Character Castle!

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  • #119151
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1562

      @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

      Alright, I’m back after a grocery trip. (Ick)


      Oh November…the lad had scraped up his hands and knees, fragments of gravel protruding from the cuts. Although only superficial, they had to hurt.

      “Here, sit back please, so I can clean this out.” He smiled and rummaged through his pack. Tweezers, antiseptic, gauze… Oswald’s medical bag. He shouldn’t even be carrying this thing; he wasn’t a medic.

      But he did know what to do, or at least what not to do.

      “Can I see your hands?”


      In one swift movement he had slid his shield from his back, strapped to his left arm, and drawn his sword, quietly stepping in front of Ara.

      Someone was coming, perhaps a half troop by the sound.

      Foes behind, Foes ahead. If I’m not cautious, we’ll be…

      ZLATAN, don’t rhyme that.

      He tensed, knees half bent, ready to strike down the first guard to appear.


      These castle halls were rather gloomy after the brilliant sunlight. He sighed. Maybe they’d come across some of the troop, perhaps his brother. That could make being temporarily confined in a building not intended for his hight.

      Vulkasin rubbed his forehead before replacing his helmet. At least it gave some protection.

      Lyn glanced at him, her mouth open as if to speak.

      But she never did.

      Strange voices shouted out something up ahead, suddenly mixing with sounds he knew all to well to mistake. A fight.

      Vulkasin grinned.

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka YAAAY!!! @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


        November was thankful for the distraction as he waited for Riker’s reply….but he quickly found his stomach doing loops as he watched Mikkel pull a variety of things from his bag.

        He paled, swallowing the lump in his throat.

        “Can I see your hands?”

        November blinked. Slowly he offered his hands, frowning at the way they shook. He blushed slightly.

         “Hold still.”

        But it hurts…”

        If you hadn’t been fooling around it wouldn’t be.”

        “But I didn’t-“

        Shush.” His father swabbed more antiseptic onto his scraped knee, making him wince. “I doubt your friend the princess got herself this roughed up.”


        He hadn’t had the guts to tell him she’d gone home missing a tooth….


        (poor baby. Also child Arabella and November is so fun to write)



        She’d been about to crack a joke, about Vulk’s height and the fact he kept hitting his head, but she’d stopped at the sound of voices.

        Usually Nyx would’ve perked before they ever got this loud, but he wasn’t here…

        Still…whatever was going on nearby sounded…interesting.

        She glanced at Vulk. He had a grin on his face. She chuckled, feeling her own burst of adrenaline flood her toes.




        Nyx’s hackles raised. He hissed, head raising from where Ara held him. His eyes met Ocran’s and he watched as the man’s prideful face melted into one of anger and contempt.

        “BEAST!” The old prune-bag cried.

        Nyx growled, canines showing.

        Zlatan stepped in front of him and Ara. Nyx glanced at the dark-haired young man.

        Ara’s eyes widened and she leaned down. “Nyx…is this…the man you spoke of? The-The one who owns this castle?”

        Nyx narrowed his two-toned eyes. “Yes.”

        Everyone bristled; the men gripping their weapons and pulling the kids closer. Ezra stepped in front of Eva.

        Ocran was still glaring at Nyx, but slowly, turned to acknowledge the others. He glared.

        Nyx sneered.

        How’s that souvenir I left ya?”

        (The bite he gave him XD)

        Ocran’s eyes flared with anger. Zlatan turned to Nyx with a “Seriously?” Expression.

        “Nyx!” Ara hissed.




        Ahh Nyx 🤦🏻‍♀️ XD





          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 anyone on?


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645



            This guy was still asking questions…

            Corvina frowned. He just wasn’t going to leave well enough alone was he?

            “Just leave him.”

            Hmm…it was tempting…

            Instead, she turned to face him, narrowing her eyes. “I already told you. He knows someone important to me. Someone I need to find. That’s all.”


            Thought you didn’t want me to tell him.


            Corvina huffed, more annoyed with herself then anything. She stalked away.

            Vesper followed close behind, making her groan.

            She sighed. “Okay, fine. If you want to know something interesting, then listen to this. Those marks on the kid’s face?” Vesper gave her an incredulous look, as if to say “You’re barely any older then him.” She shrugged him off. “Yea, well. I did that. So maybe, mind your own business, hm?”

            It may have been an empty threat. Though…maybe not.

            If made to, Corvina wouldn’t hesitate to throw hands at Vesper, should he annoy her long enough.

            And if she gained control.


            Vesper’s eyes widened, face paling slightly.

            Corvina smirked, thankful to have gotten her point across.

            Yet…a small piercing in her heart made the victory a bit….cold.

            She hadn’t meant to claw the boy…

            It was supposed to be the girl.

            The princess.

            She just wanted to stop her.

            To do what she was sent to do.

            What she was destined to do.

            Corvina fingered her neck, where the strap of her cape lay. She swallowed a lump in her throat, looking away.

            But the stupid boy had gotten in the way, and now she was chasing them all over this forsaken castle…


            It wasn’t her fault.

            No…it was his.

            And…and he’d done something to her.

            She could feel it.

            She stretched her right hand, fingers aching slightly.


            She’d find the boy, and then the princess, and she’d complete her mission.

            Her destiny.

            And then?

            It would all be over.

            She smiled to herself.


              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1562

              @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12

              Who next?

              (NOVEMBER… CORVINA! You’re all so precious and wonderful and your author’s being cruel to you right now but it’s all for good in the end!!!!)

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2334

                @freedomwriter76   A little extra description of the girls 😊: they both have brown hair, Ellie’s is a chopped pretty short and Eddie’s is in a long French braid. They also wear kinda matching hoodies with little cat ears on the hoods, Ellie’s is blue and Eddie’s is yellow. (Sorry that’s a lot of specific unimportant information)


                There was a short moment in which the four stared at each other, confused and on edge. The silence was broken by one of the two men.

                “Hello there! I’m Zayne, and this is my twin brother, Wayne! We’re people…don’t know if you’ve ever heard of those…”


                Ellie noticed Eddie relax a bit after seeing Zayne’s friendliness. This only made her tense up more. Unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar place and a sister who was now off guard. She just wanted back on her ship.

                “Nice to meet you, so…what are your names? Where are you from?”

                Eddie paused for a moment, then put her gun back in its holster. She grinned.

                “Yes, we know what people are. My name is Eddie and this is Ellie. We’re not really from anywhere. We just kinda travel around. It’s cool to meet another set of twins!”

                Ellie lowered her weapon while she was talking, but did not put it away.

                “So,” Eddie continued, “You have any idea where we are?”

                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @koshka u can do one as Mikkel responding to November if u want


                  and then @elishavet-pidyon needs to go as Viktor, Alyona maybe and Ocran, and @freedomwriter76 needs to go as Riker, and any other charries


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334

                    Also, I have a picture of Ellie that I drew a while ago! It’s kinda hard to tell what’s going on but…

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @loopylin AHH LUV IT!!! So cute!!!


                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1562

                        @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon  @godlyfantasy12



                        November’s hands trembled slightly as he held them out, his eyes suddenly staring off into somewhere else.

                        Mikkel took those hands, careful not to cause more discomfort than was nesesary. He needed to talk, to say something to help pull the lad out of that nightmare. Something. Anything.

                        “Looks like you scuffed these up quite nicely.” He kept his voice gentle, hoping to ease November’s eyes away from the tweezers. “Quite as nice as ever I did back at the Squirey… This may sting for a moment.”

                        They both winced with the quick application of antiseptic, then Mikkel smoothed in an antibacterial ointment. Not much use to bandage his hands, a light wrap would have to do.

                        The lad’s knees were worse, but nothing to be very concerned over…As long as a staff infection didn’t set in.

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Koshka.
                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Koshka.

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @elishavet-pidyon do you wanna make an RP? @freedomwriter76 you on??


                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1058

                            @freedomwriter76 @koshka  @godlyfantasy12


                            Thank the Lord, Riker and November had been able to talk, and even as Viktor sensed something deeper in some places, he decided not to stir the waters anymore than need be.

                            And now…

                            November was embarrassed and frightened. Viktor knew how he felt.

                            November was also thinking, remembering, and Viktor didn’t know how that felt.

                            That is…

                            He sighed and focused on Mikkel’s ministrations. A strong liquid to clean the injuries, then ointments and clean cloths. And stories through it all.

                            Viktor recognized the tactic and decided to join in.

                            “Once, when I was about seven I fell from our barn roof onto the chicken coop. I took the skin off my knees and scuffed my hands, but I was too embarrassed to get help. Especially since I wasn’t supposed to be on the barn roof. Ever.” He laughed, “eventually, Mama found me hiding behind the well trying to wash the grit from my scrapes. She was mad when she learned what I’d done, but decided I’d punished myself sufficiently.” He grinned and shook his head. “I still have the scars…”

                            If only his worst scars were from simple scrapes, but no fall from a roof left a boy’s hands like his.

                            He subconsciously tucked them under him and brought all his attention to Mikkel again.

                            “What did you do in the Squirey?”

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon (also freedom Riker can kinda inwardly respond to what November said to him if he wants, and bring it up later if he likes? Up to u 😊)


                              He found himself smiling a little as Viktor told his story, watching as the brown-haired boy flushed with his own bit of embarrassment.

                              He didn’t miss when he quickly slipped his hands under himself, reminding November of the way Ara would subconsciously tug at her sleeve…

                              “What did you do in the Squirey?”

                              November turned his attention back to Mikkel, gently flexing his now clean hands. The ointment one them was cool, keeping the sting at bay.

                              “Yea, I…ah, also wondered about that…You said you were a…umm…” he racked his brain for the words, “King’s Mariner? Is-Is that like…uhh…A knight or something?” November blinked, face flushing.

                              He hoped he was at least close, as he didn’t want to make an utter fool of himself. But…knowing his track record, this was probably not the case.


                              Mikkel smiled standing to his feet. He held out a hand and November gently took it, also standing. (Figured we’d also get them moving too?)


                              E. M. Trepke
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 145

                                @ godlyfantasy12

                                It’s kind of funny reading Corvina’s interpretation of Vesper’s actions! She doesn’t realize just how scary the things he’s seen are.


                                “I already told you. He knows someone important to me. Someone I need to find. That’s all.” She didn’t answer the question. Something was wrong with that boy, and if Corvina knew the problem, she wasn’t planning on telling him anytime soon.

                                She huffed and stalked away, so, naturally, Vesper followed. She groaned, then sighed, then continued.

                                “Okay, fine. If you want to know something interesting, then listen to this. Those marks on the kid’s face?” Vesper glanced at the long scars marring the red-head’s face. They looked nasty. “Yea, well. I did that. So maybe, mind your own business, hm?”

                                His eyes widened. This girl would fit right in to the Consortium. The girl smirked, then something seemed to change. She touched her neck and swallowed, looking away. Her smile came out anew, and she turned to continue following the group.

                                The girl was… troubled, but Vesper decided that it was decidedly dangerous to press her further.

                                Looking at her now made him think of Minna… but Corvina was much darker. How could he have done that to her? How could he have let her fall? He swallowed back the tear-lump forming in his throat. It was all his fault.

                                “Wait.” He put out his arm to stop Corvina.

                                “What?” she hissed, glaring.

                                “Something doesn’t feel right.”

                                (It’s too late to think of the problem… you can think of the issue. I just feel a little action is needed. They’ve been walking and “talking” for a while now.)

                                We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                                -The Doctor

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. @koshka.


                                  “…What…just…happened?” Leon asked.

                                  Steve laughed.

                                  That was odd.

                                  But waking up in the 21st century after decades of being frozen…he was pretty used to odd things.

                                  “Thank you!” He called after the old man, who was storming away.

                                  He walked over to Hans and Viola, taking their weapons. “We’ll be taking those.”

                                  They were too stunned to reply.

                                  Steve smirked and patted Leon’s shoulder. “Come on…let’s go find Bucky and Isabel.”


                                  “….What hope is there for me?”

                                  But November was…November.

                                  Sure…a little clumsy…maybe sometimes a little awkward…but he was a kid.

                                  He was…kind…compassionate…sweet.

                                  Simply put, he was a…wonderful kid.

                                  He hadn’t done the things Riker had.

                                  Hadn’t seen the things Riker had.

                                  The men who were killed in brutal ways.

                                  The men and women who walked up to the electric fences to end all their suffering.

                                  The…people killed in mass numbers.

                                  The…children…marched into the gas chambers.

                                  There was no hope for Riker.

                                  He was too far gone.

                                  Too far for anyone to reach.

                                  Even God himself.


                                  Ezra pulled out his pistol, standing in front of Eva, who was holding Naja close.

                                  Nyx seemed to know this guy…and he didn’t like him.

                                  Well…Nyx didn’t seem to like a lot of people…but this guy…he seemed like he had a bone to pick with Nyx.

                                  “Nyx…who is this man?” Eva quietly whispered.


                                  The man’s eyes flashed with anger.

                                  Ezra bit his lip to hold back a laugh.

                                  But Naja did giggle. “Hehe. That’s silly…”

                                  “Shh, darling…we must be quiet.” Eva soothed.

                                  Ezra almost thought he heard footsteps…coming from another direction.

                                  No…he was just hearing things…right?


                                  “I hear voices…” Franz whispered, low.

                                  Up ahead, Vulkasin nodded. But he seemed…excited, maybe.

                                  As did Jocelyn.

                                  How could anyone be excited about a fight!?

                                  Angelina let out a sigh, when she heard a giggle and a young…small voice. “I know that voice!” She whisper-cried. “That’s my niece Naja!”

                                  “Naja? Naja is over there? Who in the world is she with?” Franz asked, suddenly interested.

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