Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


      “…Would any of you young ladies know where we might be?” Vince asked, eyes kind as he looked around.

      “I’m afraid we’re also at a loss…” Cécile looked around at the surroundings.

      “Well, lucky for you, we know exactly where we are!” Jocelyn grinned, voice exuberant.

      Ara let out a small laugh, laying a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Ah, we sorta know where we are. In the fact that we’ve been here before. Lyn and I, that is.”

      The newcomers turned toward them. Jocelyn nodded, “Yea, we don’t really know the name of this place, but we know it’s some sort of castle. We were…transported here? Whatever it was, a few years back. And now, looks like we’re back again!”

      “Wow!” Annia was beaming, enthralled by the idea of a magical castle obviously, Ara smiled.

      Luna stepped forward, “Right now, we’re searching for our friends.”

      “Yup! You’re welcome to join us!” Lyn placed one hand on her hips glancing at Ara as if to make sure she was in the right. Ara smiled as well.

      “Yes, we’d be more then happy to have you join us.”


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1555

        @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


        At last. Someone to make Zlati slow down for a moment.

        But his brother had that quirk in his brow which said he was thinking. Analyzing.

        “I’m a Desanik. I’ll be fine.” He gave the edge of his cloak a jerk. “But if you vant to stop a moment…V’e do need to know v’hat happened to Nyx. However, ve do not v’ant it happening again, so ve need to be careful. Perhaps a plan?”

        Zlatan leaned his shoulder back against the wall, jaw tight and much too apparent. He looked…older. Vulkasin ground his teeth. He shouldn’t be like this.

        If he ever got his hands on who had done this. They’d wish they had never been born.

        “Vulk…” His brother’s voice was soft, but his eyes had narrowed to slits. He had read his thought. Again. “Stop that. I did this to myself.”

        Vulkasin’s voice rumbled with low thunder. “I can hardly imagine how you could beat yourself unconscious, and-” Zlatan’s eyes turned molten, silencing his next words, but his brother’s voice only dropped lower, quieter.

        “I will deal viff the consequences of my actions. I should have been severed, brother. I shouldn’t be here.” He switched to their mother tongue. “I have done many things I will always regret, but I’ll never wish way what gave me this.

        Vulkasin sighed.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Koshka.

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @koshka UGH ZLATAN!!! Okay, Zlatan is srsly gonna be getting to Grimm now….



          Zlatan had the look of determination in his eyes. Refusal to accept the help of others.

          But more then that…

          His words…the pain in his features, displayed more then just a physical issue.

          It showed a guilt that Grimm knew firsthand.

          Grimm felt his heart drop, cold reaching into every fiber of his body. He shuddered slightly.

          Nyx looked up, green and brown blinking. The kit’s brows raised in slight concern, sensing the change in Grimm’s mood.

          The two exchanged a look…

          One filled with meaning.


          Nyx’s eyes narrowed, filled with…concern and…warmth.

          For all the kit’s annoyance, and aggravating tendencies, Grimm knew deep down he was a fighter, just like him.

          And that…he loved deeply.

          Though, if you ever said that out loud, you’d better be prepared to face the consequences.

          Grimm quirked his lips into a small smile, that said, “Yea, yea, I know…”

          Nyx twitched his nose, obviously pleased with himself. He lay back down, only to have Grimm grip the scruff of his fur, firmly but lovingly.

          He whispered, “But you better take your own advice.”

          The kit huffed, turning away to sulk.

          Grimm sighed, turning his attention back to the brothers. “A plan…would be good.” His eyes landed once more on the dark-haired brother. “However, I mean it when I say you need to rest as well. There’s no reason you can’t do that while we make our plan. We’ll stop here.”

          He narrowed his eyes, holding the kit in one arm. If the brothers wanted to leave, and travel on their own, then so be it.

          But as long as they stayed with him, they weren’t going to run themselves ragged.

          He’d seen too many times what that could do to someone…

          Seen it in himself….

          His memories lighted on Jocelyn…her kind words. Gentle touch. Healing his wounds, both physical and emotional…

          Grimm…”  Lyn’s emerald eyes stared into his soul, seeing deep inside of him. He shifted, suddenly uncomfortable. He felt exposed. Too exposed. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek. “You don’t have to carry this alone…not anymore. Not ever. It wasn’t your fault, Grimm. None of it.”

          His fists clenched, teeth grinding. “I couldn’t get to her, Jocelyn…don’t you get it? I couldn’t…couldn’t…” He looked away. “And…I can’t…I won’t have that happen again.”

          Lyn’s hand gently turned his face back to her, her smile lighting up the dark room. “Listen to me, what happened was not your fault, do you understand? Please…don’t carry this guilt with you forever…”


          Grimm‘s eyes slid to his belt, where the golden locket hung from it’s loop. He lifted it gently, rubbing his thumb over the smooth, golden heart, and then he stared at the blue crystal beside it, on its own silver chain.


          Destina of Courage…


          He sucked in a breathe.

          “We’re stopping, and you are going to rest,” he stated, staring at the brothers with cobalt eyes. “But if you have a problem with that, you’re free to go your own way.”


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. PAXTONNNNN!!!!!! *sobs* I read the whole RP…and…*sobs* @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


            Paxton began to cry and buried most of his face in his bear’s fluff.

            They had hurt him.

            He was eleven years old…and…and…he’d been abused.

            Just like…them. 

            Reuben glanced around and noticed that not one of his brothers had a dry eye. His weren’t either.

            Reuben wiped away a few tears.

            “Thank you, Paxton…for…talking about it…and hey…we understand…we’ve been through the same…” Leo whispered.

            “Yeah…we have…and now we know you have too. Come on, Paxton…it’s going to be okay…” Wolfgang whispered, extending his hand back out to Paxton.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @koshka @elishavet-pidyon

              @freedomwriter76 I KNOW!!!!


              He couldn’t stop the tears coming from his eyes now, all he could do was hide them in the fur of his bear.

              He glanced up and, with blurred vision, could see that the others were crying too.

              Reuben was watching with soft, tear-stained eyes. He wiped them away.

              Leo whispered gently, “Thank you, Paxton…for…talking about it…and hey…we understand…we’ve been through the same…”

              Paxton looked at them all, studying their faces, now recognizing the familiar looks in them.

              They…they’d been through the same…

              That was why the looks in their eyes were so…familiar.

              It was the look he held in his own eyes…


              It was the look he often saw in Ember’s eyes too….

              And…he trusted Ember…

              Like a real brother….

              So…he could trust these boys…right?

              He sniffled.

              “Yeah…we have…and now we know you have too. Come on, Paxton…it’s going to be okay…” Wolfgang extended his hand back out, and, this time, Paxton took it a bit quicker, lacing his fingers into the young man’s own.

              Wolfgang helped him, and then, slowly pulled him a bit closer, Paxton tensed, still holding Hope to his chest.

              But, slowly, his shoulders relaxed.

              Wolfgang barely touched him as he wrapped his arms around him, as if he’d break the boy with the slightest movement, and….

              Paxton appreciated it…

              Because he wasn’t really sure he could take a real hug right now.

              But he did lean in a bit, to the older boy’s touch. Just slightly.

              The others stood as well, making sure not to crowd, each offering heartfelt smiles and wiping at their eyes.

              Paxton glanced up at Wolfgang, his ice blue eyes meeting Wolfgang’s own eyes. Slowly, the little boy gripped the older’s hand tighter, content with walking beside him, leaning into him as they traveled.

              “You alright?” Wolfgang whispered.

              Paxton nodded, feeling…better now. Lighter.

              “Yes. Th-thank you….” He smiled sweetly. A real smile.


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 AGH ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭


                OH ALSO!! So…I’d love to see the Bois interacting with each other some…ya know if ya want 😂 and of course I’m sure they have some feelings on what happened to Paxton….


                idk how old Wolfgang and Reuben were when they first started being abused? We’re they as young as Paxton??


                paxton has actually been abused his whole life….


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1555


                  Grimm!!!! *Sob*

                  @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon


                  “We’re stopping, and you are going to rest,” Grimm stared at him. “But if you have a problem with that, you’re free to go your own way.”

                  Vulkasin laughed. And kept laughing till he sank helplessly to the floor. Great. Zlatan cut his eyes at his brother, but he couldn’t help the pucker forming at the corner of his mouth.

                  It wasn’t as if he was adverse to a break, he just didn’t like being the one in need of it. He was an officer, he was to put his men first in all situations. But that also meant first making sure he was in working order before he could help another.

                  That didn’t mean his brother had to be so amused.

                  “V’hat.” He continued to glare until Vulkasin gained some measure of self control.

                  “Ah me! Of all odds..” he almost dissolved back into hilarity. “To be stuck…with two of you!”

                  Zlatan and Grimm both stared at him.

                  Good grief.

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    HAHAHAH VULKASIN!!! @koshka YESSSS!!!!


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


                      Vulkasin’s laughter rang through the halls. Nyx’s ears twitched. He glanced at the light-haired brother, who was now bent over in mirth, eyes teary.

                      “Ah me! Of all odds.. To be stuck…with two of you!”

                      Nyx grinned, sniggering. Grimm shot him a pointed glare, which made him only snicker more. The fox sat up, fluffing his fur and glancing at Vulk again.

                      Yup, definitely see the resemblance,” The fox looked at each dark-haired man. “Pshh…of all luck…right?” Nyx smirked.

                      Grimm’s expression never changed, his brows thin slits and his eyes betraying no emotion. “Better then two of you.”

                      Nyx’s fur raised in indignation. He hissed, “Hey!”

                      Vulk chuckled, and even Zlatan cracked a smile. Nyx’s maw twitched into a sneer and he huffed, turning away. He jumped from Grimm’s hand onto the ground, sitting on his haunches, pouting.



                      Grimm sighed, rolled his eyes to the ceiling above, before slowly starting to remove his long black overcoat. He folded it halfway and sat down on the ground, setting it beside him.

                      He motioned with a pleasant smile for the brothers to join him. “Well, might as well get comfortable if we’re going to be stopping for a bit. And if we’re going to make a plan, I suggest we start with what we all know of this castle. Which…I’m guessing isn’t much. Our main focus should probably be finding others…and not running into…trouble.”

                      Grimm glanced at Nyx. The fox was laying down now, tails swishing gently against the stone floor.

                      “Nyx…any idea what happened back there?”

                      Nyx looked away. He shrugged. Grimm sucked in a breath. He could read the fox’s body language pretty well…

                      And he knew the fox wasn’t going to say anything right now…

                      At least…not in front of the brothers…

                      “…Alright. Well, whatever the case, as long as we steer clear of whoever did that, we should be fine. Person seems to be long gone, so…our main goal should just be making it through this…place. I’ve never been here before. Nyx has been,” he glanced at the fox again, “And…what about you? Do you two know anything of this castle?”

                      Grimm could feel his inner rebel leader coming out. All the times he’d had to make quick battle plans, and set up attack formations…

                      The days he wished someone else would take his place…

                      He swallowed, that feeling sinking in again…

                      He didn’t want to be a leader…but sometimes…it just happened that way…

                      He was thankful for Arabella now…having taken on that role. But…sometimes he still found himself in that position…

                      He’d only been a boy when the rebellion began…

                      A child…trying to lead more children…into a battle that…none of them were prepared for.

                      He clenched his fists, digging them into his slacks as the cold of his mountain homeland pierced his skin.


                      Well…he supposed some things just…never left.



                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4721

                        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12


                        Ok, I think I’m keeping Crosshair and Feather because now that I’ve seen Grimm, I kinda wonder how he’d get along with my characters. Rinzler will also come back, because I’m thinking of adding his sister later. But he won’t be as active. Jareth and Crow go back, because I’m planning to reintroduce my charries a year from the last adventure, and I haven’t ironed out Jareth’s life that far yet, so….


                        But I’m also introducing someone new!


                        His name is Kad. I’m excited about adding him because he’s a dragon. Well, actually, of a half dragon half man species–he looks human overall but has huge wings and a scaly tail with a scorpion-like venom barb on the end. Also, he can breathe “frostfire”–a type of fire that looks normal but is extremely cold instead of hot.

                        He won’t come in contact with my other characters because they are from two different AUs of one universe, and it’d be a little weird if they met because the versions of Crosshair and Feather that are in Kad’s world are also half-dragon….so he’d be like “what…your wings are gone and you’re small, what the heck happened?”

                        His description:

                        Black hair and very dark brown eyes; the pupils of his eyes are a very dark blue instead of black. Light tan skin where it’s not obscured by scales, such as on his face. Not sure about his age. His scales are mostly white, but with yellow scattered throughout in something of a tiger-like pattern, and a few gray speckles. You won’t see his scales, though, because he wears a dark-colored cloak with armor underneath. He has several large spikes on the back of his neck and a line of them running all the way down to the tip of his tail, where six spikes are arranged on his tail–three on each side.


                        OK! So, I was rambling. For now, here’s Crosshair and Feather’s POV.


                        Crosshair and Feather (one year after the previous incident)

                        Feather awoke, startled. “What–where are we?”

                        Crosshair raised his head from beside her. “I think……we’re back here.”

                        “You mean…where all the other characters were?” Feather wondered, standing up. “I remember that.” She felt along the side of the wall.

                        Crosshair stood up also, listening. “I hear voices. Want to check it out?”



                        And here’s my new guy!


                        Where was he? Where was he?

                        Kad hissed and thrashed, daring the talons that’d grabbed him to mess with his tail and his fire.

                        Until he realized nothing really had its hold on him.

                        He sat up, a little startled, his tail flicking. Breathing a little frostfire into the air to light his way, he realized he was in a hallway of some sort.

                        Voices rumbled nearby, and he decided he’d go check it out.

                        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP with The Bois?? Btw we need to get that trademarked XD!!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            Along with the #ProtectionSquad


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. Prob no older than 5 for Reuben, I would say. Maybe even younger. Then Wolfgang would have been 3, it was somewhere in that area, I would have to say. ❤️😭 @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                              They began moving again, their tears finally spent, their hearts finally lighter.

                              Joshua smiled. “…God ist gut.” He whispered, so quiet that no one heard. (God is Good in German, for anyone that was curious!) 

                              He still couldn’t believe it…Paxton was so young…but then again…Joshua had been 7 when Frida came and began her abuse…and of course…Adolphus and Dietrich followed her example.

                              Children always did.

                              They had no one else to be a role model.

                              Or, at least, many didn’t.

                              Joshua glanced at Leo.

                              He’d had a role model…in Leo.

                              “Joshua, hey, brother, pay attention…”

                              Joshua finally looked up. Smirked. “What, Jakob?”

                              Being the closest in age, only a year apart, everyone had always known he and Jakob were the closest brothers.

                              “Are you thinking over there? You looked a little…like you were thinking. Thinking hard.”

                              “And…what are you trying to say Jakob?” Joshua asked.

                              “Think.” Jakob replied.

                              “Blink.” Joshua replied.

                              “Trunk.” Leo said with a wink.

                              “Punk.” Joshua replied, which made Leo chuckle.


                              “Hey…Reuben, you know nothing rhymes with that!” Wolfgang cried. Laughed.

                              The brothers all laughed.

                              “Alright…when did we start this rhyming game?” Joshua asked with a chuckle.

                              They’d done it for years…and he couldn’t even remember where it had started.

                              “Don’t remember. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Leo said, beginning another game.

                              “It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” Joshua continued.

                              It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.” Jakob said with a grin.

                              It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness.” Reuben continued with a nod towards Wolfgang.

                              It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Wolfgang finished with a grin. Then laughed. “Maybe we’ve read too much Charles Dickens.”

                              Joshua laughed and shook his head. “No such thing.”

                              (Yep, they’ve made up a bunch of games that connect them, which I absolutely LOVE! My book worm bois. XD) 

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @keilah-h idk who Lad’s meeting btw or needs to meet 🤷🏻‍♀️ Kinda up to everyone else.


                                Ik the group with paxton is probably a definite no cuz that would probably cause problems 😂


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. Kad can meet Nathan/David/Morrison. I haven’t even been them yet. XDXDXD

                                  Only if you want to, Keilah! 🙂

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