Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @koshka OK THX!! My bad!! Ah, gold eyes pretty!!!!!



      Two figures appeared in the stairway, their shadows dancing. Grimm adjusted his grip on the torch, holding it a bit higher.

      The first young man, they looked nearly the same age as he did, (they are around 18-19 right?) had light hair, and was tall. Over 6 ft at least. It would have been intimidating, had Grimm not already fought someone twice his height before.

      The second young man, shorter, and with dark-hair, still held similar features to the first, though he looked much more…weary. Ragged.

      A look Grimm knew well.

      Both men’s eyes seemed to narrow into slits, glowing in the dark in bright yellows and golds.

      “V’ell, who are you?” The tall one spoke, accent thick.

      They both held swords.


      Grimm scanned every inch of them for more, weighing what he should do next.

      Noise behind him made him bristle. His brow sweat.

      Ah Nyx…please don’t do something idiotic.

       “Vulkasin? Zlatan?” The kit’s head appeared around Grimm’s ankle, staring at the two young men.

      Their heads snapped downward at the sudden voice and movement, hands whipping to their sides.

      Eyes slowly widened, both with shock and…recognition?

      Grimm’s brows furrowed. “Nyx…? Do you…know these men?”

       “Duh, how else would I know their names,” Nyx rolled his eyes, stepping out from behind Grimm. Grimm didn’t move from his stance, still keeping a wary eye on the strangers.

      “Friend?” Grimm glanced at the kit.

      Meh. Yea. They’re good.” 

      Slowly, Grimm returned his left arm to his side, still holding the torch with his left.

      If Nyx decided these men could be at least somewhat trustworthy…the fox who hardly trusted anyone…then…Grimm had no room to argue.

      The two young men were still staring at Nyx, like they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

      Grimm remained stoic, expression unchanging. He…wasn’t exactly the best at meeting new people.

      That was left more to Jocelyn.

      Or one of the others.

      But, he was the only one here, thus…

      He slowly extended a hand, still a bit wary, despite Nyx’s words. “Grimm. Beauwulf.”

      Nyx took this opportunity to jump onto Grimm’s outstretched arm and climb the young man’s shoulder. He stretched out in an overly dramatic manner, annoying smacking Grimm in the face while doing so.

      Long time no see!”


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @elishavet-pidyon YAAAY MY NOVEMBER!!! And they actually probably won’t notice the age thing because u said Viktor is like 15…that actually fits the age of November being 17, because when they were last here Viktor was supposedly like 12-13 and November was like 14 sooooo ya.


        also imma start a little before u ended 😊





        He’d known it hadn’t been a dream. They all had.

        Those years ago, when they’d woke up, suddenly back in their own world…

        On their own adventure…

        They’d thought it all a dream.

        But then November had seen the scratches. The dog bites. The bruises and tears in his shirt and jeans. Could feel everything that had happened.

        And that was when they knew…

        It had been no dream…

        But…never did they think they’d be brought back.


        In truth, he’d forgotten about it.


        There were some nights he had vague dreams of it. Images of people, memories he couldn’t quite catch.

        But…he hadn’t really had time to dwell on them. They’d all been on new adventures…

        Conquering new foes.

        Fighting new battles.

        Facing new dangers.

        Discovering secrets…

        November pulled a leg up to his chest. For a long moment he stared at the wall, studying the cracks forming within it.

        Heh…he could relate…

        Kinda felt like everything was crumbling around him too…

        He let out a breath, wondering for a moment if this castle was somehow supposed to give him rest.

        To be some sort of break from the group’s own adventures. Plunge them into something entirely different, so they wouldn’t have to focus on anything else…

        If so…he supposed it might work…


        The Light One sure did have a strange way of doing things, didn’t he?

        Not that it really mattered…

        After all, The Light One didn’t even know he existed. He’d realized that a while ago.

        He wasn’t upset about it though…

        The Light One was busy…


        And…he had to care for the others…for Jocelyn, and Luna, and Paxton and….


        And Ara.


        November was just…another person in the world. Created to just…be.

        To just exist.

        He was just here.

        But again…he wasn’t mad about it. He understood.

        He always understood.

        The Light One just…didn’t have time for him.

        Didn’t see him.

        And he sure didn’t blame him.

        He wouldn’t have cared either….


        November fingered at the pocket of his shirt. At the chain inside of it, that held the crystal he’d received from the caverns.


        They said it was his…


        His Destina…



        November didn’t have a purpose…and yet he did.

        He was just…there to love.


        But not be loved.


        And…that was okay.


        He…he was okay with that…



        “Because who would love someone like you?” He hissed.


        November stood from where he sat on the ground, dusting off his pants. He took one last look at the crumbling walls, then stepped toward the door, blinking at the light that shone through the pane-less window nearby.

        He sighed, reaching for the handle, just as it swung open, nearly hitting him.

        He jerked, gasping and feeling backward. His foot thankfully caught, and his eyes went wide as he stared at the two younger boys in front of him.

        He was taller then them by two inches or so, and they were only a few years younger then he.

        He blinked, looking at them both, studying their faces, before landing on the eyes of one with brown hair. One…who grew increasingly familiar as he stared.

        Letters and names scrambled in his brain but he couldn’t quite grab hold of one.

        He knew this boy!

        But who was he?

        The same boy’s eyes also widened in recognition. His mouth seemed to upturn into a small smile, and then, the name came crashing through November’s memory.





          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. Aww, thank y’all! I love them too! 😀 @godlyfantasy12. And…without further ado…I must introduce…the boys.

          First off…Leo!

          28 years old. Prob around 6’2″. Dark brown hair that’s cut short, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. Wears a plain, typical 1940’s era suit, without a tie, and a brown coat with the Star of David stitched onto it. Leo is intelligent, kind, charismatic, and a natural-born leader. He will do anything he can to protect his younger brothers, but…he’s angry at God and wants nothing to do with him. After all…how could a good, loving god let him and his brothers be abused?

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


            25 years old. Prob around 6’2″. Dark brown, curly hair that’s cut just below his ears, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and a small beard. Wears a typical 1940’s era suit, with a tie, with a brown jacket with the Star of David stitched onto it. Compassionate, convincing, logical, honest, and faithful, Joshua is always the one his brothers can count on to get things finished. When he says he’s going to do something, it will get done. He loves his brothers, and, like Leo, will do anything he can to protect them. But Leo and Jakob worry him. Leo because of his anger at God…and Jakob because of all the hatred that fills his heart. Joshua dreams of being a Pastor one day, and all he wants is for God to redeem his brothers…some way…somehow. And one day, he knows, God will.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


              24 years old. Prob around 6’4″. Dark brown wavy hair that comes just above his ears, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and a small beard. Again, wears a typical 1940’s era suit, without a tie, and a brown coat with the Star of David. (that’s what they all wear, so I’m going to stop mentioning it, lol. XD) Protective, intelligent, and organized, Jakob is a planner. He hates to see his brothers struggle and wishes he could take their problems away. But he can’t. He dreams of being a Lawyer one day, to defend the defenseless and help the helpless. He has an intense hatred of his step mother and step brothers, and wants to see them pay for what they did to him and his brothers. So what if hatred is wrong?

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.

                Reuben!!!! (yes…he’s my favorite of the bunch…XDXDXD)

                20 years old. Prob around 6’0″. Has dark brown, wavy hair in the waved quiff hairstyle, pale skin, and light green eyes. Wears the same as his brothers. Logical, sweet, generous, a little reckless, Reuben is often the one who volunteers to take on dangerous missions. He hates to see people suffer, and his heart hurts when someone else’s does. When he sees people cry, he almost cries. And he does…if he doesn’t hold back the tears. But…that often leads to him carrying others’ problems…along with his own. A creative at heart, he loves to draw, paint, build, and do anything creative. Especially writing. He wrote many stories as a kid that brought him comfort and an escape from the abuse of his mother and older stepbrothers. Though the second youngest, he still protected Wolfgang too. He has PTSD, which means he has nightmares, flashbacks, his skin crawls anytime he hears someone yell, and he can’t stand being in tight spaces…after Frida locked him in the cellar when he was a kid.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                  18 years old. Prob around 6’1″. Has short, black hair that comes to right above his ears, pale skin, and blue eyes. Again, wears the same as his brothers. Sweet, caring, a jokester, and all in all a wonderful boy to be around. Can have a fierce streak from time to time, in that when he needs to do something, he’ll get it done. No matter what anyone says. He’ll never stand for injustice, and he has a love for people that knows no bounds. (which can lead to him being taken advantage of). He has a dream of one day being a doctor, due to his interest in Anatomy and his passion to help people. He loves books, as they often brought comfort for him when he was younger. He can’t stand the smell of alcohol, as it brings flashbacks, yelling makes him feel threatened and uncomfortable, and he can’t stand for anyone to even touch him except his brothers, afraid of being hurt again.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. And without further ado…I begin the boys. XD OH WAIT!!!! I JUST REALIZING SOMETHING!!! BEING LOCKED IN THE CELLAR MEANS SOMETHING ELSE FOR REUBEN…he’s scared of the dark too…OH BOYYY, my baby may have a few panic attacks in this dimly lit castle…DX


                    He groaned as he slowly sat up.

                    The floor was cold…hard…damp.

                    Leo opened his eyes.

                    Where. Was. He!?

                    It…looked like a castle.

                    But not one of those fairytale ones…a real one.

                    Leo looked around.


                    Let out a deep sigh of relief.

                    All four of his brothers were there, sleeping like he had been only seconds ago.

                    Suddenly, he heard a scream and he tensed.

                    Slowly and carefully, he began to wake up his brothers.

                    Finally, he got to Wolfgang, who yawned and rubbed his eyes. “…Leo? What…?”

                    “Shh…all of you stay quiet. I heard someone.”

                    “Who, Leo? Did you….where are we?” Jakob asked, glancing around the room.

                    “Not sure. It looks like a castle, but it’s dark…so…I’m not quite sure.” Leo replied, in whispers.

                    Jakob nodded and stood.

                    “It’s…really…really dark…” Reuben whispered. Slowly stood.

                    Now, they were all on their feet.

                    Leo rubbed Reuben’s back. “Hey…it’s gonna be okay…we’re all here…you’re not alone…”

                    “Where…wh-where is everyone!?” a voice called, out of the room…into…a hallway, presumably.

                    Leo tensed again. “Nobody move…” he hissed.

                    Joshua shook his head. “Oh please. It sounded like a kid. Let’s make sure they’re alright.” Joshua cracked the door open.

                    Leo took in a deep breath.

                    Sure…maybe it had sounded like a kid…but you never knew.

                    Joshua glanced back at them. “Are you coming?”

                    Leo nodded and they all followed him into the hallway.

                    And…Joshua was right…

                    …there was a little boy there, holding a bear.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. Now…I must bring in one of my favorite characters from my American Revolution book that needs some development.

                      So…I must introduce y’all…to…


                      35 years old. Prob around 6’5″. (Yep…he’s a tall one. XD) Has black hair that’s shaved down to his skin, dark brown eyes, almost black, and dark brown skin. He’s intelligent, logical, honest, a faithful man of God, and compassionate. He strives to help as many people as possible. He’s wears a white long sleeved cloth shirt, a red coat overtop, beige breeches, and black boots. And…well…you see…he’s…a slave. Dawson’s, to be more specific. But Dawson has always treated him and seen him as more of a mentor/father figure, once he came along when Dawson was 14 and Vince was 21. And Dawson is even trying to figure out how to free him, but still keep him safe. Vince is even allowed to, and does, oftentimes, correct Dawson. And Dawson wants to help Vince…find his wife and daughter. Because…you see…they were sold away by Dawson’s mother…years ago. And Vince demanded for them back…but that only led to him being whipped, with Dawson begging his mother not to. When Dawson’s mother died, all the slaves were given to Dawson’s older brother…except for Vince, who went to Dawson. And since then…Vince has followed Dawson everywhere. For one, he’s not free yet. And for two…Vince cares a lot about Dawson. He saw Dawson’s wife and firstborn die, Dawson’s grief, and Dawson’s protection of Nathan, even taking multiple whippings for him. Vince also sees Dawson’s struggle of belief. Dawson is…confused…upset…maybe even angry at God…and Vince can’t, and won’t, see him go to Hell. No matter what it costs.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwroter76 AHHH LOVE YOUR CHARRIES!!!!! AND YAAAY SO EXCITED THE BOYS ARE HEEEEEREEEE!!!

                        Also Paxton will probably be a little quiet at first just cuz he is very shy and scared, so ya XD, let’s see how this is gonna go… @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                        Ara wasn’t here…

                        Neither was Ember.

                        Or Grimm, or Lynnie, or Luna, or Nyx.

                        None of them.

                        Paxton tensed as water dripped from the wet stones of the ceiling, sounding like a drum to his small ears.




                        Why was it so dark in here?

                        His breaths hitched in his chest, making his heart hurt. He gasped for air, clutching the bear tighter to his chest as the sound of dripping water grew louder.





                        On his face. His skin. In his lungs….

                        The creature….tasting his blood.


                        He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to rid himself of the nightmare.

                        A cry, close to a broken scream, left his lips.

                        “Where…wh-where is everyone?”


                        Paxton sniffed, fingering the coarse fur of his bear.

                        And then…



                        His heart nearly exploded in his chest.

                        He clutched his stuffed companion tighter.

                        Ara…? The others?

                        Or…someone else.

                        A sprig of hope bounded in his chest, but it was extinguished when five unfamiliar figures appeared from the hallway, their shadows looming.

                        All male…

                        All tall.

                        (so….funny thing, unless something changes your boys kinda look like Paxton’s brothers. Because they all have like brown hair and such, and were tall and just..yea lol)

                        And…for a split second, Paxton’s mind began to play tricks on him…


                        They…they were gone….

                        Edric…Edric’s dead…

                        And….and Aramis can’t hurt you anymore….

                        And Soren….he’s different now…at least…a little.

                        Your brothers aren’t here….

                        Your brothers aren’t here!

                        Still, Paxton felt his stomach twist into knots as he stared at the five figures before him. His ice blue eyes grew wide as saucers, and his jaw locked tight.

                        No words would form…

                        He couldn’t speak.

                        His eyes searched the room for somewhere to hide, to escape, but there was nowhere. He was out in the open. Exposed.

                        He sucked in a shaky breath, his gaze returning to the strangers in front of him.






                        so yea….it’s gonna take quite a bit of coaxing for Paxton to open his mouth, well he might say one word or so. He was like this when he met Ara and them too. Ran away actually.

                        He may just nod and shake his head, but then again he can also say one word answers sometimes…very shakily….



                        ma poor baby is just….very scared and shy


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. They LOOK like his brothers!? Oh boy…here we go. And no, I don’t think it will change, only because they look a lot more like their mother than their father (thank goodness…lol. XD) Except Reuben and Wolfgang, who inherited more of their father’s looks, as far as hair and eyes and skin tone goes. 😉 And thank you so much!!!! I’m so glad all y’all love my charries! 😀 @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                          The little boy was terrified, clutching a bear close to his chest.

                          Wolfgang stopped in his tracks, as did all of his brothers.

                          They’d have to take this…slow. Very slow.

                          Wolfgang smiled, stepping only a little closer to the boy. He got down onto one knee. “Hi there. Don’t worry…we won’t hurt you. We just heard you…and we wanted to make sure you were okay…” He whispered.

                          The little boy looked up at him, and icy blue eyes met Wolfgang’s own blue eyes. Wolfgang smiled. “There you go…we won’t hurt you…I’m Wolfgang.”


                          Wolfgang was trying to coax the little boy to talking.

                          Leo, Joshua, and Jakob had just stopped.

                          Reuben bit his lip.

                          He couldn’t freak out.

                          Not here…not now.

                          But this place…it was dark.

                          Barely lit at all…just like…just like…

                          “Why don’t you spend the day in here, you stupid child!?” Darkness engulfed him. 

                          Reuben wrapped his arms around his body. He shivered. It wasn’t super cold in here…but it was cold…to him, at least.

                          He slowly rocked himself back and forth on his heels, before turning his attention back to Wolfgang and the little boy.

                          He had to stay focused…and alert.

                          There was no telling what was just around the corner.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 yea I mainly meant if it changes in my books but I don’t think it will either because Lilith has dark brown hair that falls in curls. She is a beautiful woman truly, but not on the inside at all.



                            The boys…almost men…stopped in their tracks, eyeing him with varying expressions. His heart thumped rapidly.

                            One of them approached, making him want to squirm, but his body made no movement. He stayed stock still, frozen in place.

                            He watched as the young man approached, his features…filled with a bit more youth then the others were.

                            He knelt down.

                            “Hi there. Don’t worry…we won’t hurt you. We just heard you…and we wanted to make sure you were okay…” The man was whispering, his voice gentle.

                            Paxton studied his face. He bit his bottom lip, unsure of what to do next.

                            A memory flashed in his mind. A fairly recent one.


                            The time when he’d met Ara. And the group.

                            She’d approached like this…


                            But…could Paxton trust these people?

                            Ice blue eyes met the other boys blue, seeing the same in his eyes as he had in Ara’s that day; warmth.

                            His shoulders relaxed slightly.

                            “There you go…we won’t hurt you…I’m Wolfgang.”


                            Paxton thought of Grimm. It was a name fit for those of his people…

                            Though, if he were one of them…he could also be dangerous…

                            He glanced warily at the young men behind Wolfgang, one of which looked increasingly nervous, eyes shifting across the room.

                            Paxton muffled his cheek into his bear’s head for comfort.

                            “Would you like to tell me your name?” Wolfgang asked gently.

                            Paxton swallowed, trying to rid his throat of its dryness. He looked up, biting the inside of his cheek.

                            “P-Pax…P-Pax…Paxton.” His voice was barely whisper.

                            Wolfgang smiled, a genuine, sweet smile that made Paxton feel a bit more at ease. His brothers never smiled like that…

                            “Nice to meet you, Paxton.”


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              Oh btw y’all, so while Paxton doesn’t have completely pointed ears, his ears are just a teeny bit pointed at the top and are just small and cute. He takes after his father (the reason his mother can’t stand him). (His father wasn’t a Faerie, but he doesnt know that)


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 btw WOLFGANG IS SOOO SWEET!! And Reuben 😭 poor thing! It’s okay, Paxton is having some problems too baby.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  And…not quite sure where they are or who they can meet, but I’m gonna do Dawson and Vince, from Vince’s POV. 😉 @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. They ran away with the pen, just so y’all know. XDXDXDXD


                                  His boots clicked against the cobblestones.

                                  Up ahead, Dawson walked, almost always adjusting his bayonet, so as to not touch his back.

                                  “Dawson…why don’t you let me take that?” Vince asked softly, offering to take the weapon, holding out his hand.

                                  Dawson turned around to face him. “I’m fine…really…”

                                  Vince raised an eyebrow. Liar, he thought. But instead, he asked, “Then why do you keep adjusting it so it won’t touch your back?”

                                  Dawson bit his lip.

                                  Vince slowly nodded. “That’s what I thought. Give it here.”

                                  Slowly, Dawson did so.

                                  Vince put the bayonet’s strap over his shoulder. Smiled. “There. Now, isn’t that better?”

                                  Dawson shrugged.

                                  Vince met his gray eyes, with that hint of green, with his own dark brown. Something was wrong. “…Dawson…what’s wrong?”


                                  “That’s a lie and you know it. I know you have a tendency to lie…you just did…a big one…about, oh, a week ago?” Vince reminded.

                                  “I didn’t lie. I did too steal those medical supplies for Richard, or, Old Red, as he’s been nicknamed,” Dawson replied, trying to sell the lie way too hard.

                                  “Dawson…I’ve known you for fourteen years…do you think I wouldn’t be able to tell when you lie?” Vince asked softly.

                                  He’d seen Dawson go through so much…lie about so much…he knew when Dawson was lying. Every. Single. Time.

                                  “…Dawson…I’m waiting…” Vince hinted.

                                  Dawson finally sighed. “Okay…so I lied…I didn’t steal those supplies…Nathan did. Don’t tell anyone, please.”

                                  “Why would I? Besides, they wouldn’t take my word for it anyways.” Vince reminded, pointing at his skin. “But why did you lie?”

                                  Dawson crossed his arms. “You know exactly why…”

                                  Vince shook his head. He was going to be extremely stubborn about it. Vince leaned against the wall. “Well then, I suppose you have to go on alone, because I’m not going anywhere until you actually explain to me why.”

                                  Dawson stared at him, and Vince smiled.

                                  Most wouldn’t be able to get away with such “disrespect” of their masters, but he and Dawson…were different. In many ways. “So…do you want to explain to me exactly why?”

                                  Dawson groaned. “Alright…fine…it was because Nathan stole them…and I didn’t want to see him get hurt…like I did 11 years ago…”

                                  “Nathan was 12 then. He’s 23 now.” Vince replied. “He’s a man, not a boy anymore.”

                                  “…Still. I…I didn’t want to see them hurt him…”

                                  “Because you care about him, right?”

                                  Dawson shrugged. “…I guess.”

                                  “No, you don’t “guess”, you do. You wouldn’t take 150 lashes for someone you only think that you care about.” Vince replied, coming off the wall. “They had to revive you three different times…are you okay?”

                                  Dawson nodded. “Yeah…I’m fine. Can we keep going?”

                                  Vince sighed. He was lying again. But slowly, he nodded. “Yes, let’s continue.”

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