Character Castle!

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  • #119831
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @godlyfantasy12. IKR!?!?!?!? I’m locking Adolphus and Dietrich up too!!!! *crosses arms, huffs, and marches off to go throw them in the dungeon for the rest of their lives*

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon.


        The blonde girl stepped away.

        “T…thank you…” Dawson whispered. Whatever those…capsules were…they’d helped him not feel it as much.

        “Do you need any help? Who did this to you?” Another blonde girl asked, bounding over.

        “I think this kind lady got it.” Vince smiled at the blonde girl who had helped Dawson, “But thank you. And…Dawson’s superior officer ordered him whipped…Colonel Hitchens.”

        Dawson’s fists instinctively clenched at the mention of that name.

        That man.

        “And…and Colonel Hitchens m-m-made me…and n-now…you’re hurt!” 

        Dawson took in a deep breath.

        Oh…wherever Nathan was now…Dawson only hoped that he was safe.

        “Thank you both for checking on him and taking care of him…if you don’t mind me asking, what are your names? My name is Vince, and this is Dawson.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @freedomwriter76 AGH THE BOIS ARE SO SWEEET 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️



          They were all on the ground now. All sitting. Staring. At him.

          He flushed, hands still trembling as he backed into the wall as far as he could.

          ”We won’t hurt you. Ever. We promise.” Leo was finishing, his eyes soft, just like all of the others.

          Paxton stared at him, gauging his sincerity.

          It seemed real…

          Just as Ara had seemed that day….

          His heart pounded in his ears, filling his senses. Slowly, he slid down against the wall and to the floor, pulling his knees to his chest.

          They were quiet for a little while longer. The brothers patiently waiting for Paxton to initiate the conversation, and Paxton waiting to see what they would do.

          Finally, he spoke.

          “You…you pr-pro-promise?”

          It was Jakob who spoke this time, “We promise.”

          Paxton eyed then all, sucking in a small breath. He squeezed Hope tighter, fingering the crystal around her neck.

          “Didn’t….didn’t mean to…to get sc-scared…S-s-sorry.”

          “Nothing to apologize for,” Joshua said, smiling.

          Paxton shifted. “I…I,” he looked between the boys, tilted his head into his bear. “I’m not used to…to…to…new people…”

          “We understand. And if you’re uncomfortable with us being too close, we can back off a bit…”

          Paxton considered this for a moment. “I-I just…just…” His brows furrowed slightly. “I’m not used to…bro-bro-bro…” His mouth tripped on the word, his mind repeating it, but unable to get it out. His nose crinkled in frustration. “Bro..bro…brothers who g-get along. Th-that’s all.” He blushed at his crippling impediment, staring at the ground.


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


            Superior Officer?

            Lyn’s face twisted. How could someone do that to a person? Even if you were in charge of them?

            If anything, that should make you want to care for them…

            Not abuse them.

            But…she knew now just how the world worked…and that oftentimes, people didn’t always do what they were supposed to…

            Her heart broke as she thought of November, now one of her best friends, and the long conversations they had long into the night about his father…The things he battled with.


            Things he thought of himself that…Maybe even Arabella didn’t know.


            Mostly because they involved her….


            And…And sweet Paxton.

            Oh…little Paxton.

            Lyn’s eyes grew glassy.

            The darker-skinned man looked up, eyes kind. He smiled. “Thank you both for checking on him and taking care of him…if you don’t mind me asking, what are your names? My name is Vince, and this is Dawson.”

            Arabella stepped forward, Luna beside her. “I am Arabella. This is Dolunay.”

            “Hello,” Luna waved. “You May call me Luna,” she smiled, her skin glowing as it usually did.

            “I’m Jocelyn, thought most call me Lyn. It’s a pleasure to meet ya!” Lyn nodded her head.

            The younger girl from behind bounded up, her black hair flying behind her. She came up beside the blonde woman, grinning. Her eyes flashing from person to person, and then landed on Luna, widening in awe. She then turned back to Vince and Dawson, giving them a wave.


            (I’ll let u introduce ur characters Koshka)


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76

              Now…how to write Aramis and Edric…I’ve never even considered writing them in POV before… 😳



              “Could you try not to make so much noise?” Edric glared at his younger brother, fists clenching and unclenching steadily.

              Aramis merely smirked, shaking a strand of brown hair out of his face. “Psshh, who’s going to hear us here? The rats?”

              “I’m serious. Not another sound.”

              “Or what?” Aramis sidled up next to his older brother, offering a glare that rivaled his own. “Come now, you know you need me.”

              “And why is that,” Edric huffed.

              “Same reason I need you, I suppose.” The younger boy picked at his fingernails. “If we’re going to bring back the family name. The inheritance, we’re going to have to find mother. And we both know that she listens to me more then she listens to you.”

              Edric growled.

              “Ah, ah, wait a minute,” Aramis stopped him, holding a finger to his brother’s lips. “I didn’t finish. While she may listen to me…I also understand that…well…” Aramis sighed, “You’re still the firstborn…and…by all standards, she’s still rather fond of you. Though I’ll never know why,” Aramis rolled his eyes.

              Edric let out a hard sigh.

              “Point is, it’ll take both of us if we want to restore the family name. Both of us, and mother. Along with the Fae Guard…which…you’ve always had more sway with…”

              “Because you’re nothing but a troublemaker.”

              Aramis gasped dramatically. “I’m hurt!” Edric rolled his eyes. “Alright, fine. I may be a troublemaker…but…even you have to admit that, right now? We could use a bit of…trouble in the family.”

              “I think we’ve had plenty.”

              “I mean the right kind of trouble.”

              “I don’t follow.”

              “Edric, Edric, Edric…Please try to keep up! Do you really think that it’s merely accident we were…what? Transported? Magically switched? Teleported? To this place?” He motioned to the castle depths they now stood in, far from the prison they once were bound in,’only moments ago.

              “No, no dear brother! Why…this…this is fate…I can feel it. And if we’re here, then Mother must be as well, hm?”

              Edric stopped, crossing his arms. He quirked his lips to the side, taking in all that his brother was saying. It…made sense.

              “Alright. What do you have in mind then?”

              “Well, first things first, we find her obviously! Really, I thought you were the master at planning.”

              Edric glared.

              “Then, we find our way out of here, and finish what she started.”

              “And how, exactly, do we do that?”

              Aramis shrugged. “How should I know. You’re the big master coordinator. The one who was in training to be a general. A King…”

              “You would’ve been a king too, fool.”

              “Ah, but I wouldn’t have had to do any work! You, however, wanted to rule the Fae…and…we’re a rather problematic race, if I do say so my self.”

              Edric’s wings twitched, but he couldn’t argue.

              “Alright…so perhaps we won’t be able to take control as easily…but…perhaps…we could at least take our revenge.”

              At this, Edric’s brows raised.


              Aramis’ smile twisted into a grin. “Of course.”


              Aramis’s blue eyes lit with a flame of molten gold. A look Edric knew well in his brother. A dangerous, feral look, that always warned someone to stay away…



                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1555

                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


                Now that there was no more…no more…blood, she could come bounding over with as much energy as usual.

                The fairy had been crying, her nose and cheeks all pink and rosey.

                Oh, wait. She hadn’t introduced herself yet. She waved to the others.

                “My name’s Annia Winston. Good to meet you!” She bobbed a curtsey to the new comers, green eyes dancing. “She’s sort of my sister.”

                “I’m Cécile.” Cécile placed a hand on her arm.

                A hand that smelled strongly of antiseptic and hospital smells. Annia shuddered, but managed to smother the memories. Her smile never wavered.


                His commanding officer had done this? What sort of creature was he?!

                Like one of the Claw. She’d seen what was done to their own who stepped out of line…and had helped burry their prisoners.

                She bit back the memories, sending up a silent prayer for the young soldier.

                • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Koshka.

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @koshka Annia is so much like Lyn! Or at least younger Lyn! She’s still like that but she’s grown up just a little bit (tho not too much XD!!!


                  also any idea if @elishavet-pidyon or @freedomwriter76 is on?


                  OH I GOTTA DO A NYX AND GRIMM RP 🤣

                  OKAY SO….


                  I was writing this and I was kinda bored….so….this spiraled….Vulkasin and Zlatan will have…a lot of questions at the end and I’m sure u do too so to help stem off confusion…Lilith did some…uhh Siren stuff

                  Grimm & Nyx

                  Nyx’s nose lifted, sniffing the air for any signs of his companions.


                  He scrunched his maw in annoyance, sighing. He hopped forward, glancing back to make sure the other were with him.

                  Ugh…people could move so slow sometimes…

                  Grimm was pretty apt at keeping up…not that he’d ever tell him that.

                  But the twins seemed to be lagging.

                  Zlatan taking up the rear, definitely looking a bit worn, and Vulkasin trying to stay fairly close. He twitched in slight agitation.


                  Could we PLEASS pick up the pace? Or are we gonna have to stop for the old ladies in the back?”

                  “Nyx!” Grimm’s tone was short and firm, not high and shocked like most people’s. Commanding.

                  Nyx glared, sniffing his nose at him. Grimm glared right back, never taking his eyes away. He stalked forward, staring down at the kit.

                  “Actually, why don’t we stop.” Grimm said calmly, though Nyx could hear the strain in his voice.

                  He was definitely trying to keep his cool.

                  Nyx pursed his lips.

                  How about no.”

                  Grimm stiffened. “Nyx, we’re not the only ones traveling,” he half-whispered. Nyx glanced at the twins and then rolled his eyes back to Grimm.

                  They’re fine… You said yourself that we needed to find the others. What was it? Oh yea… “Who knows what dangers are lurking around here!” Nyx smirked, flicking his tails as he turned the words back on Grimm.

                  “That doesn’t mean we can’t stop to rest.”

                  It kinda does.”

                  “Nyx…so help me.” Grimm’s tone went deeper, like a growl. Nyx felt his hackles raise slightly, his instincts kicking in. He jumped up, turning to glare at the dark-haired man.

                  So help you what? Huh?” Nyx’s tails flicked back and forth, his legs spreading. “What Wolfboy? Try something, I dare ya! Ain’t nothing going to keep me from finding Jocelyn. Not you, not anybody!”


                  Grimm blinked, backing up for a moment.

                  This…this wasn’t Nyx.

                  Not anymore…

                  It used to be. But…Nyx had been getting better.

                  Why the sudden shift?

                  “Nyx…I’m not keeping you from Jocelyn,” Grimm forced his tone to be steady, calm.

                  But the fox didn’t seem to care. He shook his head, as if fighting in himself. His hackles raised further, a low hiss escaping his lips.

                  “Nyx, vat-“ One of the brothers spoke, but Grimm put his arm out, shaking his head.

                  Something was wrong with the kit…

                  He wasn’t sure what, but…

                  Whatever it was…wasn’t good.


                  ”Shut up! I won’t let you keep me from her! I won’t let you hurt her! I won’t!” And with that, the kit’s claws came out. He leapt, heading straight for whoever was near.

                  Grimm’s arm whipped out, catching the kit. Nyx hissed and screeched, filling the caverns with his cries.

                  He was quick…

                  Too quick.

                  “Nyx! Stop!” Grimm wrestled with the little creature, to no avail. Nyx clawed and bit, acting like nothing less than a rabid animal.

                  Grimm eventually got him off him, and onto the ground. He stepped back, looking at the wounds on his arm. Blood was seeping out from the various bite and scratch marks.

                  He glanced at the fox, who was once again shaking his head, like he was trying to get rid of whatever was doing this to him.


                  Grimm’s brows furrowed.

                  He knew this wasn’t Nyx…


                  He also knew he had to stop the little fox.

                  He sucked in a breath, apologizing under his breath.

                  And then…in an instant, everything around him was changed.


                  His wolf form prepared to leap. It jumped, gripping the fox as gently as he could in his jaw.

                  Nyx screeched like he was dying, and the sound made Grimm wince. He could only hope he wasn’t hurting him.

                  He held him against the ground by the scruff of his fur, watching the kit’s eyes to grow wide as saucers.


                  A caged animal…

                  A wild, feral animal…

                  Not the Nyx he knew…

                  Maybe at one point in time it had been…

                  But not anymore….

                  Grimm held him like that for a while, until eventually, slowly, the kit’s eyes grew smaller.


                  Returning to their normal, multi-colored gaze. They glazed over, staring at Grimm with a look of fear and regret.

                  The fox whimpered, his ears sticking to his skull and his tails tucking.

                  Grimm released him, gently nuzzling his nose into the kit’s neck fur.

                  ”G-Grimm…?” A whisper.

                  Grimm replied with a low growl. A sound only Nyx could understand. Nyx blinked.

                  I…I don’t know…why did I…?”

                  Grimm shushed him again, slowly lifting his maw away from the kit’s face. His wolf head turned to the shadows, glaring with glowing blue eyes into the darkness.



                  He sniffed the air.



                  Someone else had been here…

                  Though they weren’t any more…

                  Someone had done this to the kit…

                  Grimm transformed back into his normal self, slowly picking Nyx up from the ground and letting the fox cuddle in close.

                  And he was gonna find out who.



                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1555


                    Wow. I never really noticed that. I mean, I sort of saw the similarities but I’ve also barely written her, so all I have is her voice, if that makes sense.

                    Okay. Zlatan will probably be totally weirded out, while Vulkasin’s gonna be like “THIS IS SO COOL!”

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @koshka XD XD XD!!! I can totally see that!!!!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon I think freedom goes to bed probably fairly early due to school maybe? So we’re just at a standstill with November, Viktor, Paxton, Luna, etc till morning 😊 which is totally fine! Hey Elishavet u got any charries u wanna add or not really


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Oh and y’all….Writing Edric and Aramis was like….


                          A ton of fun tbh….



                          Like I don’t get to write those kinds of characters….


                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1555

                            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

                            This is a little difficult to write, as the twins actually are wolves.

                            The Twins

                            Zlatan stood frozen to the wall, his eyes thinning to liquid gold slits.

                            Vulkasin clamped his mouth shut. How long had he been staring with it hanging like that? Ever since Grimm had done…well, whatever that was.

                            Their people were said to have the blood of wolves in their veins, they had even called themselves the Volkovians -those of the wolf-, but this was taking things to an entirely new level.


                            Grimm was now standing, holding a quivering Nyx.

                            “You’re…a vulk.” Волк. Vulkasin grinned. “Zat v’as, amazing.”

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1056


                              Actually, I do!!

                              So, I don’t know who they’d meet or anything, but I’ll do an RP for William and Alwin.

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @koshka understandable!! Ah I love how Vulkasin describes it, and I love all of them!! @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


                                “Zat v’as amazing.”

                                Grimm glanced at the brothers. Zlatan was still frozen, eyeing Grimm with thin golden eyes, as if studying him.

                                Vulkasin just seemed in awe, his face beaming with curiosity and questions. Though Grimm didn’t exactly have time for many questions…they needed to get moving.

                                They did not need someone messing with people’s heads around here…

                                “Ah…yea,” Grimm cleared his throat, looking down at Nyx. The kit’s heart was beating rapidly in his chest, and his ears and tails were still tucked. Grimm frowned, not entirely sure of what to do.

                                Lyn, or one of the others would’ve been better at handling him then he….

                                “I suppose you’ve never met a Shifter before?”

                                “A vat?” Zlatan finally spoke, still staring.

                                “Shifter. They’re…people who can…well…shift. Into different things. Animals mostly. Usually only one. Though some half-bloods can shift into multiple.” He looked into the shadows, narrowing his eyes.

                                No one seemed to be around…

                                He looked back at the brothers. “I’m a Wolf Shifter. Come from a pack of them. Or, clan, if you would.” He nodded his head in reverence, frowning.

                                The brothers nodded. Vulkasin grinned, obviously intrigued.

                                “But…I’m afraid I’m going to have to spare the details. Whatever just happened to Nyx…wasn’t normal. I think someone did it to him. I smelled someone, a lingering scent. It’s gone now, but…we should get moving. Whoever messed with him…well, we don’t want to be on the receiving end of that anymore.”

                                The brothers glanced at each other, hands moving to their hilts. “Any ideas who it might be?” Zlatan asked.

                                Grimm’s eyes narrowed, staring into the darkness. He peered down at Nyx.

                                “Any clues?” He whispered, trying to still keep the fox calm.

                                Nyx was quiet. He shook his head.

                                Grimm sighed. “I’m afraid not.”


                                Elishavet Elroi
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1056

                                  @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @koshka

                                  And warning: my pen wandered away into the days of iron. Which means… Well, you’ll hear the change.

                                  Also! I’m using this RP to test their dialogue. Alwin is using the less formal “thee” and “thou” because of his very less formal upbringing. I think he may do this in the book, although he mostly drops it in the Squirey/Bible College.

                                  Alwin & William

                                  Our two young men walked down the corridor in shallow apprehension. The hall was both grand for Alwin, whose eyes were used to the more modest home of Sir Winton, and rustic to the court bred William.

                                  To both it was strangely quiet.

                                  “Liam,” Alwin paused at a window, resting his hand upon its shutter to test the wind behind it. “Wast thy home like this?”

                                  William smiled. “Nay. My father cared less for the battle than this lord did.”

                                  “Oh? I think we ought all to be battle ready.”

                                  “For good war all is cast aside. But in peace…” William shrugged. “In peace we are wont to seek comfort over service. My father prefers the beautiful.”

                                  Then he sighed and turned away to go on. He stopped when he felt his friend’s hand on his shoulder.

                                  Nothing was said, but when they went on, William did so with a lighter step and a higher chin.

                                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

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