Character Castle!

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  • #119816
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @godlyfantasy12. Alright…that’s it…I’m taking him down for hurting sweet, precious Paxton. I’m throwing him in the dungeon for the rest of his life!!! ALL THREE OF THEM, FOR THAT MATTER! But not Soren…he’s wonderfully redeemed. 🙂

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 u should add Frida too, because then Paxton will have more trauma but from someone else



        (y we do dis XD)


          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @godlyfantasy12. Like, having all of yours and mine!? Or just Frida without Lillith? Because I kinda want Joshua to call her a fallen angel…xD

          (Who knows…XD)

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @freedomwriter76 IKR!!! But Aramis is by far the most twisted! Of course it does always go back to the parents….

            but…Aramis is just…yeaaaaa


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 I mean they don’t all have to meet at one time XD. But yea all of ur villains can at least be roaming the castle! Why not, there’s plenty of other charries to meet and traumatize 😂


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. So…I suppose without further ado…we introduce Frida, Adolphus, and Dietrich.

                First, Frida!

                54 years old. Prob around 5’2″. Has bright blonde, mostly gray by now, curly hair in a 1940’s style bob, (like the picture!), coal-colored eyes, and pale, like, deathly looking pale, skin. Wears a fancy, white 1920’s flapper-type dress, a black coat, a gold necklace and earrings, plenty of makeup, and white heels. She’s cruel, manipulative, prideful, vain, and abusive. She hates her step-sons, but loves her sons and daughters. Of course, her sons are Jewish, which only makes her hate them all the more.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. I have an idea who Frida can meet…before the bois…

                  …and she may just try to hurt someone…

                  …but someone will stand up to her, don’t you worry. 😉

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                    32 years old. Prob around 6’1″. Black, wavy hair that he keeps cut short, amber colored eyes, pale skin. Wears an SS officer uniform and takes his job very seriously. Cruel, sadistic, hateful, abusive, and quite literally a complete and total liar. He hates his step-brothers and has joy from abusing them.

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1555


                      Alrighty then! Yeah no, they weren’t.



                      The poor fellow had been whipped again, and again. Angry red welts and abrasions crisscrossed in haphazard fashion. And this hasn’t been the first time, telling from the old scars these new ones covered.

                      She let out a few Algermain expressions like quite thunder. She’s seen worse winds -many of them- but never like this. Never this form of torture. The phrases slipping through her tight lips turned to prayer as she opened her medical bag and began caring for the wounds.

                      Whoever had treated them hadn’t had access to good medical supplies. Several cuts should have been stitched closed. The bandages smelled like some sort of herbs, perhaps a traditional healer? She frowned, counting out a few pain pills.

                      “Have him swallow these.”

                      The taller man stared at her them for a moment before kneeling in front of her patient.

                      She finished with a clean bandage, then stepped back satisfied with her work.

                      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                        He’d set Reuben on edge with his question…

                        He hadn’t meant too though…

                        He frowned, tucking his head down into his furry stuffed companion. Would they be upset with him for it?

                        They didn’t say anything else for a while. No one made a move toward him. His fingers trembled slightly, eyes focusing on the walls nearby.

                        “Hey…” A soft voice met his ears. He jumped, looking up. It was…Jakob, if he wasn’t mistaken. “Didn’t mean to frighten you. You got quiet again,” he smiled sweetly. Paxton frowned, squeezing his bear, feeling a bit silly for how much he needed it.

                        But…he didn’t have anything else….


                        “What for?” Wolfgang turn slightly.

                        “Ups-s-s-setting you…”

                        “Ah, don’t worry about it. Nothing to be sorry about,” Leo responded, smiling. His hand reached out towards him, as if he were about to ruffle his hair, or lay a hand on his shoulder.

                        Paxton flinched involuntarily. Leo stopped, retracting his hand with a frown, brows furrowing.

                        Paxton’s ears turned pink, his face flushing. He stepped back once again, filling the void with silence.





                        btw @freedom if u wanna make a longer RP I don’t mind and I give u creative liberty to make my baby open up (Ik sometimes u don’t know if u can with someone else’s character but I give u that, cuz I like reading other ppls RPs XD!! The same goes for the rest of y’all too!!!)


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                          30 years old. Prob around 6’2″. (Still, none of them beat Jakob. xD) Black, slightly wavy hair that’s side-swept (like the picture!), dark brown eyes, pale skin. Wears a German Luftwaffe Officer uniform. Like his brother and mother, he’s cruel, abusive, and manipulative, but unlike Frida and Adolphus, Dietrich is also logical. He knows exactly how to hurt his stepbrothers and when to do so.

                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1056

                            @koshka @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

                            All right!


                            The boy was lost. Reúven understood that: he had been too. Many, many times.

                            He held the door open, waiting to go, to look, to find. Because he was Reúven Elroi, and he would find. Just a moment for November to adjust to the light again.

                            “Do you two…ah, know your way around here? I mean…I’m sure you know better then me,” November gave a chuckle, and Reúven smiled back. “But, I thought maybe you’d know a good place to look, for the others.”

                            Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t, but Reúven had looked for lost sheep enough to know how to keep going, even when you didn’t know where you went.

                            November turned to Viktor, “There’s…a few more of us now then there were last time,”

                            Viktor nodded, taking in the information.

                            “And…if we all got split up…”

                            November stopped, drew in a breath and fell silent. His forehead contracted in thought.


                            November stood still, his head bowed slightly. His eyes looking deep into nothing.

                            Then his lips pinched together as if in pain and his eyes squeezed shut. His hand that had been absently fingering his shirt collar fell into a fist.

                            “November?” Viktor shook his shoulder, his own eyes wide. November jerked out of his mind with a gasp. “November, are you alright?”

                            “Hm? Oh! Oh, ah…s-sorry…guess I zoned out for a second there…” November blinked and began tugging at the curls at the base if his neck. Viktor exchanged a look with Reúven. “Ah…yea…you’re…you’re probably right. They’re probably…probably fine.”

                            “Probably.” Viktor swallowed back his concern. ” Do-

                            Suddenly, Reúven held out a hand in a gesture for silence.

                            There, just withing earshot…

                            A little girl’s laughter.

                            They all turned toward the sound, and Reúven shut the door.

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76


                              The man had collapsed. She gasped, hands reaching out as if she could grab him with her thoughts.

                              Ara’s eyes went wide with concern, as did Jocelyn’s, and the blonde woman behind them stepped forward, taking lead in the situation.


                              A healer…Luna thought, as the woman swiftly went to work.

                              Luna gasped once again, eyes filling with tears as she caught sight of the man’s back. Red welts and wounds filled his skin, new sitting atop old.

                              Her hands covered her mouth, a quiet sob escaping her lips.

                              She bowed her head in prayer, speaking both in her ancient tongue, and the one she used now…

                              A prayer of healing. Of help.


                              Both physically…

                              And mentally…



                              Luna knew of the dangers in the world…knew that there were cruel people….for her friends themselves had scars, physical and no.

                              They had stories to tell, some of which she knew a bit of already…and some she was still learning.

                              She herself even had a story…of challenge and death…of mercy and Grace, and of safety….

                              But…that didn’t ease the pain in her heart, whenever she saw the evil things around….

                              Things that…she was unused to…below the surface.

                              In her caverns…

                              Things…she’d never be used to.


                              Arms wrapped around her, bringing her close. She sniffed, silently crying, praying, watching as the blonde healer worked on the man.

                              “Shh, Luna,” Arabella’s fingers caresses the young girl’s hair, fingering her braid. “It’s alright, he’s going to be just fine.”

                              Ara’s words were like a balm to her soul. Like the Light One himself speaking to her. The young elf glanced at the green crystal brooch on the girl’s bodice, smiling slightly.


                              It really was no wonder she was given the Destina of Life…


                              Jocelyn stepped forward, towards the two men and young woman. “Do you need any help? Who did this to you?” She placed her hands on her hips, brows furrowed in concern, but eyes also full of determination.

                              Luna smiled at that as well.

                              The way her newfound friends always seemed willing to right any wrong…

                              Truly…they were the ones chosen by the Light One…


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. Okay then! But be prepared…I can run away with things. xD @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                                Paxton had flinched when he brought his hand close, and even backed away.

                                Leo had seen that look…felt that…feeling.

                                Since he was 10, he supposed.

                                He knew he was only 10, because Wolfgang had been a baby…but so much time…some of it…much of it…was so…blurry.

                                He’d tried to forget about it.

                                And in some ways, he’d succeeded.

                                Some of it had faded…but the memories…the reminders…the scars…the invisible fingerprints left on his skin…they would never leave.

                                “Paxton…it’s okay…we won’t hurt you…”

                                “I…I didn’t m-m-mean to up-upset y-you.” Paxton whispered, backing up even more, eventually backing himself up against the wall.

                                Fear filled his icy blue eyes…Leo could see it.

                                He’d seen it so many times in his brother’s eyes…in his own eyes.

                                “Paxton…it’s okay…really…” Joshua soothed, his brows furrowing in concern.

                                “Yeah…you didn’t upset anyone…we promise…” Jakob promised, his brown eyes filling with concern for this little boy they’d only recently met.

                                “We won’t hurt you…and you didn’t upset us…we promise…” Wolfgang soothed, urging for Paxton to come back over.

                                Paxton held his bear, Hope, tighter, and didn’t move.

                                He was paralyzed…stuck in place. Frozen in fear.

                                Leo knew exactly what that felt like…his brothers did too.

                                And helplessness…feeling like he couldn’t do anything to protect his brothers…the guilt…feeling like it was his fault that they were having another beating.

                                Leo got down onto both knees. “Paxton…it’s okay…you can tell us…about…anything…I promise…”

                                Paxton sniffed and held his bear even tighter.

                                “We’ve been hurt too…we understand…” Reuben explained, getting down beside Leo.

                                Leo noticed that all of them had suddenly sat down on the floor.

                                Paxton looked up. Met Leo’s eyes. “Paxton…we understand…what it’s like…to be hurt…alone…scared…we understand that…all of it…” Leo whispered, holding out his hand. “And I promise…we will never hurt you.”

                                Paxton still didn’t budge.

                                “Paxton…we care about you…we want to know what’s wrong…” Jakob urged.

                                “But if you don’t want to talk about it…that’s okay too…we understand. It’s…It’s not easy to talk about…trust us…we know.” Wolfgang whispered.

                                Leo nodded. “We all do…and I’m almost certain you do too. But this…is where you can talk about it…and be safe to…we won’t hurt you. Ever. We promise.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645




                                  OH GOSH THESE BROTHERS ARE HORRID!!!!!!




                                  *the writer part of me scheming…Paxton must meet them…


                                  why are we like this? XD!!)


                                  no but srsly, It’ll be interesting when they meet Paxton, what he thinks.



                                  Agh…that one part about how and when to hurt them…. AGH!!!



                                  Also the other boy taking pleasure in it is just like Aramis!!


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