Character Castle!

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  • #120415
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      @godlyfantasy12. Glad you love the RP! 😉 And thank you so much. I’m hoping, no, praying, for the same. :3 @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. @koshka. AHHH PAXTON!!!! *sobs* Love the RP, tho! I have mixed feelings right nowwwww!!!! xD Why are we like this, we writers!? XD


      Paxton pulled away and buried his face in his bear’s fluff, hiding.

      Wolfgang chewed his bottom lip. “Paxton…it’s okay…no reason to be alarmed…” He whispered, beginning to reach for him.

      Paxton inched even farther away, burying more of his face into his bear. “Don’t be afraid…” Wolfgang urged.

      Paxton was so sweet…innocent…and Wolfgang needed him…even if Paxton didn’t know that. He likely didn’t.

      For one, Wolfgang hadn’t told him.

      But Wolfgang had always been cautious about sharing his feelings.

      Growing up where he did and how he did…he hadn’t exactly…been encouraged to trust people.

      “Paxton…it’s okay…you’re fine…” Reuben urged.

      Wolfgang nodded. “He’s right…”

      “Yeah…we’re here…we won’t hurt you…” Jakob whispered.

      Paxton still backed away.

      “We won’t judge you for painting on yourself. It’s…interesting, really. Beautiful, even. You’re not alone…not anymore…people understand you…” Julius whispered, suddenly stepping forward.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @godlyfantasy12. Btw, that makes total sense about his love language! =D

        Riker’s is Physical Touch followed by Words of Affirmation, which makes total sense. xD

        I think Reuben’s is prob Physical Touch, Wolfgang’s is likely Words of Affirmation, Jakob is probably Quality Time, Joshua is almost certainly Quality Time, and Leo’s…is probably Physical Touch. Just for info. XD And Julius’ is probably Words of Affirmation. 😉

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 awww!! Ugh Wolfgang and Reuben 😭 all the boys really and how they are with Paxton is just so sweet! My heart!! @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h



          He was shaking now, but he didn’t know why…

          Why was he so afraid?


          Julius stepped forward, the man who’d helped them escape.

          “We won’t judge you for painting on yourself. It’s…interesting, really. Beautiful, even. You’re not alone…not anymore…people understand you…”

          Paxton breathed in the man’s words, letting them flow through him. Calm him.




          He…he’d never heard anything he’d done described like that before…

          Not until recently…


          Things were so different now….


          He inched back out, nodding. “A-Alright…” He whispered.

          Jakob peered at his arm once again, eyes softening. He reached out a hand, but didn’t touch the boy, waiting instead for Paxton’s consent.

          Paxton slowly gave the young man his arm, letting him rove his fingers over it.

          “Did…did your brothers do this? The..the bruises, I mean…?” It was soft as a whisper. “You don’t have to say if you don’t want to…”


          Paxton looked down at the canvas that was his own skin, reliving the many memories.

          “S-Sometimes…but…not…not all the time…s-sometimes it…it was…was others….The Guard…” His voice trailed off.


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 anyone on and wanna RP???


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2334

              @keilah-h   @freedomwriter76


              Eddie saw the interested look on Kad’s face and the wary, unsure look on Wayne’s. She continued, hoping to convince everyone.

              “We have supplies in there. Food, water. And weapons if we need them. You don’t have to come, but me and Ellie need to get to it before…” she glanced at Kad           “…someone else does. It might get stolen.”



              Turned out Dante would have to steal the the ship.

              He sighed. Steve and Bucky just slept their way out of the castle? How does that work?

              Then he chuckled at a sudden thought.

              “How do you know it wasn’t just a dream then?”


              “The few months you were home. You said you fell asleep here, and then were home, and then you woke up here. Would if you just dreamt that you were home, but really, you never left?”

              “Or…,” he continued, now walking backwards to face the others with his hands in his pockets and a grin spread across his face “Or this whole castle is the dream, I’m some made-up side character, and you’re actually currently in your bed at home, fast asleep.”

              (Just so you know, Dante doesn’t actually believe this, he just likes messing with people 😜)



              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1058

                @godlyfantasy12 awww, thank you so much! I’ll tell them. 😉 And poor, sweet Paxton. @freedomwriter76 I hope your back gets better; I’ll be praying for you. Spinal problems are hard. @keliah-h @koshka


                Prison. He’d been there a few times over the years. It wasn’t a good place, but it was better than the alternative.

                He smiled a slow smile.

                “Anyways…” Riker set down his little daughter. “Now that that’s over, are all of you looking for someone, or multiple someone’s?”

                Reúven winked at Viktor. ‘Looks like we’ve some things in common.’

                “Ah, don’t think you can change the subject that quickly!” Viktor spun on Riker with a grin. “You can’t just say a piece of information like that and then leave us dangling -!” He cut off the phrase before it reached the dark part. Reúven gave him a playful squint. “Where did you learn to talk like that, Yartassite brother?’ (dangling from a rope) Viktor ignored him.

                “You’ll have to tell us about it sometime. If…you don’t mind that is…”

                Riker smiled too nice of a smile. Reúven frowned.

                “Of course not. I guess I’ll have to give the story to you boys later.” A mischievous gleam slid into his smile. His smirk. “But only if you boys tell me a bit of your adventures.”

                Viktor’s eyes flitted to Reúven, growing wide with concern. Reúven nodded slightly, nearly imperceptibly. Viktor nodded back.

                “Now back to the question at hand. Who are we looking for exactly?”

                Reúven glanced at November, who had grown suddenly disturbed. The older boy wore weariness like a sodden garment. Tired and confused, and… Heavy.

                Lord help him.

                “W-Well, I don’t exactly know if any of the others are in the castle with me…”  November paused, hesitated

                “But…ah, if they are…if they all are…then that would be… Six…”

                A low whistle came from Leon. “Six people. Well….looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us then. And Viktor? Reúven? Are you looking for anyone?”


                “No, sir. Reúven and I were alone.”  He turned to November. “We’d be glad to help you find your group. Reúven and I need something to keep us out of trouble anyway.” He smiled, but his heart contracted with worry. He’d help November if it took everything in him.

                He just may need it.

                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @loopylin okay I luv Dante lol!!!

                  @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                  “No, sir. Reúven and I were alone.”  He turned to November. “We’d be glad to help you find your group. Reúven and I need something to keep us out of trouble anyway.” Viktor smiled playfully at his cousin.

                  November smiled. “Heh…th-thanks….”

                  “Do you boys know where we can begin looking?” Leon directed this question at Viktor and Reúven, which November was extremely grateful for.

                  November glanced over his shoulder, peering into the shadows. Into the room just before this one.

                  It was dark…unlit.

                  Or at least…for the It seemed to be.


                  He bit the inside of his cheek, taking a peek back at the group around him.

                  He needed to get a few seconds away…

                  But there was no way to do that without…

                  Well…looking even more suspicious then he already did…

                  He inwardly sighed. He could feel Riker staring at him. Noticed Viktor’s subtle glances his direction. They were the same looks he’d been getting from his friends recently too….


                  They knew he was hiding something…


                  But…he couldn’t tell them.

                  Not this…


                  He’d made her swear not to come forward…and she had…

                  But now…?

                  Everything was just…a mess.


                  He glanced at his shirt pocket, and the crystal tucked in inside, frowning. How could he get away? Just…just for a few minutes?


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @elishavet-pidyon. Thank you sooo much for the prayers! They are greatly appreciated. ❤️ @godlyfantasy12. Uh oh…November…let’s not get too many ideas now, you hear? xD @koshka. @keilah-h.


                    No one seemed to have an exact idea of where anyone could be. Leon smiled. “Why don’t we just start looking then? Does that sound good to everyone else?”

                    “Sounds good to me.” Reúven said with a smile.

                    Viktor merely nodded, still giving November a furtive glance every moment or so.

                    Leon nodded and smiled. “We better get moving then.”

                    The others nodded.

                    Riker walked up to him, Lily still in his arms. But he set Lily down and leaned towards Leon.

                    Leon nodded. “What is it?” He whispered.

                    “Can you take Lily for a little while?”

                    “Yeah, sure…hey, maybe you should try to talk to November…maybe?”

                    Riker nodded and smiled. “Already planning on it. So…you take Lily and maybe talk to Viktor and Reúven, and I’ll try to talk to November.”

                    Leon nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” He whispered, and, in a louder voice, he asked, “Lily, do you want to walk with me?”

                    Lily smiled brightly, letting go of Riker, and took Leon’s hand. “Let’s go, Uncle Leon!”

                    Leon smiled and squeezed her hand. “Alright. Let’s go everyone.”

                    (Leon and Riker are plotting together, lol. xD) 

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @loopylin. Oh Dante…xD @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                      “Or this whole castle is the dream, I’m some made-up side character, and you’re actually currently in your bed at home, fast asleep.” Dante mused.

                      Steve stared at him for a minute, then shook his head. “Yeah…I don’t think so. Even with all the crazy things I’ve seen, I don’t think my mind would come up with something this crazy…or this many people.”

                      Kursk laughed. “Unless you are ze crazy one.” He teased. Winked.

                      Steve chuckled, but he stopped when he looked Kursk over.

                      He was…a teenager. And he looked like he was covered in bruises already. “Kursk, are you okay?”

                      Kursk slowly nodded. “Yeah…I z’ink so. Just a little…banged up, z’ats all.” He smiled again.

                      Steve slowly nodded.

                      Too bad they didn’t have Bruce.

                      Or any doctor or medic, for that matter.

                      “V’here are both of you from?”

                      Steve glanced at Kursk again. “Brooklyn, New York. Grew up there. But…now we live in New York City.”

                      Kursk nodded. “Can’t say I enjoy ze city life. I much more enjoy ze country. It’s beautiful, you know. If you have ever been zere, zat is. You two…are you bro’zeres?”

                      Steve shook his head. “No. Just best friends.”

                      “Hmm. You kinda act like bro’zeres.” Kursk mused, before turning his attention to Dante. “And you? V’here are you from?”

                      (I’ll probably write from Bucky’s POV in the next RP. 😎)


                      “Well then, we need to get it before that “someone” steals it!” Zayne cried. Turned to Kad. “Well then, friend, come and join us! We could use another set of muscles!”

                      “Zayne!” Wayne hissed.

                      Zayne chuckled and waved a hand in dismissal. “Ignore my twin. He’s a little…tense. Untrusting. But he’ll warm up to you soon enough, and then watch out! He loves to talk your ear off.”

                      Wayne hit him in the back of the head, but Zayne merely chuckled. “And he likes to…well…get you to shut up so he can talk.”


                      “Oh, come on, you know it’s true. You may not talk to anyone else, but you talk to me!” Zayne said, turning on his older twin with a smirk.

                      Wayne rolled his eyes and turned away. “Let’s just go…”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 lol! @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h anyone else wanna RP? Also freedom u wanna RP as the bois?


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                          “S-Sometimes…but…not…not all the time…s-sometimes it…it was…was others….The Guard…” Paxton whispered. He trailed off.

                          Jakob stopped. Looked up at him again. Their eyes met. “…It’s okay Paxton…we understand…talking about it…it…it might even help…” He whispered.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                            “…It’s okay Paxton…we understand…talking about it…it…it might even help…”

                            Paxton looked once more at the sea of faces, their eyes bright, filled with concern. Gentle kindness…


                            For a boy they’d just met?


                            Paxton shifted and nodded. “It…it usually h-happened wh-when I went somewhere I…I wasn’t supposed to…They…they’d bring me back…back to…to my bedroom…by-by my arms…th-that’s how…how I got m-most of the br-bruises…”

                            Wolfgang wrapped an arm around the boy, bringing him close. “It’s okay, Paxton.”


                            Jakob frowned, concern covering his face. “Do…do you have any other…marks?”

                            Paxton thought for a moment, then slowly nodded.

                            “Your sister…and her friends, they…they know about this, right?” Reuben was talking this time.

                            Paxton gazed at the young man, “Yes…she…she saved me…” He breathed, a small smile lighting his face.

                            He looked down at his right palm, at the long scar that ran over it. A wound his mother had first given…


                            And Arabella had reopened….


                            But only because she’d had to….


                            And now, she wore one just like it.


                            To signify there bond…

                            That they shared blood…


                            That they were….siblings. Family.


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 do u wanna start  conversation with November or should I RP as November first?


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. Can you do November first? Only if you want to, tho! 🙂

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 of course! @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                                  “Alright, let’s go everyone.”

                                  Leon held Lily’s hand, and he fell into step beside Reúven and Viktor, the three leading the way.


                                  November made an effort to stay behind the three, only for Riker to straddle up beside him.

                                  November stiffened slightly, knowing exactly what was probably about to take place…

                                  He gave a small smile.

                                  “Oh. Uh, hey,” He scratched the nape of his neck, trying to ignore the heat creeping up his spine, and the anxiety fluttering in his chest.


                                  Everyone always wanted to ask questions….


                                  He knew it was just because they were worried about him…but…

                                  Somethings just couldn’t be told….


                                  Then again…


                                  Seeing Riker’s kind smile, and bright eyes, he realized how much he had missed the man from all those years ago.

                                  He let out a small sigh. Well, let’s get this done with.


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