Character Castle!

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  • #119053
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      @loopylin. You’re good! It will work just fine!!! 😀 (oh, but I did forget to mention. Wayne and Zayn are knights, knights of King Darvian’s, the king where they’re from. I haven’t decided on a name for the kingdom yet, lol. XDXDXD)


      “We shouldn’t even be in this stupid place. This isn’t King Darvian’s castle. Why are we even here!?”

      “Oh, Wayne…you always look at the bad side of everything! Look towards the good side for once! The cup isn’t half-empty Wayne, it’s half-full!”

      Wayne groaned. “I hate that symbolism.”

      Zayn laughed. “You hate anything creative.” He teased.

      His older brother shot him a glare.

      Zayn put up his hands in mock surrender. “Sorry…geez.” He mumbled.

      Wayne nudged him in the side, hard, when Zayn heard voices.

      Wayne pulled out his sword. Zayn followed his movements. Pulled out his own sword. “Did you hear that Zayn?”

      “Yeah…someone’s in that room.” Zayn replied, pointing.

      They began to make their way towards the door.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h anyone wanna RP??


        E. M. Trepke
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 145


          You know what, things are going to be fun with Vesper and Corvina.


          Something was wrong with Corvina. Her fists clenched and unclenched and she turned around, gazing at empty space. She swallowed, her fingers tracing invisible patterns in the air at her sides, causing nearby shadows to dance. She huffed, her eyes squeezed shut. She seemed to be in a heated mental argument… with herself?

          “Um… are you okay?” Clearly she was not.

          “Fine.” Her voice echoing sharp like icicles. As a few moments of silence passed, Vesper watched Corvina take back control. She was mad.

          But she was strong.

          Corvina sighed.

          “Alright look. If you’re gonna follow me, then you’re gonna play by my rules. Which means no talking. Though I have a feeling you’re not going to be able to obey that one… But at least try to be quiet, okay? And just…don’t be annoying. And don’t get near me. Just…stay back. Clear? Kay.” Then she turned and stomped away.

          Vesper smiled. Of course he was going to disobey that one. This girl was just starting to make sense. “So.” He grinned wider as he fell in step beside her. “Why are you following that boy?”

          She gave him that icy glare again. Though on the outside she was all ice, she really was fiery.

          He was starting to like this mystery girl.

          We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
          -The Doctor

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @e-m-trepke AH this really is so much fun! This dynamic is great for Corvina! especially because you mentioned your guy isn’t actually a bad guy but he thinks he is due to misbeliefs and my gal is an antagonist (and (SPOILER)   will be redeemed in the end)




            Aaaaand he already broke rule number one.

            Of course…

            Pretty sure he was smiling about it too…

            Corvina glared.

            “I really don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

            “Okay, fair. I’m just…curious,” he shrugged.

            Corvina groaned. Curious people were…

            Very annoying.

            And dangerous.

            “Curiosity killed the cat…perhaps we should introduce him to that phrase…”

            Corvina quirked her lips to one side. She stayed silent for a moment, weighing her options.

            “….Alright,” She finally spoke, making Vesper blink. “Tell ya what. I’ll tell you why I’m following the boy, if you tell me a bit about yourself. Deal?”

            Vesper’s brows raised. Corvina gave him a  -why are you so surprised-look, and then continued forward.

            Exactly why are we making this deal?”


            She paused, her mind reeling for answers.

            Why was she making this deal?

            Why was she willingly offering information? About herself? 

            She swallowed. I…Maybe we can use whatever he tells us to our advantage.


            What? Don’t believe me.

            No. I don’t.”

            Corvina ignored her, turning back to Vesper.

            “So, what do you say?”


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2334

              @freedomwriter76  I really love your characters so far and the picture you have for them!


              Eddie joined her sister at the door. There was some muffled conversation, but it stopped suddenly and was followed by quiet footsteps.

              They know we’re here. Ellie mouthed. Eddie nodded and they both drew their guns,  taking places on either side of the door. Eddie held up her hand and started to count down.

              Three… two… one.

              The door burst open.

              “Alright, what is this place and who are you?” Eddie half shouted.

              “And what are you? You look… different.” Ellie added, cocking her head and slightly lowering her gun. (They haven’t seen humans before)

              “Ellie! Don’t be rude.”

              “We’re pointing our guns at them. I think we’re past rude. Either way, have you ever seen a species like that?”

              “I guess not…” Eddie said, turning her attention back to the two strangers and matching her sister’s quizzical look.

              “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

              E. M. Trepke
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 145



                Corvina scowled. “I really don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

                “Okay, fair. I’m just… curious.” He shrugged, trying to throw off the malice that her glare piled on top of him.

                She groaned, then did a sort of half-smile. “Alright,” she said, finally breaking the lingering silence. “Tell ya what. I’ll tell you why I’m following the boy, if you tell me a bit about yourself. Deal?”

                Vesper felt his brows raise— almost of their own accord. He wasn’t expecting Mystery Girl to be willing to open up so easily. But… was he really going to tell her about himself? About what he did? Argh. Dilemmas, dilemmas, dilemmas.

                She turned and continued up the hall. It took a moment for Vesper to follow. The silence was thick like fog, but somehow made everything seem sharp, as if the air was frozen.

                Corvina turned back to face him. “So, what do you say?”

                Either he learned her secrets, or he kept his secrets… He needed to make a choice. He took a deep breath, letting it out in a whoosh.


                We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                -The Doctor

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @e-m-trepke man I’m loving this dynamic!!!


                  A flicker of a smile flashed on her face, but she quickly diffused it.

                  “Okay.” She pushed her tongue to the side of her cheek, trying to decide how much information to give.

                  How to…manipulate her words so as not to reveal too much…yet still please the young man.

                  Lies usually worked well. She’d had a lot of practice in the deception department.

                  But half-truths often worked even better…people seemed more apt to believe you when truth was tied into the mix.

                  A bit of…light in the dark, per say.

                  Corvina shrugged, “I’m following this boy because…” Her fingers traced the walls nonchalantly, “He knows someone of importance to me.”

                  Vesper’s brows furrowed in curiosity. Corvina kept her eyes on her fingers, weaving together her next words carefully.

                  “And I know for a fact he will lead me to said person. They’re very…close.” She remembered vividly the way the girl and boy had stuck together, like birds of a feather.

                  Never apart.

                  Never alone…

                  “And when you find this person?” Vesper questioned.

                  Corvina glanced at him. “Now that, is my business. But, I’ve answered your first question. Which means, you must now answer mine.”

                  Vesper’s eyes locked with hers for a moment before flitting away. “Alright, what’s your question?”

                  Corvina continued forward, her steps even and with purpose, feeling more like herself now.

                  More…in control.

                  “Exactly, why are you following me?”

                  Vesper blinked, shocked. “What?”

                  “You could’ve stayed with Hans and Viola. You didn’t. Point is, I really don’t think you belong with any of us,” her eyes flicked back to him for a split second and then she walked ahead, calling back, “So, there must be a reason you decided to follow me, and stick around.”




                  Because trust me, I wouldn’t be my first choice….



                  E. M. Trepke
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 145



                    He furrowed his brows. She was hiding something. Her talent in deflection and avoidance was… astonishing. If he hadn’t grown up needing to discern the truth in matters of life and death, he would have believed her.

                    “And when you find this person?” His question faded to a near whisper. He almost didn’t want to know the answer.

                    Corvina glanced up at him “Now that, is my business. But, I’ve answered your first question. Which means, you must now answer mine.”

                    Their eyes met for a moment, but the eye contact soon broke. His eyes darted to a nearby wall-sconce, tracing its smooth lines— anything to distract him from his impending doom. “Alright, what’s your question?”

                    For a moment, all Vesper could hear was the steady rhythm of Corvina’s footsteps and his frantic heartbeat. “Exactly, why are you following me?”

                    Vesper blinked, then blinked again. “What?” Of all the things she could have asked…

                    She continued. “You could’ve stayed with Hans and Viola. You didn’t. Point is, I really don’t think you belong with any of us. So, there must be a reason you decided to follow me, and stick around.”

                    A reason… was there a reason? Curiosity, instinct… he really didn’t know. He felt that his motive was a fish. Every time he grabbed it, it slipped from his grasp.

                    “I’m following you… because… of a fish.” He groaned inwardly. He sounded like a complete idiot.

                    We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
                    -The Doctor

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @e-m-trepke OH MY GOSH I LUV HIM!!!! AHHHHH!!! HE’S KINDA LIKE NOVEMBER! I’ll RP tomorrow btw! Night y’all!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. Btw, Elishavet, what happened to the old man? XDXDXD Anyways…I’m gonna write what happened to my characters and do Riker and maybe Ezra too.


                        Mikkel asked November if he was hurt physically.

                        Why in the world had November apologized?

                        Riker was the one who yelled at him…it was his fault…like it always was…not November’s.

                        Riker looked over at November. Saw the blood. It used to make him queasy…but then…he’d seen it so much…it didn’t bother him anymore.

                        Not like the invisible blood did.

                        Riker leaned back and took in a deep breath.


                        He needed to stop thinking about that.

                        He needed to be strong.

                        Stop being a baby for once in his life.


                        November looked up at him.

                        “…I’m sorry. I yelled at you…and…and I shouldn’t have done that…it was wrong…so…so wrong. I’m sorry…but you can be mad…I understand…I’d be mad if I were you.”


                        Ezra ran with Jareth up and down the hall.

                        Jareth squealed and Crow screamed.

                        Everyone laughed at Crow’s scream.

                        Finally, Ezra knew it was probably best if he stopped. “Alright Pilot, time to land.”

                        He swooped Jareth and Crow down, setting them on the floor beside Crosshair. “There’s your Daddy.” Ezra said with a smile, before heading over to Eva.

                        Eva smiled. She had Naja in her arms. “Well…I think at least one little boy had a lot of fun.” She winked.

                        Ezra smirked, just as almost everyone seemed to stop.

                        Zlatan stepped forward. “Did any’vone hear that?”

                        (Their group is supposed to find Ocran, right? XD)

                        And now…for what happened to my others…


                        Leon held Isabel closer to him.

                        The others had left…and not long after, Asher, Jayden, and Michael decided to go.

                        And that didn’t leave many of them.

                        “Well…I guess we’ll be going our separate ways then.” Steve noted, turning to Leon.

                        Leon nodded. Smiled. “I guess so.” He stuck out his hand.

                        Steve smiled and shook his hand. “It was good to meet you-”

                        “Well…well…well…if it isn’t Steve Rogers, Captain America? I believe you have something that belongs to me…Captain.” A black-haired woman stepped out of the shadows, a twisted grin on her face.

                        Beside her…oh great…Hans. Hans smirked. “Hello there…Prisoner 55463.”

                        Something inside of Leon burned. “My name…is…Leon.”

                        Hans smirked. “Is that so? I’m so sorry to hear about your wife…but also…she should have never stooped down to marry a filthy Jew.” Hans spat.

                        “Are we going to have to fight our way out of this one?” Steve quietly asked.

                        Viola laughed. “Hah, no. We will easily get what we want. I get my weapon…and Hans…”

                        “I get Riker. You saw him leave. I’m going to teach that disobedient, traitorous officer a painful lesson he won’t soon forget.”

                        “You’re not going to find him.” Leon snarled. “And I’m not telling you where he went.”

                        Was he defending Riker, the man who had killed Aadelheide?

                        What in the world had this castle done to him?

                        Leon shook his head, tossing aside those thoughts, and carefully set Isabel down on the floor.

                        He wouldn’t let them get to her…he’d die first.

                        Viola smiled. “Just give us what we want…you couldn’t possibly care about them that much, can you?”

                        Steve shot her a glare, then glanced at Bucky. “Buck…get out of here.”

                        “What!? No Steve…not without you.”

                        Isabel clutched Leon’s hand tighter.

                        He couldn’t let her be anywhere near a fight. “Isabel…pumpkin…go with the nice brown haired man…okay? I will catch up with you later…but I need you to go…”

                        Isabel sniffed and hugged his neck. “I don’t want to leave you Daddy…”

                        “I know…” Leon hugged her, tight, “but I need you to stay safe. Please…just for now…I’ll come get you soon, okay?”

                        Isabel nodded, and Leon handed her over to Bucky.

                        Bucky threw him a pistol. “Here…just in case.”

                        Leon nodded. “Thank you.”

                        Isabel’s arms wrapped around Bucky’s neck, and Bucky took off.

                        Leon and Steve both turned to face Viola and Hans.

                        Viola and Hans both pulled out a pistol.

                        Viola smirked, aiming her pistol at Steve, as Hans aimed his at Leon.

                        “Well…well…well…we’re going to have a fight on our hands, aren’t we?” Viola asked.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 AHHH NO HANS AND VIOLA!!


                          November watched Riker as the man apologized. Watched the regret fill his features.

                          Recognized it.

                          Felt it.

                          November pulled his lips tight, looking down at his clenched hands. Was he mad?



                          A bit hurt…

                          But not mad.

                          He…he understood. Maybe better then others even…

                          He looked back up at Riker, a small smile on his face. “I-I’m not mad,” his voice was soft, like a whisper, and a bit hoarse. “It-it’s okay…really. I..I just…I hate seeing you like that. Back there. I..I don’t know everything you did…or everything that-that-“ he bit his cheek, “Haunts you, but…I just…” His words faltered, emotion still choking him. He blushed, feeling silly and embarrassed.

                          Viktor’s hands squeezed his shoulder, reassuring him. Urging him to continue.

                          If not for himself…maybe for Riker..

                          “It’s just…you’re a great guy Riker, no matter what you did…but…if-if you don’t think there’s any hope for you… then…”

                          November’s heart lurched.

                          “….What hope is there for me?”


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka (forgot to tag y’all btw in the last one I think lol) @keilah-h


                            Ara laughed at fun Ezra and the children were having. She smiled, reminded of her own childhood. The fun she and November would have, playing games and running around A’Grend.

                            No cares in the world.

                            Her eyes misted with nostalgia. She sighed.

                            Nyx shifted suddenly. His ears pricked, head snapping up and eyes glaring in the darkened space.

                            “Nyx? What’s wrong?”

                            He was silent, hackles raising slightly. He sniffed the air, raising further. His tails curled apprehensively.

                            “Nyx…?” Ara whispered, knowing that Nyx’s instincts were usually…not wrong. Well…mostly.

                            “Did any’vone hear that?” Zlatan’s voice broke the silence, and Ara glanced back at the young man, whose hand was at his side, eyes also wary.

                            Ara looked back at Nyx, his eyes were narrow. He looked at her and then Zlatan.

                             “I did.”


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645



                              “… of a fish.”

                              Corvina raised her eyebrows, stopping misstep. Vesper blushed slightly, palming his face.

                              Corvina pursed her lips. “Well, okay then.” She rolled her eyes, continuing on her way.


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334

                                I decided to start reading the entire rp from the beginning last night instead of doing homework and kinda got hooked. I only got to page 19, but I love everyone’s characters so much! November, Sophia, the wolf twins, Victor, Lyn, Corvina, I love them all they make me so happy.😍💕😁

                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @loopylin awww thank you!!!


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