Character Castle!

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  • #119903
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. I meant Gott ist gut. *face-palms* xD

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 AHHHH I LOVE THAT OH MY WORD!!!!




        The brothers were…laughing now.

        Obviously playing some sort of game, though Paxton wasn’t entirely sure what they were speaking…

        It sounded a bit like nonsense to him. But their laughter was infectious, and it made him relax if at least a little.

        His eyes followed each brother as they spoke, conversing with one another. Laughing. Enjoying each other’s company.

        Paxton smiled into his bear, following along.

        It reminded him a bit of Jocelyn, and the games she’d recently introduced him too. The jokes she told to make him laugh.

        And it made him think of Nyx. Grimm. Ember.

        The funny banter and quips Nyx always gave…

        At first, Paxton had thought Nyx was just kinda…mean.

        And Grimm didn’t like anyone…

        But…it soon became apparent that…well, it was quite the opposite, and they were actually really close. All three of them.

        Just like these brothers here were.

        Laughing and joking with each other.

        It made Paxton wonder if he’d ever get to that point with his friends…

        Maybe one day…

        He’d already opened up to them more…

        To Ara…his sister…

        He breathed in that word, letting it warm his heart.

        And Luna, his new friend. She was nice too.

        All of them were.

        And…maybe one day he’d be comfortable enough to fully feel a part of everything…like these brothers were a part of each other.

        Another bout of laughter drew him from his thoughts. He glanced up at Wolfgang, still holding his hand. The younger man glanced down.

        “You good?”

        Paxton flushed, ears tinting. He nodded. Wolfgang smiled. “So, Paxton, what’s your sister like? Is…is she nice?” Wolfgang faltered slightly at the question.

        Paxton blinked, thinking about Ara.

        About the first time they’d met, only a little while back….

        The gentle way she’d approached him…

        He’d been scared out of his mind in truth…probably resembled a caged animal…

        But…she’d been so…different.

        From everyone.

        Like nothing he’d ever experience before.

        (yall I feel myself wanting to cry while writing this…)


        “My name’s Arabella….you’re Paxton, aren’t you?”

        Paxton blinked away the sudden tears at the memory.

        “She…She‘s…She’s nice. I…I…” He searched for the words, unsure of what to say.

        How do you begin to describe someone who changed your life so greatly?

        “She…she loves me….” He whispered, thinking only on her. On her gentle words, her hugs.

        The sacrifice she’d made…for him.


        She’d nearly died…

        For him…

        She’d chosen him….

        Something that…no one had ever done before…

        And that kind of love…

        That kind of love…

        What even was that?

        He looked up. Wolfgang was smiling.

        “I’m glad,” he whispered.


        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1056



          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @elishavet-pidyon. Do you wanna RP, or do you want me to continue with Riker/Leon? 🙂

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. Thank you! I only thought of it while typing. xD @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


              Wolfgang smiled. “I’m glad.”

              Paxton smiled faintly.

              Wolfgang squeezed his hand, carefully.

              He was very glad to hear that Paxton’s sister loved him.

              Wolfgang had his brothers…and loved them…but what did…a Mother’s love look like? A Father’s love? A sister’s love?

              Those…he had no clue.

              “Do you have any friends?” Jakob asked softly, breaking the silence. “Oh, but you don’t have to talk about if you don’t want to.”

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1555

                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


                Nyx looked miffed, like a kid told no.

                At least everyone here seemed to have a sense of humor, even if slightly disfunctional. He grinned and seated himself cross legged and leaned against the wall, hands clasped behind his head.


                He eased himself to the floor, grateful for the respite.

                What did he know about this place? That it was a rather strange castle. That he had even heard it called magical. That there wasn’t, and had never been, any sort of explanation as to how they got here.

                Something about Grimm seemed so familiar, yet…maybe he was an officer of some sort. Or had been.

                Zlatan leaned his chin on one hand, pulling his mind back into order. Letting it sort out the jumbled pieces. Planning, strategy. He smiled.

                “The last time we were here, the lord over this castle had to be delt with. But now,” he glanced at the walls around him, blackened stone whispering of long disuse. “Something’s changed. These halls have seen more years than my father.”

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


                  “I’ll say…” Nyx mused, eyes flashing in the dim light. “Place needs a remodel, that’s for sure,” he let out a disgusted growl as he flicked something away from the stone floor nearby.

                  The brothers chuckles. Grimm let out a breath of a laugh as well, shaking his head.

                  “I think we have more important things to worry about.”

                  Just saying,” Nyx rolled his shoulders.

                  “Nyx mentioned this…Castle Lord. Hopefully he won’t be a problem now, seeing as time has passed. We should still be on alert though. I doubt anyone here knows this place well enough to make a map of sorts, hm?”

                  They all shook their heads.

                  Grimm leaned back, using his palms to rest. His mind clouded in thought, eyes graying.

                  If they didn’t know their way around the castle…that would make things…difficult.

                  He glanced at the brothers. At their swords, their hilts, Vulkasin’s apparel.

                  For a moment he wondered exactly where the two were from. Who they exactly were…what they did.

                  Were they soldiers? Warriors? Generals?

                  They were…only his age, at least they appeared to be…

                  But…Grimm knew firsthand that age usually didn’t matter in the world…

                  Most of the time, you got thrown into things that…you had absolutely no business being involved in. He rubbed his neck, where a scar all the way to his chest.

                  Needless to say, if they were soldiers, or in any form of military, or regime…they were much better suited to lead then he was, that was for certain.


                  Yet, neither of them seemed extremely wanting to take his place…

                  Not that he blamed him…


                  Perhaps he was just wishing they would….

                  He swallowed, raising his brows and returning to his earlier position, sitting up straight.

                  “We do have one thing going for us. Well, two I suppose.” He glanced at the group. “Nyx is a fox, and I’m a Shifter. Which means we can use our keen senses to listen and smell for others nearby. If we get close to anyone, we should be able to pick them out. Though…my senses are better in that…other form.” He looked at Nyx, “And really, I don’t want to be padding around this castle as a wolf for the rest of the day. Which leaves-“

                  Me. Whoop-dee-doo.” Nyx lay his head on one paw, and scratched the ground with the other, seemingly bored out of his mind.

                  “Yes. You. You know our friend’s smells anyway, which means you’ll be able to tell if it’s a stranger approaching.”

                  Uh, hate to break it to ya oh great and powerful leader, but that still doesn’t solve our “where do we go next” problem.”

                  Grimm sucked in a breath.

                  The kit was right.

                  And…he hadn’t been here before.

                  Nyx would need to focus on sniffing out scents and listening for any sign of trouble…

                  And…Grimm needed to keep an eye on him anyway, not that the fox needed to know that…

                  So, he turned to the brothers.

                  “Would one of you mind leading us?”

                  Ah, the blind leading the blind…”

                  Grimm shot Nyx a glare. The fox merely smirked, shrugging once again. He sighed.

                  “Don’t mind him. He needs to focus on other things while we travel, and, frankly, I don’t know anything about this place. We need someone who can get us around better then I can. So, what do you say? If you’re feeling up to it now.” He looked pointedly at Zlatan, daring him to try and lie.

                  “And If not, we can rest a while longer.”


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


                    “Do you have any friends?” Jakob’s voice echoed through the halls. “Oh, but you don’t have to talk about if you don’t want to.”

                    Paxton gripped Wolfgang’s hand, considering it. There were…quite a few now…

                    Before…he hadn’t had any friends…

                    Now…he had many…

                    But to try and talk about them all seemed…a bit overwhelming…

                    Especially considering his..



                    He bit his bottom lip, then, slowly, nodded. “Y-Y-Yes…I-I h-have friends n-now.” He winced slightly at his voice.

                    “Would you like to tell us about them? You don’t have to…” Joshua this time.

                    Paxton sucked in a deep breath, preparing his words carefully. “They-they’re nice…I-I just…just met them, not too…too long ago.” Took another breath, calming his nerves.

                    “Th-there’s Jocel-l-lyn, and…and…Nyx. He…he’s a fox,” Paxton couldn’t help the giggle that escaped his mouth at that remark.

                    “A fox?!” The boys exclaimed. Paxton winced almost invisibly at the sound. Wolfgang tightened his grip.

                    “Sorry, Paxton,” he frowned.

                    Paxton smiled, eyes crinkling, “It-It’s okay….N-N-Nyx is pretty…pretty…strange.”

                    “I’ll bet,” Leo was grinning, shaking his head. “Really a fox then?”

                    Paxton nodded, grinning now. “Th-then there’s Gr-Gr-Grimm. He…he’s fluffy…” Paxton commented. The boys exchanged looks.

                    “Another fox?” Reuben asked.

                    “N-No…H-He’s a…a shifter.”

                    (this is hilarious XD)

                    “A what?”

                    “A…A Shifter…A w-wolf Sh-shifter…” He left it at that, as if it explained everything. Because it should have.

                    The brothers glanced at each other, exchanging looks that Paxton didn’t understand. 

                    Adult looks…


                    He’d seen them before…back home…

                    Secret conversation looks..

                    Paxton shuddered slightly.


                    (hey….freedom I get the feeling your boys are gonna think Paxton’s friends are all imaginary….👀 this is gonna be fun XD!!)

                    “Alright, Paxton, how about the others?” Wolfgang asked, smiling.

                    “Oh…uh…” His eyes lit up. He found his steps growing lighter now, the light around him not seeming quite so dim anymore as he continued to share about him new friends….

                    New family…

                    “Th-there’s Em-Em-Ember!” He exclaimed. “He-he-he’s kinda like m-me…and…and…he lets me follow him around and…and…he’s really gr-great!” Paxton was beaming now, growing more and more animated as he spoke.

                    The brothers chuckled.

                    “He sounds great. Anyone else?”

                    Paxton thought for a moment. “There’s…a new g-girl…L-Luna…She l-likes my bear.” He held up Hope, studying the stuffed animal for a moment, before returning her into his side, giving her a tight squeeze.

                    The brother’s were grinning now, from ear to ear, though still exchanging weird glances back and forth. Paxton ignored it however, feeling better now then he had before.

                    He looked up, “Do…do you have any…any fr-friends here?”



                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645



                      heyoo!! So….


                      Where exactly is Frida, and her boys???


                      I’m just wondering when we should bring in some conflict for The Bois and Paxton, and if it should be Aramis and Edric, or ur Charries….



                      what do u think?


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        Also did u get to read the Edric and Aramis RP?


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @koshka sooo anyone on to RP?


                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1056

                            @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @koshka


                            *The door flies open*

                            *I skid in with a crash and a yelp*

                            Hi, y’all! I’m back.

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645


                              *I nearly get knocked over but am able to dodge* YEEP!! *I quickly right myself* Ah! Hello there good friend! Welcome back!


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                Also @freedomwriter76 might not be on, because she seems to get off around this time tho I could be wrong.


                                but @koshka might be!


                                Elishavet Elroi
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1056


                                  Right. I’ll get to it!

                                  *Is very glad you managed to dodge*

                                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

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