Character Castle!

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  • #120069
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2334

      @keilah-h your charrie can totally join our group! Our characters are currently in a chase scene, kinda. There are only four (or five?) in the group rn.

      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76 Heyo! Anyone on? I gotta go to church in a few but thought I’d check in before hand.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @godlyfantasy12. I am! 😀 @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


          “Well…hello baby brother.”

          The two were…just…kind of evil looking.

          Maybe  they didn’t look like that to most, but God had given Joshua a gift to detect the darkness and light of people.

          And they almost…glowed with darkness.

          But their wings…were like Angel wings.

          Fallen Angels…Joshua bit his lip to hold back a laugh.

          But either way, these boys had obviously harmed Paxton.

          And if he had any say about it, he wouldn’t let them do it again.


          He had a sudden urge to knock a couple young men into next week.

          Next year, that was even better!

          Leo’s fingers clenched even tighter around the dagger.

          He’d felt this way every time Adolphus and Dietrich had come to abuse Joshua, Jakob, Reuben, or Wolfgang.

          He was the oldest.

          He couldn’t help but be protective of his brothers.

          Leo’s grip wouldn’t release.

          He couldn’t.

          He glanced at Paxton…who was hiding behind Wolfgang, who was now protecting him with his body.

          Reuben moved to stand in front of Wolfgang.

          Leo took in a deep breath.


          These two looked like trouble.

          Just like Adolphus and Dietrich and Frida.

          That all-familiar burn in his chest…he felt it.

          His fingers wrapped, tight, around the dagger handle. His knuckles turned white.

          He grit his teeth. “And who are you two?” He asked through clenched teeth.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @koshka

            Aramis (I enjoy writing from his POV the most of the two tbh…)

            Paxton was not with those from before…

            These young men were altogether new…


            Nonetheless, they still held their brother in their grasp.


            And Aramis’ heart was settled on the little white-haired boy.

            On the glee he’d take in exacting his slow, painstaking revenge….

            He glanced at Edric, pursing his lips, urging “big brother” to go on.

            The commander turned on the fellows, voice low and eyes focused on each of them. “I am Edric, son of Lilith Fallon. This is my brother, Aramis.” Aramis nodded with a curt smile, eyes cutting back at Paxton, winking. Paxton whimpered, sinking further behind the young man he stood next to, clutching that ragged old bear closer to him.


            Looks like mother was going have to get rid of that thing again…

            Or maybe they’d just go ahead and take care of it for her.


            “And that boy you have with you,” Edric turned the force of his gaze to their half-brother, making him shuffle, “Is our brother.”

            “Sadly…” Aramis added.

            The fellows glared daggers. Not that Aramis much cared.

            “Point is,” Aramis placed his hands on his hips. “If you’d so graciously return him to us, we’d be ever so thankful,” his lips sneered slightly. “You see…I’m afraid the little Flit here probably hasn’t told you everything about himself…has he?” He watched as his brother flinched at the word.

            “He killed our other brother.” Edric growled.

            The fellows eyes went wide, brows furrowing as they glanced at the tiny boy beside them, disbelief showing in their features.

            “I know he doesn’t look it…but..Paxton can be…quite something…” Aramis stared at the boy, their eyes exchanging a message only the two of them knew.


            The truth only they and his foolish friends knew…

            People who would never be able to convince his brother…or mother….

            No one would believe him over Aramis…

            Paxton frowned.

            “But…if you still would rather not return him to us….well…”

            Both boys flared their wings, this ball much large then the one before. Still not at their full span, their wings were fairly large, and blocked the way the fellow were headed.

            They could run the other direction…but Aramis was certain he and Edric could catch up…

            And when they did…they’d get Paxton…no matter who stood in their way.



              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon I’m out of church!

              OH! And I found a picture that is PERFECT for Aramis!



                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @godlyfantasy12. Great picture! 😀 @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                “But…if you still would rather not return him to us….well…”

                The two flared out their wings, blocking their path.

                Leo took in a deep breath. They’d either have to fight or surrender.

                He glanced around at his brothers, who were ready to fight, except Wolfgang, who was still keeping Paxton behind him.

                Leo didn’t believe these two boys for a second. Paxton was so young…kind…sweet…innocent. And why would Leo take a few abusers’ word for anything in the first place?

                Leo returned his gaze to Edric and Aramis, before turning it back to his brothers. “We only have two options.”


                “We only have two options.”

                Wolfgang bit his lip. Leo was right. Fight or surrender.

                Wolfgang squeezed Paxton’s hand. “I know…fight…or surrender.”

                His older brothers nodded.

                Wolfgang turned around to see Paxton.

                Paxton’s icy blue eyes were filled with fear.

                His brothers had hurt him.

                In ways Wolfgang was sure he knew well.

                Adolphus and Dietrich had been horrible…cruel…sadistic.

                “If we surrender…that means giving Paxton to them…”


                “If we surrender…that means giving Paxton to them…”

                Joshua nodded with his brothers. “It does…”

                “And that’s why we’re not surrendering.” Jakob said, his fingers clenched tightly around his dagger.

                Leo nodded in agreement. “He’s right. We’re not going down. Not without a fight.”

                Joshua nodded at his older brother, urging him to continue.

                “We’ll stand up front. Wolfgang, keep Paxton with you, and Reuben, stay in front of Wolfgang. And if it looks like we might lose or something else is going wrong, you two take Paxton and get out of here.” Leo ordered.

                “What!?” Wolfgang hissed, still in a whisper.  “No! I’m not going anywhere…not without all of you…”

                “Wolfgang…you need to keep Paxton safe. We’re not going to let his brothers have him.”

                “But…but what about all of you?” Wolfgang whispered, his eyes brightening with tears.

                “We’ll be fine Wolfgang. No matter what happens…everything will be alright.” Joshua whispered, wrapping an arm around his youngest brother.

                Leo nodded. Reached over and squeezed Wolfgang’s open hand. “He’s right. We’ll be fine.” And, turning his attention to Reuben, he whispered, “If anything begins to go awry, take Wolfgang and Paxton and get out of here. We’re counting on you.”

                Reuben nodded and smiled. “I won’t let you down.”

                And with that, Leo, Jakob, and Joshua took the front line.

                Joshua clutched his dagger tight and closed his eyes. “Dear Lord Jesus…help us…” He whispered, too quiet for anyone else to hear…and he prepared to fight.

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4732

                  @godlyfantasy12. @freedomwriter76 is right, that is a great picture! @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon @loopylin

                  Do you all mind if Crosshair and Feather notice the fight going on? They’re going to want to join in and protect Paxton (at least Feather will, Crosshair will probably just stay in the shadows at first), so I’m not sure if you’re going to want that. First I’m going to RP as Kad, though.



                  He huffed. Those two were rude.

                  They turned and walked away, ignoring him and muttering about Faes and Flits, whatever those were. Their tribe, perhaps?

                  Kad turned and wandered down another hallway.

                  Soon he came across more creatures. Some of them had tails, and some didn’t, but none of them had wings. They were all little–so small he almost had to bend down to get to their eye level, even if he were walking on four talons. (He can walk both erect and on fours, it’s a dragon thing. Also, dragon-men are much bigger than humans.)

                  They were running….but from what?


                  (Someone can notice him and invite him to the group)



                  Crosshair and Feather

                  They came across a group. Not a group of characters they’d met before, however.

                  Two of them looked like they had wings–feathered wings. They were bullying a larger group of wingless characters.

                  Crosshair chuckled to himself. Did they think they could take on that entire group by themselves? Granted, the large group was mostly made of kids and teenagers….

                  “They’re after the little one.” said Feather, gesturing to a fairly small boy clutching a stuffed animal and hiding. “We have to help him! And the others…What if they get hurt too?”

                  Before Crosshair could protest, she had already walked up. “What are you doing?” she asked, in a sharper tone than she usually used. “Leave them alone!”

                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @keilah-h. I don’t mind if @godlyfantasy12 is fine with it! 😀 @loopylin, Hey girl! You wanna RP? 😉

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @koshka @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon


                      They were going to give him up…

                      Paxton’s heart shuddered in his chest.

                      He wouldn’t blame them…

                      Aramis and Edric…both were resilient. Strong. Muscular. Their wingspans were large, some of the largest back home.

                      The Fae were warriors…renowned for their strength…

                      Though these men might not know that…he was sure they could see the power his brother possessed, despite being outnumbered.


                      Paxton squeezed his eyes shut, awaiting the inevitable.


                      But It never came…

                      “And that’s why we’re not surrendering.”

                      Paxton opened his eyes, shock filling his features. Had he heard right?

                      He glanced at the boys. They were making a plan now. A plan to fight. To escape if things went wrong.


                      To help him…

                      But…they didn’t even know him…


                      His fingers wrapped around Wolfgang’s leg tighter. Just like Ara….

                      Maybe she’d been right…

                      Maybe everyone really wasn’t like his brothers….or his mother…or…his people in general…


                      They really were the minority.

                      All of them stepped up in front of him, and Wolfgang looked down at him, eyes narrowed in concern.

                      “Be ready, okay?” He whispered softly.

                      Paxton whimpered, nodding.





                      These men weren’t going to surrender.

                      That was obvious. They each took up their stance in front of the Flit, holding daggers, and glaring ahead.

                      They whispered to each other, plans…schemes…

                      Edric huffed a laugh.

                      They didn’t know who they were dealing with.


                      Edric was a Fae…

                      He’d been under the apprenticeship of the Fae Guard General…the best of all of them, the youngest of them as well.

                      Having trained since he was young. Been admired for his skill.


                      His wings twitched ready for battle.


                      If they wanted a fight…

                      They’d get one.


                      Edric flew at the first two young men with the force of a gale wind, knocking them aside. He adjusted his stance into battle position, wings flaring, hitting another boy into a wall.

                      Aramis followed soon after, his a bit more focused on agility. His wings tucked, he jumped bounding on top of one of the men, and then opened his wings, blocking anyone from being able to approach and help.

                      These men had no idea who’d they’d poked….





                      yea….I may have gone a bit far out but they are outnumbered…and they ARE strong….😳😬 this is not going well.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @keilah-h yea they could probably use some help… 🤣


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @elishavet-pidyon @koshka ya on?


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP?


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. Sure! 😀 @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                              Before they could even decide what to do, Edric flew at Joshua and Jakob, knocking both of them to the floor. His wings flared out, hitting Leo.

                              He slammed into the wall with a groan.

                              He rolled over.

                              Grabbed his dagger again.

                              He wasn’t going down so easily.

                              But suddenly something came and hit him, fast.

                              Aramis was suddenly over top of him, wings flared out to stop anyone from coming. “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

                              “A couple of boys too high and mighty about themselves? Oh, I’ve dealt with your types before.” Leo replied. Snarled, actually.

                              Aramis smiled, and suddenly Leo was back home again. With Frida, Adolphus, or Dietrich standing over him.

                              And he saw them hurting his brothers again.

                              Leo’s teeth clenched.

                              He wasn’t going to stand by.

                              Not anymore.

                              He used his arms and legs to propel himself and kicked Aramis in the gut, hard.

                              Aramis staggered backwards, and Leo held the dagger tighter. “Don’t touch any of them. Not. Any. More.”


                              Joshua jumped to his feet. Jakob followed.

                              Edric turned to face them, a cruel smile on his face. “What, are you not done yet?”

                              Jakob laughed. “Did you think we were that weak? We’re only getting started.”

                              Joshua stayed beside his younger brother.

                              Leo was evidently trying to fight Aramis off.

                              “We’re not going to give up that easily.” Joshua replied. Dear Jesus, help us, he silently prayed, again.

                              Because it was very clear they were going to need his help if they wanted to win.


                              Wolfgang held Paxton even closer.

                              “Reuben…what do we do?”

                              “We follow orders.”

                              “Reuben! We can’t just leave them to fight alone!”

                              “I have orders and I’m going to follow them. They’ll be fine, they said that.”

                              “And what if they’re not?” Wolfgang asked, holding Paxton even closer.

                              It brought him a sense of comfort, somehow.

                              “Leave them alone!” Someone suddenly ordered.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h hey would y’all mind if I perhaps brought Lilith in??



                                These young men were insistent, he had to give them that…

                                No matter. They were still no match for the he and his brother.

                                Aramis stumbled back, but quickly regained his footing, returning the favor to the young man he was in the midst of battle with, kicking him in the gut, and giving him a quick fist to the chin, causing him to reel backward.


                                Edric was taking on two at a time. One had his dagger out, sinking it into Edric’s arm. His brother roared, but it only made the fire in his eyes grow brighter. He turned on the brother, pulling the dagger from his arm.



                                Now he had the weapon.

                                Edric was smiling.

                                He flashed the blood-spotted metal, his wings hitting once again, aiming for whoever was near.


                                A voice from behind caught Aramis’ attention.


                                ”Leave them alone!”

                                A young woman with blonde hair rounded on the brothers from behind. Aramis felt pressure on his wings, and his eyes landed on the female.


                                Her attire was strange…but her face was filled with determination, and her grip was strong, much like the females of his people.


                                Still, he wasn’t one to give in that easily.

                                “Well, hello beautiful,” Aramis grinned, with as much force as he could muster he flung out his wings, sending her flying.




                                The sounds of fighting rung through the halls. Fists pounding. Blood…

                                Paxton hid his face, tears springing from his eyes.

                                “Do we go?” Reuben whispered. Was he asking himself or Wolfgang?

                                Wolfgang seemed eager to stay, fists clenching. He glanced at Paxton.

                                “Hey…Paxton, it’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay.”


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. I don’t mind at all! And uh oh…he made Crosshair furious, I’m sure. xD

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