Character Castle!

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  • #119312
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      @koshka ROFL I FEEL THAT!!! I luuuuv Christmas


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h Also I’m really sorry y’all if I sound pushy or anything asking you guys to RP all the time or anything…that’s not my intention at all 😅😅 I just really enjoy it soooo I end up checking my phone like alll the time 🤣


        I have noooo life which is sad cuz pretty sure I’m older then everyone here XD


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1568


          No, you’re fine! I enjoy this too.

          And I’m constantly checking my phone, which I really should stop doing quite so much, but anyway.

          Hmm, yeah, you probably are the oldest author in this castle right now. I don’t think I’m on the younger side of this castle’s age scale, more like somewhere in the upper middle. As in, I should be getting a driver’s license in a bit, but I also don’t actually need one yet.

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @koshka I recently got mine! (Should’ve gotten it way before now but yea lol)


              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1568


              Congratulations! I haven’t even started learning yet…but our brother finally got his, so we’ll start soon. ish. (Our family waayyy drags this out, for some unexplainable reason.)

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1058

                @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h

                Ok, so it started to rain, and as much as I love music, I love rain more. So, I can write now, since rain-song doesn’t interrupt my words like lyrics do.


                There was a sound, just a faint one carried to them by some unfelt draft from far down the passage.

                A cry?

                Riker knew. He spun away, chasing it as if for life.


                Viktor’s heart thudded in his throat and he took off after him just as November and Mikkel did the same.

                The others were somewhere, somewhere close, and in danger. Horribly vivid images danced before Viktor’s eyes as if to taunt him.

                “Please, Lord, not that!”

                The sounds drew closer, clearer in their intent. Men shouting with threadbare voices, the clash of weapons, the scream of women and children.

                The wind of his run hissed in his ears and with the beating if his heart nearly closed off the dreadful sounds.

                But this was battle. This was war.

                He loosened his sword in its scabard and fit a stone into his sling.

                Where was-?

                His sister’s voice rose suddenly, before falling beneath the chaos again.


                He screamed.

                And propelled himself after Riker to the battle.

                He did not understand all that was clutching at his soul, he just knew that his sister was there, and she needed out.

                And Naja.

                And Eva.

                And whoever else he heard at that moment.

                Whatever he could do, no matter how little it was, would be theirs.

                They rounded the corner into mayhem.

                “Eibuavkin don thaRa’ahrí!” (Victory to the Shepherd King. [The one Eishlagair phrase I have down] Boy, is Ocran going to be happy about that.)


                “We need to get the children out.” Alyona jumped back a few paces to get a better vantage with her sling. “Now.”

                Ara nodded and glanced at Jareth. The boy was somehow still glued to his father’s leg, despite the coming onslaught. His little face was hidden from sight.

                Angelina was already removing Naja, but Jareth would be more difficult to get. Alyona bit her bottom lip and dropped a soldier like a barn crow.

                Not the most pleasant feeling, but she had to do what was laid before her.

                Now, Zlatan? He was a warrior of tried mettle, and she watched in wonder as he occupied five men at once.

                Make that four. She looked away.

                Drew another stone and stunned a man just before he overwhelmed Jocelyn. Not that Jocelyn was really overwhelmed, but Alyona didn’t take the time to consider it. The girl was probably enjoying herself, in a way. Nyx was, even if he was only standing on her shoulders and squeiakng insults.

                Then Naja’s scream cut through the din again. Alyona spun to find her.

                Hadn’t they left?

                But it would appear they’d been flanked by more men in the hall.

                Alyona felt the blood drain from her face.


                As much as he hated them for it, he had to admit these trespassers put up a good fight.

                Too good.

                But that would only make his victory more complete.

                A handful of guards in the surrounding passages and he had them trapped in a wall of death.

                He’d skin both those beasts and sell any survivors to the Dorwains. Such was a merciful payment for this outrage.

                “Surrender immediately, we have you surrounded.”

                Then a sudden outburst down the far passage echoed into the room. Another scrimmage. Merely a-

                A voice trembling in its youth sounded from the far fight.

                Claiming the victory for….

                Ocran scowled and strode forward.

                How could a dead king ever triumph?

                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1058


                  You don’t sound pushy to me! 🙂 I understand; I like this too.

                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. You’re Not Pushy at all! I love doing this too! 😀

                    Wish I could do it more…but alas…I started High School this year. XDXDXD

                    Which thus probably makes me on the younger side of all the people in this RP. XD

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h


                      After her initial shock of Nyx’s injury….Ocran had attacked…

                      She hadn’t had much time to ask question…but boy would she afterwards…

                      Lyn jumped into action, placing Nyx carefully onto her shoulder. His hackles raised and he hissed.

                       “Let me take him,”

                      “No way! You’re hurt. You’re staying with me!”


                      “No buts!” Lyn kicked one soldier in his knees, making him fall into another. She wasn’t exactly a fighter, but she was active. Agile. And a performer. She could at least keep them dazzled.

                      On edge.

                      Unsure of her next moves….

                      Meanwhile Nyx hissed and screeched at them from her shoulder, making her laugh. Spurring her on.




                      Everyone was fighting now. But Ara was no fighter.

                      She could be, if she had to be.

                      But she had a more important task to handle.


                      Alyona had said to get the children away. And that’s just what she was going to do.

                      Ara spun around, spotting Jareth still clinging to Crosshair.

                      Ara walked to him, bending down.

                      “Jareth, sweetheart. I know you’re scared, but I need you to trust me. We need to go.”


                      “He’s gonna be okay,” Ara smiled, hoping her words would ring true. Jareth whimpered, but, slowly released his grip, reaching out for Ara instead, she quickly wrapped her arms around him, lifting him into her embrace and running back to where the young woman stood with Naja.

                      “Follow me,” she cried.

                      The young woman nodded, carrying Naja along.

                      “Bell….” Naja cried tearfully.”

                      “Shh, it’s okay Naja,” the woman rubbed her back gently, trying to soothe her.

                      And then…


                      They were surrounded.


                      By hounds.


                      Naja screamed.


                      Ara’s heart stopped. Oh Light One….Help us.



                      A child had screamed. Riker had took off running.



                      C-Could Ara be with her?


                      November followed close behind, rounding the corners until…

                      He was met with chaos…

                      They we’re all there…

                      Zlatan, Crosshair, Franz Eva, Alyona….

                      Jocelyn and Nyx!

                      But….no sign of Ara….

                      November’s eyes widened, heart thudding at the sight of the guards and the intense battle as he ran.

                      Viktor ran ahead, shouting something he couldn’t make out. Something that sent a shiver down his bones, and made the man at the forefront…

                      The dark…foreboding man…the leader…turn with a menacing glare.

                      November’s stomach flipped at the sight.

                      The men and boy with him blinded into action, but he….stood blinded by the sight. Unsure of what exactly to do.


                      Another ear piercing scream….



                      November’s eyes lifted, catching sight of another group, behind this one.

                      Naja’s screams grew louder among with the growls of…

                      Dogs…large dogs…

                      November shuddered.

                      And then, his eyes caught sight of a familiar wisp of brown hair.

                      Another, lesser cry, but this time not from Naja, as one of the dogs leapt.

                      November’s heart leapt to his throat. “Ara!”

                      Brown met blue as the girl glanced back, hearing her name, eyes filled with fear.

                      November’s feet moved before he could react, flinging him into the midst battle. He passed by everyone, until he reached where the dogs were.

                      Where Ara and the kids were.

                      One the dogs had gripped her skirt, tugging her down. She wrestled with it, holding onto Jareth at the same time. Naja was crying, hiding behind a young woman as she herself wrestled against a pair of hounds that were approaching.


                      November tackled the hound that attached itself to Ara, feeling it’s fur bristle underneath him. The hound snapped and growled with malice, barking in his ears.

                      Ara screamed.


                      November could feel the bites and nips against his skin, but still tried his best to at least subdue the rabid dog.

                      Eventually, however, he found himself unable to keep the hound down, and he was on the ground, the dog snapping and snarling.

                      Ara approached, Jareth no longer in her arms. She raised her fists as if to smash the dog.

                      “No! Stay back!” November cried, reeling backwards, away from the snarling beast.

                      Ara glanced at him, brows furrowing, but obeyed. She wouldn’t stand much of a chance….not without a weapon like the others had…

                      November looked around furiously for something-anything-to defend himself, but…there was nothing…

                      And slowly…the dog drew ever closer…







                      idk if someone wants to save him or what XD. I mean he kinda needs it now 😂 my brave boiii saving his girl 🥰


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. AHHHH!!!! NOVEMBER!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h.


                        There was complete chaos.

                        Viktor ran towards the man obviously leading the attack.

                        Riker heard Naja scream again.


                        Dogs barked, and suddenly, before his very eyes, November was on the floor, battling one of the hounds.

                        Riker ran.

                        No one was hurting November on his watch.

                        He slid, kicking the dog out of the way, and grabbed November, pulling him almost completely into his arms.

                        Riker stood, still holding onto November.

                        “November…are you okay?” Riker asked.

                        The dog barked, but suddenly a shot sounded and it went still.

                        Ezra gave Riker a salute, before turning his attention back to the soldiers.

                        November slowly nodded. “…I’m…yeah…I’m fine.”

                        Riker wrapped his arms around him, pulling November into a hug. “…I’m so glad…” he whispered. (THESE TWO!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰)

                        He let November go, as November went to Arabella.


                        Riker took Naja into his arms. Kissed her forehead. “My sweet baby girl…” he whispered into her hair.

                        But slowly, he handed her back to Eva.

                        He had to fight.

                        Much as he hated bloodshed…

                        …he was fighting for his daughter this time.

                        And November…and all of these people that had shown him kindness…even though he didn’t deserve it.

                        This time…he was fighting for people he loved.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 AGH RIKER!!!!! MY HEAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRTTTTTT!!!!!!!



                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4747

                            @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon


                            “Eibuavkin don thaRa’ahrí!” one of the characters shouted. Feather didn’t know what it meant, but it felt hopeful and triumphant.

                            She didn’t have time to contemplate it, however, before a growl distracted her.

                            An attack dog was creeping, snarling, closer and closer to Jareth and a little girl. An older girl–probably a teenager–and a boy about the same age were trying to protect them, but the dog paid no attention.

                            Another man slid in and kicked it, knocking it away. Feather ran over to the children just as the man handed the young girl to another character.

                            Jareth saw her. He squealed and threw his arms around her. “Mama!”

                            Feather hugged him back. “Jareth, you’re here! You’re okay!”

                            Her son nodded, his face tearstained. “And Daddy…” He pointed to where Crosshair was grappling with a large dog that had locked its jaws onto his wrist. “Will he be okay?”

                            Feather raised her rifle and shot the dog in the shoulder. It gave a yelp as it slid off her husband’s arm, revealing the tooth marks it’d made in his armor. Thankfully, there didn’t seem to be any blood.

                            Crosshair grabbed his rifle from where it’d dropped nearby and fired into the battle again. He seemed to be aiming for a cruel-looking man in the center, probably the leader.

                            Standing in front of Jareth to protect him, Feather also began shooting.



                            One of Rinzler’s discs sliced an arm off a soldier, and his other one ricocheted back to him after cutting a long wound in a dog’s flank like a deadly Frisbee.

                            The group of hostiles had no idea what Rinzler was doing, which gave him an advantage. He stabbed another enemy and advanced forward.

                            Gunshots behind him told him that Crosshair and Feather had gotten into it, as had a few others. Another couple of young characters–probably siblings–had slings they were using to knock their foes senseless.

                            Rinzler smirked. Having so many different fighting styles on one side gave them a good chance.

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1568

                              @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12


                              His brother was in the thick of it, sword flashing with complete mastery, his face tense but otherwise calm. Zlatan was a Desanik. Vulkasin hadn’t seen his brother in battle, not like this.

                              This was more than a fight. This was a battle, a war. And he was a Volk. The war cry of his people swelled up his throat, the howl of a wolf.

                              The bays of the great-hounds surrounded around him.

                              Hmm…perhaps that hadn’t been the best of  ideas; Vulkasin was now the focal point of the canine attack. Ha, whatever, this was perfect! A fight he could make last ass long as he wished! Certainly not what he had expected, but Vulkasin son of Vratislav was ready for anything.

                              He placed his back against the wall, and repeated the cry, taking down whatever creatures got too close to his blade.

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                These characters are so awesome. Lol @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


                                E. M. Trepke
                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 145

                                  @godlyfantasy12 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h

                                  And it all comes together…


                                  “Seriously!” Corvina huffed, glaring at his arm.

                                  Vesper searched the corridor and lowered his arm.  He stepped forward, ready for anything. “What do you think that was?” he hissed.

                                  “Doesn’t matter,” Corvina grumbled. “Point is, I lost the boy! Because of you.”

                                  Vesper turned. “Me?”

                                  “Yes! If you hadn’t held me back-“

                                  “I was just trying to-“

                                  “Well maybe stop trying!” she burst, then mumbled: “Knew I shouldn’t have let you tag along…”

                                  A faint sound tickled his ears. “Shh!” he shushed her. “Hear that?”

                                  She rolled her eyes but grew quiet. The sound was clearer—and nearer—now.


                                  It grew closer.

                                  “Get back!” Vesper and Corvina presses themselves against the wall, as a large pack of hounds flooded past them, howling, barking, snapping. Once the last of the pack had passed them, Vesper grabbed Corvina’s hand and sprinted after the dogs.

                                  “Wh—?” Corvina began.

                                  “We’re going after them.”


                                  “Think about it,” he yelled, behind him. “Those dogs ignored us. They ran in the direction of the boy you need. If that boy is dead, how can he lead you to whoever it is he’s supposed to lead you to?”

                                  Corvina yanked her hand out of his grip. “Fine. But I can run just fine on my own.”

                                  A scream echoed in the hall ahead of them. Then another. They turned the corner to find a scene of utter chaos.

                                  The sounds of explosions, screams, yelps, growls, and shouts blended into a single chord of cacophony. A distinctive child’s scream pierced the tumult. No. His heart dropped. He scanned the battle for the source. Found it. He drew his sword. He would not let any more children die.

                                  He glanced at Corvina. “Stick close,” he ordered.

                                  He dove into the fray.

                                  We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                                  -The Doctor

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