Character Castle!

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      @godlyfantasy12. NOVEMBERRR!!! RIKERRRRR!!!!! 😭💔💖

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        @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h. @e-m-trepke.


        “I…I just wanna say…I don’t think you’re a mistake. Whatever you did, or think you did, it doesn’t matter anymore. Not to me. I…I love you, Riker. I’m gonna miss you.”

        Riker held November closer, his own tears threatening to fall.

        This teen…this kid…believed in him. Even though he had no reason to. And…he…loved him…even though he certainly didn’t deserve it.

        “I’m going to miss you too, November…and…I love you too.” Riker whispered, giving November a tight squeeze, but all too soon, he had to pull away.

        Naja squeezed his hand and waved to Arabella again. “Goodbye, Bella. I’m…gonna miss you…and you too November…” Naja whispered. Sniffed.

        Riker smiled faintly and lifted her into his arms. Kissed her forehead. “We’ll all miss you.” Riker said with a small smile.

        Glanced over at Ezra and Eva, who were saying goodbye to Mikkel, to Jocelyn, Zlatan, Vulkasin, Viktor, and Alyona, who were talking, then Franz and Angelina, who were merely standing there, to Naja, who was relaxing in his arms, and finally back to Arabella and November. “…I’ll never forget any of you.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @koshka @freedomwriter76 @eloshavet-pidyon hey y’all, gotta question.


          Im really trying to figure out at what point in their ages my charries should be…

          I obviously know I want to be able to bring them ALL in so they will have all met at this time.


          my question is…



          Should I bring them in at a point RIGHT BEFORE they get their crystals-


          (Thus, November and Corvina don’t know their relation to each other, but they’ve already met Luna…)




          Should I bring them in where it’s RIGHT BEFORE BOOK 6 (they’ve gotten their crystals, AND November and corvina now know their relation (but no one else does) and their about to venture to retrieve the last crystal which is in another land….



          I am sorta wanting to lean toward the second one cuz it has SO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL plus then it’ll give me more to do with Corvina and she and November can have secret interactions… 👀

          BUT I also really need to develop my other charries and I just don’t want too much time to pass at the same time if that makes any sense?? Idk….it’s weird XD…

          But I’m kinda leaning toward the second option???



          But I am really just going back and forth and UGH IDK!!!!!! 😫😫😫


          Because I still want Paxton to be fairly new to the group, which he will be, and grimm and Nyx to have that dynamic…

          And they all will…but their arcs might slightly shift during the time they meet Luna to when November learns about he and Corvina…


          so I’m not sure what to do….






            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h @e-m-trepke

            Arabella & November

            November stepped back, scrubbing his eyes. The warmth left his body, but the tingling sensation remained. The words cascaded through him, washing him.

            I love you too….

            He bit his lip to keep from crying again, his ears now starting to turn pink at their tips. He glanced over to see Ara crying as well.

            Naja began another round of goodbyes.

            “….I’ll never forget any of you.” Riker’s eyes glazed with emotion, as he held his daughter in his arms.

            November swallowed hard, unable to speak. He nodded in agreement, feeling a gentle hand squeeze his own. He glanced down, seeing Ara gripping his palm, and smiled, thankful to have her back.

            “We won’t forget you either, sir,” Ara smiled, as lady-like as ever. She crinkled tear-stained eyes as Naja, waving goodbye.

            She turned readily to November. “I…I suppose we should go say goodbye to the others…”

            November sucked in a breath, nodding. Ara began to lead him to where Lyn stood, near the twins, Viktor and Alyona.

            November took one last glance at Riker.


            “Ah, hello Arabella, Novembre,” Zlatan’s eyes rested on the two as they approached. They were soft, but heavy. Vulk’s seemed the same.

            “Lyn said you’re leaving?” Alyona’s brows furrowed, lips pulling thin.

            Ara glanced at her friends, each of them sharing the same look. “I…We…think it’s about time to try and get home now…” Ara squeezed November’s hand once more. “But…we…we first wanted to say goodbye. To…to all of you.”

            November looked at the foursome, “We’ll really miss you, a lot.” He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck with his free hand.

            “That’s for sure!” Lyn joined in.

            The three paused. Then, simultaneously turned to Nyx.

            He blinked. “What?” Lyn pursed her lips, motioning with her arms. “Agh…fine…Goodbye….” Nyx looked away, and Ara swore  she saw the fox’s eyes glaze over slightly. He carefully limped into Jocelyn’s hair, nuzzling against her neck, head mostly hidden from sight.

            Alyona giggled.

            Lyn rolled her eyes playfully. “Well, Nyx aside, we’re all sad to go. But Ara’s right. We should get going.”

            Novemver looked at the twins, “Thanks for taking care of us when we first got here,” he smiled, dimples showing. His eyes were still red from the goodbye with Riker and Ara could tell he was probably trying to keep his emotions in check again.

            “Yes, thank you, so very much Ara agreed.

            “And Viktor. Thanks…ah…for everything. You’re…really brave,” November chuckled, remembering everything he’d thought about the boy during their quest.

            “And you’re tons of fun Vulk! And I’m gonna miss ya Ally!” Lyn wrapped the girl in a hug before she could realize what was happening. “Miss you too Vik! Zlati!”



            (@koshka @elishavet-pidyon I figure you’ll wanna reply to the goodbyes)


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6702

              It didn’t tag u but… @koshka


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2003

                @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

                Eeepers, I never actually responded! Sorry.

                (Btw, I found a song which perfectly fits Vulkasin after he’s gone through his arc, at least the style, music, and tone of the lyrics if not the words in particular: I Wonder as I Wander by Simon Khorolskiy.)


                “Maker keep you.” Zlati? He raised an eyebrow at his brother, who had changed his slightly somber expression for a shark-like grin.

                Vulkasin vaguely waved a hand his way, obviously fighting back hilarity. “Ha! I’m tons of fun, and you’re… you’re not too bad.” He lost his battle. Zlatan calmly clouted him across the back of the head.

                “Good to see you too, little brot’er”

                Vulkasin snorted, finally regaining control of himself.


                He stood to the side, his helmet held tightly in his hands. Goodbyes…what to say when you had no certainty of ever seeing another person again.

                Dad leaning out the train window, straining for another glimpse f his family.

                Oswald casually mentioning their next mission, that he should be back in a few hours.

                Mam just going to take a rest before dinner.

                And many more.

                What had been the last words he’d said to any of them? He couldn’t even remember. Not what he would have wanted.

                What he no longer could.

                He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

                Ezra walked up to Mikkel, Eva at his arm.

                Mikkel spoke before they could. “Thank you for, for…” Say it. “Finding me in that dark tower. You don’t know where I was up there. I, I…thank you.”

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                Fork the Gork

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2003


                  Maybe the second one? I’d really like to see November and Corvina like that. But do whatever you think best. =)

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                  Fork the Gork

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6702

                    @koshka awwww MIKKEL 😭


                    ALSO!! I luv Zlatan and Vulkasin sooo much….them as brothers UGH I need more of them as brothers!





                    i need an AU with them just being bros….XD


                    maybe a school AU XD idk



                    what if we….one day….


                    made some AU RPs……?


                    like different forums obviously 😂 but…


                    Like University AU RP with all our charries….? (Or whatever Charrie u wanna put in)

                    idk just a crazy idea 😂


                    me thinking about my descriptions of Academy AU charries with the descriptions of Freedoms University AU charries, meeting each other, and now I’m like 🤩 XD



                    ALSO ALSO!! Might have to listen to that song…






                    ALSO ALSO ALSO XD!! If @elishavet-pidyon isn’t on I may go ahead and finish up the goodbyes for my charries….


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6702

                      @koshka yea that’s what I’m thinking I’m gonna go with.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        UGH THAT SONG!!! Except I’ve found it by Lindsey Sterling (an artist I loove!!)


                        and now I really wanna know about Vulkasin’s arc……….LIKE SO BAD AGH! CUZ NOW THESE ARE MY BABIES TOO! Like ur twins are my babies now. I luv them. *hugs both boys close. Has to stand on tiptoes to reach Vulk but doesn’t care XD*



                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6702

                          Also the version by Audrey Assad.

                          (I like these cuz the two this song would fit in my series are girls XD. I mean it would really fit multiple but especially Arabella and Corvina. I can totally see both of them with this song in their playlist.)


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2003


                            I believe she is working on a reply right now, but will hopefully be done soon?


                            An AU with our characters together? Like RP style? That would be awesome!!!! We should totally do that!

                            That song is BEAUTIFUL! And Simon Khorolskiy is one of my favorite artists ever.

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                            Fork the Gork

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2003


                              Hmm, maybe I shall check out those versions. I can see how it would fit!

                              Simon Khorolskiy definitely fits my Volkss though. The Russian expression just sings in his music, with is PERFECT. (His family immigrated to the US when he was two)

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                              Fork the Gork

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6702

                                @koshka it is beautiful! Also….IKR!!! And I say also a lot don’t I? XD!!!

                                I’m thinking it could have some magic elements in it? So like a modern setting but with some fantasy elements? Like ya know just fairies mill about casually, or elves run coffee shops XD, but then humans also just do their thing as usual, so it wouldn’t really change anything too much for anyone’s human characters.


                                Like we’d have to figure it all out but yea.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6702

                                  @kishka aww that is perfect!!


                                  So Lindsey Sterling only sings the chorus and then it’s mostly violin music. And then she sings it again at the very end.




                                  Meanwhile Audrey Assad has this real like beautiful but haunting voice in the song (idk this artist btw but just found her singing this song XD) and it just fit really well with ma girls/vibe 😂


                                  I listen to drastically different things….like my characters playlists are ALLLL over the place.




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