Character Castle!

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      @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon


      hey y’all I’m changing a little something with Paxton’s appearance but it’s not noticeable so it shouldn’t really affect anything! But when I created his son (yes I’ve thought that far ahead XD) I realized I luv this idea way more then my originals so….


      instead of just having small nubs of bone where his wings should be, along with some scarring, he actually has a large line of white feathers running down his spine.


        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @freedomwriter76 welllll they could run into Frida and then since they haven’t met anyone yet either? Before they come across the bois that is


          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @godlyfantasy12. Frida meeting Lilith? They’d become, like, best friends. xD

          Either way, sounds good to me. 😉

          Do whatever you like! I’m just going with the flow over here, lol. XD

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. I’m going to divide the 4 in two different groups, so…here we go! xD It’s long, sorry bout that…Julius took the pen and ran away with it. XDXDXD


            The hallway was dark…only lit by torches.

            Julius took in a deep breath.

            Oh, he hated fire.

            It reminded him of things he’d rather forget.

            Falling timbers.

            His mother’s scream.

            He wasn’t able to save her.

            “You’re a quiet one, aren’t you?”

            Julius turned to face the Russian Accent. “Is there a problem with that?”

            Kursk shook his head and smiled, his smile truly showing his youthfulness. “Not at all. I was just saying something. It’s pretty boring to be walking here in silence.”

            Julius turned back around.

            It was boring.

            And he liked a bit of adventure, as any young man did.

            Some people said he was more a boy than a man based on his recklessness.

            But those some people didn’t know what he’d lived through.

            “So…based on what you were saying earlier…I’m assuming you love America, right?”

            Julius turned on Kursk with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah. What true American doesn’t?”

            “Then why didn’t you enlist? You said you were a draftee.”

            Julius’ fists clenched. “I just didn’t…okay?”

            He turned back around before Kursk would see the tears that filled his eyes.

            But he had tried…multiple times.

            He’d tried the day after Pearl Harbor.

            But the Army wouldn’t take him until he was 18.

            He’d sneaked back home.

            But he’d been figured out.

            Julius closed his eyes. Forced back tears.

            Of course he remembered that day.

            That’s where his scar came from.

            The days spent locked in his room…without any food…body aching from his father’s abuse.

            And his stepmother’s…his brothers and his sisters…refusal to do anything, thinking he deserved it for trying to “run away”.

            They always thought he “deserved” his father’s abuse.

            The call-up from the draft had finally been Julius’ key.

            His escape.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. Btw, Ernest has an English accent. 🙂 Fun! xD


              Alec’s boots clicked against the floor.

              “Steady on, Chap, slow down.” Ernest urged, pushing himself to catch up to him.

              Alec glanced at his “company”. “I don’t even know you.”

              “Well then, Chap, why don’t we get to know each other more?”

              Alec shook his head. Began walking even faster. “No thanks.”

              He wasn’t trying to be rude.

              But he didn’t want people to pry into his life.

              A lot of it…was better off left forgotten.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 ah I meant one of ur charries run into Frida but ya.




                I kinda think Lilith and Frida wouldn’t get along….


                Because a lot of times ppl who are the same do not…they’re too greedy and power hungry and just…yea…


                They have their own agendas and both will try to manipulate each other (which obviously ticks the other off)


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  U think @elishavet-pidyon got kicked off again?


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @godlyfantasy12. She may have been or she’s just busy. IDK. Wish I did! =(

                    Oh, I see!

                    And yeah, they’d probably be trying to take each other out, like Hans and Viola in the last RP, lol. XD

                    So let’s see…who can Frida run into…? XD

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 well I know I’d eventually want her sons at least to run into The Bois and Paxton.


                      would they try to hurt Paxton??


                      *why am I like this….does every author just luv hurting their charries?? Or potentially hurting them??* 🤦🏻‍♀️


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @keilah-h u want to go?


                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. Her sons are prob with her, tbh.

                          And yes, I believe it is a writer thing. xD

                          If Paxton tried to stop them, ya…but not if he’s just there, prob not. They’d be after the bois too much to care.


                          What was this stupid place!?

                          She sighed.

                          Thinking about it wouldn’t do any good.

                          Behind her, Adolphus and Dietrich were talking.

                          She loved them.

                          Very much.

                          And they were helping restore the glory of the Third Reich, just like her beloved husband Felix.

                          Even though he had been stupid to marry a Jew in the first place.

                          She heard footsteps. “Adolphus…Dietrich…quiet down for one moment darlings…”

                          “Did you hear someone, Mutti?” Adolphus asked, his eyes glowing with interest and the adrenaline of a challenge.

                          Frida nodded. She only hoped it was her stupid Jewish stepsons. “I did…quiet…follow me…”

                          They stepped out of that hall into another one, just as two young men, one only a boy, walked past.

                          Dietrich smirked. “I wonder if they know where our pig brothers are…?”

                          Frida smirked. “Only one way to find out, my darlings.”

                          They stepped out.


                          Footsteps sounded.

                          Kursk turned, instinctively pulling out his rifle.

                          “Woah…easy there, Russian child…” One of the men, dark-haired, urged, the smile on his face twisted…sadistic.

                          Kursk had seen it before…and the uniform with the two lightning bolts. The smile and the uniform had accompanied each other.

                          No mercy…that’s what they’d shown to his father, mother, little brother, and little sister.

                          He’d give them the same.

                          “Who are you?” He snarled.

                          “I am Adolphus, this is my brother Dietrich, and this is our Mutti…

                          “Frida.” The woman said with a smile, but like her sons’, it was cruel. “What are your names?”

                          “Kursk. That’s Julius. Now, what do you want?”

                          “I’m looking for my other sons. Have you seen any Jews walk by?” Frida asked, raising an eyebrow.

                          “How could we tell the difference?” Julius asked, suddenly stepping up to stand beside Kursk.

                          Kursk glanced at him.

                          His eyes were slightly red.

                          Had he been crying?

                          “Jews obviously look inferior to the Aryan look. What are you, ignorant?”

                          Adolphus laughed. “Of course, he is, Dietrich. He’s an American. Mutti, shall we take care of these two problems?”

                          Kursk saw Julius stiffen, but by his eyes…it wasn’t out of anger…it was…fear.

                          Frida nodded and smiled again. “I would enjoy nothing more, my darlings…”


                          The next few moments passed in a blur.

                          But screams and begs, he knew, escaped his lips.

                          Of course…no one listened.

                          And suddenly Julius was laying on the floor, bleeding, his right arm aching and burning.

                          A harsh kick sent his world back into spiraling focus. Someone had kicked him.

                          Adolphus looked down at him with a smile that Julius knew all too well. “Keep that lesson in mind anytime you want to mess with us, stupid American.”

                          “What do we do with them, Mutti?” Dietrich, the other brother, asked.

                          Frida tapped her chin and walked over.

                          Bent over Julius. “You won’t tell anyone…will you?”

                          “I’ll tell the whole world!” Kursk snarled, held still by Dietrich. He let out a line of…what Julius guessed to not be so nice…words in Russian.

                          Frida sighed. “Well then…I guess you must come with us then…hm?”

                          Julius’ breath heaved.

                          His arm hurt…so…so much.

                          And her smile…the pain…it brought back so many…too many…things to his mind.


                          It felt…good.

                          Hah…he hadn’t remembered how much he’d missed this. (they’re creeps, y’all.)

                          He held Kursk tighter. “Shut it, Russian pig, if you know what’s good for you.”

                          “Let me go, you stupid German!” Kursk screamed at him.

                          Dietrich smiled. “Never.”

                          But suddenly, footsteps sounded.

                          Dietrich turned, and a slow smile spread across his face.


                          Dietrich let go of Kursk, dropping him to the floor.

                          Frida smiled. “Hello…boys…”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            That took SOOOO long to write. *falls face first on computer keys* XDXDXDXDXDXD

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 AHHHH THEY’RE TERRIBLE!!!!




                              DID THEY JUST RUN INTO THE BOIS AND PAXTON?!


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. UGH…

                                IKR!?!?!?!? SOOOO TERRIBLE!!!!

                                Yep…they sure did….DX DX DX DX

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 AHHHH!!! I have a feeling if they start beating up the bois Paxton might try to speak up “

                                  *emphasis on try* my little shy guy…

                                  @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                                  Feather didn’t get to respond before….






                                  Paxton’s blood ran cold.

                                  Had his brothers come back? Found someone to torment?

                                  Shadows rounded the corner…

                                  Paxton whimpered.


                                  Why would they come back so soon…? Hadn’t they learned..?


                                  But…upon further inspection he realized the figures…we’re not his brothers…

                                  Or mother…

                                  The three, shadowy figures stood over a man, who was injured, crying, making Paxton’s heart ache. Another man was being held back, looking extremely angry.



                                  The woman….

                                  Paxton’s whole body shuddered….

                                  Her smile was so….

                                  Similar to his own mother’s. Yet, as she caught eyes with the young men around Paxton, it seemed to twist into an even more sadistic grin.






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