Character Castle!

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  • #119756
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

      Aannnndd I deleted my RP. Again.

      *Dramatic sigh*


      She walked at a brisk step, heeled boots clicking in an even rhythm.

      This place was nice. Comfortably clean, full of fresh un-sterilized air, with no messy situations to clean up. And none of the incessant rocking of the hospital ships, or dying soldiers to save. She smoothed back a few blonde whips which were trying to escape. Not much hair showed under the veil like cap, only a narrow border framing her brow.

      Castles. Places of wonder and refuge. She smiled, letting her mind drift to precious memories.

      Suddenly she became aware that Annual had stopped moving. The girl’s mouth was forming a small ‘o’, her already large green eyes growing positively huge with awe.

      What was…three girls or young women stood just down the corridor. One had purple toned hair, with Cécile would regularly disapprove if it wasn’t obviously natural. And she almost seemed to glow.

      “Is she a fairy?” Annia breathed. “I always knew they had to be real.”

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Koshka.

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

      Elishavet Elroi
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1056

        @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @godlyfantasy12


        Something wasn’t right; this was no pleasant coincidence. Viktor’s mind spun as he took in November’s shaken state.

        It wasn’t something on the outside, something tangible. It was something else.




        “That…ah…that would be nice. Better then traveling alone, I suppose,” November laughed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Viktor smiled faintly and nodded.

        “Then come, did you have any place in mind?” Viktor cut Reúven a questioning glance, and his cousin gave a discreet tip of the head.

        Then touched the door handle: all was safe.

        November scuffed his toe on the floor. “No, not really. I don’t know where to… to look.”

        Reúven’s eyes took on a softer look as he watched the older boy. Soft enough for the questions behind them to leak out a little into their flecked depths. “We’ll find them.”

        And Viktor blinked against the sudden light as Reúven swung the door open.

        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @koshka AHHH ANNIA!! Asking if Luna is a fairy is sooo sweet!!! Luv it! @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


          Two young women rounded the corner. One was younger then the other, with black hair, and a bright smile forming on her lips. Her eyes lit up as she spotted the threesome, and landed on Luna. She stared in awe, probably at Luna’s magical appearance.

          She did have quite a glow about her.

          The other, a blonde young woman, wore an apron, and a white veil-like hat. Looked like some sort of nurse…not a danger. That much seemed quite obvious.

          Though, Jocelyn still wasn’t sure who was going to be rounding on the other side, she could tell almost immediately that these two young women were of no danger to them.

          Ara seemed to sense the same, her gaze drifting to the other side of the hall instead, waiting for whoever was coming next.

          Lyn focused on the newcomers, as did Luna, her eyes glistening.

          “Hello there!” Jocelyn smiled, raising her hand in a greeting. “Not to worry, we don’t mean any harm as long as you don’t!” She winked. The younger girl’s smile grew wider, mirth filling her expression. The other woman still looked a bit wary however.

          “Jocelyn,” Ara whispered. “Someone else is coming.”

          Lyn glanced behind her. “Ah, perhaps we should save the introductions for just a moment. It seems we’re about to be joined by a few others….” She pointed to her ears, signaling for them to listen as well for the echoing footsteps that drew ever closer.


          They did so, making the blonde woman place a gripping hand on the black-haired girl’s shoulder.


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. Ugh, I hate it when I do that! XD


            Dawson’s undershirt rubbed against his back.

            He took in a deep breath, to fight the groan and hisses that threatened to escape.

            The whip wounds were still raw, and fiery pain ensued if they were even carefully and softly touched.

            Dawson bit his lip.

            Suddenly, he looked ahead and saw people.


            Three of them…with two more coming from the other direction of the hall.

            Dawson turned to face Vince.

            Vince stepped forward. “Are we going to stand here, or go say hello. We can’t stay alone forever.”

            Dawson sighed and slowly nodded. “I…I guess you’re right. Let’s…let’s go.”

            Vince nodded and stepped forward, standing in front of Dawson. “Hello there!” He called.

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1555

              @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


              Well! Now that that’s settled, which, by the way took forever, you guys are really bad at communication, could we get going? I, for one, would very much like to find Lynnie. Would one of you like to guide us, or shall I? How bout you canine?”

              Canine? First Wolfboy, now a word neither of the brothers had any idea to the meaning.

              Grimm growled back at the small fox. “If you want to so badly, go ahead.”

              Nyx took the lead, which was just as well. Zlatan didn’t know if he could keep up with Vulkasin’s rather longer stride for much longer.

              He wasn’t angry at his brother, or anything like that. Vulk was just too tall for his own good.

              As it was he found himself in the back again, carefully following the others. His brother kept glancing back, brows pulled together.

              Zlatan just glanced back and kept walking. Thank the Maker they were past the stairs.

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


                They were moving now, down the darkened hallways, lit only by torchlight.

                Shadows danced along the walls, reminding Paxton all too much of the caverns leading to the depths.

                Where the monster lived…

                He stayed behind a bit, though not too far, as one of the young men was bringing up the rear.

                In-between Wolfgang and another brother, trying to keep his distance from the all as they walked in a group, though it was a bit difficult.

                His heart pounded in his ears.

                This had been a mistake….

                He was trapped now…

                With these men…these strangers…He didn’t know them! Didn’t know who they were…

                And they didn’t know him…

                Didn’t know what he was….

                A disgrace…

                A cripple…

                A wingless Fae…



                A Flit…


                But what if they did find out? Then what?


                Would they treat him like everyone else did?

                He swallowed his thoughts, hands shaking as they picked at the fur on his bear.

                He needed to find Arabella…she…she wouldn’t treat him like that.

                She…she’d promised…

                “So, Paxton,” The boy flinched at the sound of his name, despite the gentle voice that spoke it. Leo was looking at him with a kind gaze. A warm gaze.

                But…could he really be trusted?

                “Any ideas where your sister might be?”

                Paxton shook his head, staring at his feet as they walked. Leo frowned.

                “You must miss her, hm?”

                Paxton bit his cheek. Nodded slowly.

                “What’s her name?”

                He blinked, glancing back up to meet the young man’s eyes. He thought for a moment, licking his suddenly dry lips.

                “Ar-Ara,” he licked his lips again, “Ara…Arab-bella.”

                “Arabella?” Paxton nodded. “Lovely name.” Nodded again. He could see the young man’s brows furrow slightly, and the others glance at him.


                He squirmed slightly, feeling their stares. He knew they probably wanted him to talk…but…what was there to say?

                And…he wasn’t exactly the best at communicating anyway….


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1555

                  @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12


                  Heavy footsteps echoed down to them, tensing the air. Someone was coming.

                  She placed a hand on Annia’s shoulder,  perhaps gripping a bit tighter than nesesary. The girl’s infront of them looked tense and ready to fight. Cécile bit her lip.

                  Two men walked around the corner, both dressed in rather odd clothing. Then again, she had seen plenty of traditional garb over the past year.

                  They paused for a moment, exchanged words, then started forward again.

                  “Hello there!” One of them shouted some sot of greeting, but it sounded rather more like an exclamation.

                  Cécile’s eyes locked on the younger man’s face, something about him awakening her training.

                  He was in pain. A lot of it.

                  She knew that look, had seen that look on a hundred faces, in a thousand eyes.

                  She mentally started off on a checklist. No visible wound or signs of one. Doesn’t appear to have a problem breathing. Is walking well if a bit stiffly.

                  Hmm. Probably an already treated injury. Still.

                  That look.

                  She let go of Annia’s shoulder.

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334


                    ok here’s Dante!😁 He’s cocky, mischievous, and thrives off of chaos. I drew him looking a lot more villainous than I intended, but he’s more of an anti-hero. He loves playing with fire, which makes sense because he’s fire proof (to a degree) and he’s from a volcanic planet. I don’t really have much of a backstory for him because I need to do some more world building first. I’ll add him in the rp in a little bit, but not just yet. 🙂

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76


                      Sunlight filtered through the open door. November grimaced, covering his eyes as his skull began to throb.

                      He glanced at Viktor and Reúven. “Do you two…ah, know your way around here? I mean…I’m sure you know better then me,” he chuckled. “But, I thought maybe you’d know a good place to look, for the others. There’s…a few more of us now then there were last time,” he addressed Viktor with this last comment, and the lad nodded. “And…if we all got split up…”

                      He let out a breath, thinking about that for a moment.


                      What if they all got split up?

                      That…would be quite a mess…

                      His eyes must’ve portrayed his concern because Viktor clapped a hand on his back. “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’re fine.”

                      November swallowed, nodding with a forced smile. His eyes flickered to the crystal in his pocket. To his reflection in it’s gaze.


                      To memories not so distant…


                      “ARA!” He’d screamed, but it was too late.

                      She was gone.

                      Taken by that…that beast…

                      That monster…

                      Tears streaked down his face as he ran. Ran toward the edge of the sea. Toward the creature. Toward Ara…wherever she was inside of…

                      But…he couldn’t have done anything anyway…

                      The beast was….too strong. People had tried for centuries…millennia to kill it…and had all failed in the process….



                      Arabella was gone….


                      And…and she never would’ve come back had it not been for…

                      “November?” Viktor shook his shoulder. November breathed in a breath, eyes widening as reality crashed down around him. “November, are you alright?”

                      “Hm? Oh! Oh, ah…s-sorry…guess I zoned out for a second there…” His hand went to his curls instinctively, tugging at them. “Ah…yea…you’re…you’re probably right. They’re probably…probably fine.”



                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @loopylin I LOVE HIM AND UR PICTURE!!!


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @loopylin. Ahh…I am intrigued. Love the art too! You’re such a good artist! 😀

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. Do y’all want Riker, Leon, and Lily to meet up with them, or are they still on their own for now? 🙂

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka.


                              One of the girls was watching him.

                              Dawson looked up, and their eyes finally met, his gray eyes meeting her blue.

                              She let go of the girl standing with her.

                              A lock of blonde hair fell out of the cap on her head.

                              “Dawson, dear, darling, look!” Eliza softly grabbed his jaw and turned his face, so Dawson would look up at the sky. “The stars…they remind us that we are truly never alone, don’t they? And aren’t they beautiful?” She squeezed his hand. 

                              Dawson groaned quietly.

                              Vince turned around to face him, concern furrowing his brows. “…Dawson?”

                              “I…I’m fine…”

                              Her eyes…beautifully blue. 

                              Her hair…blonde…her skin…pale.

                              Paler than normal.

                              Dawson ran his hand through her hair, tears coursing down his cheeks. “Please…please…don’t go…”

                              A single, quiet, fleeting breath…and suddenly…her hand went limp in his.

                              Dawson squeezed her hand, laid his head on her chest.

                              And sobbed.


                              Vince caught him before he hit the floor.

                              The sudden jostle made his shirt rub back against his raw skin.

                              Dawson hissed. Vince slowly put him in a sitting position on the floor. “Dawson…what happened?”

                              “I’m fine…alright?”

                              But he flinched from the sudden, fiery pain.

                              (Also…I must say…Eliza died when he was 17, she was 16. Not uncommon at that time to be that young, but I have to say…she died either right before or right after Dawson took the first whipping for Nathan. In so many ways…too many ways…Dawson was still a CHILD when all of that happened…)

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1555


                                Dawson, no!!

                                And he had better be careful, or he’ll get a military nurse called down on him.

                                Btw, Cécile was a fully trained nurse, on her way to becoming a midwife actually, when the war flared up again, and she got called into the reserves.

                                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76


                                  Two men stepped forward, one giving an enthusiastic greeting. Ara and Lyn relaxed slightly, exchanging the glance. The men didn’t seem to be a danger, though one did carry a weapon of some sort.

                                  Luna studied their faces.

                                  One dark-skinned, with kind eyes. And the other…

                                  Luna tilted her head, trying to wade through whatever it was she was sensing.

                                  Her gift…or whatever it was that she had been given by the Light One, wasn’t something…quite tangible.

                                  More like grasping at straws…






                                  Wisps of colors…feelings that float through the air. Emotions, not extremely vibrant, not enough for Luna to know or feel herself, but enough to empathize. To sense.

                                  Just…hard to explain in all aspects…


                                  She truly wished she had someone of her kind to teach her these things…or at least someone of her kind her age to also experience it with….

                                  But, as of right now, she just had to try and swim through it. To figure it out.

                                  To do her best, and seek guidance from the Light One.


                                  And…it could be difficult.

                                  For instance. The man here…he was….

                                  In pain…

                                  She could see that. Most could in the room. But what kind? That was less obvious.

                                  Mental? Emotional? Physical?


                                  Grief? Guilt?

                                  She frowned, wishing she could pinpoint exactly what it was. Or if it was a mix…

                                  Now that was when things got difficult…

                                  For instance…some of her own friends…

                                  Their emotions were so…


                                  It was extremely difficult with them….

                                  The exception of course was Jocelyn…she was pretty easy to pinpoint, emotion wise as she didn’t usually hide things.

                                  She shook her head free from her thoughts, focusing once again the men before her.

                                  “Hello there,” Arabella stepped forward. Her shoulders relaxed slightly, though she still kept a wary eye on them both, studying them. “I am Arabella,” she glanced at the men, and then at the two young women behind her, “And these are my friends, Jocelyn,” Lyn winked, “And Dolunay.”  Luna waved, smiling sweetly.

                                  “You may call me Luna.” She replied sweetly, still gazing at the pained man before her. His eyes softened as he looked at her and the other girls. Luna’s lips pulled taut and her brows furrowed as she took a small step near Ara. “Are…are you alright? I…I notice you…you look…” Luna was unsure of how to continue. How did she explain what she felt. She placed a hand against her lips, unsure, her purple-hued eyes sparkling.


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