Character Castle!

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  • #119609
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Now, David!

      Full Name: David Joseph Andrews. 25 years old. Prob around 6’0″. Has brown straight hair that falls just below his ears, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. He wears a simple blue shirt that he tucks into his beige breeches, and he wears brown boots. He’s loving, compassionate, generous, and playful. He loves to pull pranks, tease, and just be playful with people he knows, loves, and trusts. He’s a very faithful young man of God, a soldier in the Continental Army, and half-Native American.

      Here’s his pic:

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        And…Dr. Morrison (AKA Andrew)

        Full Name: Andrew Jack Morrison. 43 years old. Prob around 5’7″. Has brown, curly hair (that’s graying) that comes right above his ears, dark brown eyes, and slightly tan skin. He wears a white coat, white breeches, and black boots. He’s kind, compassionate, honest, loving, forgiving, and faithful. He will do anything and everything he can to comfort others and help them find God. Having once almost committed suicide after his firstborn’s, a daughter’s, death when she was 7, he knows full well what it feels like to feel hopeless. But God saved him, and he wishes the same for everyone he meets. His mother died when he was 10, and he grew up with an alcoholic and abusive father, and even older brothers who abused him as well. He was even an alcoholic in his past…and a criminal. But God has redeemed him, and Morrison wishes the same…for everyone.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          And…finally…for the American Revolution charries at least…Dawson!

          Full Name: Dawson Jonathan Thomas. 28 years old. Prob around 5’7″. Has black, curly hair that comes right below his ears, green-ish gray eyes, and pale skin. Wears an 18th century British Soldier coat, white breeches, and brown boots. He’s protective, intelligent, reserved, and will do anything and everything he can to protect practically everyone. He’s afraid to lose people, so he has a hard time letting people close. And…he’s afraid to love…knowing that loving people can often mean losing them. And he knows that well. His father left when he was 5, his mother died when he was 16, so Dawson joined the Army, and his wife Eliza, when he was 17, died in childbirth, which killed both her and their first baby. He sees Nathan as his little brother and does everything he can to protect him…even taking a whipping for him.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2002

            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12

            Sorry, I just spent two hours on a research rabbit trail.

            BUT, I’ve been thinking. I’m struggling a bit with Vulkasin’s arc, so I’m thinking of proofing the twins six months back, to the solution conflicts of their plots. They’d still have been here and remember all that, I’d just rewind their story a bit. They’d still just be wandering around the castle, but they’d look quite a bit different. Especially Zlatan, poor fellow.

            However, I’d only do this if all of y’all are fine with it. If y’all’re not sure, that’s totally fine! This is just the part I’m thinking over right now.

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
            Fork the Gork

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6702

              @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @koshka

              YALL WARNING- this….wrote itself again….yall Luna is just…actually coming along and I was worrying about her!! OK I LUV HER 🤩 but it’s long XD


              The sun beamed through the paneless windows, blowing in a steady stream of heat and fresh air. Luna breathed it in, feeling the breeze on her cheeks.

              She smiled.

              Ah….how pleasant it was, to feel the sun on her face.

              Living in the caverns below had its advantages…but also its disadvantages…

              One of them being the inability to feel the sun, or coolness of the air upon one’s skin as often as one would like.


              Though, Luna made sure to make plenty of trips to the surface, to gaze out into the moonlight, and the deep sea. But she never ventured far, and…

              Hardly ever during the day.

              It had been a good long while since she’d spent more then a few hours out in the sun, allowing her sparkling skin to seep in the natural vitamins needed.

              But now? Not that she was with her new friends, the ones she’d been waiting for, she could travel….

              She could spend her days out. Not within the caverns anymore.

              Not that she’d been a prisoner…just…



              Waiting for the Light One’s perfect will.

              And now it had come!

              She had new friends. A new family. Not that those who had cared for her all this time were not her family…but…these were different.

              They were meant to be.

              She could feel it.

              Even now, in this foreign place.

              “Then, you know this place?” Luna gazed out at the sunlit gardens, filled with hedges and mulberry bushes.

              “Just a couple years back. Got popped in here just like today.”

              “Hard to imagine its really been all this time…”

              The two young ladies beside Luna glanced at each other. Each were taller, older then she.

              One with brown hair, one golden.

              Like night and day.

              Sisters in every aspect. Every way.

              And they’d already made Luna feel just as much a part of their bond.

              “What’s it like? Do you remember?” Curiosity danced in her eyes.

              “I remember meeting a lot of new people,” Arabella smiled, “They were kind, helpful. Though…the adventure was a bit harrowing.”

              “Ah, it was fun,” the blonde, Jocelyn winked. “And it wasn’t anything like what we haven’t seen before,” Her lips quirked into a grin as she placed a hand on her hip.

              The threesome began walking once more.

              “And everyone else is here too?”

              “Perhaps. I should hope so,” Ara’s eyes seemed to frown. “We were split last time as well. Though…there was quite less of us…” Her expression was one of concern, but also determination. Luna could nearly see the wheels spinning in her mind, forming a plan.

              Ara was their leader…she’d known from the first time she’d met her. The way the girl had portrayed herself..

              Strong, but humble. Meek, but courageous. Kind, but true to herself.

              Luna could tell she seemed to still struggle with the title that was given her, though it hadn’t been formally given….they all knew it was there.

              Still…Arabella carried it with such grace.

              She really did seem to be a natural.

              And Luna had known she was the leader before she’d ever arrived. For she’d been the first Luna had seen in her prayers.

              The first the Light One had spoken to her of.

              The one with the Destina of Life.

              “We’ll need to try and find them. I’m especially worried for…”

              Ara’a hand slowly reached for the neck of her bodice, where her crystal now rest, a brilliant green.

              Luna could see the worry in her deep brown eyes.

              Eyes could portray so much about a person…

              Jocelyn set a hand on Ara’s shoulder, giving her a squeeze. “Hey, they’re gonna be okay.” The blonde smiled reassuringly, eyes crinkling.

              Luna breathed in, feeling a bit of Ara’s emotions as they cascaded from her. She knew who Ara was speaking of.

              Luna couldn’t explain it, but since she was a child, she’d been gifted from the Light One with an uncanny…sixth sense.

              She loved prayer, and perhaps it was just because of her relationship with the Light One, but Luna was often able to pick up slightly on the feelings of others. She had the ability to sense and see what they were going through or thinking, but…


              Perhaps it was a Light Elf thing.

              She wasn’t really sure…she didn’t exactly have anyone to tell her….

              Perhaps now she could find out. About her people. Her history.


              “I’m sure Paxton and November will be fine,” Luna smiled. “November is a capable adventurer, and Paxton, he has a large heart. And with heart, you can move mountains.” Luna responded.

              Ara’s eyes lit up, taking in the words. She smiled, nodding slowly. Luna grinned, thankful her gift could at least help others.

              Though…sometimes it could be a bit overwhelming….

              But, at least she wasn’t the only one there to uplift others. Lyn was also extremely talented at it. She seemed to also have a gift for making others relax, though Luna doubted it had to do with some sort of ability, it was just…



              “Luna’s right! Let’s get going. The faster we go, the quicker we’ll find them.”


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6702

                @koshka I’m fine with it!


                @freedomwriter76 UGH NATHAN AND DAWSON 😭


                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1309


                  Ahhhhh, I love them all. (But Paxton just about tore me up, the poor wee darling. Do you need someone to find him?) And LUNA!!!!!!!!

                  Yeah, she’s made her own special place in my heart. XD

                  And she’s really making me want to add in Winnifrith.

                  So, I think Alyona is not here this time, and Viktor and Reúven are on one of their many trips. They kinda become some sort of scouts for a little while before the climax.


                  They sound amazing! I can’t wait to meet them.



                  I’m thinking this isn’t Ocran’s castle anymore, because while I really enjoyed using him (that was SUCH fun!), I think it would be difficult now, with these my characters. So does anyone else want their villain to have a castle? Or should we go with a different approach?

                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2002


                    LUNA!!! Ugh, I love her.

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                    Fork the Gork

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1309

                      @freedomwriter76 @koshka  @godlyfantasy12

                      Okay, so I’ll try to introduce Reúven (Fritz) first…

                      Reúven. A laugh dances in his hazel eyes, but the set of his chin is determined. He has the soft calloused hands of a shepherd and the fleet feet of one. Which is a blessing, because he has given those feet to his lame father. What started in fetching things and bearing simple messages as a child, has become overseeing small military movements, espionage outings, and carrying important messages. Secret messages.

                      He is the Fledgling, and he is just testing his wings.

                      Wings that may bring him to more sacrifice than glory, but that’s the only way he’d want it. Viktor is his brother, and he is his brother’s keeper.

                      Dark brown hair that honestly has a red hint to it. He wears a simple frieze (peasant’s wool, undyed) tunic and linen breeches with a long mantle of heavy wool. Very little embroidery adorns his clothing because he doesn’t have a mother to add it. It would only be soiled, anyway. Very soft leather boots.

                      Age 15, a few months older than Viktor

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2002


                        Ouch, twelve? That’s awful (huge understatement).

                        It’ll be fun to meet all of them! =D

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                        Fork the Gork

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6702

                          @elishavet-pidyon AHHH I LOVE HIM!!!! So Viktor is staying??


                          also I think maybe the castle belongs to no one and we can add our own antagonists and villains and such. Just whatever 😂


                          Also YESSS PAXTON HAS MY HEART!!!! And Luna went so easily I was so  pleased!! Hopefully it keeps going that way!!


                          Hmm I would like to start meeting some people! Trying to decide if Paxton should be found by one of his own first but I really think I want them all to meet other people first and not join up with their own ppl yet. Plus we do not wanna get into the same situation we got into that last RP 🤣 (I mean we can have groups just not getting so overwhelmed with extreme amounts of ppl in one group. But multiple groups throughout, which works because my charries are split up all over the place)😂


                          @freedomwriter76 @koshka


                          Who wants to meet who?? Any particulars?


                          also there is still November (and Corvina, though she might not be RP-Ed just yet…she might wander the castle for a while on her own without a POV)


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6702



                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1309

                              Viktor. Not much different physically than before, except for being a bit more attuned to fighting, and a little older. On the inside, though, he’s changed… but he’s not sure in what ways.

                              (Haha, neither am I.)

                              BUT AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT QUESTION: does he, or does he not have his eagle? I leave it to y’all.

                              Age just 15

                              And just so you know his eagle so you can decide:

                              Esen. a Mountain Guardian Eagle, her wingspan is at ten feet. Like her kind, which were noticed by mountain shepherds for guarding the sheep from danger, she is a guardian. Unlike most if her feathered fellows however, she has golden feathers in place of the usual silver: a phenomenon only occuring about once every two-three centuries. This promted a young herd boy to give her to a prince as a birthday gift when she was just a fledgling. That prince became her master, and she served him with all the love that the Lord had put in her unique species. A fierce love that went to battle with him, riding on his shoulders and giving the impression to all around that he had wings.

                              Then, he died. Was murdered.

                              And she flew away, returning to her mountains to mourn.

                              Always searching. Never at rest.

                              Untill the day a troubled young lad knelt in his secret place high in the mountains to pray a prayer of desperation. Of bewilderment.

                              A boy who needed answers.

                              And got hit with a full ten feet of them.

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              Elishavet Elroi
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1309

                                Anyway, it’ll completely change where he is in his arc…

                                Or maybe I’ll just add her and ignore his arc, because… Well, spoilers.

                                Oh! And she has mainly slate-blue feathers, with an ivory underside and golden feathers scattered in the ivory. (Like the grey on a Peregrine Falcon) and a brilliant golden crest.

                                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2002


                                  I s Nathan is the protection agency? I’m not even an official member, but if it comes to it I’ll capture him myself!

                                  *Drops visor on helmet*

                                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Koshka.

                                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                                  Fork the Gork

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