Character Castle!

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      @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 OKAY!!!! YAY!! Okie so far I’ve only rewritten the ones that were already in for their older selves!!

      SOO I went with the second option for the time!

      EXPLANATION FOR TIMELINE! This takes place AROUND THREE YEARS (I say around because ya know months vary and such but thats sorta how im thinking it goes) AFTER the adventure the Cirque (so when they were all 14.)

      This takes place before the beginning of when book 6 would be in my timeline. They have met all the MC/POV characters, and November and Corvina have…well…

      A big plot twist has been revealed at this point.

      Also…November has an ability…

      And all of them have crystals that represent who they are, or whatever. They call them their Destina’s

      For instance, November’s Destina is an orange crystal. His Destina is Love.


      So it’s pretty much like “Destiny”


      his “Destiny” is love…sorta but not really…OKIE ANYWAY GOT THAT OUTTA THE WAY XD


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        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


        Arabella: Around 17. Has long brown, wavy hair that reaches to her waist and matching brown eyes with faint dark circles underneath. Fair skinned. She has a purple scar that runs from her right wrist to her elbow, and it looks like a tattoo (resembles Henna Art, if anyones ever seen that, and is like a vine wrapping around her arm). Also has a small burn mark on her left wrist, and a long knife scar in the same palm.

        Wears a simple light tan dress that can easily be fitted over with accents of armor (a breastplate, shoulder plates, etc). She doesn’t need them right now, but they come in for later in the series XD.  Also has a green crystal brooch on her bodice neckline.

        Personality: Arabella is still very much a princess, and a lady, but she has definitely stepped into her role as leader in the past two to three years. She’s slowly becoming more of a warrior princess, while still keeping a very regal and elegant manner and nature. She’s kind, sweet, and in-tune with those around her. She’s become more attuned to her visions and dreams, though they do still catch her off guard, and she does dislike them most of the time, which leads her to much lack of sleep (especially a current dream she’s being plagued with…) She’s much more confident in herself, though she has the slightest feeling that things are about to become unraveled. Perhaps it’s because her best friend has become a bit distant as of late, or…perhaps it’s just because she’s truly beginning to notice just how much she really needs him….

        Destina: Green-Life




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          November: Around 17, a bit younger then Ara, has shot up now and is a hair taller then Grimm. He has curly strawberry-blonde hair, freckles, dimples and bright baby blue eyes. Over his left eye are three large claw marks that are “frozen” in state, in the fact that they won’t heal over as most scars will, and remain a vivid dark red. Thankfully he isn’t blind in that eye, though he does suffer from a lack of depth perception and occasionally a bit of blurred vision and other side effects from the head injury also involved.

          He wears a white button-up collared shirt with jeans and brown lace up boots. He also now has an orange crystal that sits in his shirt pocket on a chain.

          Personality: November is still a sweetie pie, that hasn’t changed. He’d do anything for those he loves, but…he’s been struggling. His insecurities are only getting worse, but now that he’s older, he’s a little better at not showing them outwardly. He’s still awkward and clumsy, but not near as much so as the 14-year old kid he used to be. The negative voice in his head is growing deafeningly loud, and…everything it’s saying? Makes sense.

          He’s almost lost Ara. Multiple times now. It’s taking a toll. If something happens, it would be his fault…and…he can’t live with that. Not when he loves her so…so much.

          He has an ability he still can’t quite control. An ability that physically hurts him. And those he loves…including her.

          And now? A secret’s been revealed…that’s changed his life forever.

          Destina: Fire Orange-Love




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            Jocelyn: 17. Jocelyn has curly blonde hair, worn in a ponytail, and vivid emerald green eyes.

            She still enjoys wearing the colors red and black, and dresses in fantastic and whimsical clothing. She now wears a more steampunk-looking bodice that stitches up in the back, tights and a skirt, though she’s foregone the lace, simply because it’s hard to sneak around in. She does, however, enjoy having designs etched into her clothes, and wears lace boots.

            Personality: Lyn is still the life of the party, as usual. Though she’s not quite as naive as she used to be, she’s still willing to see the good in others and look on the positive side of things. She’s become a fighter, using her agility as her weapon. She’s sneaky, quick, fit, and can be silent as a….well…fox. She’s bold, and loves her family, because that’s what they are, with everything inside of her. She has a joy none can contain…though…recently, she’s been wondering if this is all there is to her life…Is she just supposed to be the mascot? The happy, go-lucky girl? Or…does this Light One she’s learned of have more planned for her?

            Destina: Red-Joy


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              Nyx: Around 13-14. Nyx is his own breed of creature, but mostly resembles a fennec fox, with three tails, (I also sometimes imagine him with bangs) He has heterochromia, one eye is green and the other is brown. The end of his tails are also tipped with a darker brown or tan.

              Wears a red collar with a yellow crystal.

              Personality: Still his same snarky and sarcastic self, Nyx is 100% savage. He’s rudely honest and will not hold back if you ask him a question-so careful what you ask! He’s extremely protective of Jocelyn, and his other friends. He’s gotten better with trusting people, but there are some that just…Tick. Him. Off. He’s a teenager now, which means…well…even more attitude-if that’s possible, and now, he knows and accepts being a spoiled brat. Despite this,  if you can earn Nyx’s trust, you obtain a truly loyal friend, who, deep down, will do whatever he can to protect you.

              Destina: Yellow-Loyalty




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                Corvina: 19. Raven black hair that reaches past her shoulder blades, and dark, gray-blue eyes. She’s pale skinned, and can also shift into a Raven whenever she wants.

                She wears an all black outfit; a black dress, and is almost always seen with her cape on. Wears flats.

                Personality: Corvina is much more stoic than she used to be. She’s no longer the same sarcastic, snarky girl. Things have changed. Things have come to light. She knew something had happened that day in the catacombs…but this? Ever since, her conscience has been slowly eating away at her…fighting with her inner voice, and now, Corvina is in a war. Battling against her inner voices, the darkness she’s grown up with, her snarky, sarcastic, who cares nature, and the small child inside who secretly wants someone to love. She’s quiet now. Reserved. The inner demon’s louder now. So. Much. Louder. And she’s going to have to find a way to save the only thing she has left now…the secret she’s discovered…The last piece of her heart that she thought had been snuffed out years ago. But in order to do that…he’s going to have to be willing to play the game.

                Destina: Unknown




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                  Oh no. That’s… ominous…next? (As I anxiously chew my lip)

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                  Fork the Gork

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    Grimm: 18. Black hair that reaches a bit past his ears and dark blue eyes. He’s fairly light skinned, used to cold climates, and is a wolf-shifter-meaning he can shift into a wolf form at will. His wolf form is dark gray with light silver markings around his muzzle, neck and paws.

                    He wears a dark black overcoat (like a trenchcoat…but cooler looking and way more handsome XD), button-up white shirt and trousers with boots (boots are my go to shoe item okay XD) He also wears a golden locket around his belt loop, along with a dark blue crystal on a silver chain.

                    (Also, there’s kinda this weapon his people have…but i’m not entirely sure where he’d keep it… It’s these glove-like things, but they actually have two long knife-like “claws”. Sorta like Wolverine lol. They use them when they’re not in wolf form. I’m thinking they retract kinda like wolverine’s claws do? Yea… we’ll go with that XD)

                    Personality: Grimm is naturally stoic, though in traveling he has become more of a team player. He’s courageous, wise, responsible, and protective of those around him. He seems unapproachable, but in truth, he’s really very sweet, and once you get to know him, you find out he has a heart of gold. He loves deeply and sometimes it’s hard for him to open his heart up, due to the grief he’s endured, but…he’s getting there. Just give him a bit of time, and soon, you’ll have a friend with the heart of a wolf.

                    Destina: Dark Blue-Courage



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                      @koshka MWAHAHAHAHA XD BE PREPAAAAARED (#lovethatsong #thatsongisinPaxton’splaylist)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        Paxton: 11. Has white, fluffy hair (yes that’s how I describe it, i’ll post a pic XD), light skin that is ONLY SLIGHTLY tinted blue due to being fae, and also due to living in the cold mountains. He has ice blue eyes, and a cute little button nose. He has a knife scar across his right palm, and scars on his back where his wings should be (he was born without them.) He also has two “nubs” of bone where his wing bones began to form but stopped. (They’re like itty bitty little deer horn nubs XD) Has a white crystal on a chain hooked around his bear.

                        He sometimes wears a jacket with fur around the collar and jeans. Other times, he simply wears a white pajama-type shirt and jeans. Sometimes a cute little winter hat. (I just like imagining him in winter clothes okay XD) And he carries around a teddy bear. (NO HE IS NOT TOO OLD TO HAVE A TEDDY BEAR!! *glares at his brothers*)

                        Personality: Paxton is Baby. No literally, PAXTON IS MY BABY! He’s an extremely shy little guy, often preferring not to talk at times, and can be a little clingy, but he’s getting a bit better. He’s at least better than when they first left his home. He still hates confrontation and is easily frightened, hates the dark, blood and is afraid of water. The poor dear has quite a bit of trauma, and prefers to stick close by one of his new friend’s sides. He’s also an artist, seeing things in a different way then most would, and often finding things and ways to create in limited/small spaces. He still has the habit of drawing on himself, and it’s a bit of a comfort more than anything, so the group allows it. Luna has earned his trust rather quickly however, which the group is thankful for, considering she’s their newest member. Then again, she is an Elf of Light, and they’re known to be pure of heart.

                        Destina: White-Hope


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                          LAST ONE!!!

                          here’s Luna!!

                          Luna/Dolunay: 13-14. Purple-ish/Pink-ish hair, pointed ears, purple-ish eyes, and fair skin, Luna is a sight to behold. She’s definitely beautiful, but in a mystical, magical sorta way. She is a Light Elf after all.
                          She wears a silky light purple-hued dress  and prefers to go barefoot. Wears her hair in a braid half-crown atop the front of her head, leaving the rest down, and adorns it with flowers that match her color scheme. Wears a purple crystal hooked to the neck of her dress.

                          Personality: Luna is upbeat and inspirational. Wise beyond her years and able to practically see through a person, she gives wonderful advice, but don’t let that fool you. She’s still truly a joy to be around. She’s really infectious, and her faith-filled love of the Light One and all that is beautiful changes everyone around her. She spreads her happiness wherever she goes, much like Lyn, though perhaps not quite as boisterous. Her mind is always thinking and wondering, pondering, wandering on things ahead. Above. Below. She’s curious and attuned with nature, and with people. She wants to help others, anyway she can, and can’t seem to understand when someone doesn’t hold the same morals and values as she does. A tad naive, and quick to speak. Bold, and unafraid, she’ll speak her mind. Lyn thinks she’s great (obviously XD)

                          Destina: Purple-Faith





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