Character Castle!

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  • #120251
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @koshka @elishavet-pidyon hey glad to see ya back! That’s cool about the preview thing!!

      @freedomwriter76 anyone wanna RP?


      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4732

        @godlyfantasy12 I’m here, but only for a few more minutes.

        @freedomwriter76 @loopylin Either of you want to do your characters? Mine just asked them what planet they’re from….

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1558

          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

          Btw, Zlatan isn’t angry, although it is difficult to tell the difference because he basically hides emotion. In this scene he’s actually showing his sense of humor.


          “Alright fearless leader, where to?” 

          Ah oh. Zlatan’s face had suddenly turned utterly devoid of emotion, the only hint of life impassive golden eyes.

          Vulkasin his a grin.

          “Only fools and madmen are fearless, lad.” He turned back to the hall before them, back straight, voice quiet. “Ve need to go higher…” He glanced to the right, calculations swimming behind thise eyes. “zis vay.”

          Vulkasin started walking again, content to follow his elder brother. Well, some things do change…

          He blinked, eyes focusing on Zlatan’s neck. A crimson line trailed from just under his brother’s cloak, strangely bright against bruised skin.

          Vulkasin ground his teeth.

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @koshka XD! Ahh but poor Zlatan!! And Vulk be upseeeet (I am too Vulk…for Zlatan…)


            @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76



            Only fools and madmen are fearless, lad.” Was Zlatan’s reply, his face looking so much like Grimm that Nyx couldn’t help the flare of annoyance in his chest.

            He growled then huffed, the tips of his ears tipping slightly. He could hear Grimm’s faint chuckle behind him, only making him more agitated.

            Well.” He scowled, “Consider me mad then.” He flashed his eyes at Zlatan and then Grimm who was smirking.


            The group continued on, following Zlatan’s lead. Nyx kept his senses attuned, trying to pick up on any leads he could, but as of the moment, there were none.


            (if someone will let me know when they want to meet someone in this group Nyx can sense them)


            Nyx occasionally skittered ahead of Zlatan, nosing around and jumping on random objects; barrels, boxes, windowsills, whatever kept him occupied at the moment.


            He fluffed his tails, letting a long sigh.

            “What?” Grimm tsked.

            This is boring.”

            “We’re walking, what else are we supposed to do?” Grimm shook his head.

            Lynnie would figure something out,” He gave Grimm a smirk, then looked at Vulkasin. “Hey, your the fun twin. Got any ideas?”

            Zlatan blinked, maybe a bit offended? Eh…probably not.

            Vulk chuckled.


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @koshka do u wanna RP as Annia and Cécile?


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                ALSO! @elishavet-pidyon I think when Paxton first meets Esen, he’ll probably see the shadow or something and think it’s his brother’s….(she’s a very large bird correct??)

                But once he realizes it’s not he’ll probably warm up to her.



                And if Viktor is still with November, well Paxton will be happy to be back with his friend.


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. That’s epic about the preview! 😀 Glad y’all are back! @koshka, that WOULD be fun! 😉 @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. I’m finally back! xD I had to get up early today so we could make it to Prayer at church, then we went to my Aunt and Uncle’s farm and I did a (little bit!) of fishing, but mostly just hung out with my family. So that was fun. 🙂 But I’m back now! 😀


                  Who did this…boy…think he was, telling her what to do!?

                  Suddenly, another voice spoke.

                  “Why terrorize these boys–or men……what do they have to do with you?”

                  Frida turned to face the blonde woman. “It’s none of your business.” She snapped.

                  She turned her attention back to the young boy. “Let go of me. Right. Now.”

                  ““P-p-please…s-stop…” The boy, who she believed she’d heard was Paxton, repeated, clinging just as much to her as he had been a moment ago.

                  Stupid boy, thinking he could tell her what to do.

                  Frida slowly smiled.

                  Well…that would only make this more enjoyable.


                  A smile slowly spread across Frida’s face.

                  Wolfgang gulped.

                  “You listen when I tell you to do something…” Her hand raised, and Wolfgang moved, fast.

                  “NO!” He screamed, throwing himself on top of Paxton.

                  Her blow landed on his cheek, hard, but he didn’t care.

                  He shielded Paxton’s body with his own.

                  Frida raised an eyebrow. “Did you just tell me…”no”?” She asked.

                  Wolfgang looked up at her, the protectiveness in his veins giving him the courage to stare her in the face. “And I’ll say it again. No.”


                  He pushed himself to sitting, even though his aching body protested.

                  There was so much fighting…conflict…Julius almost…almost screamed when Frida began attacking one of the boys, who was shielding one of the others.

                  And his brothers couldn’t get to him, held back by their attackers.

                  Kursk pressed a finger to his lip. “Quiet, broz’ere. My rifle is loaded, and z’ese men will pay for ‘vhat they did to you and to these men. Are you alright, Julius?”

                  “Yeah…I…I’m fine…but…don’t shoot them. This isn’t the war.”

                  Kursk chuckled, but behind that chuckle, Julius detected something…something…very angry. “Z’hey attacked first. Z’hose filthy Nazi’s didn’t care when z’hey killed my fa’zer…my mo’zer…or my siblings…and I will have my revenge…no matter vh’ere it happens.”

                  Julius bit his lip. He’d seen such bitter anger before.

                  His grandmother and grandfather had both been very bitter, angry people.

                  It’s where his father got it from.

                  “Just…not here….leave it for the war…” Julius urged, using the wall to help him stand.

                  Kursk bit his lip. “Julius…you can convince almost any’vone, can’t you?”

                  Julius shrugged. “I guess it’s a gift…” He trailed off.

                  His efforts of peacemaking labelled him as a coward by many…as did him not volunteering…even though he’d tried…over…and over…and over again.

                  Julius finally stood, and tried to take a step, but his right leg faltered, and he stumbled before righting himself.

                  “Are you alright?” Kursk asked, brows furrowing in concern.

                  “I’m fine…” Julius mumbled. Pulled out his pistol with his right, uninjured hand. “We won’t kill them…but we can chase them off.”

                  Kursk slowly nodded, to Julius’ surprise. “Sounds fine to me…”

                  Julius nodded.

                  Took another step and faltered again.

                  But he righted himself and made sure he stepped right that time.

                  “And now I have a stupid cripple for a son!?”

                  Julius took in a deep breath.

                  He wasn’t a cripple.

                  He wasn’t.

                  He’d re-taught himself how to walk…and now he could, even if he stumbled a few times.

                  Of course…he had hidden that from the Army.

                  It had been his only way to escape, after all.

                  And he’d lied the bruises and cuts away. That had been the easy part.

                  He was clumsy, what could he say?

                  Julius readied his pistol, nodded at Kursk, and they stepped forward. “Get out of here and never come back.” He ordered.


                  This was fun.

                  Jakob was laying on the floor, too stunned and pained to get back up.

                  Leo was the same.

                  Adolphus was after Joshua now, and Dietrich had the easy one. “Regret what you said yet, Reuben!?”

                  Reuben shook his head. “Never!” He yelled and kicked at Dietrich.

                  Dietrich stepped out of the way. “Oh no, you don’t.” He snarled, grabbing Reuben’s collar before he could get to Wolfgang, who was shielding the stupid little blonde boy, being punished for his disobedience.

                  Served them all right.

                  He slapped Reuben again and dropped him to the floor. “How does that feel, you little twerp?”

                  “Get out of here and never come back.”

                  Dietrich turned, as did Adolphus and Frida, to face the stupid American, Julius, they had taken care of and Kursk.

                  Dietrich smirked. “Didn’t learn your lesson yet, did you?”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 THESE PEOPLE ARE CREEPS!!!! 😤 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                    The woman turned on him in a heartbeat, a vicious smile on her face. She’s told him to stop…to let go.


                    But he couldn’t…

                    He just…couldn’t….

                    He cried harder, and it was almost as if no longer was it a stranger standing before him, but his own mother.

                    “You listen when I tell you to do something…” Paxton’s mind righted itself at the woman’s voice. He looked up, just in time to see her hand reel back. He shrieked, immediately releasing her as she once again shifted before his eyes into a woman with long brown curls and white sparkling wings.


                    The stinging never came though…

                    His was grabbed from behind, enveloped entirely by something.




                    Paxton gasped, the air knocked out of him. He hugged the arms around him, clinging to them for safety. Hope was on the ground now…having been lost in the shuffle.


                    Wolfgang…it was Wolfgang…

                    And the woman wasn’t happy.


                    Paxton was shivering now, watching the exchange between mother and son…

                    Mother and youngest son…


                    Too familiar…


                    Too familiar!


                    He squeezed his eyes shut, spluttering.

                    And then, another set of voices.

                    “Get out of here and never come back.”


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon hola friends!! How was church?


                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4732

                        @godlyfantasy12 Church was great!

                        @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon



                        He watched as another fight ensued. Why was everyone in this castle so hostile? The first time around, most of them had been friendly.

                        Then he looked down at his hands, and the Firepuncher (sniper rifle) he was holding, and remembered how several years earlier, he would’ve been the same.

                        Bullying innocent children.

                        He looked away, trying to drown out the memory of looking at his files and reading what he’d done. Somehow it seemed worse when it was written down.

                        War crimes.

                        Mass murder.

                        Unlawful imprisonment of former allies.




                        [I’m not joking. I got that from his actual character page on a website devoted to character profiles–remember, he wasn’t my character originally. I just finished off a redemption arc for him.]

                        Don’t think about that! he ordered himself, his hand slipping off his cocked gun.

                        Then another voice spoke, freezing the battle for a second.

                        “Get out of here and never come back.”

                        For a split second he was afraid they were talking to him, then realized they were not. They had spoken to one of the others, one of the men that were badgering the younger ones.

                        The man smirked evilly, an expression Crosshair had remembered on his own face once. “Didn’t learn your lesson, yet, did you?”

                        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @keilah-h. Poor Crosshair. *sobs* @godlyfantasy12. Yep! Sunday School was great, worship was great, and the service was great! 😀 What about your service? 🙂 And yeah…I know…they’re horrible. *shivers* @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                          She finally stopped.

                          Tears continued to course down his cheeks, when he suddenly noticed Paxton.

                          He held him closer. “I-It’s going to be okay Paxton…I…I promise…” He whispered, just as Reuben, Leo, Jakob, and Joshua finally got over since Dietrich, Adolphus, and Frida were too distracted by the American and Russian.

                          Reuben helped Wolfgang sit up.

                          His brothers surrounded him, wrapping their arms around each other.

                          Wolfgang held Paxton tighter.


                          Who did this American think he was, telling them what to do!? Especially when he’d acted like a baby after they’d taught him a lesson.

                          “Don’t do any’zing you’ll regret.” Kursk snarled.

                          Dietrich chuckled. “Oh, and what are you going to do? You’re nothing more than a stupid little boy, trying to make it in a man’s world.” He stepped closer to Julius, ready to teach him another lesson.

                          A burning, aching pain hit Dietrich’s right forearm. It began bleeding.

                          “Z’hat was only a warning. I’ve never missed. And next time, you’re arm ‘von’t be v’here I’ll aim.” Kursk replied with a boyish grin.

                          “You’ll pay for that, you stupid-”

                          “Little ears are present.” Julius snarled, glancing at the stupid little blonde boy.

                          Adolphus smirked. “Oh, we know…” he whispered.

                          Frida smiled. “We know that fully well.”

                          And without another word, she grabbed the boy and pulled him away from Wolfgang and the other stupid boys.

                          “Let go of him!” Wolfgang screamed.

                          Frida came forward, stepping in front of Dietrich and Adolphus, closer to Julius and Kursk. Adolphus grabbed Wolfgang before he could get to the boy.

                          Wolfgang roared and tried to break free, as Leo came to his defense.

                          But Adolphus quickly took him down as well.

                          Dietrich grinned. This was going smoothly.

                          Smoothly indeed.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                            Everything had quieted for a moment. He’d been wrapped up in warm arms. The brothers held him close…


                            And then….

                            The warmth was gone.


                            Cold fingers gripped him, prying him from Wolfgang’s arm’s.


                            “Let go of him!” Wolfgang cried as Paxton was forcefully tugged forward, into the cold embrace of the woman from earlier….

                            Paxton cried out, writhing in her grip, but immediately froze when her fingernails locked into his arms.

                            He couldn’t move….

                            Everything was telling him to…

                            But he couldn’t.

                            He looked around frantically for someone, anyone to get him out, but…the older boys were quickly taken out by their own adversaries….


                            And once they were…

                            The evil looking boys turned on him with a grin. Paxton cried, and, surprisingly found himself inching closer to the woman.


                            He’d rather be close to her, then the bully brothers….

                            His heart crashed against his chest as fingers began to card through his hair. He whimpered, looking up into the woman’s face, seeing her thin, malicious grin.


                            He needed to get away…to fight.

                            But he was frozen…



                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 also service went amazing!!


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 btw, again I trust u with my charries so feel free to do whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️ same goes for @elishavet-pidyon and @koshka during our RPs.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Glad to hear it! 😀 And good to know you trust me with your precious baby! xD I trust you with mine as well. 😉 @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                                  He was frozen, not moving even an inch.

                                  She held his arm tighter.

                                  “If you don’t want anyone…small…to get hurt…you better not do anything.” Frida whispered, smiling.

                                  She heard the boys yelling at her to stop…stupid boys…but Adolphus and Dietrich were handling that for her.

                                  “Let him go…come on…don’t pull an innocent child into this…” Julius urged, beginning to step closer.

                                  Frida smiled and slapped the boy, hard, making him cry out.

                                  Leo yelled at her again, but Adolphus silenced him.

                                  Julius stopped in his tracks.

                                  Frida smiled.

                                  Just what she’d wanted.

                                  “Stop it…all of you…and I’ll let him go…” Frida ordered, glaring at the boys, “else…well…he will just have to face the punishment for your actions…all of you…”

                                  (So…yeah…this is escalating. xD Anyone can do whatever. Now, if y’all will excuse me, I’m going to go watch Infinity War! XD) 

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