tripping…

                            At least he’d gotten a little better at his clumsy appendages. Though he still often found himself face down in the dirt more often then not.

                            “Come on…you have to know I don’t believe that. You can talk to me, you know. About anything.”

                            The hair on his neck stood on edge.


                            He bit his lip.


                            “Y-Yea…Right…” He gazed up at Leon and his group, tied up in their own conversations.

                            A firm hand gripped his shoulder. November gazed up into Riker’s eyes. Saw the serious expression in them.

                            “Hey….I’m serious.” Riker smiled. “I know it’s been a while…and…we only met that one time.” He looked off for a moment, “But I vividly remember that curly-haired kid that listened to me. Made me talk, even when I didn’t want to.” He ruffled November’s hair, chuckling.

                            November flushed. Did he really do that?

                            “And now, you’re stuck with me. Whether you like it or not. At least until we find your friends. So, we can either walk in awkward silence the whole way….or?”

                            November stared at his feet as they walked, contemplating. He slipped his hands into his pockets, rubbing his fingers against his palms.

                            He sighed.

                            “Alright…but…there’s…there’s some things I just…can’t tell you…” November met Riker’s eyes again, hoping he portrayed the seriousness in his gaze. “I-I’m sorry…”



                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. AHHH!!! HIS AND ARA’S RELATIONSHIP IS SOOO SWEET!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


                              Paxton turned to Wolfgang. “Y-Yes…my…my sister does l-love me…”

                              Wolfgang smiled and squeezed his hand. “I’m glad. And I can see why.”

                              Reuben smiled faintly, watching them.

                              It was good for Wolfgang to have someone to talk to…other than them, of course.

                              But…he looked around.

                              Someone…no, two someone’s were missing.

                              Reuben glanced around somewhat frantically, trying to figure out who was missing.

                              But he soon figured out.

                              Up ahead, Leo was on the floor beside the wall, sobbing, as Joshua tried to sooth him.

                              What happened!?

                              When…when was the last time Reuben had seen his oldest brother cry?

                              ‘Never…that’s when,’ he thought.

                              Reuben somewhat pushed his way out of the crowd, jogging over to his two oldest brothers. “Leo…what’s wrong?”


                              “Leo…come on…that’s not true…”

                              “I failed you…all of you. I said I’d protect you…but I…I…”

                              “Leo…” Joshua whispered, placing his hand on his older brother’s shoulder, “stop blaming yourself for something that wasn’t your fault.”

                              “Leo…what’s wrong?”

                              Joshua looked up just as Reuben jogged over.

                              He got down beside Leo.

                              Leo shook his head. Angrily swiped away tears. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

                              “You…you’re crying though.”

                              “I’m. Fine.” Leo lied.

                              Joshua shook his head. “Come on, Leo…don’t lie. Reuben-”

                              “Don’t put my problems on his shoulders. It’s my fault, so it’s my burden to bear. Not his.” Leo replied. “I mean it, Joshua.”

                              Joshua took in a deep breath. “Leo…it’s actually not yours to bear…at least not alone.”

                              Reuben raised an eyebrow at him, confused. Joshua offered him a small smile.

                              “Oh great…here you go again…” Leo groaned. Leaned his head against the wall.

                              “Leo…he wants to help you. He’s right here to help you…to carry your-”

                              “It’s his fault we’re even in this mess. I failed all of you, and do you know what, Joshua!?”

                              Joshua took in a deep breath. Shook his head. “No…what?” He whispered.

                              “He failed ALL of us. God failed every last one of us. He left us. Don’t tell me that he’s here and that he cares. He doesn’t. How long will it take until you figure that out!?”

                              “Leo, that’s not true.”

                              “Yes. It. Is.” Leo snarled. Reuben stood and stepped back a little, sensing the conflict.

                              Come to think of it, everyone was watching them now.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 AGH LEOOOO 😭😭💔💔💔🥺🥺 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h

                                so…Leo’s outburst is gonna umm bring back some bad memories for Paxton just warning…


                                “Leo…what’s wrong?”

                                Reuben pushed through the crowd, leaving them behind. As the noise dissipated, Paxton could make out sobbing from down the hall.

                                His eyes widened, and he peered through the others that were still gathered around him.

                                Past Crosshair, and Feather. Past Jakob.

                                He gasped at the sight of Leo on the ground, crying.

                                Had…had he been hurt? Was…someone back? To hurt them?

                                He felt Wolfgang’s warm embrace leave as the young man stood, gazing at his older brother. “Leo..?”


                                A heated argument began between brothers, as Leo and Joshua began to speak…


                                Leo was upset…




                                His voice rose where Paxton could hear.

                                “He failed ALL of us. God failed every last one of us. He left us. Don’t tell me that he’s here and that he cares. He doesn’t. How long will it take until you figure that out!?”

                                Joshua was trying to soothe him, but it obviously wasn’t working.

                                Leo snapped, and Reuben jerked backwards.

                                (btw this is how Paxton is seeing things, it is his pov, and he’s a little boy…everything cloudier for him…and he also sees things brokenly as most of our tormented characters do)

                                Paxton squeaked.


                                “What do you think you’re doing?”

                                I was just-“

                                Just what?” Aramis’ face was only inches away from Soren’s, wings twitching.

                                Soren remained silent, never flinching. Aramis sneered.

                                 “You May be able to fool Mother and Edric…but I know what you’re up to, little brother…”

                                “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about Aramis. Now if you’ll excuse me-“ Aramis grabbed Soren’s arm before the boy could walk away, gripping it forcefully. He twisted, making Soren wince.

                                “I suggest you start acting like a Fae, little brother. Lest you become like the little Flit…unless…you want to join him.”

                                Soren swallowed. Pushed Aramis’ arm off of him. Aramis glared, and then…stalked off.

                                Soren breathed out, rubbing his arm. And then…

                                He shot a glance…at the little white-haired boy he’d hidden in the corner.


                                Paxton stepped back, eyes wide with memories of his older brother. The only one who’d been at least…fairly kind to him…


                                The one who…in the end…had helped him.

                                Saved him.


                                Died for him…


                                And before he knew what he was doing, Paxton was gone. Down the hall, into the shadows.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  So unless something changes…


                                  Paxton did watch Aramis kill Soren…


                                  or at least fight with Soren. And was there when Soren died.


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