Character Castle!

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  • #120118
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @freedomwriter76 yuuup!! Hey u wanna go ahead and RP with Riker and Leon since idk if @elishavet-pidyon is on rn?


      i wanna see my poor blushy November 🤣


      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4732

        @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 Oh, yes he did. Sorry Aramis….if Crosshair were any closer he’d rip you to shreds.


        Or maybe the guy deserves that???



        Feather slammed into the wall, hit by one of the creatures’ wings. She fell, unconscious.

        Crosshair’s eyes directed to the one that did it in milliseconds. The other had sent a few of the boys flying also, but he decided to focus on the crueler-looking one first.

        The one that’d hurt Feather.

        He raised his rifle and fired twice at where the creature’s wings connected to his back.

        Neither shot missed.

        (He didn’t kill him, okay? The worst thing the character might get is his wings dislocated/laser burn from the bullets hitting.)

        The other one looked around, startled.

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @keilah-h YIKES! Can’t say he doesn’t deserve it though!! Definitely does!!

          @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


          A shot rang out. Then another.

          A ear piercing scream came from his brother, along with the smell of singed flesh.

          Burning feathers.

          Edric turned with disgust and horror, eyes flashing as he caught sight of Aramis. His brother’s eyes were wide with terror and pain.

          But more then that…fury.

          He glanced back, seeing smoke singing from the midst of his back. Edric caught his eyes.

          Fists clenched.

          How dare they….

          A Fae’s wings were sacred…honored…revered….

          Edric’s own wound tensed. His heart burned with bitterness. Anger. Hatred. He growled, spinning around to find who had attacked.

          A man stood not far off, holding what must’ve been the weapon that had done the damage to his brother.

          He aimed it, but didn’t get the chance to fire. Edric was on him, dagger raised, bloodlust in his eyes.


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            I’m gonna start bringing in Lilith.


            so as mentioned, Lilith is a siren. So her voice is kinda used to manipulate. She can’t really “control people.” Though she could try through singing….it would take a ton out of her.
            What she did to Nyx would’ve tired her out a bit.

            She’s more of just manipulative, and you’re mind kinda “wants to believe her” and is like “yes…this is true….” Like that.


            and it also depends on the willpower of the person, etc. and the power of the siren.


            However the siren can also speak life, which isn’t quite as tiring (but can still suck them dry, imagine someone always giving and never receivinng)




              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76


              The fight had taken another turn. A scream racked through the halls. The smell of burning flesh and feathers wafted past, making Paxton nauseous.

              He gagged slightly, clinging to whatever was nearby. His bear. Wolfgang. Whatever anchor he could find…


              And then…

              A voice…


              A song…



              A hum….






              Paxton opened his eyes, ice blue shaking as he listened. His heart thudded in his ears, blood running cold.


              He looked up….


              Wolfgang and Reuben…they heard it too…

              And seemed….

              Almost entranced by it…


              But Paxton knew that voice….

              That soft hum…

              Knew it’s haunting melody…

              Better then most…

              It was the same voice that sung him to sleep…so many nights…


              Forced him to sleep…he later found out….


              His body shook, insides racked. Not her…anyone but her…

              He’d take his brothers….

              He’d let them have him….

              Just let them have him!

              He started to cry as the voice grew in his head. Did no one else hear how loud it was getting? Was it still just a hum to them?


              and then…it stopped.



              Had it been his imagination?


              The fight was still going on…


              Just as it had been…

              He wheezed in ragged breaths, chest heaving.

              “Paxton?” Wolfgang seemed to snap out of whatever spell he was under. “Paxton? Paxton…what…what’s wrong?”

              The boy didn’t answer, remaining silent.


              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4732

                @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka



                The other creature was on him in an instant, dagger raised, knocking the rifle out of his hand.

                Crosshair dodged a stab at his face, which sliced back open an old scar on his cheek that he’d nearly forgotten he had.

                That hurt.

                He slammed his fist into the crazed creature’s shoulder, making him yelp and back away, but as soon as he stood up the creature whacked him with his wing.

                Crosshair flew to the side, slamming into the wall—although not as hard as Feather had hit, it was still hard enough to make him see stars.

                He stayed there for a moment, dizzy. The winged creature didn’t attack him while he was vulnerable, which was strange.

                Then he heard what must’ve distracted him.

                A song. A hauntingly melodic voice. It held power, like the voice of a world-controller (a world-controller being a kind of empowered character in my brother’s and my story universe. Feather is a world-controller, but her power is more like talking to animals and that sort of thing; it’s not super strong).

                But it had a dark undertone. If it’d been a world-controller or whatever their universe had, it was an evil one.

                Crosshair staggered to his feet as the song ended, looking around for his enemy.

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP??


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. Uh oh…this is escalating. Fast. xD (btw, I just noticed that Lilith somewhat looks like Frida…DX) @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                    “Paxton? Paxton…what…what’s wrong?” Wolfgang asked, suddenly trying to get to Paxton, who seemed…terrified into silence.

                    Paxton’s chest was heaving.

                    Reuben was about to comfort him with Wolfgang when he heard footsteps.

                    A woman came around the corner, with dark hair and dark eyes.

                    Reuben stumbled backwards.

                    No…it wasn’t her…but she looked like her…in…in ways.

                    Suddenly it felt like the walls were closing around him.

                    It was small…tight…dark…just…just like…like…the…the…cellar.

                    “…Reuben?” Wolfgang whispered.

                    “I’m fine…I’m fine…”


                    Leo was on the floor.

                    Joshua had a bleeding arm.

                    That burning feeling came again.

                    Just like Frida…Dietrich…and Adolphus…these men would pay. 

                    Who cared if hatred was wrong!?

                    They deserved his hatred.

                    They deserved to face justice.

                    They deserved nothing less than what they’d given.

                    Jakob gripped his dagger tighter.

                    And headed straight for Edric, determined that nothing would stop him.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h



                      A man was headed straight for him. Dagger at ready.

                      Edric prepared himself, ready, a twisted smile on his face.




                      A voice rung through the halls. Calm, yet commanding. It carried a lilt to it and a power that none could deny, sending a chill through the air.


                      Everyone turned.


                      Edric lowered his own dagger, blood seeping from his own injured arm…but he didn’t care.


                      Aramis rose as well, eyes wide, face contorting into what could’ve been joy. Or at least…something akin to it.



                      There…emerging from the shadows, behind Paxton and the two men with him…


                      Was their mother.

                      In all of her beautiful glory.

                      Delicate, luscious curls framing her face, and red lips pulled taut. Fair skin glowing and white wings tucked slightly, casting small shadows in the torchlight.

                      She smiled, casting an eye over each person, then studying her eldest sons, brows raised.

                      “Boys…” She tsked. Edric flushed slightly, shame filling him in an instant. He could hear her disappointment…he’d never want to disappoint his mother….

                      Oh he loved his mother…


                      “You’ve gotten yourselves in quite a mess…” She spoke softly, her eyes gentle as she peered at Edric, and then Aramis. And then, glanced at Aramis’ wings, and a smoldering fire bloomed in her eyes, though she hid it well.

                      She clasped her hands on front of her, gazing at the others. The men holding her youngest….

                      And the one behind them all, still dazed from Edric’s attack.


                      “I must apologize for my eldest sons’ behavior….I’m afraid they’re rather…excitable.”

                      The boys made no response.

                      Her eyes flicked between them, and then….landed on the white-haired boy before her.


                      Her lips smiled, brows furrowing in mock gentleness. “Oh, Paxton…”

                      Edric watched his brother flinch violently.

                      How I’ve missed you.”


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 isn’t crazy how a lot of our characters are so similar to each other!!)


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 POOR REUBEN! AND PAXTON!!!


                          also Idk if Paxton was locked in closets or anything but he was locked in his room for nights on end. He was practically kept on room/house arrest for a lot of his life.

                          which is why he turned to art and such, painting/drawing on his arms, curtains, walls things like that. Though they didn’t appreciate that much either…so he tried to keep it secret from them after the first few times they found out.


                          November however when he was very little was given a variety of non-physical punishments that were cruel such as being locked in the basement downstairs, standing on a stool for hours, bed with no food, etc.


                          Though most of that ended after he reached a certain age and his father just berated him and verbally abused him intensely instead.




                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. Great minds think alike! xD And poor Paxton and November, the PRECIOUS babies!!!! *sobs* @keilah-h. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                            How I’ve missed you.” The woman said to Paxton.

                            Leo forced himself to his feet.

                            Jakob came to his side and helped steady him.

                            Paxton was frozen.

                            Wolfgang held him even closer.

                            Leo glanced at Reuben, who was rocking himself again.

                            He forced himself to move, even though his bruising body protested.

                            He wrapped his arms around Reuben and pulled him close. “Shh…it’s alright…we’re here…”

                            Joshua and Jakob came over, standing almost in front of Wolfgang, who put Paxton behind him, away from the woman.

                            “What is your name?” Jakob asked, brows furrowing together, his grip on his dagger only tightening.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                              These men….

                              Boys, rather…

                              They had no regard for her. She could tell that already.

                              But they held her youngest in their midst.

                              And she needed him.


                              Wanted him.

                              He’d killed one of her boys….

                              Destroyed her honor….her dignity.

                              Ruined her plans.

                              Him and that….

                              Foolish princess….

                              But…to get him from these men…she’d have to play the long game.

                              Her fingertips strolled up her bodice, to her throat. Her eyes grew wide, face contorting with a perfect mask of care.

                              Of love…

                              But there was none in her heart….

                              Not for this boy.


                              “I am Lilith Fallon, a Fae, once of high standing, but….sadly…” She looked away, “No longer.”

                              She returned to the men’s gazes once again. “And I’ve come to this place, in search of my sons. Two of which, I apologize for…” She glared at her eldest boys, who looked away. “And the other….” Her eyes focused in on Paxton.


                              Her voice lilted slightly. She could the hints of magic as it left her. A bit more force behind her sentence…she’d need it if she were to convince these around her…especially after her eldest boys had…sigh…injured most of them.

                              “You’ve kept safe and sound….And I thank you. My darling Paxton,” her eyes met his ice blue ones, and a smile twitched to her lips, “Why don’t we go home…hm?”




                              Everything in him was screaming. Crying. Tearing apart. But…he could feel the gentle pulse of magic…the lilting of her voice…

                              Knew what she was doing….


                              And there was nothing he could about it….


                              Arabella hadn’t been affected…

                              She’d seen right through the act…She’d been strong…and so had her friends…but, even they sometimes were fooled…but the gentle soothings of her voice….


                              Even Paxton wanted to believe her….


                              To give in to the gentle tug….


                              He could feel the men around him tense slightly, magic filling the air as his mother began to hum softly.

                              Her hand reached out, inches from his hair.


                              Her voice growing louder…was it only to him?


                              That same song…


                              That always made him…



                              So tired….


                              ““Why don’t we go home…hm?”


                              He felt something touch his chin, and then found himself staring into brown eyes.

                              His heart collided with his stomach, and he nearly choked.

                              His mind flashed and he jerked away, shrieking, and releasing whatever spell everyone had been put under.


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. Sorry Lillith, but my bois have a strong will. Especially Jakob…xD @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h.


                                Her voice was soft…soothing.

                                Paxton jerked away and shrieked.

                                Wolfgang jumped.

                                “Paxton, what’s wrong!?” He cried.

                                Leo and the others suddenly came over.

                                Paxton looked up at him. Wolfgang held him close. Paxton looked so…scared.

                                “Step. Back.” Leo ordered, getting close to Lilith. (btw, great name choice for her. You know…what it means…I think it fits her! XD) 

                                Lilith looked up at him.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                                  ”Step. Back.” Leo’s voice was strong. Determined. He stepped up to Paxton’s mother with eyes full of fire.

                                  Lilith returned the look, fingers recoiling back to herself. She glanced at her wounded sons who stood behind.

                                  She tsked and then smiled.

                                  “I see…”

                                  She looked at Paxton, staring through him. The boy shuddered, still heaving. His bear was nearly choking him now, with how tight he was gripping it. Heat was flushing through him, threatening to make him pass out.

                                  “Ah…well…” Her eyes gaze at Leo, sending a message. A silent threat.

                                  That she’d come back…later…


                                  “I suppose I cannot force you…but I will get my son back…by any means necessary.” Her eyes sent chills down Paxton’s spine. “Come, Edric. Aramis.


                                  Her gaze made them quiet. The boys straightened, sending flaming looks to those around them, pushing past and straddling to their mother’s side.

                                  Aramis glanced at Paxton, giving him a farewell wink, smiling.

                                  “See you soon, Flit.”

                                  Edric growled.


                                  And then, in a flurry of spread wings, the three were gone, disappeared into the hallway shadows.

                                  Paxton gasped, heart feeling as if it were about to beat from his chest. His legs trembled, and he gripped Wolfgang, burying his face entirely into his bear and the young man’s leg.

                                  His legs squeezed together, throat closing with every breath. He sniffed, tears falling.


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