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Potato reporter.
October 16, 2022 at 1:09 am #119561
Paxton is so adorable.
And I think I’m going to like Luna. (Which is probably a good thing considering I took the character test thing on your blog and she’s who I got, every, single. Time.)
And the crystals are rather intriguing.
And I can’t wait to see these darlings interact!
@freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12
Alrighty, so are we transferring to a new castle? Because if we are…
I have two characters I’d like to introduce, if anyone would like.
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 16, 2022 at 1:11 am #119562@koshka so we aren’t transferring to a new “castle” it’s the same castle, we are just able to take our characters out and in as we please. Make sense? So yea
#ProtectSebOctober 16, 2022 at 1:12 am #119563So my charries are gonna be like
”oh heeey…I remember this place”
meanwhile: *paxton having panic attack XD*
#ProtectSebOctober 16, 2022 at 1:17 am #119564That’s what I thought. =) (Sorry, I get words confused sometimes) I meant that we were changing things up so some things may be like a new castle, not that we were actually changing. *Sigh*
Poor Paxton!!! It’s okay, most of the people here are nice! Well, at least some of them.
I would like to swap out characters, even though the other two will just be left wondering the castle untill they’re needed.
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 16, 2022 at 1:17 am #119565@koshka but I’m about to put some of my own charries in sooo!! Go ahead!
Tho I’m not going to have them meet anyone yet because idk who is in and out of the castle yet.
Like idk if Viktor and Alyona are staying or leaving, same with some of freedom’s characters.
Also I think freedom is bringing future Riker?? Not sure 😂
later on I’d love to see the twins again but that can be way later XD or never whatever lol.
anywhoodle yea
#ProtectSebOctober 16, 2022 at 1:18 am #119567Oh so Zlatan and Vulk are still here just not being used? OKAY COOL because I really do luv the twins XD!!
but that is fine with me!! Are u taking Mikkel out tho?
#ProtectSebOctober 16, 2022 at 1:20 am #119568Possibly, I’m not sure. You see, one of the people I want to add is his sister, so he may need to be on hand…
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 16, 2022 at 1:21 am #119569I love the twins too!!!!
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 16, 2022 at 1:39 am #119570LET’S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD (for at least one of my charries…but which one…?)
Duh. The one I’ve been waiting on this ENTIRE TIME!!! 😏 y’all get to meet my baby!!
@koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @e-m-trepkePaxton
Always alone…
Paxton twisted in his sleep, tossing in the throes of his most recent nightmare. His most vivid memories. He whimpered and whined, clawing at the ground around him; at the fur in his arms.
Small tears leaked from his eyes as he rolled and rocked, wishing to be free from this trap. This nightmare.
“Sacrifices are not about love, Paxton, but power.”
The last word echoed from the woman with ferocity, sending shivers down the boy’s spine. He let out a cry as his body, his mind was plunged deep into the icy waters below.
The depths.
Blood ran from his palm to his fingertips. His mother standing above him.
Paxton’s eyes shot open and he screamed, sitting upright. The sound reverberated through the hall and his eyes widened, fear sendings tremors through him. He bit his knuckles, trying to keep the sobs inside, only to remember;
She’s not here….
None of them are here…
He released his hand, wincing at the teeth marks.
Only…only Ara…
And…and his friends…
He sniffed, scrubbing his eyes with his arm. He gripped the old, ragged brown bear next to him, tugging it close, and looked around.
Panic rose in his throat.
This….this wasn’t where he’d fallen asleep….
Had…had someone carried him here?
Grimm? Ember?
his heart leapt at the next thought;
Where was everyone..?
Had…had they left him?
Paxton squeezed the bear. His mouth opened but no sound came out. He cleared his throat, trying again.
(y’all I forgot to mention, Paxton has a stutter. Like November sometimes nervous stutters the letters of his words, but this is an ACTUAL stutter. I’m talking like, repeating small phrases and stuff but y’all don’t have to write his dialogue like that XD it’s not ALL the time, it’s just most of the time)
No reply.
Paxton’s heart dropped into his stomach. His lips pursed and he pulled his knees up to his chest.
Where had they gone? And…where was he?
He looked around. Everything was…dark. Damp. Cold.
He sniffed, stuffing his head into the side of his bear.
“Where…wh-where is everyone?” He cried.
YALL THIS JUST….man I must have really wanted to write Paxton cuz it just flowed…I may use the first part in a draft cuz it just…yea XD
#ProtectSebOctober 16, 2022 at 1:40 am #119571@koshka I’m good with keeping Mikkel too!! I also LOVE MIKKEL!!!!
#ProtectSebOctober 16, 2022 at 1:49 am #119572Lilith is horrible….
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
Koshka. Reason: Goof?
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 16, 2022 at 1:52 am #119574I’m gonna go ahead and stick their character blurbs in, so they’re in here whenever they need to come in. =)
Annia. Cheerful and upbeat with a dash of passion, she’s a bundle of sunshine and a firecracker woven together. True, she can be a bit childish at times, but her perception is often startlingly clear.
Her world is a place of numbers and colors, a swirl of wonder and joy. Perhaps a touch ADHD, she can be a bit much for some people.
Tall and thin, she’s usually described as gangly. Her huge green eyes and black hair are perpetually paired with a brilliant smile. About age 15. (A feline type animal in the book, she shall be human here)
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 16, 2022 at 1:55 am #119576Cécile. Light blonde hair frames deep blue eyes and a young face. Quiet, slight of stature, and tender hearted. But her heart bears scars from the times it’s been broken.
Becuase…the first bomb, the first battle, the first generation of this war. That was the only childhood she knew. Now years later she’s being sent back to the home she fled, this time in the military as a trained nurse’s assistant. But is her heart ready for more wounds?
Or are our scars a gift to show others how to heal?
Has a sweet Algermain (German/Danish) accent, but it only really shows when she’s emotional or passionate. About age 17. (Also a feline type, similar to a sand cat. Shall be human here)
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 16, 2022 at 9:36 am #119577@koshka love them!!!
and yes, Lilith and Paxton’s brothers are horrible (though one of Paxton’s brothers does end up being less bad as the others, and sorta redeems himself)
#ProtectSebOctober 16, 2022 at 10:46 am #119578@koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @e-m-trepke @elishavet-pidyon figure I’ll RP another character!!!
“Hey, wolf boy, wakey wakey!”
Something hit his face, making his eyes flick open. He reacted, his hand reaching to grab his assailant, moving them away from anywhere they could inflict damage.
Skin touched fur.
A familiar screech.
Grimm’s fingers softened, lifting the kit above his chest. He kicked and writhed in the young man’s grip, hissing like an animal.
Grimm sighed, brows forming into thing slits as his eyes narrowed. “Nyx….is there a reason you are slapping me in the face?”
“Other then for fun, you mean?” The kit snarked, maw curving into a smirk as he hung from Grimm’s grasp.
The dark-haired man frowned. Nyx sniggered. “Okay, actually, I slapped you because you were drooling all over the floor, like a mutt, and I needed you awake. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
“We’re not where?” Grimm sat up, setting down the fox and groaning. He really wasn’t in the mood for this. Then again…when was he ever in the mood for Nyx’s antics?
“I dunno, just sounded like the right thing to say.”
Grimm rolled his eyes, then looked around. His sleep-blurred eyes cleared, adjusting the dark space.
Torches hung on the walls, lighting up the cavernous expanse he found himself in. His eyes narrowed, heart pounding with familiarity.
No…this…this wasn’t right.
A dungeon? How…? Where..?
He glared at Nyx, voice a growl.
“Where. Are. We?”
“Chill, chill, it’s fine. I know this place.”
That did not make him feel better.
“Nyx, where are the others. Kit, if you don’t tell me…”
“Hush, wolfboy, they’re fine I’m sure. As for where they are, no clue. That’s kinda how it works.”
He blinked. “How what works?”
“This place.”
Grimm gripped his head. “Nyx…”
“Alright, alright.” Nyx hopped off the young man’s lap, lifting on paw. He shook his ears. “So, if I remember right from last time, this place is some sort of….magic castle.”
“Magic castle?”
“Just listen.” Nyx huffed, ”A couple years back, November, Ara, Lynnie and I ended up here. Dunno how, dunno how we got home. Just…happened. Had some crazy adventure, met all these weird people…when we got home we thought it was a dream but…well…November still had the scratches from everything that had happened so,” Nyx shrugged.
Grimm raised a brow. His head throbbed. The fox wasn’t making any sense. Well, less sense then usual.
Maybe he’d finally lost it….
Though, Grimm would’ve thought if anyone would’ve gone mad…it would’ve been Lyn…
Speaking of…
“Where’s Jocelyn?”
“Did you hear nothing I just said? I. Don’t. Know. But if we go, we can find them.”
Grimm rubbed his temples. “You’re being serious, right now? This isn’t a joke?”
Grimm glared at the fox, judging his multi-colored eyes. Green and brown flicked nonchalantly.
The fox was good at lying. Too good…
But…Grimm knew he hadn’t been here when he’d fallen asleep…
And why would he lie about this?
He knew the little fox would be just as eager to find Jocelyn as he was.
Grimm sighed…
“Alright. Fine. Let’s go.”
#ProtectSeb -
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