Character Castle!

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  • #120342
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      @loopylin. Dante is serious. xD And that makes total sense about his name! 😉 @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12.


      Frida huffed. “Who do you two…children think you are, telling me what to do?”

      The ridiculous man set his lips in a thin line. “Leave him alone and we’ll let you go on your way.”

      She glanced at the…freak, who now held a torch.

      Then back at the cowering brunette.

      Over to Kursk, and then her sons, who were getting up, but the ridiculous man had hit them…and he’d hit them hard.

      She clenched her teeth. “Fine, boys, we’ll leave. But we’ll be back…just you wait. Adolphus, Dietrich, follow me.”

      They silently obeyed, Frida threw a glare at the two men and Kursk, and, with her sons, stalked away in the direction the man had come.


      He turned to the…odd looking red guy. “Thank you for helping me. I’m Steve.”


      Steve slowly nodded. Interesting name.

      He hadn’t heard that one much.

      But it was about time he got used to odd things.

      Being a 1940s man and waking up in the 21st century…and fighting aliens…he’d gotten used to a lot of weird things.

      The man the three had been beating up slowly sat up with a groan. “Z’anks for the help. I’m Kursk.”


      Then, he turned to Bucky, who was still begging, mumbling, in Russian.

      Steve set his shield down. “Buck…hey…she’s gone now…”

      He got down onto the hard cobblestone floor. “Bucky…hey…you’re safe now…she’s gone.”

      He looked up at Steve, and the fear slowly left his eyes. “…Steve?”

      Steve smiled. Opened his arms to his friend. “She’s gone, Buck. You’re safe. She won’t hurt you. No one will. You’re safe now.”

      Slowly, Bucky moved into his arms and Steve held him close, trying to calm his friend down.

      “Now…v’here do ‘ve go from here…and ‘vho in ze v’orld are you?” Kursk asked, turning to Dante.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @loopylin. @keilah-h.


        “This is the only family I have and the only family I’ll ever need, right Els?” Eddie said, wrapping an arm around her twin sister.

        Ellie smiled and nodded.

        Kad turned to Wayne and Zayne. “And what about both of you?”

        Wayne crossed his arms. “I don’t think that’s your business.”

        “Wayne, don’t be rude!” Zayne cried, swatting him in the arm. “We come from a big family. Like, five other siblings, all older than us. Both of our parents did their best to take care of us, and our grandfather and grandmother lived with us too.” Zayne smiled. “And we still visit them from time to time, when we actually have free time.”

        “That’s too much information…” Wayne muttered.

        Zayne elbowed him in the rib.

        Wayne rolled his eyes.

        Zayne…being Zayne again.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2334



          Dante’s grin faded as he watched the woman and her two sons go. His torch hung useless in his hand, flames crawling up the wood and licking at his arm. He was a bit disappointed that a fight didn’t break out. He would have enjoyed making her regret hurting these people and calling him a freak.

          The man who had stood up to her turned towards him.

          “Thank you for helping me. I’m Steve.”


          Steve nodded and then turned to talk to the others. Dante didn’t pay attention until the man with the strange accent spoke.

          “Now…v’here do ‘ve go from here…and ‘vho in ze v’orld are you?”

          He smiled and answered “I’m Dante. Just Dante. Speaking of worlds, do you know where we are?”



          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2334

            @freedomwriter76   I love the similarities between the two sets of twins!😆

            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h anyone on and want to go in the groups we’re in?


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @loopylin. Agreed! The way they’re similar…ugh, I just love it so much! xD @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                “I’m Dante. Just Dante. Speaking of worlds, do you know where we are?”

                Kursk shook his head. “Sorry, but no clue. Nice to meet you, Dante.” And, turning to the others, he asked, “Do either of you know v’here we are?”

                The blonde, Steve, looked up as his friend, the brunette Frida had been going after, sobbed and began to finally relax in his friend’s arms.

                “Not exactly. I mean…we came here a few months ago…but then we showed back up at home…but in a few months…we were back here. Not sure who it belongs to or how everyone keeps coming here, but…yeah, we’ve been here before.”

                Kursk nodded. “Good. Z’hat means ve might have a chance of figuring out our ‘vay around zis place.”

                Steve slowly nodded. “Yeah, maybe so. Oh, and this…this is Bucky…my best friend.”

                Kursk’s eyebrows furrowed together.

                He seemed…unstable.

                He’d been terrified of Frida, even though he could have easily taken her out.

                “V’hat happened to him?”

                Steve let out a deep breath. “…A lot.”

                Kursk slowly nodded.

                He’d been through a lot.

                But it had only strengthened him…enforced his resolve.

                But the revenge…maybe it was the reason he kept fighting. He’d avenge his father and his mother and his little brother and little sister.

                One day.

                One day soon.

                “Should we go then?” Dante asked.

                Steve slowly nodded. “Yeah…we…we can. Are you okay, Buck?”

                Slowly, the brunette nodded.

                Steve stood and helped Bucky to his feet.

                Bucky leaned against him, and Steve steadied him, even bringing Bucky’s left arm around his neck so he could help him walk.

                “V’hat is zat?”

                Steve followed Kursk’s gaze to Bucky’s shiny, metal arm. “That’s…one of the things they did to him…come on, let’s…let’s go.”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645



                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. I know…the poor, precious baby. 😭 #BuckyProtectionSquad 😎❤️ Well, they ARE best friends. 😉 Also, I’m down for RPing for one of the groups! 😀 I’m thinking about doing Dawson and Vince, if that sounds good to you! 🙂

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      But then again…I RPed in that group last. xD

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        Okay I’m gonna go ahead and RP as November because I miss my baby!! @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h



                        He could still feel the tinge of pink on his cheeks, but Leon’s words helped his embarrassment fade, if only a slightly.

                        Viktor was still chuckling though, which made the boy receive a half-hearted glare from the ginger.

                        November sighed, pursing his lips into a small pout.

                        “What have you been up to since we last saw you? And you as well Viktor? What have you been up to?”

                        November clenched a fist, using it to softly hit his side in a rhythmic  fashion.

                        What did he say?


                        Oh…you know…the usual stuff…

                        Fought in a rebellion….

                        Watched people…children be wounded…killed….

                        Saved a little boy from an abusive family…and a bloodthirsty sea creature…

                        Which….nearly killed Arabella…


                        Oh and then travelled through these caverns filled with our greatest fears…in search of strange glowing crystals that…apparently were “destined” to be given to us?




                        I have a sister….


                        She tried to kill me. And Ara.

                        Gave me these scars on my face…but she’s cool now…


                        She saved Ara….

                        So….that’s something…


                        November felt his heart shudder as something rippled through him. A buzz of electricity, as his hands began to throb. Pulse.




                        He flushed.


                        One hand flew to his scalp, Ruffin furiously at his curls, the other he shoved into his pocket.


                        He bit his tongue. Hard.

                        The pain, from both his scalp and mouth made the burning in his hands subside. He turned back to Riker and Leon, all smiles, ignoring the sudden glassy blur in his eyes.


                        “Ah…y-you know….We’ve been traveling still…Adventuring…” What to say…what to say? “O-Oh! We met some new friends. Grimm, Paxton, Luna.” He ticked them off.

                        Get the attention off of you.

                        “You…you’ll really like Paxton….” His eyes turned on Viktor. “What about you?”




                        (hey does Viktor have any fire related trauma? Cuz that’ll be interesting if so….once it comes out that November has elven fire…)


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 that’s good with me! Also since @keilah-h isn’t on rn u can do The Bois again if u want. I made a Longer Paxton one earlier idk if u saw it


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. Okay, sounds good! And yeah, I’ll get to the bois in just a sec! 😀 @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                            Dawson had become quiet after talking about where he was from…and especially after Vince said where he was from.

                            Vince took in a deep breath. “Lord Jesus, help him.” he silently prayed.

                            Turned his attention back to Lyn, Arabella, and Luna. “And what of you three? Where are you from? Not here, I’m only assuming.” He smiled.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. (Btw, Frida and her boys can meet up with Lilith and her boys if you’d like) @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                              “No…no, it-it’s okay. Really.” He whispered. Held Paxton closer and began to help him walk.

                              Frida, Adolphus, and Dietrich were far away by now.

                              They wouldn’t chase them all the way down here…would they?

                              Wolfgang took in a deep breath.

                              They’d be okay.

                              They were together.

                              They were safe.

                              He held Paxton closer. “It’s going to be okay, Paxton…I promise.”


                              Julius’ boots clicked against the floor.

                              He struggled to keep himself upright.

                              He had to hide the small disability.

                              He wasn’t a cripple…and he’d worked hard to prove it.

                              But the torches on the wall made his heartrate increase and flutter.

                              He closed his eyes.


                              “MAMA!” He screamed, as another timber fell, creating more fire.

                              He couldn’t get to her.

                              She was going to die.

                              She was going to leave.

                              And there was nothing he could do.

                              “Are you…alright?”

                              Julius jumped and turned to face the blonde woman, who was giving him a small smile. Feather, he remembered.

                              “Yeah…I…I’m fine.”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334

                                @freedomwriter76  Aw, poor Bucky 🥺


                                “Come on, let’s…let’s go.”

                                Dante eyed the two friends as they walked. The one named Bucky had obviously been through… some stuff. But Steve seemed like a good friend. Dante almost wished for a friend like that.

                                Nah, I like it on my own. No one to argue with or worry about.

                                But he didn’t feel convinced. He tried distracting himself with a different thought. Steve and Bucky had been able to leave before. He may not have to find and steal the twins’s ship after all.

                                “How exactly did you two get out of here the first time around?”

                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @keilah-h @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76

                                  The Girls (we’ve got The Bois, now I’ve got The Girls XD!!)

                                  “And what of you three? Where are you from? Not here, I’m only assuming.”

                                  Vince smiled kindly, addressing Ara, Lyn and Luna.

                                  Ara’s heart fluttered at the thought of home.

                                  How long had it been now?

                                  It was…strange how time worked…

                                  Only…four years? Somewhere around there…

                                  Yet it seemed so much longer…

                                  A lifetime…

                                  Had everything changed? Or was it all the same? She truly didn’t know. She blinked away the thoughts as Lyn’s voice broke through.

                                  “Well, I’m pretty sure we come from a different world then yours, seeing as we’ve never heard of your land, or most of the lands mentioned from people here…Though, before our adventures none of us got out much.” Lyn grinned. “But, seeing as how most people we cross in this castle don’t know of Fae, or Mer, or,” she ticked her head at Luna, “Elves, I have a feeling we’re from somewhere much different then all of you.”

                                  Annia gasped. “That’s what you are! An elf!”

                                  Luna blinked, then giggled. She nodded. “Yes, I am a Light Elf….” Luna’s eyes grew a bit somber. Ara placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. The girl smiled up at her.

                                  “That being said,” Lyn threw her head back glancing at the group, “I reign from a  city called Cirque. I…haven’t been home in a while though…in truth….” Lyn’s eyes were pointed in thought. “I don’t really know If I consider it my home anymore. I just…go where my friends go.”


                                  Where my family goes, Lyn thought.


                                  “I’m from the Kingdom of A’Grend, and…I haven’t been home for a while either. I do hope to return soon however…” Ara grew quiet, smiling at the thought of her beautiful homeland. Knowing that…at least it was safe.


                                  “And I have recently joined!” Luna grinned. “I lived in the caverns for most my life. My home….” Luna’s face grew somber once more.

                                  Ara turned to her, “It’s alright Luna…”

                                  Luna blinked, then, slowly nodded, going quiet. “I don’t think I’d like to talk about my real home…if you mind.”



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